Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seems like the Republic has lost its way. You guys are competing with so many other factions for Writers, maybe its time to rebrand?

To evolve into the New Republic?

I'd like to see a militant Jedi subfaction in here, or something unique get added. As of now the OS have the Vong and the Vahla. Two unique subsects that are a huge draw, plus fancy toys.

We need some of that stuff and then we need people to actually show up to our threads :p

Any ideas on what can be incorporated in?
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

You've mentioned it a few times, so I'll share my view.

I for one would not stand in the way of (or argue against) the Republic deciding it didn't want the canon Jedi Order any longer and wanted a broader less Code-centric group of Jedi. That's what being a Major Faction means. The membership decide what works or doesn't work and make the changes happen through activity.

I joined the Republic and the Jedi Order because I wanted to be Obi-Wan in a dress. If the Republic (and I mean its members) no longer want that kind of Order then it simply has to decide. And we all adapt to the new way or move on. Democracy rules :)
Vassara Raxis said:
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

I was just saying adding, not taking away.
We already have plenty of non-TJO FUs in the GR. When I was FL, I even suggested they could have their own boards if they wanted - to make an Order or similar.

The bigger issue (one you reference if only obliquely) is that the GR Jedi Code of Conduct directly instructs the Jedi to fight Dark-Siders. So - for example - when a DS Jedi leads a mission, we can't participate (or if we did, we'd be obliged to arrest them, which spoils it for everyone) so actually we miss out on a lot of skirmishes as a result.

The OS think they're skirmishing TJO and wonder why none turn up.

So I'm OOC speaking to the Council about amending the Code of Conduct. I have a draft that would allow all groups to co-exist. Is this an IC cop-out? Perhaps. But we're here to have fun and you can only take IC principles so far.

From Corvus' perspective, I have an...interesting story-line that makes the change for her believable and IC.

So the concept of a JO that is LS and follows the Code AND a group that chooses not to? Why not?

Personally I think it's a shame that nobody wants to RP a Jedi that follows the Code any more. But then I might just be odd :p
I think that the Jedi Order is and always should be a key component of the GR. However, all three current subfactions need to be rebuilt and reinforced.

We need to find a way to draw Jedi back, to make them love the Order again and I think that Corvus' work here will prove fruitful.

We also need to reinvigorate the military. For me, right now, the military just seems plain boring. How do we make the military interesting again?

The Senate is and always will be home to a small niche of players who are into political intrigue like myself. However, what if we expanded the boundaries of the Senate to include every day civilians under that category? Just a thought.

As for possible additions in terms of a new subfaction. I have a few ideas that aren't entirely fully formed yet, but I'd like feedback. We should only bring in a new subfaction if we know we will be able to sustain it though:

  • Anti-Vong: We create a new species that is similar to the Vong in that they are able to create fantastical new weaponry and terraform planets. A species that is in every way the opposite of the Vong, yet with the same basic capabilities.
  • The Papal Mainframe: Basically a great Church organization that rises up in the GR. It could be run by FU clergy who are basically Gray Jedi called Paladins who form a militant arm/crusader-like organization.
  • Scientists/Cloners: Talk about allowing cloning to become a thing again.
Just some starting thoughts.

[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Braith"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]
[member="Vassara Raxis"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
[member="Cecily de Demici"]

I'd strongly oppose a new FU sub-organisation. The GR (and maybe the silvers) are the only places offering canon jedi RP which is unique. Blending in another flavor will only trash things up from my perspective.

What I miss is a research and development branch. This could include or be a branch of the Republic intelligence network. I think that is appealing to many, FUand NFU. Grayish Fu could sneak inside here without much fuzz.

Another thought that crossed me mind is that we could make a stronger effort with giving the branches a duty to go and report to the the minister in charge.
The minister of war (if there is one) and trooper officers should have meetings to report on successful and failed military operations.
And organise meetings to plan IC large scale movements.
The minister of intelligence shuld meet with inteligence officers and discuss possible candlestine threats/terrorist threats and report failed and succesful missions.
Etc etc.

It gives yet another reason to RP within the existing system and serves as a reminder that we are trying to display a complex super power.

EDIT - Roots is good. Roots is life :)
How about seeing if the mandos and silver sanctum are ok with joining forces and actually becoming a Galactic Alliance?

They all merge, their current forums are sub factions.

Then you have one FA from the mandos, one from Ssc, one from pubs And one from the Jedi order.

Everything turns into an alliance?

Sure, you'd lose territory, but you'll be united under ONE faction.

Call me crazy, but that seems the better outcome.
[member="Mantic Dorn"]
All good thoughts and we do kind of do this now, but we have yet to appoint a Minister of Defense/War

[member="Danger Arceneau"]
I would love this... sooo much. I can tell you that the Mandos would probably want no part in it OOC and IC as their opinions of us are not the highest.

However, if the Silver Jedi and [member="Corvus Raaf"] plus her Jedi Order were all okay with them merging.. maybe they could all just rejoin the Order or something? Idk lol
To explain more on this.

OOC -- the map will show one united color.

ICly - just like the one sit, divy up that influence cloud as “territories” -- the pubs, mandos, and SSC. Each “subfaction” votes their own OOC and IC FA / Leader rep.

You make an IC alliance to help out everyone.

Can you imagine how many members there now will be? The RPs? The ability for all to participate in invasions as members ( or not join if you don’t want to join)

But then you are all UNITED together as an alliance. the Doms will be carried out together as well.

I dunno… i just think it makes sense.

With that much people -- you can reclaim territory so fast
Cecily de Demici said:
[member="Mantic Dorn"]
All good thoughts and we do kind of do this now, but we have yet to appoint a Minister of Defense/War

[member="Danger Arceneau"]
I would love this... sooo much. I can tell you that the Mandos would probably want no part in it OOC and IC as their opinions of us are not the highest.

However, if the Silver Jedi and [member="Corvus Raaf"] plus her Jedi Order were all okay with them merging.. maybe they could all just rejoin the Order or something? Idk lol

Why merge the orders?

Let them do what they do and instead work like the Jedi academy and work together. One doesn't have to force the ideals to another.

If territories icly are separated by mandos, pubs, and Ssc they are essentially still doing the same thing.

Just as the Galactic Alliance
Yeah, I just caught what you were getting at and if they went for it.. this could actually work.

Each Faction would become a sub-faction. The entire GA would elect an FO and then each sub-faction would elect an FA to serve under the FO. Current FAs would be the moderators of their factions.

It could work.
Cecily de Demici said:
Yeah, I just caught what you were getting at and if they went for it.. this could actually work.

Each Faction would become a sub-faction. The entire GA would elect an FO and then each sub-faction would elect an FA to serve under the FO. Current FAs would be the moderators of their factions.

It could work.

And then... Just think of the activity. The member base.
Danger Arceneau said:
How about seeing if the mandos and silver sanctum are ok with joining forces and actually becoming a Galactic Alliance?

They all merge, their current forums are sub factions.

Then you have one FA from the mandos, one from Ssc, one from pubs And one from the Jedi order.

Everything turns into an alliance?

Sure, you'd lose territory, but you'll be united under ONE faction.

Call me crazy, but that seems the better outcome.
I really like this. I know I'm not really writing witht eh GR, but we need a FOCUSED light side major faction that can start to run the gauntlet on dominions and start pushing the Dark Side Axis powers back. Going for a GA would be rad, could hire a mess of characters in, and start turning the tide. Give us a major Light Side faction and a major Dark Side faction for the board.

What incentive would the Silvers have to join in? The GR and Mandos are their buffer against the One Sith. The OS can hammer all day against the GR and Mandos and never reach the Silvers, so they only have to worry about the Primeval.

This sounds fine and dandy for the GR, but I can't see why the Silvers would want to join us. The Mandos, maybe, but they're a very different type of culture to the GR. Also consider that the GR has yet to deal with the Primeval invasions, if they merge with other factions, we will quickly have to start fighting wars on two fronts.

I don't believe that a group incapable of defending a single front can manage two. I don't think the Galactic Alliance idea is going to work unless the GR's leadership steps down in favor of the Silver or Mando's.

Focus on rebranding the GR itself, if that is your want.
Zalaam Na said:
Great idea! I'm all for a Galactic Alliance as described above.

It would require the Mandos and SSC to agree. I cannot see why they'd want to do that. Speaking as someone who's active in both factions.

This seems as ill-advised as the OP-Republic merger ideas that were periodically suggested before OP decided to go minor. Well, actually a lot more.
I am one mando that is all for forming a Galactic Alliance. But, i am that one mando.

Mandalorians would be a tough sell for their writers are just as stubborn and pride filled as their characters are. The Faction itself is one of the oldest on this site and has yet to be eliminated off the map. Though, in honesty in the state we are at now it wouldn't take much of a combined front of OS and Prime to widdle away the orange.

Realistically it would make sense if we all could form up. OS and Prime are a real threat and it seems we can't take them on by ourselves.
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