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Request for a new Military Chief of Staff

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OK, I'll keep this short. Due to unforeseen circumstances and a most unlikely coincidence, we have another situation vacant and this time require a new Military Chief of Staff.

If you’re interested please state your IC and OOC credentials and we’ll choose the best candidate for the post.

Over to you…

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Kayleigh Tyven said:
If nominations are in order I would like to submit [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"].

While commendable -- I don't think one writer is able to be two parts of the Triumvirate for the Government as Friedrich's writer is also Aurelia.

Who else has been active in the military?

How about [member="Vaudin Miir"]? He can give up his senate and committee seat and instead be Military Chief of staff?
Kira Liadain said:
How about [member="Vaudin Miir"]? He can give up his senate and committee seat and instead be Military Chief of staff?
As much as I'd like to say that is a great idea and have suggested it to the writer - I believe the last situation and certain situations that arose from it - have dissuaded him from doing such a thing.

Hopefully not.
[member="Slate Estrada"]

Well, I'd either recommend you or [member="Graxin Rade"] as having both the IC qualifications and OOC activity. Maybe [member="T-Eya Carn"] or [member='Kayleigh Tyven"], since they seem to be pretty stoked. Otherwise, I can't think of many who fit the bill, sadly. :/

Too many Jedi Order people! :p
[member="Kayleigh Tyven"]
Thank you for your nomination, my dear, but I avoid politics like a nest of Kinrath....

(And yes, I'd not like to be 2 sides of the triangle of state. The Republic really would be a banana state then....)


News They Don't Want Heard
Well, fortunately I'm not a Jedi nor will I be. I will offer a formal response this evening when I can sit down at an actual keyboard.
Kian Karr said:
I would like to throw (1) [member="Kayleigh Tyven"] and (2) [member="Camellia Swift"] into the ring.
This isn't some weird Kel-Dor fantasy thing is it?

I appreciate the recommendations from both [member="Kian Karr"] and [member="Geneviève Lasedri"], and while I wouldn't mind the job OOCly, ICly Kayleigh doesn't really have the rank to take up the position. She is still only a lieutenant.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
If I got the position I'd probably just being much the same as I already do and that's working to make our forces better. Admittedly I guess it would mean I would have to work on ground focused operations as well, but I wouldn't mind that.

The real issue is that my availability to the Republic depends upon the victory or defeat of these battles we're fighting. If Rendili is no longer a member world of the Republic I would have to step down to prioritize keeping it safe and free from the Sith.

So while I would love to I don't know when I would take the position and if we lost, you would be replacing me rather quickly.
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