Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Remnants of the Infinite Empire (Republic Dominion of Rakata Prime)


Came in like a wrecking maul
@[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Noah Corek"]

Saki shrugged and looked at Noah as she smirked. Her fists balling and focusing until she was ready letting two small orbs of distorted energy form. Like a compressed and focused force push but the size of a fist to bash faces in or as she had been doing during invasions using it to bust balls until the sith submitted. Her saber wasn't even needed most of the time though she had several scars from others. From the fringe master on O'reen who had sliced her chest (thankful for armorweave) to the sith on Dac who had knocked a tooth loose, the sith on Korriban who caught her under the chin. She poured those thoughts ito the attack and struck at the ground area quickly from a distance to see what fell away and what stayed.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
@[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Saki"]
"Stick won't work. The traps are most likely only triggered by a certain weight or above it." Noah informed the blonde Jedi and then listened to her speak some more. "I have no clue what a shadow strike is,but a bag of sand,maybe 20 kilos or above would do it." Noah informed her,of course he was just speculating on this.
To see @[member="Knight"] 's back unfold with wings was a startling revelation to Erinyes --- she'd not run into one of her kind in over a century. Not since her father, Malice Draclau, had obliterated any opposition to his rule at Lao-Mon, the Sith Master decimating the population while her brother Skorn fought against him in a bloody game of thrones.

Her jaw fell open, only to close as her hand rose to reach out as if to touch Knight's wings. The woman didn't give off an aura of pain when she shifted, so it couldn't just be a Clawdite...

Was she... perhaps...

Action took the place of words, as Erinyes's form also changed. Her body shifted, her hair turning to feathers as white as snow. Bone and sinew twisted, contorted and reformed, as wings grew upon her own back, hollowed out bones for flight. She fell hands first to the ground, her neck elongated, and her face began to take the shape of a bird.

Majestic wings flew wide, as Erinyes in turn took flight behind Knight.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico was down on the planet looking for her master when the time came. She was being careful as it all went on and enjoying the sand even with the boots on. Crisp clean air, the sun giving her a tan... well somewhat she was wearing a loose fitted tunic without the robes while her gauntlet blades were prepared to fight whatever came at her. in this case it was a rancor as the baby roared and ran out of the water into her line of sight finally. Nico dodged and rolled activating one blade with a snap hiss and the shield with a pop before openign herself up to the force. "Alright then lets play"
@[member="Erinyes Draclau"]

knight looked at the other and for the first time she was genuinely surprised at the sight. Letting her face show it while she watched another shape shifters become a large beast able to tackle and fight. There was no real pain and that psychic projection they used to hide was telling her this was the creature. Knight laughed though seeing another shi'ido in so long was why she enjoyed herself. "Alright lets go and now I really want to ride atop you. You look amazing." She shook her head to stop the distraction and pointed to the rancors twin ones about 3 meters tall before firing another bolter shot. "Watch for the claws and be careful."


@[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"Focus the majority of the demolitions on the door," Sumalee said, "We cannot have a needless array of destruction if possible." They had their mission, but the temple was by all intents and purposes, one of the few remaining icons of the past that still stood.

At the question, Sumalee gave a shake of her head, "No word as of yet." orange eyes then observed as the Republic demolition team set the charges.

"Trust in them we must."

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Well, in the midst of Kira and @[member="Noah Corek"] discussing the benefits of perhaps using a sand bag to test out the pressure plates, @[member="Saki"] took it upon herself to blast the stone with a shadow strike.

Well, it had explosive results.

Another chunk of the bridge fell away, and this time it was under Noah.


Professor of Sentientology
Powerful energy orbs flew at @[member="Syn"] 's direction in a perpendicular trajectory, one almost hitting him on his rib cage as it flew from right to left, sinking into an open hole on the other side of the carved wall.

The longer he stood, the more energy orbs would be flung at him en masse, in an attempt to pummel him with the highly volatile energy.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon

Ayumi gave a nod in agreement to trusting the soldiers something she could do easily and now standing here with the jedi she had to admit to a few things of enjoyment. One they were going to get through the doorway they were making was going to be there one way or the other. Two she was for the first time she really realized working with a jedi who wasn't just spouting off about how hard their life was or their light. It was refreshing to say the least and Ayumi moved into cover when the soldiers reported they had finished with a shape charge. "Alright countdown on my mark.... ten... nine." The heartbeats ticked away as Ayumi finished and covered her ears in another room feeling the vibrations of the explosion still.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
@[member="Saki"] @[member="Kira Liadain"]
Noah was in the middle of discussing things with Kira when he felt the floor give out from beneath him. As soon as the floor gave out,Noah drew one of his vibroblades and thrusted it into the nearest solid thing,which happened to be a support pillar for the bridge. As he stopped,he hung there,dangling above a dark and deep chasm.


Came in like a wrecking maul
@[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Noah Corek"]

Saki looked at the bridge collapsing and then at Noah as she jumped back and pulled. "Ah frak get over here and" She stopped and stood there with a small smirk. "Well at least we weren't all standing there again." Her face though was showing concern while she looked up. "So anyone got a grapple gun we might be able to try swinging across."
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Talia Al Ghul"]

The jedi master was glad for two things... one he couldn't see the shots of energy (he could still hear them and smell them) and that he was wearing armor that self repaired.... Still didn't mean it was going to make him invincible as he moved and poured the force into his speed and leaping. Jumping in bounds with a sprint to go over some shots while trusting the force to protect him and not let him be hit. The world was a slowed down version and he bum rushed to get towards the end of the passage.
For Erinyes, it had been so long since she'd flown with another changling. Not since....


Orange eyes and a sunken white face bloomed within her mind. Her brother. Her love. The only one who'd ever truly cared for her. Over a century had passed, believing him dead. He had been her only blood who had not forgotten her.

Now he walked the path that their father had before him. Her light to his dark. Two halves of a whole.

The beat of majestic wings hovered over @[member="Knight"] before her long neck gave a nod. Soon, they came across a vast herd of mammals below. Were these... Rancors?

There was a beauty to them, despite their vast size and large teeth.

However, she didn't sense anything wrong with them. Flying towards Knight, Erinyes sent a telepathic question, the ability a natural gift of their kind.

'There art no darkness within them.' she said, suggesting that perhaps a fight with the herd would not be needed.

'A mother would become aggressive to protect her cub.'


As soon as @[member="Ayumi Pallopides"] began the countdown, Sumalee took quick steps to find shelter. Finding a nearby pillar, the Togruta hid behind it's thick protection, as other Republic soldiers followed suit.


She took a deep breath.


With luck this would work.



Sumalee turned her face away from the blast, as a thick cloud of stone, grime, and dust went billowing throughout the area, covering all in a thin coat. A hand came to cover her nose and mouth, preventing her from inhaling the bulk of the fine grime, before she held out her saber as a light source.

Beyond yonder, the entrance of the room had been neatly detonated open, the skill of the demolitionist there for all to see.

"Let us go," instructed Sumalee, moving forward. "Keep a wary eye out for any hostiles."
@[member="Erinyes Draclau"]

Knight gave a nod of her head as she spoke with the same link back confirming at least. Rancor's aren't evil they are dangerous. If we can scare them away without killing it is something but I have not seen many that get scared easily. Her face showed it while she moved in and swatted at the creatures head shouting. "Go away." Then flapped back holding her bolter but not firing. They could scare them away or kill them but the creatures weren't friendly unless witches were involved usually.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon

Ayumi felt it rock and then roll as it was finished and smirked turning around to see. The skill was there while she took the pistol out of its holster and moved. A look on her face as she gave in just a little and patted the man on the shoulder. Looking in and down the area for the room and console they needed she motioned forward the engineer in the squad and spoke. "Get to work and we'll cover you now. Then shut down the defenses"

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
"Oh beans beans BEANS!" Kira exclaimed out loud as @[member="Noah Corek"] 's body suddenly plummeted down, causing the Lorrdian to panic. She didn't think, she reacted, as she tossed herself to the ground, her saber falling and deactivating as it clattered to the floor, her hand reaching out to the Colonel.

"Gah!! Here! Take my hand!" she yelled out, "@[member="Saki"] grab my feet!"

"Come on!"


Came in like a wrecking maul
@[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Noah Corek"]

Saki looked at Kira as she was shouting about beans and then moved to catch and grab her. THe force going into her body to enhance her strength. She scrambled to catch the woman's feet before standing there and popping her shoulders. She was not as light as she looked but working to hold a soldier was most likely the heavier weight. "I got you... I got you. Just hold on."
There was an abrupt roar from the matriarch of the herd. If only they were better at communicating with the beasts. They were, none the less, a sentient species.

Erinyes took a different approach. With the beating of wings, the large gryphen-like form she'd taken shape into flew down to the ground, landing with a soft padding of paws. Both wings neatly tucked onto her back, as she quietly sat down on her hind legs.

Expressing an empathic link, she used the Force to relay to the Matriarch that they meant no harm. That it would be in the best interests of her herd to simply move onto higher pastures for now.


It would not take long for the Republic forces, led by @[member="Ayumi Pallopides"] and Sumalee to secure the control center. It had been hard work, albeit with a measure of danger, but they were able to succeed in their mission without an excessive use of force or damage to the area.

"We shall secure the perimeter." Sumalee said, "Then, make contact with the other Jedi explorers."

For the present time, however, they were done.

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