Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Removal of Force Powers from the Character Template

You can still list your Force powers if you wish. This rule requiring it was removed, not banning it entirely.

I honestly did not even remember this rule until it was brought up, and it’s had 0 impact on matters before. It’s a legacy ruling from the dim dark depths of time.
Also note that if the old rule were to remain in effect, it is implied that Staff would have to start enforcing said rule and policing all character bios. That also means that all characters would, in essence, have to be approved by Staff prior to use.

Which would suck. Lots.

I'm glad it's being removed.
I don't think I've ever listed my powers. Always forgot about that. Plus I tend to stick to canon things.

I really don't think it hurts anything not to list them. Someone goes all god-mode on people and they'll get called out on it, as they should. It would simply be better if people didn't try and win every fight they're in, and accepted that losses actually do build character, and can lead to fun RP.

I suppose that's too much to ask for, though.
Jaron Lesan said:
This will result in more complaints and reports, and make it harder for the RPJ's to determine if someone is indeed godmodding.
The definition of godmodding is administering effects - be they benevolent or malevolent - upon another player's character without his/her explicit consent. This ruling will, in no shape or form, increase the frequency of reports. Most players didn't even know this was a rule and reports still come in regardless.

Common sense and general respect for human beings are highly suggested tendencies when it comes to being a good roleplayer.
I don;t think i ever listed my force powers to begin with.

I like it, we are all adult enough to be Rping, so i doubt it was an issue at all to begin with. I mean we dont see apprentices running around draining planets and we rarely see masters shooting lightning out their eyes and fireballs out their arses,
My fear is in the ability Force Light. If I am understanding, the Force is going to an abstract way of doing things instead of you training certain powers. The worry with that is through understanding of the Force anyone can use Force Light with is an ace in the hole against dark siders.

Like Ferus, I see pros and cons, but the cons worry me the most. I have already had someone who barely training force light use it against me expecting it to do great damage when it was barely trained. This will only make this greater.
Darth Valdra said:
My fear is in the ability Force Light. If I am understanding, the Force is going to an abstract way of doing things instead of you training certain powers. The worry with that is through understanding of the Force anyone can use Force Light with is an ace in the hole against dark siders.

Like Ferus, I see pros and cons, but the cons worry me the most. I have already had someone who barely training force light use it against me expecting it to do great damage when it was barely trained. This will only make this greater.
Well, see, the funny thing about that is....

... Only you can inflict any harm on your own character...
Or pleasure if you like that kind of stuff.

For the longest time, when ever anyone made mention of making a 'custom' force power, it has been crammed down that you use the powers on the Wiki, and that's it.

Does this mean that we can "Make" 'custom' force powers? By this, I'm not talking set stats, but free will to write something that makes sense in the Star Wars universe even though there is no 'cannon' example?
Darth Ferus said:

For the longest time, when ever anyone made mention of making a 'custom' force power, it has been crammed down that you use the powers on the Wiki, and that's it.

Does this mean that we can "Make" 'custom' force powers? By this, I'm not talking set stats, but free will to write something that makes sense in the Star Wars universe even though there is no 'cannon' example?

This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away… to the future, to the horizon.

Never his mind on where he was. Hmm?

What he was doing. Hmph.

Adventure. Heh.

Excitement. Heh.

A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless.
Tefka said:
This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away… to the future, to the horizon.

Never his mind on where he was. Hmm?

What he was doing. Hmph.

Adventure. Heh.

Excitement. Heh.

A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless.

Ok Yoda


Disney's Princess
I love how all these people think there are a million rules on this site. When really there are like none.

  • We need training threads to be promoted - No, you actually don't.
  • I need to develop my padawan before I begin playing - No, you actually don't.
  • I need to list all my threads for X reason - No, you actually don't.
  • I can't use X power as a padawan - No, you actually can.
  • I need to sub all my tech to the Factory - No, you actually don't.
  • I need to get my profile approved to do X - Nope, nope, nope
  • I have to join a Faction to get trained - Blarg! No.

Tis crazy talk. So much crazy talk. :(

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