Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Removing Canon Company Claims

Would you like to see canon company claims removed?

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Damian Starchaser said:
That would be taking the company away.

I built my entire character around the company and the lore of the company. To me this is like saying "Why not remove canon planets". You want to RP a Hapan? Nah dawg can't do that because Hapan is canon and can't be RPed. And once again I've actively encouraged other RPers to join in and RP with me. I've tried to make accommodation to people over the years so everyone can get their toys and I've never said someone can't post the company as a manufacturer. I like the canonical backdrop for RP just like some people like to RP Hapan.
I feel like so much of the point of RPing in an existing setting is to explore what already exists and to expand upon it.

Otherwise why bother with a Star Wars board at all? The existing lore is what brings people here. And the ability to make it ones own and build new stories in that frame work is a huge part of the appeal. While I might not personally feel that connection to companies in particular, a lot of people do.

I think this would stifle rp freedom. If someone doesn't like canon companies/doesn't want to use them they don't have to! We removed the limit on character ranks despite there being people who don't want to play instant masters. Don't like canon companies? Don't use them. Like them? Explore them.

That is one of the strengths of chaos, and this would be a step backward.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Jamie Pyne said:
To clarify people:

Nobody is going to take away your company. All of your work, current tier, and all affiliated submissions would be retained. You would just change the name of the company.

Unfortunately, the name is actually the only reason I subbed a canon company. Had I wanted to sub an original player made holo-gaming company... I would have.

I didn't, because I wanted something that tied back to concepts grounded in the Star Wars universe.

I'm in the military. I get deployed. I can go months at a time without access or the ability to post on Chaos. During those times, anyone can come and take Corellia Digital and there's nothing I can do about it. Because canon companies have mechanisms within the current rule set that allow other PCs to execute hostile take-overs. And I knew that going in, and went with a canon company anyway.

Purely because I liked the name and concept. So changing the name to Cox Communications is never going to be the same thing in my mind. Maybe that's not logical, but that's how I view it.
Let's just deregulate canon companies. [/reagan]

On one hand, if there's no registry and name-holding, there might end up being multiples of the same canon company. On the other hand, who cares? Why does it matter? If there's seven Incom Corporations, so what? What's going to happen? Let there be seven. Let them fight each other over it. It'll be funny.

We are living in a post-apocalyptic galaxy. There's bound to be a few different inheritors to the namesake of some random company that got destroyed during a plague over four hundred years ago.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

That's always the way, right? Canon companies have existed on Chaos since inception, and do so alongside non-canon companies without issues, except for the small handful of those who feel that they should have the canon company, 'cause reasons.

That doesn't strike me as sufficient reason to enforce a ban on all canonical companies.

Just means the rules should be enforced as is, which they always are. And those who can't cope...well, tough. Make a non-canon company, like everyone else.

Why should a small few spoil it for everyone else?

What's next? Ban all canonical items? This is part of the community's draw. People come here to RP those. Same goes for the canonical companies.

I surprisingly agree. People come here because it's a starwars board and they like knowing that this place allows them to explore canon better than most other places.

What about canon locations? Canon ships?

Canon companies are the same.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Arguably it could break some monopolies over designs, but I really don’t see any long term benefits, or radical positive shifts from doing so. Besides, all canon tech is hundreds of years out of date, so what point is there to use Wookieepedia-restricted material when you can create your own tech that is superior in every way?

Leaning towards no.
[member="Feeto Chivaro"]

I don't know if I want to live in a world where the resistance and alliance are flying eighteen different models of x wings at the same time

Edit: I just realized your post is satire. I stand by my x-wing comment still.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
If you took away the "benefits" of starting a canon company I wouldn't care, but between the art done, the stories written, and the appeal of expanding SW lore I'd say leave the names alone and just make canon companies work like all other companies.
Another thought I just had, and I wanna keep this to a seperate post.

If we start slowly removing canon, we're gonna end up removing too much. If we give in on canon companies because of one or two people then more will suggest this stuff just because they couldn't get the canon ship they wanted. Then we end up with canon ships getting banned. Canon technology will follow until eventually we end up with canon factions getting banned. Good bye FO, SJO, Resistance and whatever else we have that's canon right now.

Canon is the biggest draw of this board. Once we give in on one thing because of one or two people, we will end up giving in on more and more until we become just another board that's hardly even starwars.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
It seems a little bit like a step-backward.
The board has taken a step towards complete freedom with the allowance of free master ranks, and I like that very much. But banning canon companies isn't a step towards complete freedom, it's more regulation. And more regulation kills good ideas in the crib, as well as bad.
So it's a 'no' from me.
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