Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Red Ravens, One Sith, and other crap

Okay, hear me out, this won't take long.

I've been reading over threads on the public and private boards and I see a LOT of darker minded characters, and fewer more positive ones.
The writing is still great, to be true, but I'm starting to feel the good guys are a waning presence, and that doesn't sit well with me! I'm a good girl, and I want to take the fight to the baddies!
I hate to use cheesy quotes, but: Since when do we let evil grow more powerful than us? Or whatever the hell that broad said in the Hobbit movie.

How do we do more of that?
[member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Orick T'ane"]

I agree with everything that's been said. And there's a whole bunch that could be said IC and OOC. This is significantly the largest Faction by characters but not the most active. We have three dominions at present. If every character did just one post a week, we could Dominion five planets every seven days. But we don't. It takes weeks to get even one completed. But then it's the same for the OS.

But unlike the OS, we have two long tentacles on our map and the loss of just one planet (or moon) could see us lose a lot of planets in one go.

So we have the potential to make the galaxy a lighter place. Some writers prefer to write darker characters. Many, many Padawans join with the intention of turning dark 'later' before they've even done one thread. That's just something we have to live with. do we oppose the Darkness? Complete Dominions. Do an Invasion (and win of course). Have skirmishes with some of these Factions (there are a lot of active writers that aren't OS and I'm sure would love to fight us).

And recruit. See an FU or NFU looking to be active? Encourage them to join us.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
I am definitely all for doing more.

I'm just starting out and Des may be in a somewhat darker place, but that's just as much meant as a challenge to overcome as it a lead to a couple of open possibilities. I am confident he can overcome his own misgivings toward the Jedi in time.

As for pushing to do more dominions and the like, you can't expect everyone to be that active that often. If you take a week to do a dominion, I'd say that's still a good, steady pace. I think we should maintain it, but we shouldn't push too hard for more or faster. I think that might make the Republic appear far less friendly to new potential members than it does now. Besides, some active threads are just not suitable for everyone. For example, I got pointed to the Antar dominion, which is good for me. The other dominions that are going on, I do not see myself being constructive or helpful in, and that's fine. I've got my place for now, and incentive to grow.
The Galaxy is a rough place. Between the current state of hostilities and the echoes of the netherworld, there are still a lot of tormented folks around. It only makes sense for there to be a higher than usual amount of darker themed threads.

Also character conflict helps shape people into the heroes or villains they eventually become. Just food for thought
I'm all for doing more for the Jedi/Republic and help in anyway possible. However, I agree inactivity can pose serious problems in growth, but trust me, the Republic/Jedi are not the only faction suffering from that. Recruiting is a great idea.

I've always been a character growing kinda gal who loves storyline threads over Doms/Inv threads. Of course when it comes Doms, I'm on the brink of being burned out on those.

As for the writers creating more darker characters, it's not as big as an issue one thinks. There is the OS and then there is the paper Sith (rogue) and DJ...the latter two...well I'll keep my opinion to myself :). [member="Corvus Raaf"] mentioned how people join here as Paddies with the mind set they will go "dark" later. Not much we can do about that but trust me when I say this, the OS are stretched thin in trying to teach everyone that decides to go Sith. So in the end, those that decide to make the Great Fall should be aware that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

As for my character, been "dark" and though it's far easier to write that way (which I believe for the rise in "darker" writers)....I see it as a challenge to write "light." And I do love challenges, hence why this character is here.

-End Rant-
To add to what [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] said. I believe they people think all of the 'cool' story lines and arcs come from making a dark character and or having their Jedi fall.

However the really compelling stuff isn't in the fall, but the task of climbing out of that hole they fell into. The redeemed character has been beaten to death over the years, but it's still compelling because we all love he comeback kid.

Just my two cents
[member="Orick T'ane"]

I agree with what you said :)

This is my first Jedi character EVER! But when I created her, she wasn't going to be a Jedi but she (I) became complacent with her and rather just have her sitting there doing nothing....I moved her here. :)
Yes to all of this stuff, even the stuff Orik said that contrasts my point. We're doing stuff. I just want to do more. I'll start being much louder and writing more Republic focused RP's instead of just picking up women.
Ugh, Ali and I both need drinks this morning. Any recommendations?

Annnnnnnywho, I've never run a Dominion before, I think I'll start now? Is there protocol for that? Orik, want to join me?

Roshki Belawiiks

We all have demons. I've just decided to feed mine
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

I'm finally going to be allowed to redecorate the Jedi Temple?

[member="Ali Hadrix"]

In all seriousness though, I personally think there's a lot of...I guess the word would be "neutral" folks out there, both in the Republic, Sith, and the five billion other factions out there xD Though, it could just be the places my own characters go.
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]

There is always the option of doing some character rp in the dominons. Most of the time the objectives are just outlines for people to storytell. If you look at Antar, I have lots of people doing other objectives that are making some compelling stories.

If you or anyone wants to do straight up Character Dev, let me know. I might be swamped with threads and posting rather slowly, but I love to help with that stuff.
Ciara Jevnaker said:
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Hmm.....My power to see into the future is clouded by the Darkside. But my gut instincts tell me I might know what it is :)
I have no idea what you're talking about...

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

I don't care what it is. I want in. Lemme in lemme in lemme in lemme in lemme in... Etcetera.

As for the balance between doing character development and dominions, I would like to point out that they are NOT mutually exclusive. This is an important point.

An encounter with violence can always be a good character development point, depending on how you respond to it IC. Too many people roleplay fights and opposition as a matter of course and go through NPC mooks like a lightsaber through butter (space butter? whatever). On the other hand, it could and should be an oppostunity for the character, particularly light-oriented characters, to look at their own hands and think long and hard on what they are doing murderfacing all these people who are defending their homes from an incursion.

Likewise, a character who is oriented towards violence, a soldier for example, can suddenly be thrust into peace negotiations or political debate and be forced to adapt and learn people skills on the fly. This can be great character development, either emphasizing the character as hopeless with anything bit a blaster/lightsaber, or having them overcome their own misgivings.

There seems to be a choice of different objectives you can do for a dominion. I would encourage people to pick an objective that does NOT suit your character rather than only going with what your character is good at. The development will come naturally from there, and you can still do a dominion while developing that character.

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