Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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HVS Tangata was put through her paces, "shame you couldn't have been around before Myrkr." She said with her hand to the dashboard, Amaya had spent time on Naboo. And she left it feeling a little more confident than she had when she arrived. It didn't take long for the Verd child to learn of what was going down now. It'd been too long since she'd seen her aunt [member="Keira[/COLOR][COLOR=#dda0dd] [/COLOR][COLOR=#dda0dd]Ticon[/COLOR][COLOR=#dda0dd]"] and the others of their clan but not soon enough for [member="Vilaz Munin"] she was afraid. The events of the past still burned within her mind, and yet she'd set it aside for a day or four. The stars would guide her home and home was wherever she laid her head down these days.

The shipwright, engineer - whatever she called herself these days looked out the viewport to see Myrkr. "If beauty is the eye of the beholder then I'm afraid you're one ugly mug, but your heart's in the right place." Amaya stated to no one in particular, the dropship had a skeleton crew at best and she was eager to show off her latest design. "HVS Tangata on behalf of Clan Verd and House Cardei."

[member="Alkor [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=verdana][SIZE=14px]Centaris"]
The bridge seemed to be filling with people rather quickly at this point in time. [member="Aedan Miles"] didn't make his presence overly known, preferring to stay off to the side. That was fine, though the choice of spinning the knife was an...interesting one. Wasn't something he was going to focus on for too long though. Alkor's response about having not received any official reports of the incident over Obroa-Skai was a bit strange, he could have sworn he had made one. Or was that due to his mind being overly tired from the whole ordeal? Too many questions that he didn't have the want or drive to answer. He caught the Mando'a at the very end of [member="Alkor Centaris"] addressing him directly, 'bur'cya' it wasn't a bad thing from the sound of it, now if only he could recall what it meant. A quick search turned up that it was the word for 'friend.' Okay, definitely a good thing.

"Yea, gotta say I thought I filed one, but things were kinda crazy during and after I mostly rested. Lots of sleeping after that. So guess I never did file that report, but overall it was just hell. Genetic experiments, space station/ship/whatever it was was falling apart when we got there. One kid on the team nearly got killed by an experiment. Once we got off the thing we called in heavy fire to vaporize it. [member="Ardgal Raxis"] was the de facto leader of the op, he should have the records we were able to recover."

He smiled slightly towards [member="Keira Ticon"], who surprisingly seemed to recognize him. Or maybe it was the fact that one Corellian could usually pick another out of the crowd. That could have been it as well. Or her memory was better than his, also not unlikely as he had never been well known for remembering most people after only short meetings.

"Thank you, just glad we all made it back. And to say nothing went as planned is a grand understatement."

It was indeed the truth as sad as that may have been. [member="Vilaz Munin"] wasn't too much longer before joining the merry band of misfits gathering on the bridge, though admittedly Kurayami had no clue as to who he was and as such offered a quick nod towards him. Everyone else seemed to be giving the man quite a bit of respect, and had Kurayami remembered all the comms chatter from the conflict not long ago he would have remembered Vilaz was the current Mand'alor.

The entrance of [member="Kad Tor"] was another quiet one, done without fanfare or making himself known. Ardgal and [member="Rashae"] were a slight bit more showy in their entrance. He returned the handshake from Ardgal and smiled to Rashae when she greeted him.

"Good to see you both doing well. Thanks again for making sure we all were doing fine after the mission. Even if I was a bit resistant to get onboard the Padme at first, just never had much of a liking of hospitals and such. I have been doing quite well after the events we went through. Just hadn't pushed myself that hard in quite sometime."

The smile faded into a slight smirk as he grabbed his flask of namana nectar and took another quick swig before putting it back. Hopefully he would be able to find a larger bottle, today was a day for celebrating in his mind.
Ardgal felt him blush slightly as [member="Rashae"] called herself his girlfriend. It was slightly juvenile, but, it just felt good. And that good feeling expressed it in a slightly goofy smile for a second. He squeezed her hand a little tighter in happiness.

He saw [member="Kad Tor"] nod at him from the corner of his eye. They had done work together a few times, and to Ardgal, he was becoming almost as familiar of a face as his own in the mirror. He waved back to him, they would have to probably do ale sometime--or something. Whatever non-cyborg non-experimental soldier beings did for fun.

"Well, where I come from the food had no flavor and the local's personalities didn't have much either," he said with a wry humor at [member="Keira Ticon"]'s comment, "Any being not shooting me is a good being."

Ardgal heard something about [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] mentioning him as the point leader, he held up his hands in mock defense, "I deny all accusations, all of them. I may have done it, but I am not guilty." The warrior smirked at Bloodborn, "We couldn't have done it without you. Its always good to have an extra gun on the team that knows what they are doing."
[member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Alkor Centaris"]

Aedan finally spoke from the corner he stood in his voice barely audible to his old friend as he spoke in recognition of the man's abilities looking up from his place by the wall as he held the knife by the tip. "Back during the resistance of the Dominion's attempt to take Mandalore Raxis lead the defense of one of the city edges at Keldabe." Looking at Ardgal Raxis as if judging the mans reaction not a lot of people knew who he was yet just that he wasn't seeking the anger of the Mando'ade. "If it comes to it I would sponsor him for promotion soon if he doesn't already hold the title of Rally Master he should. He kept the eastern flank secure while I dealt with the enemies main attack at the northern front if not for him and another of my group I am not sure I could have held the city alone." Turning back to Alkor he offered the man a nod before he tossed the knife high into the air and caught it by the hilt slamming it home into its sheathe as he stepped away from the wall drawing his hood back revealing violet eyes with lines of crimson flowing through them still from the fight at Mandalore even though it had been some time ago he had almost fallen to deeply into his rage if not for his honor guard he may not have recovered.

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