Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Recognition for a Job Well Done

"No," he said quietly, "They don't."

For months after his 'release' and during the metamorphosis, he had to be sedated to sleep. It wasn't just the mechanical parts adjusting to his body, or the other way around, it was the nightmares. The main reason his cabin was bare bones and his own, was to make sure he couldn't hurt anyone during his more extreme episodes. He gripped her gown gently, drawing himself back to the moment. This was what mattered, she was warm, she was here, and he was here holding her for now on the edge of a gurney. There was something that despite the bleakness of this picture was oddly comforting and inspiring for Ardgal.

"Then we won't," he said with a half smile at her request. It was a big galaxy, they could and would find new places to enjoy. He knew plenty of safe houses any way they could go to, plenty of spots that would be safer and more secure than anywhere really. Some he owned--some were just far too obscure for anyone to play them notice.

He listened to her talk about the hunger of the Galactic Coop and their greed. He understood--in a way. He was a business man himself, money had to be made, bottom lines were bottom lines, profits were profits. Quite frankly, he made his income off of what some would consider even worse than mind control--he was a deal of death. And he was rather good at what he did. He had blackmailed, enslaved, and killed without impunity. A shadow of doubt passed over his face in wonder about whether Rashae would accept him if she knew the truth about the darker things he did. For now, that would wait. She could find out later, when she knew more of him and why he had to do those things. Her safety was the number one concern.

"We are on our way to Felucia," he said at last, after the pause, "There is a colony there of Vong. They are Preservationist, with no desire to have ties to the outside galaxy. Their one link to the outside world is me. They owe me, they owe my people, and they will keep quiet about your existence and location there."

He shifted Rashae so she could see his face, he offered a comforting smile, "There you can stay safe for a few days until I know what we will do next, and you have recovered," his warmer side slowly acquiesced to a more serious, stoney tone, one that was determined and forward, without anger or any real emotion, "I will take care of this. You can count on that."
It was curious how he shifted from the warmth and compassion to the hard and caloused. The shift was a palpable one, not the human sort. Her brow knitted not in concern but rather irritation. Her head came off of her shoulder as she backed away to look at him.

“I don’t need a safe house. I have obligations to take care of, a business, a hospital, Alderaan to name a few. I can't just disappear for a few days Ardgal. I have people to account for and to” She countered.

Those legs edged past the gurney to look as if she was about to reach the ground. In her stubbornness, she was going to get up and get some clothes on. Her body was not having it as her feet hit the floor her legs didn’t hold her very well as she reached for the edge of the gurney or Ardgal or both. Her grip was reasonably strong for a human female with no augmentation.

“Frak!!” She gritted her teeth as one hand freed itself from whatever it grabbed and went to her lower ribcage.

Rashae ignored the fact she had lost a rather significant amount of blood recently as the room spun a bit yet still she gritted her teeth to try and stand. “I have to get back to work damn it!!”

She started breathing hard for a different reason other than panic. The very act of getting her body to do what she willed instead of what her body needed was another fight entirely. Work was something she had to do. It kept back the demons. “You just going to sit there?” As she stared up at Ardgal in some kind of irrational mixture of accusation and pleading at the same time.
Ardgal listened to her list her commitments rapid fire like a machine gun. They all had jobs to do, they all had things to keep the galaxy running. He didn't deny that she had an important position. His own life had been saved by her importance and skill, if anyone had an appreciation for proper medical attention it was Ardgal and his men. They survived at the hands of good doctors.

"You cannot help them if your dead, Rashae," he replied in a grave but gentle tone.

He caught her as quickly as the woman began to falter. His hands gripped hers firmly, holding the woman secure. His mechanical side was not made to work with people, but it was pretty clear to see she was angry. He knew why, if he was in her position, he would have felt the same way, maybe even worse. His brown eyes softened and he let out a gentle sigh, helping hold her firm and aloft. He didn't move, there wasn't a need to.

"I wasn't always a war machine," he said after a brief pause. "I used to be a regular warrior. My parents were mercenaries," he nodded to the people outside, "So were their parents. We grew up together, family friends. Virgil is my cousin, but we were always like siblings. She and I learned to shoot the same day." he paused, letting his dark brown eyes look into hers. Every wire in his mechanical side was saying this was a pointless, dangerous act to disclose, that he should just let her go and have what comes from it.

"Then we hit a job on Geonosis, a standard siege when I was 21. There was nothing special about it, it really should have been just a normal operation. After two days on the ground, heavy artillery blew a hole in the wall. I was with the first wave, my parents were there with me on either side. That's how we are, Mandalorians. We fight and die together. We reached the rubble of the wall with minimal fire, but no real concerns. Then we hit a machine gun nest--" he let the sentence hang in the air for a moment. "We held the funeral and I had to recover. I needed some time away from the game to get my head on strait. But I didn't take it and there were consequences from that that lasted years. Slanar lo werda, yaimpar o'r tuur Nau. It means 'Slip into the shadows and return in the day light.' Sometimes we have to regroup and return to the task at hand when we are ready."
When he said that about her not able to help people if she was dead, her mouth went open as she looked at him helplessly. The woman was ready with a hot retort but stopped. Her head shook as she folded her arms across her chest defiantly.

“Thats not fair!! “ She said to him bluntly. “I.. I.. just need .. something.” Came the irrational reasoning that was supposed to come out far more put together than that.

The fact her life was on the line was clearly etched on her face as she tried to valiantly lift her chin against it. The woman could stare danger in the face when it came to going after someone, to save them or to see to their care. Rashae would stand toe to toe and argue the validity of a rare treatment that she knew damn well would work. The blasted woman would argue with the wall if it suited her purpose. Now she was faced with someone trying to kill her. Not some neutral environment or battle but a purposeful extinguishing of her life The Doctor wasnt processing it well.

It was good his tone was gentle, steady and calm. Rashae was like a storm slamming up against the dark granite walls of a mountain side. Yet she still did try to lash on it if for no other reason than to rage due to her frustration. The woman listened to his short recount of his history. She almost wished he was still human and wondered what kind of man he was back then but part of her liked the analytics his cybernetics provided time and time again. It was like having a personal computer along that was better than any scanner.

She wanted to rebuttal even those words, but she was stopped by the last words. Those strange words he spoke fell easily upon his lips. She watched those lips speak those words and it wasnt the machine speaking them it was the man. There was a strength in those words as was the wisdom he translated it into. She was still being held up by Ardgal's strength. Not that her weight was any worry to his arms, but it was as solid as the granite stone mountain she often fought against.

There was a disparaging expression that might be a bit indecipherable. His computer would have one of those unknowns for that expression. There was a long exhaled sigh. “I cant just disappear, Ardgal. Unless you want the Coalition forces looking for me. I could send my corvette with the fleet back to Alderaan with instructions. I am going to need a change of clothes. “
Rashae said:
“I.. I.. just need .. something.”
Ardgal knew. He knew what she was saying, she needed something to keep the demons away. They were hellish, they chased you. They never stopped hunting, and they never stopped trying to hunt you down. Ardgal knew it. The need to keep away from those monsters only seemed to ever push you further into their arms. The irony was palpitate.

He could see her start to come around. Not to his ideas--this wasn't a fight of one versus the other--but to her safety. The hardest part was that if the roles were reversed--he doubted he would have been any different. He would have fought to keep his own head above water, even if it meant his own drowning by pushing away the very help he needed. They weren't that different, even if he was a fist of war and she was the hand of healing. Beyond the superficial they were so much more alike than they could have thought at first. He blinked slowly as his dark brown eyes tried to take this all in. He had never found anyone he felt comrade with, closeness with, a sense of kindred spirts with.

His eyes lowered to her hands as his massive fingers wrapped around her delicate hands.

"We can make those arrangements," he said softly, his hands wrapped around hers slightly firmer, just enough to lead her gently. Despite his frame and brute muscle he was capable of surprisingly gentle actions. "Come with me."

He eased her through the hall at a slow pace, helping to support her weight as they crossed the empty passes to a room. Some would call it cozy but that was a polite way to say small and spartan. There was a cot built in the wall on a thin but firm mattress, a shelving unit built into three of the walls and a comm unit on the bed. Everything was neatly maintained, even if worn from ages of use.

"This is Virgil's room," he said after a moment, "Feel free to use it and take what you need. Clothes are in the shelves, but I do not know how much of it will be to your tastes," she was, after all, an incredibly spartan being, "The comm unit is encrypted, and it is a burner unit. No one will be able to track you using this."

He stepped out of the room and closed the door to give Rashae some privacy, even if it didn't give her much in the terms of comfort.
It was in his eyes. Those deep dark abyssal eyes. They knew. How did they know? This was alarming in a sense as this was not a usual feeling. It was like a light at the end of a tunnel but do you dare hope that it is the right kind of light? Rashae saw the shift in his eyes as they softened. The softened expression she liked as it meant his human side was there.

Yes her hands were delicate and aristrocratic. While Ardgal’s could crush a skull, Rashae’s hands could sever a nerve. Both of those could solve a situation. Rashae gave him a speculative expression with those ice blues that perhaps wasn’t quite so icy. They were rapidly trying to figure out why?

The man helped her walk. He had to as she was still trying to gain strength in her legs. Her side ached where the bacta patch was doing its job with the cleaned up incision from the doctor’s treatment. Rashae would have to introduce them to her skin patches. He mentioned Virgil, his cousin.

The woman nodded as she turned to Ardgal and looked him in the eyes a bit more deeply as much as she would dare to. “How is Virgil?” She asked as she looked around.

“Ardgal, wait. I need you to send something to the Padme. To Commander Stephan Cantalos. Encrypted and for his eyes only. Say ‘the blackbird has flown.’ He will know what to do. He is a good man. There might be things you want from the Padme. “ She was placing a great deal of trust to the man. The Padme would have a lot of details to fill in the gaps.

With that the door was closed. She pulled off the thin medical gown. Virgil was more muscular and robust from Rashae. She had to fold the hem of her bottoms to fit her at the hips. The t-shirt she tied at the midriff before finding a warmer oversized long-sleeved shirt. Forget the shoes, there was just no way. It was comfortable.

Then she initiated the com. “Medical Corvette 2, Doctor Rashae, Copy. “ She proceeded to tell them she was alright and that she was ordering them back with the medical convoy as she was going to perform some private research at their next destination.

“Commander Cantalos will know what to do next. I need my clothes, my toiletries and for galaxy sakes my flat shoes to be transferred when we come out of hyperdrive. Doctor Lovous, over and out.” She kept it short as possible. Her crew was the remnants of the republic exiles and could very well think on their feet quickly.

The woman walked out gingerly at first as she was starting to feel sore, but her brain was still rapidly processing several items. The woman declined any pain medication and sought out Ardgal upon completion of her call albeit barefoot. She did after all have pretty toes as they were very well manicured. Her dark hair still hung loose about her shoulders looking a bit more human.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Rashae said:
“How is Virgil?”
He smiled slightly, she took a note in the woman, his family. His eyes gave a twinkle of approval at the question, "I made her to withstand anything that comes her way, Virgil is tougher than she looks. She was recovering quite well when we left. She wanted to be here, but we are still working on her being completely there," he chuckled shaking his head, "she hates it. My cousin is not the type to enjoy a respite either."

He tried to think of Virgil and Rashae interacting. They would probably end up killing each other, or being best friends, depending on how the interaction went. There was an equal 50%/50% split there on probability with zero middle ground.

Rashae said:
Say ‘the blackbird has flown.’
He held her hands as long as he dared before releasing her grasp, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before letting go, "I will relay the message, you can count on me."

He quickly made his way to the bridge of the Atonement and tapped the message out on an alpha level encryption. It would go along several old nodes, the type that weren't often policed and were very very old. It took a little extra effort to go the long way around, and a few more seconds, but the message reached Cantalos eventually. The warrior took a step back after a moment and began tapping out a second message, this would take even longer and be even more arbitrary, if not plain bizarre. Across a relay of long time delayed nodes he sent a massive file of images. To the casual observer they were nothing more than random pet photos, badly taken family photos, and a few scenic stock images from across the galaxy. But to the person receiving, it was a coded message to prepare for their arrival.

When she stepped out, Virgil was met by Prometheus, the same plucky officer who she had spoken to briefly when she treated Ardgal. How the fates were interwoven. He offered a salute in his pressed fatigues. He stood strong, resolved, and unflinching at attention, "Ma'am, the General has requested I escort you to the mess hall whenever you are ready, ma'am."

With an efficient turn on his heel the officer marched down the corridors to the sleek, austere mess. There were several long metal bench-like tables made from Aluminum, with bench seats on either side of their 25 foot long, worn surfaces. There were several guards posted at the doors, standing at attention. Ardgal sat alone in the otherwise empty room, waiting for her.

He offered her a spot across from him with a wave of his hand. A galley officer marched up, "What will you have, sir?"

"It will be the nerf for myself, with the water," he looked to her with a dry humor in his eye, "Will it be the Chopped nerf, roasted nerf, nerf steak, nerf burger or nerf steak?" He waved his hand with a bit of cynicism, "Please, do give our high brow eatery a 5 star rating on Yelp."
She smiled as she had a bit of relief on that. The warrior woman took quite the ordeal. Her team proved to be efficient at putting her to a stable condition so his staff could take over her recovery.

“Good. My social services department has some good physical therapists if you need it.” The woman offered. Though likely not if she understood the independent nature of Raxis clan or any Mandalorian clan.

Once she had more or less dressed, minus the shoes or boots or whatever they were that was way far too large for her dainty feet, she exited the room. Her call to her medical corvette done and orders given. She gasped as she just about bumped into Prometheus as he saluted smartly. The woman held her aching side and blinked up at the soldier.

“Very well, Prometheus.” She said once she caught her breath. Were they all like this? These people needed some serious alcohol, geeze.

Her stride was way less than his stride and Prometheus would find that he had to slow down quite a bit for Rashae, especially since she was barefoot. The woman didn’t apologize as she walked properly and in the stride she was accustomed to not any more than that. There was a polite smile as he slowed down for her stride. Her still healing wound also had her moving and walking very easy.

“Prometheus, how have you been? “ She asked politely for the sake of him being there. It didn’t dawn on her that this was typical military protocol.

Rather he answered or not she would walked slow and easy like into the mess hall. There was a smile for Ardgal as she slowly settled into the metal seat that was incredibly uncomfortable. The austere and Spartan state of the facilities was in bad need of a decorator. Entirely too much grey and white and metal colors. She held her side as she chuckled at Ardgal’s witty, dry humor.

“I will have the nerf steak then, rare, please.” She said softly to the galley officer.

A good steak was not to be cooked overdone. She fidgeted with her fingers a bit as she wasn’t used to idle time. Hell she probably shouldn’t be moving around this much with her wound as it was, but like anyone was going to tell her that. She would probably do exactly what she is doing now. Meanwhile she had an engaging host.

“So where is this safe house again?” She asked after a few moments of awkward silence. The woman was brilliant and highly skilled. Though she was raised a debutant, personal interactions like this was not easy for her. She had no bedside manner as she pushed people away with a sharp wit and a demand of high quality and efficient work. With someone that has potential of getting close to her, it was perhaps daunting and more than a little frightening. Small talk was the only way she figured to keep some barriers up. Yet when she sees those deep abyssal dark eyes sometimes she sees something.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Rashae said:
“Prometheus, how have you been? “
The Soldier let down his guard for a half a second as they came to the door. He paused before touching the access pad.

"So, uh, I'm good. I, uh, just wanted to say, the way you took care of the boss--I mean, Ardgal, there back on, um, Tanaab," he hesitated looking at his boots for a second like a sheepish young boy instead of a super soldier carved out of living flesh. His cheeks even colored slightly for a second. "Thanks."

If Rashae knew how deep of a place she had earned in the hearts of Alpha Company, the Godkillers, and all of RMIA, perhaps she would have known why he was so sheepish. The troops considered themselves honored to be in her presence at last, after the dedication she had shown to taking care of their General and leader.

Rashae said:
“I will have the nerf steak then, rare, please.”
The Galley officer nodded with respect and reverence, "Good choice, lady."

And he walked off briskly to fulfill the requests.

Ardgal had to admit he felt somewhat sheepish around Rashae and he didn't know why. He wasn't even sure he could pin down what that feeling was that he made her feel, and it made his cyborg side irritated. Maybe it was because the way the fluorescent lights were hitting her dark hair was exceptionally captivating. Or perhaps it was because the way her eyes seemed to stare into places he didn't know existed. Or maybe--just maybe--it was because of the way she made him feel. Human. It was made even worse by the silence as he tried to find out what to say, or how to say it and if he even should say it.

Thank goodness, something safe he knew he could talk about. He pulled a small holoprojector from his pocket and set it between them. A hologram of an underground city as he described it appeared between them.

"Its called Yornekk," he said with some pride, "The city is completely Vong, they are isolationists, the only ships that leave and arrive belong to me, under tight security with the greatest care and security. Their leader and I have an understanding," he said with a slight smirk to himself, it was an understatement to say the least. "We can put up there for a few days to be safe as I work out the details and you recover."

The Galley officer returned with the two plates of their orders. The chef on deck had done his best, but there was only so much you could do with frozen nerf and common kitchen supplies.

"I must apologize," Ardgal said his voice holding a slight sense of winsome humor as he unrolled his silverware from the paper napkin, "I wasn't planning on entertaining royalty on this voyage, I'll remember to keep some barq and Kushayan on hand for you from this point forward, just to be safe," he said with a wink before popping a mouthful of chopped nerf into his mouth.
She just offered Prometheus a polite smile and a pat on the back before entering the room where Ardgal was having her eat dinner. Maybe it was to make up for the lack of a proper evening out due to circumstances or maybe, just maybe it was some other reason. Rashae dismissed that thought almost immediately. This was General Ardgal Raxis. Not a flyboy or player.

The silence between them for those precious moments gave her those eyes again. Her hair hung down loose for a change. Usually it was severely up in a tight bun at the nape of her neck in pristine condition. It did shine and shimmer in blue black waves as it softened her features instead of the severe lines she is used to presenting. Those deep dark abyssal browns that she fought to not fall into loomed there like a comforting couch. The sort of cushy couch one could sink into and have a whole lot of trouble getting out of if you ever decided to. One could get used to feeling safe. There was a certain invincible feeling he provided, that you knew without a doubt nothing could happen to you.

He had something she didn’t have and that was family. Not necessarily blood but people he could count on, people that would look out for him and look up to him. His men loved him and that was something noble. Her thoughts became speculative and thoughtful as she looked at him w hen he began to explain where they were going. Vong?! She will get back to that thought in a moment.

“it must be nice to be around people you can count on.” She said in a quiet voice. “Hard to come by.” She hadn’t intentionally changed the subject but this was on her mind. The word Vong still hung heavily like a bright beacon drawing her to a whole world full of new knowledge.

Rashae has led a life of nothing but backstabbing and betrayal even by her own family. In fact she expected to be betrayed, lied to and entrapped. Maybe that was what made all this ‘help’ suspect. She expected the rug to be pulled out from under her.

“Vong.. interesting. Not a lot of data on them out there. We covered them very sparsely in genetics at the academy. “ She finally said as the light of curiosity shined in her eyes like a bright sun. A whole series of genetic genomes that very few if any had in their repertoire? This was a golden opportunity.

She actually had to chuckle at his comment about needing particular items for her comfort. “They are nice but not necessary on a consistent basis. Though if you can get your hands on some Alderanean red, all will be forgiven.” Then she smiled in a warmer way before cutting into her rare steak and putting a dainty bite into her mouth. It was seasoned but needed something. “You know, butter and lemon pepper fixes a lot of sins. “ Not that she would know but she heard it somewhere. The woman can’t cook.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Ardgal nodded as she talked about family. He mulled the words over as he let the chopped nerf go over his pallet for a brief moment. He supposed he did have it good. They were with him, to the very end. The Godkillers had been so devoted to their General they were willing to undergo death or worse--living with the horrible mutations that couldn't be reversed. Some even worshiped him as a god still. Virgil was one of them. He had family, [member="Gray Raxis"], wherever he was, [member="Stardust Raxis"] wherever she was, and even the rest of the vode were in an extended way.

He felt the refreshing cool of the water slide down his throat as the General stored that revelation away.

"It wasn't always that way," he said setting his glass down and locking eyes with Rashae, "I spent a long time wandering. I had to learn that sometimes family isn't what your born into, its who you chose," he stabbed a few wads of the ground meat onto his fork, "Its a very mando way of thinking, but," he paused, holding the meat halfway to his mouth, "you can't really argue with kar'taylir darasuum cuyir dralshy'a tal, love is thicker than blood." He pressed the meat into his mouth, "Yeah, I guess it is."

There were the years working for entities that really wanted nothing more than to use his skills, that was after all what it meant to be a mercenary. You knew it going into the business. You were there to just get paid, thrown aside, blamed if crap went wrong, and scraped across the duracrete.

He could imagine why the Vong were so hard to come by with their specimens. Most were hated by the galaxy at large, and only a few species were more indifferent. It was only natural to understand they were despised now, on so many levels. He chewed the wad of meat and swallowed it down before quirking a slight smile. He decided he liked that glimmer in her eyes, that look of curiosity and the desire to explore. He leaned on his elbow waving his hand in a casual gesture, "So, suppose I manage to convince some of the locals to get you some samples....?" he let the question hang in the air unfinished with a humored look in his eyes.

The warrior quickly made a mental note to buy a case of the Alderean Red to keep on hand for next time.

"Oh, so we are making plans now then?" He said with wry humor, he waved at one of the guards on deck, "Someone, bring me pen and paper so we can make it formal."
There was that language again. It flowed from Ardgal’s lips effortlessly. The courtesy he provided in its translation was not lost on Rashae. ‘Love is thicker than blood.’ Those ice blue eyes looked away a moment as her thoughts became heavy. There was little to no connection to anything as deep as that. Love was a commodity that was largely not supplied or applied in her world. Well maybe love of what she does but that was more passion and care than love. One of those undecipherable expressions crossed her pretty features in her thoughts. A tad transparent perhaps but she wasn’t in a diplomatic situation nor was she in a position to have to hide her expressions.

“Love? Huh? “ There was a soft escape of air in a mild huff. “I was raised a debutant. Wealthy noble house of Alderaan. The great society and social standings of House Lovous to be the sparkling star.” Those words were said with heavy cynicism. There was a sad chuckle. “No love lost. Just… no love.”

Rashae stopped for a few awkward moments before she looked back at him with a renewed polite smile. “You’re lucky. “

She didn’t begrudge him his crew’s love for him but she could help but feel a bit jealous. She knew she had her crew’s loyalty but undying love? The woman doubted that. There was not one single person anywhere that was allowed close, allowed to know her to any depth than she allowed. It was a protective measure, defense. In her world, to let someone that close was a social death sentence. One moment you let someone in, next moment your reputation was trashed across the galaxy.

The steak ran bloody as she cut into it only to casually drag the bite across the red juices before gracefully putting it in her mouth. She cut her steak with the surgical precision and very methodically. The steak was cut evenly and cleanly into precise small morsels. Her eyes lit up when he suggested vong samples.

“Really!! Oh my goodness. I need a data pad and my notes from the padme and a processor capable of genome mapping and a analytical algorithm for projections and..” it trailed off from there as she spoke rapidly as scrolling lists went through her head. She was about ready to get up from the table to run to get those very things as if it was possible. Her side reminded her why she needed her behind to stay right where its at.

She held her side gingerly as she took a deep breath in and held it a moment before exhaling. She couldn’t help but laugh despite it also hurting a little as he made the quip with his dry wry humor that she was starting to enjoy. “by all means make it formal then General Raxis. I do expect certain things. “

The last was said as she raised a delicately sculpted eyebrow and a artful tilt of the head. Pain was replaced with a smirk. “A quality woman of noble birth does have exacting standards my dear Mandalorian general. “ She shook her head as she laughed as the slight wave of the blue black raven tresses danced about her for a few moments.

“My mother would insist on a gaudy extravagant party just for no other reason than her daughter was dating general. “ There was a tone of jest there mingled with a detest of her mother’s habits of going way overboard, large, gaudy and pushy. Both of her parents were rather entitled and pushy.

Enough about that, my life is.. was incredibly superficial. Question, what was that language you keep speaking?” She waved her hand to dismiss the previous conversation as while funny, it was also no small amount of pain in regards to her relationship with her family. That had been on the back of her mind for a while. She had heard snippets here and there from the other mandalorians.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Ardgal listened to Rashae talk about love. Her life, she didn't come from it. Ardgal had always counted himself fortunate. He knew that when his back was to the wall, they would be there for him. He knew it on such a deep, real level because they always were there when he found himself in the thick of it all. You learned a lot who was there for you when blood was pouring out of your body from shrapnel, or when you were ducking for cover from a hellstorm of blaster fire.

Rashae said:
“You’re lucky. “
He half-smiled, half-winced back, setting his fork down and folding his hands on the table. A sad expression covered his rugged face, "I suppose I am." He glanced down swallowing before making eye contact once more, "But--If I were to confess something, its been a long time since I have felt anything. I feel loyalty. I feel devotion commitment to duty but for quite some time I haven't felt more than that," Ardgal's eyebrows furrowed as he hesitantly searched for the right words, "At least, that is--not until recently."

He picked his fork back up and speared a new mouthful of nerf enjoying her excited chatter. He couldn't help but grin, he didn't remember the last time he had actually enjoyed hearing someone excited, or noticed someone's emotion for purposes other than pure analysis and combat purposes.

"I believe you do," Ardgal said wrily, he leaned in on one elbow like he was giving a secret. His left hand extended with his pointer finger aimed at at her eye level with a faux warning, "As my late predecessor Ordo Raxis used to say, Fine women are like a Malrovian nut. It takes a little extra effort to crack 'em open, but once you get them there, its too damn good to stop," he leaned back a little before biting into the nerf on his fork once more with a knowing look, "Something I wouldn't mind testing sometime."

Was he flirting? Had his banter and attempts to be a good, repaying host gone a little too far? He didn't know. He didn't know what he was feeling or even where he was going with this. It felt like a rush, a rush he hadn't known before as he sat here talking with her. His hand rubbed across his stubbed upper lip for a moment, eying her flowing dark hair just for a moment. He was in the moment, totally immersed. It was deep, enriching, and refreshing.

He laughed at her mention of her mother and family, a genuine, deep laugh, "I'll add it to the reasons to date you instead of your mother."

He didn't even have a moment to realize his slip up--or that his analysis chip had gone silent for the first time in quite a very long time.

"Its Mando'a," he said setting his fork down as the Galley officer came to take their plates, "Its one of the most important things about being Mandalorian," he leaned forward slightly, propping both of his elbows on the table, "A long time ago, Mandalorians were homeless. We wandered the galaxy, trying to find a place to call our own. We didn't have much, and what we did have we often took from others. In a large way we always have been that sort of homeless people. We roam, and with Mandalore--" he winced, feeling a twinge of regret and patriotic pain. The general lowered his head and closed his eyes.

"Most cultures have a place to call their own," he said, speaking again at last, his head still bowed "They point to monuments and say, 'this tells us of when we fought for our freedom,' or 'this reminds us of who we are as a group,' but I suppose to be Mandalorian is to carry that in your words and in your heart," he raised his head, swallowing and offering an apologetic smile, a hint of sadness was still born in his expression and his eyes were a little more watery than they had been before, "Its like a part of us, deeper than anything else we have."
The way he was searching for words did catch her attention. Her head tilted gently to the side as he reached for those words which provoked an interesting thought. ‘not until recently.’ That one little bit scrolled through her head in a myriad of ways. Recently as in the last few days, few weeks, few months? The word ‘recently’ was relative to the context it was in. This would revolve around her thought processes for a bit as he continued to speak and she listened. Really listened.

There was a little chuckle at his flirtatious comment. There was a light pink dusting her cheeks as she blushed. “Is that so, Ardgal.” She said simply as the intonation provided a challenge. As if something he wouldn’t mind testing would be simple or easy. Her smile with that simple statement as those light blue eyes softened just a hair as the very air around her became a bit warm.

The cyborg was flirting. That was a human thing, very human. Rashae had to admit she liked it but did she dare allow herself to get into that situation again. Despite the machine side, what she saw in Ardgal, The doctor/scientist liked. How much she liked was a mystery as that woman wouldn’t even let herself even cater that thought.

“You might want to re-evaluate that list on dating me. I am known to be a bit difficult.” Rashae added. Perhaps a tactical deterrent, but she had to throw that out there.

Yes she got excited, who wouldn’t get excited. Vong DNA samples!! Rashae was a pretty good doctor. That intelligent woman was an even better scientist. It was irritating her she hadn’t been able to get into her lab in the last few weeks. The thought of just having a mini science expedition albeit impromptu and caused by extreme measures was divine to this raven haired geneticist.

Rashae listened to him explain Mando’a the language and what she put as Mandalorian philosophy. She gave the galley officer room to remove the plates before realigning her attention to what Ardgal was saying.

“No one should be homeless. Its where your roots are, your past. Never mind how awful it is. “ Her hand on instinct went to rest on the arm propped up on the table by his elbows. “Mandalore can be salvaged. I don’t know how many times I offered my atmospheric purifier to at least get it started. “

She had been there to assist with Sundari, Ardgal was there. “ What biological analysis I got that time needed a lot of help but it wasn’t past redemption. Minimal terraforming will see plant life. I can even start working on genetic hybrids to grow in its current conditions. Once enough foliage is producing what the planet needs, the rest is easy.” She threw science and logic at it. That was what she did for everything but then she saw the tear.

His brown eyes turned into liquid deep dark pools. Pools one could fall into and that was what she was afraid of. “There is always something, deeper.” She said with a bit of a nervous laugh. Her hands then slowly started to return to her side of the table.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Ardgal didn't need enhanced senses to see that Rashae was blushing at his flirting. He had gone far, very far for him, but the warrior was coasting on the emotion. His normally reserved, controlled self was going to the wind. He could feel restraint breaking, snapping like ropes that had bound the Giant for too long. He didn't know what you could or would call what she inspired in him, but Ardgal liked it.

Rashae said:
“Is that so, Ardgal.”
"That would depend, of course," he said waving his hand in a dismissive gesture, "On if you think you can handle it."

His words and face were laced with a challenging counter. He leaned back slightly, in a tactical, calculated gesture as if to say, come and get me, if you dare.

"Well," he said, giving her an intentional once over, "for starters, you look a lot better than your mother," his words were charmingly effortless. That, in and of itself, had taken a lot of effort. His lips took a wry grin, "And if worst comes to worst, I'll just have Virgil throw me out of a burning drop ship so you can patch me up; we can start all over from there."

He listened to her words and felt her touch. It felt delicate and warm, soft and comforting. He had become so used to the harsh; calloused hands, metal armor, rough fatigues, chilling winds, scorching heat, cold steel, and hot gumetal. Even his own mother when he was a baby had thickly calloused hands from hours shoving artillery rounds into cannons. The world Ardgal lived in was as unforgiving as it was lethal. His massive hand wrapped around hers as she rested her fingers on his arm comforting. She was so small so delicate. Almost like glass.

It was overwhelming. And as he looked in her blue eyes he thought that just for a moment he was standing on the edge of a cliff looking down and thinking about taking a step off.


He felt her hand pull away and the moment was gone. He looked up, one of the other officers was standing off to the right, waiting at attention. How much had he seen? How much had he heard? Ardgal could feel his cheeks color in embarrassment, but he didn't even know why. "What is it, Homer?"

"We have arrived and begun our planet fall to Felucia."

"Thank you. Prepare our landing committee. Make it small, but I want Full Red."

Homer turned on his heel to go and tend to his duties. Ardgal rose to his feet and offered to help Rashae to her own. The warrior offered his hand to help support Rashae's weight.

"I suppose you are right," he said beginning to lead her down the hall. He took it slow, she was still recovering and they certainly had time. "There is always something deeper. For us its what we are, and who we are with," The general looked down the corridor for a few moments as they walked. He bit his lip in thought. At last he spoke again, "If you intend to work with Mandalorians often, I would be more than happy to help you learn more about us. About who we are--and even more than that what we are."

He glanced out of the corner of his eye, careful to observe how she answered in case he overstepped his bounds.
That sculpted dark thin eyebrow rose up slowly as the challenging volley was thrown her way. It became clear the man was not used to dealing with a certain caliber of women. Warriors, hunters and rough sorts perhaps but not her type. Sometimes it’s the quiet ones you have to be concerned about.

“I see.” Came the understated subtle response. A wicked little smile evolved slowly as those eyes narrowed slightly and she leaned back in a similar way that Ardgal did. “Handle you say. “ There was a soft huff of a chuckle before she leaned forward ever so slightly with her arm resting on the table with nerves of steel. “I don’t know. Can you go the distance? It isn’t the impact, Ardgal. It’s the duration. “

Her chin rose delicately as the return volley was fired back. That wicked little smile became a more fuller smile as she relaxed and continued their conversation which exploded into a full laugh that caused her to hold her side. “Let’s not do that? I am not quite up to another four hours of surgery. “ Biologically she knew more about that man than most would be privy to. Biology was just a bunch of tissues thrown together. How one uses what one was given was a whole other ball of wax.

As his large calloused hand met with manicured soft supple flawless skin, the stark contrast between the two became palpable. Oddly it went together like peas and carrots. It was alarming. It was invigorating. It was uncertain how long it was that held each others eyes as both was searching, seeking what possibilities was there. She was cautious despite the flirting. There was this startling pull towards this man like a tractor beam. That feeling was perhaps the unsettling one for the self assured woman. Rashae wasn’t sure she could deal with a broken heart again.

It was interrupted by one of this men whom informed him of their arrival. It broke the moment which part of her was glad for but another part was not so glad. His words gave the perfect distraction. Landing committee? Oh well, it was his operation. She was just along for the ride at the moment.

The Doctor was grateful for the assist to rise as she was incredibly sore and still moving very slowly. Rather she absolutely needed to support her weight with his hand and then arm completely or not was not clear but she found it reassuring. Her feelings were still raw after her outburst and the continued touch was most beneficial rather Rashae would admit it or not. She would chalk it up to him being a gentleman.

Ardgal started trying to explain something, something about how Mandalorians were, what they were. “I found their directness rather refreshing when I started working with them. Alderaan has a long standing relationship with Mandalorians as we have a few clans that settled there and lived there. It wasn’t till just before I became Minister of Medicine that I started working with the clans out in the galaxy. “ Rashae felt an explanation was in order. She hadn’t been dealing with them directly up till fairly recently.

The raven haired beauty pulled up to a stop. This would create a position where Ardgal would have to look at her as she tilted her head up to answer his question. Those seeking light blue eyes, ever searching, analyzing, trying to find something to tell her, reveal to her that little thing in the back of her head that she was looking for as she peered up into those dark abyssal brown eyes. Does she dare take that jump? Yes she does. “I would like that. “ She then allowed the procession to continue.

Once they fully got out of hyperdrive, Rashae needed a few things off of the Medical corvette in Ardgal’s fleet. The shiny chrome vessel stood out amongst the other vessels in the fleet. The maneuvering to dock and connect with the Atonement took some time, but it was necessary. Rashae was able to acquire a few personal things and a few bits of hardware, program chips and science equipment. This made her story plausible about the science expedition and she had her kits when she needed them. The program chips in their case was complex algorithms necessary for genome mapping and projected manipulations and a myriad of analysis she has developed over a period of time in the field. Rashae hoped that Ardgal’s computer systems could handle this.

Once she had redressed herself in a mixture of virgil’s clothes and her own with footwear that would fit, she met back up with Ardgal for the landing. Her hair was up in a stern bun as it usually is instead of down, loose and wild. She was back to all business despite the onboard doctor giving her a hairy eyeball to take it easy. She was still recovering.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Rashae said:
“I don’t know.Can you go the distance?It isn’t the impact, Ardgal. It’s the duration. “
His eyes flicked over her a second time as his lips curved in a knowing, but controlled smile. "I've never heard any complaints, but you know what the greatest part about having this?" Ardgal's forefinger tapped his temple, referencing to his cyborg chip, "Self control that no mere organic can rival," he cocked his head to the side, "The real question is how far are you interested in falling?"

Rashae said:
“Let’s not do that?I am not quite up to another four hours of surgery. “
He laughed with her, it was a genuine, hearty, deep laugh like the sound of a waterfall or the echo of a Reek's roar through the planes of Danthomir. His hand pressed on his chest in mock offense, "What you are up for? Oh how selfish, what about what I am up for? Just for that you owe me dinner."

As he led her down the corridor he nodded, listening. Ardgal would be lying if he didn't say he enjoyed hearing her voice and the excuse of wrapping an arm around her. He smiled with wistful fondness. He knew that Alderaan had some long-time ties to the Mandalorians after the fall of One Sith. Perhaps even before.

"I remember being hired by one of the noble houses to help build their homesteads into a fortress," he said with a fond remembrance, "It was years ago, before all of the changes made to me," he winced, "I wish I could remember the name of the family...." he let out a wistful sigh, "Some things were lost forever. I remember in bits and pieces at times."

Rashae said:
“I would like that. “
"Nothing would make me happier," he said in all honesty.

When she returned, twenty of the Godkillers were waiting to accompany them aboard a shuttle. Ardgal was standing in his armor, fully armed and ready, helmet tucked under his arm. He couldn't help but think how she looked better with her hair down, rather than up. It was more natural, and made her look more comfortable rather than working. He shook himself, what was he thinking??? They had work to do.

When she was ready, the boarding party climbed aboard the shuttle and with a rusty, slow whine, it shuttered towards the surface. Ardgal checked the four pistols strapped to his gun belt, each one at a time.

"No matter what happens," he said in a low voice, ratcheting one pistol in place. "Stay close to me, Rashae."

When the shuttle landed at last, Ardgal slipped his helmet on as the doors of the shuttle popped open. A series of vong were approaching, he could see some were of the warrior caste, others were conscripted half-trained workers. At the head of this approaching rabble was a familiar face. Malama, the man Ardgal had left in charge. The warrior began striding towards them, his legs moving at a break-neck pace. A cold, familiar determination had taken him over. The Godkillers would form a protective line around Rashae, unwilling for anything bad to happen to the general's most prized of possessions.

He reached their line, ten feet from the shuttle and defensive line his Godkillers had made to protect Rashae.

"You should not have come back, knave," hissed one of the Vong in the ranks with a thick accent.

Ardgal's helmet didn't move from glaring down at the defiant Malama, "You want to try that again?"

"You came a long way to die you son of a--"

Without turning his head, Ardgal smoothly pulled one of his pistols from its holster. A single flechette round sent the alien's brains spraying through the back of its skull. A tense silence fell over the platform. "Does anyone else have anything they want to say?"

Malama lowered his head in deference. He was beaten, the vong knew it, but that didn't mean he was done, or that he had to like it. Bitterness laced his words, "Enjoy your stay, we--"

The barrel of Ardgal's pistol pressed into Malama's open mouth, jerking the leader's eyes to meet his own. There was no need for words. Malama's eyes widened in horror, his breath came in short, quick gasps for a half a second before Ardgal executed the rebel leader. The warm body fell before his feet, eyes forever frozen in horror. Ardgal's helmet looked over the survivors, "Get back to work, before I change my mind on showing mercy."

He turned back to Rashae, casually holstering his pistol as the survivors scurried away, "Samples, fresh as they get. If you would like more, I am sure I can get you more."
There was a flick of an eyebrow a little higher than the arched position it was in. Was she speaking to man or machine.. no it seems like the man. There were positives to both and negatives. Question remained if the positives out weighed the negatives.

“There is no self control with passion, Ardgal. If I wanted control I would opt for artificial relief. “ This was a most bold statement. “We shall see.” This simple statement was loaded with nuances of emotion, meaning and thought. If it was something she had an abundance of, that was passion.

Unlike love, Rashae applied passion with determination and an iron will when it comes to her work. Her personal life often suffered, but the results was a galaxy class genetic scientist and doctor. Young and already considered among the top in her field. Ardgal was certainly quality in his field and Rashae surmised not many could top him. At the moment this little competition of sizing each other up in what seemed to be a negotiations for pre-dating terms was odd in a way. The doctor could hold her own. She could dive deeply physically but emotionally and allowing him into her personal self was a fairly frightening proposition. Rashae was quite sure Ardgal was the sort that when he wanted something, it was the whole thing, not bits and pieces.

“I wish I could forget mine.” The woman said honestly. A slight pained expression was momentary before she wiped it from her expressions. “I have little experience with science of memory. I may know someone, but your case safe to say would be complicated. “ That was a severe understatement. She smiled as she said complicated.

Rashae pondered this 'negotiation' process as she prepared herself and her gear to disembark the shuttle. The raven haired beauty had to admit she did like the care he took for her safety. Part of her thought that 20 godkillers was overkill till she saw the vong first hand. Those eyes took in the surroundings, the vong that were there and placed a scientific note to what she saw. Several things caught her eye that she carefully put in the list of 'must see.' She watched with a certain detachment as Ardgal dealt with an aggressor. The woman didn't even jump when he dropped the vong and the Godkillers around her let her step forward to the fresh corpse.

The observant woman knelt by the downed vong as she pulled a scanner out. Those ice blue eyes flicked over the scrolling data rapidly. She took out a sample kit, gloved her hands with a snap of the gloving material before she acquired blood or internal fluid samples and tissue samples. This part may take some time and after fifteen minutes of meticulous acquisition of the samples to be manipulated and processed later with her equipment, she stood up with some difficulty as her hand went to her side. She had been in that knelt position too long for a fresh wound such as she had.

“Ardgal, if you could have your men put the specimen in a cooling unit?” she said as she looked a sample up to the sunlight. Rashae knew many eyes were on her, but it was very difficult to acquire her attention when she was focused.

“I seem to recall that vong grow a particular types of plant life. It seems to also be part of their genetics as well if I recall correctly.” She had no education on vong shaping or their hierarchy. The woman was purely in science mode at the moment.

“Is there a way I could talk to them? “ This was after realizing there might be a security issue.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Rashae said:
“There is no self control with passion, Ardgal. If I wanted control I would opt for artificial relief. “
Ardgal smirked, his eyes narrowing and looking her over with a near-challenging playfulness. "Who said I'd let you be in control?"

He said intentionally stressing both of those words differently as he placed one of his hands on his hips.

Rashae said:
“We shall see.”
He spread both of his arms wide, in an almost challenging, daring motion of pure confidence. "I'll be here all day. Hope you intend to make good on that promise sooner than later."

There was a twinkle there that hadn't been seen in many many years, if ever. Even before his alteration, the warrior had hardly been one to take to women. He was a workaholic, dedicated to what he did; dedicated enough to subject himself to Project: Madman. But now... he couldn't explain it. There was just something different. Maybe he had been brought to the very edge of everything, maybe he had to lose his humanity to realize that it was what he wanted more than anything. Or maybe he was tired of being alone now, after all this loss. It was very good and well to be surrounded by loyal vode who would gladly give their lives for you in a heart beat, but there was some even that didn't cover.

"I thought the same," he said with a half smile, "I did, honestly. After everything that happened, I was confident that forgetting who I am and most of what I am would make me feel better, but it didn't. At least, I don't think it did--who knows? Maybe I am in a way," he laughed bitterly. "Thank you. You are too kind."

As Rashae went to work Ardgal didn't even have to give the order. His Godkillers fanned out, covering the landing pad with their heavy weaponry. He let out an internal sigh. He didn't want to kill Malama, the warrior had hoped that the young man would choose the right side of reason and move in as the future leader of Yornekk. Sadly, it meant Ardgal was now going to have to try and find a replacement. Oh joy, more work. He would deal with it, later. For now, he placed his hands on his holster and watched with a sense of semi-amusement as Rashae worked. It was nice to see her happy, even if it was his killing that had brought it about. He smiled under his helmet, thankful that she was able to have something to make her this way. In a way, it was cute.

When she tried to stand the warrior quickly moved to help her up, his hands gentle and tender as they pulled her up. He nodded to one of the fire teams, they hastily stored the doctor's new samples.

"Of course, anything," he said beginning to lead her along. "Everything you see, answers to me. Its all mine, in one way or the other. Unfortunately, last time I left I had counted on an issue being resolved," if that issue meant taking their top minds, starting his own colony on a separate planet, murdering their leader and claiming it was a drug over dose before appointing a de-facto young upstart....... then... yeah, he counted on an issue being resolved. "But that is no matter. They will answer to anything you ask."

He led her down into the massive underground city, across several of the yorik coral cause ways that connected the stalactites, and into a huge atrium. Massive vats of bubbling, multi-colored semi-liquids bubbled around them. Some were built into the ground, others were almost as tall as people. Vong shapers moved around, their appraising eye looking at their working materials. Some held long staffs with Shepard-like crooks on the end, further review of everything in the room would show it was all either alive, including their staffs, or was carved from the stone itself. One of the shapers caught them in the corner of its eye after a moment and strode towards them with lanky legs.

"Lord Raxis, I did not expect to see you for quite some time," he said in silky, docile words from between his slit-like, sharp teeth, "Whom is with you, and what may I do for you?"

"She is Missus Raxis," Ardgal said with stone cold business in his voice, "And she will go where she pleases, Ike. Your reason for living at this point is to make her happy. If she isn't elated by the time she leaves, you will die. But I will make sure to kill your wife and spawn first. Slowly. Got it?"

"We are glad to be your humble servants," Ike said giving a surprisingly elegant bow as he stepped back, "Please, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask."

And with that, a world of life that had rarely, if ever, been studied before, was opened to Rashae.
“Oh I don’t know. You just.. might.. like it. “ She let her words elongate into a very sultry invitation. They both liked being in control of their situation. Who would end up on top would be interesting to find out.

There was a chuckle. “just for that, I just might make you wait. “ volley returned in earnest.

The interesting part was that she was also a workaholic. The banter was a nice change even if nothing ever came of it. Part of her wished that it would. The cautious side of her was weighing heavily reminding of her previous love affair.

She was relieved that one of the team was careful with the samples she had acquired and equally careful with the specimen. Rashae would do a full autopsy and diagnostics of his bodily functions on multiple levels. Her brow furrowed as she wondered how she was going to do this here. What kind of equipment Ardgal had. There was no sense worrying about it now as she was escorted further down into an underground. The warrior might have to carry her as a day old sniper wound was no small thing and she didn’t have his fast healing. Down and further down into the underground they went.

The scientist in her was in overdrive as the botany and biology of the vong creations had her like a kid in a candy store. The woman pointed at one exquisite piece after another. Some of them was very orchid like, which she was partial to. The perfume off of some of the specimens were intoxicating in its complexity. A long willowy vong was encountered as he spoke. It was eloquent albeith accented.

She almost responded when Ardgal responded first. She looked at him for a few seconds when he said ‘missus’ . Then turned back to the vong shaper. “Pleasure to meet you Ike, please call me Rashae. “

The diplomat in her was improving as she tried to do at least a small bow which was impossible with her current wound. “Your doctor is not going to be happy. “ She sighed. The fresh would no doubt could be smelled by the vong though Rashae didn’t know this.

Then Ardgal threatened the poor vong man’s family? She did not understand as her emotional side gave him a most disagreeable expression. “Ardgal, did you have to go that far? “ The woman didn’t understand vong tactics or strategy but her hand extended to the vong shaper. Ardgal didn’t exactly warn her or give her any reasons for this type of strategy or any thing to go on. Rashae wasn’t one to just follow with no questions. That would be impossible for this woman. “I hope we have mutually beneficial discussions, Ike. My science and your science have much to discuss.” Her hand waved to the work they were doing in this underground art masterpiece that was their home. “You and your people do beautiful work.”

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]

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