Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reclaiming ancient ground

The small mercenary fleet exited hyperspace in close orbit of Sriluur. The home world of the Weequay. It was a harsh and unwelcoming planet, but it also shaped its inhabitants into sturdy warriors and fighters. The Weequay way of life was surely a necessity due to this. Of even more importance was that this planet should be under Hutt control but for a time now it had seen its freedom and the Weequay had forgotten their servitude to their masters, the Hutts. In time The Hutt cartel aimed to correct this error.

Sempra the Hutt pressed his fingertips together as he watched from his space Barge, the Toshiba, the ships of various size and origin regroup for the hasty approach to the surface. He knew what this planet could come to mean for the Hutt cause and this operation must proceed with haste before any larger attention was directed toward theml.

Over the com he could overhear the captains of the ships directing their fellow mercenaries. Some of the mercenaries or pirates aboard these ships were extremely loyal to the Hutt Cartel, others were just here for the credits. Sempra was troubled that parts of them would not get too well along with each other, because of past quarrels. He was troubled about his investments with these associates, it would be a breach if things fell apart. But for now, it mattered little, their goal here was not to socialise. Their goal here was to establish a foothold on the planet and a base of operations for the Hutt Cartel. It was also very much a symbolic decleration to show the Weequay who their true masters are. This was an operation to pave the way for a future domination of the planet.
To pave way for an Empire - part I.
The drop ships had landed in short range of the White Palace. The crafts made up a temporary base of operations on a small height overlooking the valley leading to the palace. Its domed roof a clear mark of its Hutt origins. Sempra the Hutt watched as the ships of the Jackals commanded by [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] roar past above their heads. Sempra could see the the Jacklas objective, the Weequay transport ships on the horizon. The pirates knew their job and Sempra counted on them to maintain air space for the length of the operation.

A few hundred meters in front of Sempra the assualt group of droids, mercenaries and thugs where advancing on the Palace gates.

They would soon be in fire range from the Weequay guards preparing to defend the entrance. Sempra reminded himself that this was not an organised army, but with the assistance of @Lysle of the Hydian Way, @Warren Century and @Mongo Booshi Mella there was enough firepower here to handle the palace guard, and more if necessary. Naturally there would be losses, but nothing that troubled Sempra, after all, hired guns were not his to miss once the job was done.
Foremost - this was a powerful signal to the Weequay that a Hutt Warlord had returned, and he meant bussiness.

Sempra plucked with the datapad in his hand displying the assualt plan. It was simple enough, yet the pieces needed to fall in or this could turn into a failure, a failure Sempra could not afford. He had invested everything into this endevour.

His thoughts were interrupted by the roar of the Toshiba closing in on the domed roof of the Palace. Just as Sempra had guessed the once mighty defensive turrets in the palace was not operating. A single rooftop canon sent a few blasts toward the low flying Toshiba. Her shields managed that much without much trouble. She closed in and stopped. Her heavy cvanon fired upon the roof, the hits creating explosions opening up the ceiling. Not even the energy shields of the Palace were operational Sempra noticed, almost irritated that the anceint hutt heritage of the White palace was so poorly handled by its current Weequay inhabitants. Then again, the Weequay tribe living here was not large and perhaps they simply lacked the man power to run the Palace as it was meant to be. Sempra Shrugged and watched as four small dots jumped out of the Toshiba and into the recently created hole in the roof. @Maanis vizla, @ZERR, @Dillon Trask, @Nyx were most capable. Here was their chance to prove their worth. The Ship then abandon them inside and left to return to the temporary base where Sempra resided.

The operation to liberate the White Palace had begun.
OOC the objectives:
Main objective - Capture the Weequay queen Losh Aghemnos in her throne room - With her bending knee to Sempra the mission is concluded. A simple assassination will not do since the Weequay will only respect the conquerer with a grand show of strength.

Secondary objectives
  • Breach the palace doors. The White palace is occupied and guarded by the Weequay Losh blood clan. their warriors are not organised well in military tactics but one on one these furious warriors are more then a match for most. the main fight will take place just outside of the palace doors and at the grand entrance hall where resitance is expected to be the heaviest.
  • Slice the ancient security system - The palace has an old active security system dating back to the daus of Kossak and the Xim conflicts. The machinery will activate ancient traps once the alarm is sounded. These traps can be everything from gas bomds to laser turrets to old warrior droids being activated. We need to shut this down prior to reaching the throne room where the most deadly traps are expected to be located.
  • Control of air space - Once the attack begins we are expecting allies to the Losh blood clan try to reinforce the palace by sending ships. While the Weequay does not have state of the art air crafts these vessels must be taken care of. Their bulky and slow moving transport ships should be easy targets with light defenses on their own, but a few fighters might be escorting so heads up.
  • Secure the palace - Once the palace entrance is secured tha large palace must be swept by our forces. the corridors and many rooms within might contain hostiles that needs to be dealt with and every room must be secured.
  • Escort Sempra through the Palace to gain access to the throne room. Sempra and those of your characters not participating in actual combat will enter the ground once the Gates are under control.

It started with a shimmer, a bleeding light from a distant star catching on the fin of a ship, the round beads of light distributed over the hull running ricochet. It was made up of sharp geometric shapes with a sharp pointed head. It was a crusader classcorvette, and it was heading towards Sriluur, breaking from the receding grey atmosphere they cleared the landing, great gouges of dirt spurting up and into the air in rolling clouds of dust from the laser fire..

"Landing clear, [member="Sempra the Hutt"]. we'll keep the ground clean call for back up if needed."
He tracked across his ship, the grated floor letting out a wrapping tapping sound as his pronged feet moved across them, his long red coat thrown behind him like some awkward cape, the tassels moving in the artificial breeze.
"Bolla forth mah kakeeth minions, bolla forth an chakanu mee bu banki danko see tee totpeza saptkhe. Saptkhe bu koumhoiag dee dotkenkala decade koose tytung bata don bu Yih wouba."
"The mighty Mongo proclaims, go forth my mechanical minions, go forth and reclaim the homes of our birth right. Right the wrong of the past decade bring all back into the Hutt fold."
The translator spoke, directing them with a flick of his wrist the gnarled bones and vanes viable on that paper thin exterior, he'd turn to Mongo's bulk giving him a gracious bow eager to please the Hutt. But the great slug was else where at least in the mind, he wrapped his pudgy digits around a half dried eel throwing it into his maw with a fleshy chomping sound.​
"Rodger rodger."
And that was the sound of doom, it may not sound like it or even look like it but these three squads of ten B1 units, they marched out and onto the field, letting their cheap but numerous weapons do the talking. Fighting Weequay was easy, especially when you had a surprise droid attack.​
Thraxis would start to walk out, the windswept lands would make the trenchcoat waver, showing little resistance to the powerful winds, his hands would be pressed up against his guns, he was lucky enough to swipe a pair of goggles from [member="Cadan Tazi"]s room, "Damnit, why does the captain always seem to come back to Tatooine, or something of its like." he would say, only for the winds to drag with a paucity of sand, he would start to spit and cough, choking up saliva with the sand.
"Damn it all!" he would yell, now safely within the ship, he would start to walk back to his quarters, already beginning to loathe this windswept sand storm, as he got to his room he would tear some cloth from his clothing, making a makeshift bandana, now confident in himself he would walk out of the ship, feeling a level of safety now that the winswept storms cannot choke him with sand.
"Finally, now I can get to work." he would sigh, starting to walk around the landing zone, securing the area, fulfilling [member="Flanigan Mcnash"]s commands.
The with Toshiba making the hole in the roof that was needed Trask, armed and ready, dropped down with the others into the palace. A good strong zip line carried Trask all the way down while he awaited the others who were supposed to help. Once everyone was down the ship flew off, indicating they were on their own for now. Worked out fine for someone like Trask. Less people to worry about. Smaller group, meaning less chance of losing numbers. And, being Sempra's enforcer, meant more control over the little squad.
"Alright, load up and get ready." he ordered as he double-checked his rifle and ammunition. "Point of no return, boys and girls. So let's make it clear: you fall behind, we don't stop. Now move out."
Once he and the others began to move through the halls Dillon was quick to check the corners on his own or even have one of the others check for him; giving a silent signal with his hands and/or fingers. They had to stay alert. His cyber eye would help, but the real use came when an actual target was in play. Until then it was just a way to keep his vision bright and clear.
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Mos Shuuta was far behind him now.
Yet as Maanis looked around the interior of the clearly Hutt inspired transport he had the unshakable feeling that perhaps not as far as he thought or indeed wanted.
Teemo had been a great asset in order for him to make it this far, the young Hutt being ambitious enough to have allowed Maanis the chance to build at least a small reputation, reputation enough to have gained sponsorship into the Bounty Hunters Guild and get the frak out of that sand bowl of a planet.
Yet all the credits in the galaxy disappeared quickly without the constant stream of income that Teemo had provided him and Maanis had become forced to find work elsewhere. That work had come in the form of the Hutt Cartel, named for a power long since passed.

Being able to acquire a full-term contract through the Cartel gave him an income other than that of the Bounty Hunter Guild, an income that could see him establish himself better in a galaxy made of small shot opportunities.
At first his life was simple, the Cartel giving him freedom to pursue his more bounty oriented career but lately the contracts started to call on him more than they had before.
That’s how he had ended up here, on some backwater world called Sriluur…

Jump was simple enough, assisted by ropes that allowed the small team of mercenaries to drop from the Hutt’s allocated ship to the roof of the palace that lay below them, a large hole gaping in it’s great dome thanks to the assault they had laid on it as they approached.
Maanis’ feet hit the ground hard and he instantly dropped to a knee, his carbine raised to scan the area around him.
He was no Mandalorian, not yet and the armour he wore was incomplete and patchy causing him to have to look with his eyes and his eyes alone. Smoke poured through from the crumbling rumble around them where the blaster fire had melted away at the rock.

A yell of surprise sounded from his left and a Weequay appeared from the mist of the smoke, his form dropping from a single shot erupting out of Maanis’ rifle. The sound of the rest of the team entering around him filled the room and Maanis remained in position to allow the group to regroup before heading towards their actual target objective.

“Strike team is in.” Was all he said, assuring that Sempra would be aware that all was going to plan.
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
[member="Dillon Trask"]

ZERR dropped down through the hole the Toshiba had blasted in the ceiling with a crunch, his 400 kilograms of armor and antique mechanical systems cracking the ancient ceramic tiles which lined the floor. It was perhaps not the stealthiest entrance one could have hoped for, but the Guardian Corps had not really been designed for subtlety.
The fall did not appear to have damaged the massive droid, and he stood with the slow, deliberate movements common to most droids of such archaic vintage. His head turret scanned the room with the quiet whir of servos and refocusing lenses, before clanking forward to take up his assigned position.
"We have landed in the top level concourse, section Beta." The droid informed, his vocoder turned down to a conspiratorial volume. "I am not aware of the specifics of the security systems installed here, but their control system is not far from here, in a thickly shielded vault. I should have little difficulty cutting our way inside with my heatbeams, but we must exercise caution in getting there."
Despite his bulk and decidedly un-stealthy nature, ZERR did possess valuable information on the layout and possible hazards of the palace. He himself dated back to the time when the imposing structure had been new; its builder had been an underling of Kossak the Hutt, whom the war droid had served, and he had visited several times.
Besides that, ZERR fairly bristled with weaponry, and had accumulated millennia worth of tactical experience. While only a droid, he was a more than capable soldier in any situation...


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Nyx landed with a grunt, her head snapping up to examine her surroundings.
Sempra was paying her a lot of credits to see this through, and she planned on leaving as many corpses as necessary to do just that.

She drew one of her blaster pistols with one hand, and used the other to bring her sword out, the scrape of metal-on-metal filling the air. Money Maker had served her well over the years, and would cut down the Weequay easy enough.

The mercenary followed [member="ZERR"], [member="Maanis Vizla"], and [member="Dillon Trask"] through the halls of the palace, her blaster ready to fire and Money Maker ready to spill blood.
Any Weequay that got in their way were going to regret being born, she thought as she examined her allies.
With a concerned expression Sempra watched as [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"] droids opened fire upon the Weequay defensive position. The Cartel thugs took a second wave behind the droids - after all, the droids had better morale and would not break lines.
Lasershots filled the area outside the main gate, clearly the Weequay were ill equpied and the attackers advance did not halt until just outside the gates, where the Weequay had constructed temporary barricades.

Over the com those with Sempra at the base could overhear both droids and mercenaries shouting orders about finding cover to try and hold ground. Clearly the defenders morale was high and they did not fall back as expected.

Sempra let out a dissapointed roar. Had he understimated the opposition? He grinned and grabbed the chain to his albino translator spewing poisonous words, filled with threats into his ear. The pale man, having issues breathing from Sempras harsh press on the chain, eagerly pressed the com next to Sepmra.

"Eh... Captain [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], we have a eh... *heavy breathing and a hard swallow*. .. Eh situation at the main gate. Could you spare a ship to blow those weequay barricades to bits..? Eh... Is the wishes of the great Sempra... *heavy breathing* ... please..."

Meanwhile - inside the palace.
The strike team moved quickly, each participant recognising the others for proffessionals. There was some resistance here and there but the Weequay clearly needed time to organize themselves.

After having followed [member="ZERR"] instrucions the team soon found themselves in short range of the main security room. Approaching the final conjunction [member="Nyx"], and [member="Maanis Vizla"] dropped to one knee and turned firing accurate shots at pursuing Weequay guards. The Weequay barely managed to return fire but their numbers were probably growing by the minute. [member="Dillon Trask"] at the lead of the group quickly threw an eye around the last corner. Blaster fire immideately forcing him to pull his head back. The last hallway before the door to the security room held two turrets mounted in the ceiling. And to that a squad of six Weequay warriors pressed themselves against the sides of the walls, rifles aimed at the direction the strike force had to take according to Zerr. The Hallway had no cover whatsoever and ran about 15 meters from the conjunction to the closed (and most likely locked) door to the security room. The strike team was trapped in an "L" shaped corridor with the security door at one leg and pursuing ravaging Weequay slowly getting a real foothold from the other way. The position was not the best to stick around at for too long.
Right as he rounded the corner the shots were fired, Dillon quickly ducking back before being shot. he peeked out and managed to count the offensive in front of them before recounting in his head. Two large turrets and six Weequay between the squad and the door. This was going to be tough. But to Trask he reconsidered it as "interesting". He glanced back to [member="Nyx"] [member="ZERR"] and [member="Maanis Vizla"] before considering how each would work to what he had in mind.
"Clunker. You hang back." he ordered ZERR. "We lose you, we can kiss this mission goodbye." Then looking to Nyx and Maanis he said "Both of you provide cover. Try and take out those Weequay." After making sure he had the right ammunition in his rifle he finished with "I'm taking out those turrets."
The right heavy armor ammo and his cyber eye at the ready where going to be all he needed. He was waiting to give the signal, staying low so that he wouldn't be caught in the volley between Nyx, Maanis and the rest. He was only going to get so much time between all the firing to make a decent shot. So it had to count. With one quick motion he ordered everyone to act, ducking down and lining up before firing at one of the turrets.
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
The Asmodium, a re purposed BT-7 Thunderclap, made it's way through hyperspace emerging just behind Flannigan's ship. The ship began it's landing process, the pistols letting out steam as the compressed under the weight of the ship.

A Duros pace in the cockpit of the Asmodium. He wore his ever present brown trench coat, the coat was once a beautiful master piece, now it was stained, shot up and practically burnt. The coat wrapped itself tightly around some Red Raven Shot Caller Armor. At his right thigh a DL-18 was holstered the words 'Sunshine' could be seen sketching into its handle. He wore two wrist mounted weapons, on his left wrist a M99 Rocket system and on his right a CZ Wrist-Mounted Flame Projector. Strapped around him, and hanging off his back was a Raven Gauss Rifle, with an Augmented Shooting Tool equipped.

Cadan lifted his left arm up to his mouth and spoke into the comm. "Admiral, this is Cadan. What's the mission here?" The voice had a mechanical essence to it, due to the helmet he wore.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
This was a war ship not some converted freighter, it had little to no trouble lightning the barricades up and into splinterious clouds of debri. "Cadan, Thraxis, keep the ground clean." The ship hovered above the sight tossing up clouds of sineway dust and debri, letting the occasional shot of white light glaze past a Weequay if not turning one to dust.

"We can hold [member="Sempra the Hutt"]. Barricades are now down." it was with a roll of his digits that he switched to his com link "Jackals, get down there and help. I ain't paying you to twiddle your thumbs."

Tag bag

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Avery Akanbar"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="A.D.A.M."] [member="Zane Hara"] [member="Break"] [member="Orn'komad "][member="Paislee Armandé"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Haaza Kutter"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]
Overlooking the drama staged at the entrance Sempra lifted his arms into the air as Mcnas's Corvette made short work of the Weequay defensive position. Blasting the ground around them the Weequay fell en masse which gave Sempra a raw chuckle.

"Forward! Forward!" he yelled and his translator kept his masters enthusiastic tone. "Those Jackals have really evened tve situation, the gates are ours for the taking!"

And with that the attacking force, altough having some losses continued their push inside only meeting sporadic resistance from pockets of Weequay. The ground forces seemed to have the situation under control. Sempra grinned at [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"].

"Your mechanical minions seem to have our first objective under control." he announced.

[member="Thraxis"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
So far the aeral part of the operation had been a walk in the park. The Palace air defence seemed to be operating on minimum. A single AA gun kept launching showers of plasma into the air but any reasonably good pilot did not have problems avoiding it. On the horizon however, three large bulky vessels were approaching. Weequay transport ship mounted with two laserguns each on top and belly. By a quick estimate - each ship was large enough to contain around 50-75 soldiers, if they reached the palace the Hutt ground force would be overwhelmed.

They seemed easy enough targets but a second later their escort darted past them heading toward the Palace, six smaller unidentified aircraft designed for dogfight in the athmosphere. Small turrets and without missiles. Small and without shields but fast and agile, these ships would be harder for any larger ships to hit without an effort.

Inside the palace
[member="Dillon Trask"] had issued instructions. [member="ZERR"] was supposed to stay back, [member="Nyx"] and [member="Maanis Vizla"] to provide a barrage of fire against the Weequay next to the towers, drawing away the attention from Dillon who would try to snipe the turrets. Would the group act as one?
Thraxis would take with him paucity amounts of droids though sufficient amounts to take out the pockets of Weequay that were left, but this day had gotten on his bad side, he was starting to get a bit sullen towards this planet and just wanted to get off as soon as he could, "Screw this!" he screamed, walking back to the ship.
Moents later he strolled out from the rear of the ship with a rocket launcher tightly grasped in both his hands, "This will make things a lot easier." he chuckled, "Come on, the sooner we get this done the better!" he would once more scream, charging with the paucity amounts of droids he had taken command of, heading towards wherever he heard the scattered resistance, blowing them up one by one, though a few droids were lost in the ensuing conflicts, Thraxis made sure that they took the brute of the force.
The one with the odd eye, Trask as Maanis knew him as issued a suggestion to the task force as the press against them continued. In an organisation such as this such orders could usually be matched with aggression from the other parties, here however unity was more the flavour of the day.

Raising his combine Maanis continued to lay fire against the target Weequay’s that were starting to really harass the strike team, several shots flying stray of the mark as he held his trigger and scattered the red bolts across the group of alien soldiers.

He changed his position as a stray blaster bolt hit him firm in the chest, fortunately his body armour managed to deflect the shot. He still strayed backwards a touch as the smell of burning ozone plagued his nose, causing his face to grimace at the sensation.

Another Weequay fell to the ground as Maanis took a shot, the kill shots becoming less important as the sheer amount of fire was intended to keep them from returning fire, with those turrets in place the strike team could probably kiss their backside’s goodbye.

So much for an awesome paycheck.
The glowing embers leaped and twirled in a firery dance, twinkling like stars in the hot swirling air before cascading to earth like gleeful fire fiends, setting alight the air like tinder as it escaped his JT-12 jetpack.

Tiali Aimed to fly past the AA gun he Slides his hand down to his belt to grab an explosive charge. As he reaches his location he throws the charge on the base of the AA gun ensuring he is a safe distance from the explosion. Tiali activating the explosive with a remote detonator.

After the explosion He lands onto the roof pulling his LL-30 pistol from his side shooting any survivors from the explosion.

Opening a com link with Caden "AA gun down Caden."

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Cadan saw the group of fighters emerging, and decided that he had some killing to do. "Bring the weapons online now!" He barked the order to one of the crew members in the ship.


The Asmodium's engines hummed to life. The ship took off and soared through the skies, heading towards the six fighters. As he flies towards them, the gang way would extend and a bounty hunter could be seen preparing to jump out. Through the comms the bounty hunter would hear Cadan's voice. "You're good to jump hunter." On that note, the bounty hunter would exit the ship.

The Asmodium was flying head on towards the six fighters. The heavy laser cannons would spit forth the the projectiles. In an attempt to take out one of fighters, but this was to no avail. The projectiles only deflected off the shields.

As the ships past each other, both shooting upon the other one, in a sort of ship joust. All of the ships shields held, leaving every ship in a good condition. The Asmodium quickly spun around in order to pursue the fighters. Fire the lasers at the closest fighter engines, the endless barrage ended up piercing the shields and damaging the engines. The fighter went down in a fiery explosion as it collided with the ground.

The remaining five fighters spun around, using their agility to out manouver the Asmodium. The fighters bombarded the Asmodium, but luckily the ships shields held.

Lights flew across the dashboard of the Asmodium. The words "Missiles Locked." lit up the screen. With a flick of a switch the Asmodium would fire a barrage of missiles towards two of the fighters. The first fighter managed to loose it's spare parts canisters, causing the missiles to exploded when it hit them. The second fighter wasn't as lucky. The missiles collided with the ship, the shield holding for the first missile, but the second and third burst through, obliterating the ship mid air.

The last four fighters split into two groups of two. One of the groups flew up to evade the Asmodium, using their speed and agility to avoid the lasers. The second group took up position behind the Asmodium. The group behind the Asmodium let lose a series of shots into the engines. The whole ship shook as the shield went, the laser, somewhat damaging the engines. The group that flew up came down, firing its laser into the top of the Asmodium, leaving small dints in the metal. Some shots penetrated, damaging the ships communications.

As slow as the Asmodium was, Cadan pulled up so he could charge head on with the small group of fighters. Firing everything they had at them. As the three ships flew towards each other, the let out their lasers. The Asmodium's design helped deflect some laser, but other hit it, cutting through various wires. Slightly damaging the life support systems. Cadan's hands flew across the dash board, launching the missiles and firing its lasers into the two ships.

Both ships were hit and and the debris began to fall, towards the Asmodium. Cadan attempted to move out of the way, narrowly missing one of the destroyed carcasses. The second one collided with the Asmodium's left wing, taking out the laser cannon on it.

The fighters following the Asmodium were taken by surprise as one of the fighters hulls fell past the Asmodium. One of the fighters reaction time was a bit to slow, and the fighters was taken out by its fallen breathren.

This now left one more fighter left, and it would prove to be a very difficult target. But Cadan had an idea.

The Asmodium's engines slowly reduced their power. Slowing down dramatically. While doing so, the spare parts components were released, sending various pieces of junk, cables and metal down towards the fighter. The fighter was nimble and was able to avoid the parts, but this left the Asmodium. The fighter over took the Asmodium and founds itself in front of it, under the bombardment of the constant laser fire. The last fighter was taken down and soon hit the ground in a fiery explosion.

Cadan looked at the ships signals. It could take much more, luckily the AA turrent was taken out. "Good job hunter." The message was sent directly to Tiali.

Cadan then opened up a comm from his wrist, as the ships communications were broken, to Flannigan. "Fighters are gone down here Admiral."
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]
Paislee emerged from the ship and followed Thraxis. She had a couple of blasters, one in each hand, and too many knives to count. "Thraxis, calm down." she said with a smirk and a shake of the head. She walked slightly behind him as he was considerably well armed and presumably unpredictable with a rocket launcher.

[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
[member="Dillon Trask"]

Thus far, ZERR had only been able to get off a few shots during the conflict, beam-tube bolts from his head-mounted cannon which had brought down a few of the enemy warriors who had gotten past Dillon and the others. As instructed, the hulking war droid lumbered along at the back of the group.
It was, ZERR considered, a laughable situation; the huge droid had slaughtered Weequay by the thousands at the Third Battle of Vontor, and was perfectly capable of taking point in this situation. His thick armor and multitude of weapons could have easily protected him from the common small arms their adversaries used; he was, however, the only being capable of interfacing with the ancient security computer, so he could see the logic of being placed where he would be least likely to take damage. This was wise, he decided, especially after they came upon a pair of heavy weapons emplacements which were capable of reducing even his metallic hide into so much perforated scrap.
He did resent being referred to as "clunker," though.
ZERR watched without comment as two of the squad set up covering fire against the turrets, and their leader drew a bead on one of them with a sniper rifle. The shot penetrated the weapon, and something within popped and fizzled ominously, causing its crew to scramble away and be shot down as they ran. The turret did not explode, but the cooling unit nearby sputtered and sparked.
That was when something pinged against ZERR's armor from behind.
Traversing his head turret, the big droid turned to see a small band of Weequay running at the group, their weapons firing wildly. ZERR turned ponderously to face them, bolts ricocheting off his kiirium carapace as he brought up both of his arms, and the host of weapons mounted on them. His word of warning thundered through the corridor.
Heatbeams, beam-tube bolts, pulse-wave blasts and the shimmering streams of particle dischargers rolled off ZERR like the broadside of some ancient battleship. The Weequay were cut down almost instantly, and ZERR planted himself, firm against a second wave.
There were always more...

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