Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Requiem (open)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

It wasn't everyday Matsu had new knowledge and she was grinning both inwardly and showing it outside. Few people got the idea and thrill of what could be learned as she walked through the length of the ship with her assembled gear and equipment. A strange method as it was but entering the one room Matsu touched the assembled datacrons, gear and while she recalled what she needed to. A small laugh came to her face, she had made a promise to another to never fail and never leave, she would honor that promise to Hanna and she lived for others. It would be a shame to disappoint as she touched the swords on her display lightly.

Taking in the bed and the notes on the table while bunks for her children were across from her, the random cousin showing up and coming to help her while she researched and practiced. It might not be the best way to go about it but standing there now she took a moment to recall why she was in the silver jedi. It wasn't the council it was the... lack of insight that had come, she was almost amuse by the lack of insight to the wisdom. It was why she had gladly walked away and taken the traces of herself. Let them search for the red queen if they wanted, Teyan was secure from intruders for a reason. That it was deleted from maps and manned by a single jedi in the deep core with thousands of droids... Just helped hide it. You had to know where to look and.... and then her mind drifted.

She had been getting escorted to be imprisoned and remained passive, letting her eyes trail across the area and go with them. It wasn't often she had found herself dumbfounded, having seen nearly everything within the order she had thought but children with agendas made for poor council and after a moment of listening she had been convinced of one thing. They hadn't brought her there to talk or listen it was about proving their own self importance a joke to her as sad little kings on their little hills meant little.

Their ignoring facts and ignorance had been humorous to say the least and a well timed joke lightening her mood. It was why walking away had come easier. Her daughters were already skilled and being trained. Her presence in the force being severed had been painful, with medical equipment to keep her alive and as she stayed there in the cell amusement played on her face. She knew enough to do as needed when the time came.

Her mind flashed to watching them at the temple while they trained and played. She had raised them right and honored Chora's memory, had lost and found love with Hanna and her daughter while also allowing her family to flourish. Her cousins and half sister working hard in the order somewhat. That they had worked together to aid in her disappearing only proved blood was thicker then water and Matsu had left taking what she had recovered to get her stuff from Alli and Hapes, moving it into a ship and the jedi master vanished letting her severed connection hide her while she moved about.

Traveling through the galaxy without the aid of the force brought many things to Matsu. The medical droids keeping her alive and able to move in the bed wouldn't cut it as she ground her teeth and prepared. Bringing depths of anger and reserves of hatred to the front but it was needed. It pushed her, kept her going harder as she went into her notes searching for the right thing.

Then she had found it and using the holoimager slid through the notes. She knew where to go and knew where she could find help. All that mattered was her commitment to Hanna and as Matsu stood in her room thinking about the events on Ruusan she broke into a laugh. Sending down ships and being sneaky while weak.

What had been a helpful was that she had made friends, years of research and study of different groups using the force had made her friends.... more then that had taught her remedies for small things. Not everything required the force and as she sat there in the repulsor chair made her way down to the planet with the droids she had gotten.

That had been the first real sign and Matsu had waited to travel, keeping the cover of night as her friend and heading into the valley of the jedi. A place she had seen when the Republic came to Ruusan and the jedi built a temple on the far side of the planet. They hadn't let many come to the valley save one or two researchers and their padawans. Not many people in the end but now it served a purpose.

The high cliffs and caves of the valley were something wondrous as Matsu hovered through them and found it. The ancient valley of the jedi filled with waters of the force and used by some, misused by others but above all it was a place where healing could be done. She let the chair go over the water before turning it and dropping herself into the water.

The sensations were amazing and painful, from the chill of the ice cold waters going down to her bone... to the force returning. The rush of feeling everything in the galaxy returning to her mind brought a shriek under the water while her limbs burned, her lungs were filled with hair as she broke the surface of the water and took in a sharp gasp.

The feelings of it all had her reeling and dizzy for a moment like a large headache but Matsu focused moving to the shore and laying there as she let her mind enjoy the moment. Feeling the force was revitalizing to her and she needed this. It had been like losing a limb or blinding a painter as she searched for Hanna.

Then she found her in the force and kept hold of that moment then searched and found her children, found her family and all the comforts she needed while breathing in deeply and drinking the water. Letting it seep into her pores and down to her marrow again. She knew how to fix things, knew how to save herself and slowly left the shores.

The trip back to the ship was easier as she used her own knowledge and bracelet to hide herself in the force. Taozin flesh nodules were great for getting her past others and without drawing attention Matsu left leaving under her own power this time. She needed to find a new path and way to survive.

And find her way she had, going where needed in the galaxy to hide and train. Visiting and aiding the silver jedi with her student Aika, a lifted spirit each time she arrived and saw they were doing well, saw they were prospering. Her children were doing good, her family had found a home and still maintained their status within the order to help and make sure it didn't fall. The sith were still a threat and slowly Matsu resolved finding herself wandering again though some of the older parts of the galaxy. Her trip with Alli Wren enlightening her to somethings she hadn't known before.

One had led her to Rhen Var again after so many years and the small Atrisian temple that had been rebuilt. So many things had changed but she was glad to see the people there. The ones who proved helpful to the Republic while she stayed among them for a week and learned the underworld had fled Atrisia bringing crime and corruption to the world. Her goal was set while she fought for them and vowed to stop the crime waves. The first step was ambushing the criminals second in command as he fell to her blade. The calmness and serenity of her resolve washing over her, this was just as it had been before. There were some people, wicked people that deserved to be ended for the greater good and she was willing to be the villain.

He wasn't much of a threat, the jedi master moving and dispatching falling into the same mindset she had when in war and from being raised. The temple here bringing all her old memories to the front of being trained to feel nothing, a child of the Netherworlds soaked in vengeance and cursed to live for avenging her brother, her father and her mother for the next seven lifetimes. A poor fate for a child and a sad time as she began her final move against the criminals. Assaulting the house they had overtaken and with her blade, the force hiding her and resolve. She moved through slashing and going for the underboss.

Matsu continued and fought through what was there, the entire time resolving to protect the people while she forwent emotion for peace and continued to move until she found him. Hitori was his name and as he fought Matsu he cheated bringing a blaster out when they had their blades locked and shot into her gut. With a small flourish Matsu sliced him in two before stumbling out. Her thoughts reached out to Hanna and she called to her thinking only of her love and memories until she collapsed over the snow crunching underfoot.

The thoughts of Hanna kept her going as she pushed the pain down and into her feet then out of her, the snow in her hand biting as it froze the skin of her hand. The thought of pain brought Matsu out of it and she was standing near the ramp of the ship and heading down as she held a case of equipment. The datacrons something she could use to teach.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu continued to walk now, recalling how she had gotten here had taken quite some work and with the energies of Voss all around her the force presence came pressing. She had felt dangerous parts of the world and she had a destination. The large tower of prophecy as her wooden geta continued to slowly tap on the hard ground. The tree's growing overhead and her mind retaining its peace while the large tower loomed ahead. Matsu took the time to go through some of the stuff she had learned.

Her hands focused on the air and Matsu breathed in deeply feeling the energy the heat, bringing it to come quicker and quicker as she excited it. The snap of her finger brought a small burst of flame to her fingers then it slid into her palm. Then Matsu paused for a moment letting her hand gain one of the flames while she thought about her own lessons. Her master had been vague througout the teaching to other students but her smile came.

"The ones who can shape fire have desire and will, and the energy and drive to achieve what they want. Those of the earth are diverse and strong. They are persistent and enduring. The servants of the air detached themselves from worldly concerns, and they found peace and freedom. Then there is water those who shape it are capable of adapting to many things. They have a sense of community and love that holds them together through anything. There is the fifth element of shaping. The ether, the spirit, some call it the force. Others see it as the balance between."

"But why master are you teaching me this?" The old man had laughed at her a littler while they trained on the desert world. "BecauseIt is important to draw wisdom from different places. If you take it from only one place it become rigid and stale. Understanding others, the other elements, the other beings and groups of the force, will help you become whole and it can make you more powerful too. More so then others know. You are skilled Matsu but that can bring problems. many will say you have pride, arrogance, that your serenity makes you a dangerous sociopath."

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but it's source. True humility is the only antidote to shame and serenity in the face of chaos, peace in the face of emotion is the jedi way my dear. Never forget why you were born, not for love, not for joy, or sorrow or hate but revenge. Your mother cursed to her dying breath your families murderers and passed this damnation onto you. That is why unlike others within your class, within the order your talents will bring you something great."

"Lightning is a pure expression of fireshaping without aggression. It is not fueled by emotion the way other firebending is. Some call lightning the cold-blooded fire." It was a strange lesson but she hadn't figured it out until years later when confronted by the ones who had wronged her mother. Their sins staining her life for years and damning her to the netherworld. She hadn't been able to kill them, Chora had done that and taken the burden from her. It was why she loved her so and time after time they had done for each other.

The thoughts of Chora reminded her and brought more thoughts of Hanna as Matsu reached the tower and began to ascend it using the flame in her hand as a soft light to lead the way. The Voss mystics were powerful seerers and she found the top of the tower. Letting herself breath in the cloying scent of musk and damp air. The jedi master knelt down as she brought her hands up extinguishing the flame and clasping her hands. Her lips going half closed, tongue at the top of her mouth and lids fluttering rapidly.

She sifted through the energies around her, the pendant the templars had given was useful for what she wanted when healing and the sigil allowed her energies to heighten her telepathy. The sights coming were strange at first and then they stopped being so fuzzy, her visit with Alli wren had proven and allowed her to do something she enjoyed. Learn more secrets compared to the others and preserve the knowledge in her own research notes. Perhaps a holocron that would be hidden away with a near perfect compy of her mind.

Near perfect only because she couldn't account for some things and the idea of binding some of her own spirit in a crystal for her family while practical to help them would only serve to diminish herself. The thoughts playing on her mind a mile a minute before she slowly found it... That sense in the force, slippery and tangible that she pulled close to herself. "Cularin...." The words left her mouth while she didn't rise just yet, she slowly expanded her senses out and brought the datacron forward while activating it.

The image of the Lord Protector presenting his knowledge on transferring the essence of a force user brought a small smile to her face. Then her pupils dilated and Matsu focused letting white noise settle upon her mind until the only focus was the information. THe will and desire and speeding of her neural processes while she commited the information to memory with a tight lipped smile coming to her face. Then it was done and Matsu didn't know how much time had past she only knew she had the information.

It had been the same with the small minor holocrona and datacrons presented, she commited them to memory and had learned one of the secrets to prefecting jedi alchemy. Returning it to being force based and maybe with the right rituals not something wholly darkside. Since right now she had run into a problem creating it herself while not using the darkside to really twist and bend the laws of the universe.

Though now as she rose up and straightened the kimono her path was clear. Getting to Cularin was a dangerous gambit... not because she feared going into Republic space but because she preferred not goign to worlds that had been tainted. It was not a pleasent experience to have and Matsu went to one of the tower windows while she looked upon the world. "It is rather peaceful."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

The trip back through the jungle was something she had taken her time doing, it wasn't such a dangerous place when you saw it from the air and she flew faster and faster. A small smile on her face while the wind blew through her hair. She allowed the enjoyment of it all soothe her thoughts and muscles until speaking into the comlink and looking at the chrono Matsu used the force so her voice could carry over the wind.

"Activate the ship and bring it up." The vanguard was a sturdy thing and as her droid pilot brought it up and about Matsu focused on the ramp with the force seeing it as the ship flew low enough to meet her. The hiss of air as it sealed bringing a small smile whil she felt the ship leaving the planet and walked the length of the ship to the cockpit. She had been taught to fly by a skilled pilot, terrible jedi but he knew about flying and checked her systems while setting the coordinates.

She needed to stop over at Hapes and set the course while she breathed in deeply. Exhaling out the stress as her muscles relaxed in the seat and Matsu closed her eyes. Reaching out her senses to grasp that tangible thread on Hapes where Hanna was, the warehouse she had gotten to store things. Almost laughable in her quest as hearing the jedi talk about owning no pocessions. It was hard when time acquired many things, old blades, gifts it would be an insult to not take.

And most importantly information, research notes and datapads stacked high full of all the information one needed She had an assortment of ships as well from all that the jedi had been giving for conflicts. An incentive as it were, plus whatever excess equipment she developed thanks to Alli Wren's donations to Sasori. Her excess equipment that other jedi could use was something hardly worth throwing away.

Then there was her notes on the Spiritus prison that no one had been paying attention to, A great place to send dangerous equipment and things best kept hidden. SHe had chosen the location from what it was, the mists around it restricting travel through it and creating a wonderfully simple path. A small opening covered by a small slave fleet manned with droids designed to protect the station.

The one jedi in command of the station able to hide himself from sight in the force to keep the prison protected. The deep core already made itself hard to navigate and its proximity to the galactic center kept it near impossible to find, same as the world Matsu had visited with Alli Wren. It had served its own purpose and sitting in the cockpit as the starlines formed and the Harlequin jumped to hyperspace she set the course.

"I'm coming home Hanna." In the back of her mind she knew that anyplace with Hanna was home and she could find any reason to enjoy her life. What wasn't factored in by many was her ability to let go and move on. She didn't plan on living forever but through the force she knew much like Selena and other jedi masters one could live for a very long time. It was a talent to let the force slow the progression of age and why she somewhat continued to get younger.

Her hands clenched and unclenched as she rose from the seat and straightened her clothing. Letting her hair frame her face and entering the room took a moment to breath out before stripping down as her assortment of tattoo's shined in the light. The vendor droid came up and displayed several things for her while also illuminating where the scars and muscles twitched a little. She looked at herself in the mirror and popped her neck.

She eyed from her feet as the tattoo's wrapped around her feets, curled around her toes with Atrisian characters as they went up her legs to wrap around and frame her backside. The tattoo's around her waist went across her lower back as the large dragon tattoo on her back wraped around all of her body and one hand went between her sternum then down her shoulders to her hands. The tattoo's avoided her neck and face, her long hair framing her body.

The flight time to Hapes would be a while and she stood there for only a moment and went to the bed as she pulled back the sheets of the bed. Modified from the standard bunk and only a little comfortable to provide in case Hanna wanted to enjoy her time on the ship. Or her children if they got scared, the other bunks made for her family while the droids milled about and Matsu laid under the covers. The holo image of Hanna with her baby activating as the lights went out.

She allowed the image to remain there for awhile and just laid in the bed listening to the ticks of the hyperspace engine and the sounds of the ship. The hollowness of the droids while her hands danced across the bed and tapped the base of the display bringing the darkness to the room. Then Matsu was falling asleep letting her mind wander to the further places she had read about in her notes and research on the mind drinkers."

-DRIP-DRIP-DRIP- The sounds were in her ears and mind as Matsu focused, at this point it was an illusion and she could feel her mind sifting, probing, intermingling and untangling at the same time until it slowly became clear she wasn't in her body. Retreating beyond shadows as she allowed the few teaching to come to her thoughts and body feed off her connection to the force. It wasn't like dreaming, this realm was so much more, and lucid dreaming was hard to do and explain.

Instead it was her counting slowly. ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN. The seperation of mind and body became complate as she stood on th location of the planet and she stood in ruins looking at sinuous walls covered in vines and knelt down. The oppressive nature of the world was something she couoldn't believe after all this time and slowly Matsu opened her eyes.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

This realm was something dangerous, she knew the problems in her mind. Time didn't seem to have any meaning and a second could be an eternity if one willed it as she moved around. Her mind knew her flesh was flase but it felt so real while she stood up and walked on bare feet through the vine covered ground. The scents in the air seemed stronger and stranger as the scent of water hung heavy in the air.

"I know this place, at least I know some of it. The notes mentioned what she was supposed to see and standing here deep in the maw cluster, surrounded by black holes used to contain an ancient being was not something she had expected. Even the stars above were different in this otherworld until Matsu found herself starring up into the sky. Wondering if she would be able to see anything beyond as her eyes adjusted.

She couldn't see anything in the sky as a chill met her bones and settled in. "It is almost like the stars have burned out, this must be what the galaxy will look like eventually. If we live long enough that is." She continued to walk and found the courtyard of the ruins as her hands traced the ancient statues. "Just like on Coruscant." She spared a moment to wonder if the statues had been left standing after the fall of coruscant. Such an ancient thing that few really knew anything about.

"but if they are here, that means some far older once lived on the world itself." So many mysteries as she continued to moved and stopped. Feeling the energies of the font as she looked down. It was a strange thing, so alluring but so dangerous and Matsu continued to stare at it. Letting the time tick away as she walked around bringing some pebbles to her hand. Slowly she tossed one in at a time and listened to the force that was coming. Drinking from here and bathing in the pool offered limitless power and wisdom, knowledge of everything that could be or had been but at a price.

"Something I am afriad to pay." No she feared it, there were many things a person could do and many things she enjoyed but she wasn't going to ascend to whatever these sources of power could create. It wouldn't be natural and a person might lose themselves to the power, might forget why they did it as her feet stopped moving and Matsu crouched down allowing the chill coming off the water to caress her exposed skin.

"But a price that could be paid and give much." The softness of the voice brought her head around. There was another reason she came here, beyond shadows was one step away from the netherworld of the force and she was its child but more then that..... It let some appear. "What's a matter snowflake? You know visiting here can be a dangerous thing. Your body is still wrecked because of me. Still hurt and yet you still seek me out here."

Matsu turned her head though and buried her chest while she sat on the ground. Feeling the stone on her skin as it sent a chill to her mind. The confortable shoulder as she inhaled the cloying scent of pheromones and musk, that sweet scent of female underneat it covered in iols and oh she remembered the memory like a dream. "I missed this." and she had, while Hanna was for her now she could never deny the sense memories of the past.

"As have I but you have another now, one who is alive and full of love for you. You need to make sure you go back to her and the children. They are so big now." Then there was a laugh and Matsu felt it low in her body, that tingle and pull she had always gotten while just enjoying her time there.... Time that could last forever as she spoke. "Just a little longer here and then I'll go back. Just a few minutes." Her head nuzzled back into Chora's as she heard the words.

"You know time has no meaning here Matsu, I'll see you again when you need me and we'll dance under the stars again... but you have to go back. THere are things coming more then just the oppression and dangers of the sith, there is the others. The ones who care only for themselves and would seek to ruin your chances to live peacefully. So go and return to Cularin, you know the world better then most and since the darkstaff was taken and been destroyed you are able do as you need to."

"But you have to wake up...." The words were more a boom in her head as Matsu opened her eyes and was in her bed. The covered soaked with some sweat and the starlines out the window regular space. The droid had them going through the transitory mists at the checkpoint and she rose from the bed. Standing there in the nude as she looked upon the ship that was scanning them.

Her body was moving towards the chair and her datapads as she sat down not caring about the comfort and need for clothing with a small smirk and relaid for her personal journal of the experiences that were had. The font of power and pool of knowledge were an interesting concept but much like transferring herself into the body of another she couldn't see herself using it. Instead she was more interested in trying to keep the place hidden.

"But that would be impossible without wiping huge amounts of data." Slowly Matsu rose when the beeping came and they continued through the system. Heading towards Hapes and the warehouse was somewhat of a priority while she moved off to get dressed wrapping her sarashi around her chest and putting on the fine silk kimono. The purples and white with stars leading her into the refresher to place her hair in a tight ponytail and apply the zenji needles.

Her parasol was near the ramp as they touched down and Matsu looked out the ramp when it opened to show the porter of the starport. Flashing a smile the jedi master paid her docking fee's and started walking with the vender droid while she moved off with a smile. "Come now we have items to move and need to prepare for getting to Cularin."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

The world was beautiful, so much history and traveling through the streets brought warm feelings to her at the elegance of the clothing and stature, confidence of the people. It was one of the reasons she enjoyed coming back here time after time and loved the place Hanna had. The other parts she enjoed were how much privacy that could be afforded while she walked through the streets holding her parasol over her shoulder and letting it block the sun.

That was also why she had the one warehouse here, some place to come and store items gained from years working to help people. Old armor, old equipment , speeders, ships, research notes. Things she wasn't going to leave around the jedi order for others to use. It wasn't hording knowledge when someone didn't understand the information. Padawans might hurt themselves trying to do more advanced techniques and she couldn't let that happen.

So she had brought much here, the protection Hapes offered with its own isolation, the closeness to Hanna and ability to come and go as she needed to while also blending into the realm of high class and fashion. Proved invaluable to her state of mind while researching more things. From notes and texts to whatever she could get her hands on to study. It was why regardless of her standing she was going to find ways to return as needed.

Her hands danced over the lock to the warehouse as the code went in, not something simple but more personal from her memories of being on Rhen Var and on Kessel. Her eyes flicked around as the door opened and Matsu stepped inside closing the parasol and locking the door while she walked through the small office she had over looking the warehouse proper.

What she had gotten from the jedi and Republic for helping in the war docked and covered, what she had gotten from the auction covered and in a row. Well not all of it, some of it sat there still and ready for future use, the datacrons in her ships small vault while Alli Wren worked on a proper secure vault to use. She was waiting on Alli and Baktoid to come through, until then there was more then enough for her to commit to memory.

And that was what brought her to the holocron about metallurgy and force alchemy, her mind going over the rituals and information about using your own blood to create the item and slowly Matsu stood there to the side. Forging an Atrisian blade is not something that was easy to do and required immense patients as she started to gather some of the materials. Iron dust, clay water, straw, charcoal, wood, scraps of metal and hammers with an anvil.

A small smile coming across her face while she slowly worked on the diagram and directions of what to do and use to make it work. Durasteel was okay but she had a small supply of beskar. Her discblade sabers were off to the side on the desk with a mount above her fans and other sabers. The smile widened as Matsu ran a finger along the length of it and pulled a small knife out. She thought about what else to work on and slid the notes on the datapads from the templars.

They had given her several datacrons and with a look through the pages. "Mind shard, severing the force, notes on the Dark Holocron of Naga Sadow, several on alchemy and their equipment's notes." Thumbing through it more as she went to the datacron from Ashe on creating illusions, then several from the Lord Protector bringing them up as his notes detailing his travels brought her attention around.

Her mind focused letting the pupils dilate and she started reading thumbing through what there was and fixated on reading it. A smile coming back on her face while she thought about it all and looked for more clue. Stopping briefly to lean back in her seat and pull several more pads to her of notes. She was looking for clues and information on what she had seen and while guessing Cularin she had to make certain of other things.

Then she focused on what else there was on Cularin and what she knew. The history and the myth but also. "The Darkstaff" Yes it had been there and had been broken, then reforged by Veloki after the jedi were sent to find the pieces of it. For what purpose she had never seen aside from reassembling them all in one place and leaving it as an open target... Which they had become when the vaults were raided and countless things tolen.

That was something she was glad to not be around for, it was a joke almost and she was only too glad to recall it while not rubbing it in. With Tython anything but secure it meant their great secrets and protected area was just as open as anything. Then she had watched as things started to fall apart several times and had respected Selena, at least the Corellian had been able to commit and was willing to be disliked for the greater good.

These new ones preferred everyone like them and it led to suffering, pain and the fall of several jedi on Coruscant as the one sith took it. That had brought her attention back while continuing to engage in research around the galaxy. Witht he fall of the sith she had gotten some chances to explore on Korriban and Iego to make her own notes. Those she gladly passed along to the silver jedi with her student Aika and the councilor Sochi Ru.

With a small look Matsu found it, the information she was looking for and spread the datapads, texts and notes on the table while bringing out maps. "Ah these will help, now just have to get myself to it and maybe just maybe see what else can be found. The mind walkers might have more answers. Their different orders and members could add to what there is here." Matsu kept a smile on her face though and slid the chair back.

Collecting the notes and datapads into a case she moved it and added some of the datacrons, she had work that would need to be done with the silver jedi and making them robes, crystals had proven successful in the long run. The rest would be easy as she rose and placed the case in a pack and the pack on her back over the robes. "Need to go back in and deeper this time, I'll leave Hanna a note and tell her where I am going. She hasn't been to Cularin and Ruusan or that general area I am sure."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..... As she finished counting and laid there in the bed Matsu found herself back in the realm of shadows and energies. The galaxy was so many things and so often things seemed to want to change. After what came from the council's decision she had done as needed to continue to survive... to continue to live and breathe with a smile. Hanna would always have her protector now as time ticked on.

The images that came to her mind was different this time, a large pool as the jedi master stood there in her kimono this time and with oh so much hair. The statues were framing it while she breathed in the scent of water coming off. The aura of darkside energies and power coming off were so inviting and the pool of knowledge promised just as much as the font of power. She could learn so much more then others thought.

Looking around at the grotto she was in the jedi master let her hands touch the walls and they felt covered in a moist sheen while she continued to watch the waters. It wasn't such a bad place and walking out of the grotto to the world the oppressive sense on her chest loosened up. The creature that had been here wasn't anymore mostly but eons of tainting could make something a sickness.

Her eyes went up to the stars while she continued to walk and looked at the older temples. So many things here and in the realm beyond shadows she knew coming was more and more dangerous. She might not want to leave but coming and going would get easier as she went about. In truth her research had pointed her back towards this place and she needed help.

Slowly Matsu sat down and crossing her legs she brought her hands to her knee's lightly pressing her finger tips together. Her tongue lightly touching the top of her mouth, lids half closed and breathing becoming steady. The white noise of the force coming down around her ears and she focused her mind looking for what she could sense.

"You came back, to this place again. So many questions master jedi, what are you looking for now? Finding it could be easy you had the pool in your grasp." Matsu let her mind drift a little to the one speaking and she opened her eyes. The sigh of the mask and black robe was more then enough while she remained there.

"There are not many in the galaxy who have information I seek and using the pool is faster, easier, more seductive. A path to the darkside that can damn one. I seek knowledge and learning but I do not seek to horde and be powerful." With a look at the being though she became five and Matsu remained very still.

"It isn't often one finds us by merely looking, how did this come to pass?" Matsu had to hide her smirk to that these weren't simple creatures like she had encountered before. These weren't children playing at being important, they were ancient beings of the force that she had called and was getting one here.

"It isn't often I cannot find information beyond a few notes. The majority of jedi wouldn't believe in you and that is why I have work to do." Matsu was looking at the being as five stood before her and her head was spinning. Slowly she saw images and felt the calling as her mind came back. Bringing her to a gasp from the bed.

She was back in her bed and staring up at the beings as they hovered over her. Matsu's eyes flicked to the window and the transparasteel cleared to show her the planet... but it wasn't Cularin. A strange world as she rose out of the bed and they flew through a bright sun almost. Then the ship was jerking and rocking as she got thrown about until it could see spires reaching into space.

This world was something strange and as Matsu walked through the ship she looked at the sensors and scanners as she ran a hand along the controls and the ship wasn't working as the jedi master went to the ramp. "Moment of truth" With a look she opened it wrapping the force around her body and focusing as the doors opened.

The rush or hot air and dust came to her but more importantly there was the oxygen. Her smile forming as she walked down and heard the crunch under her feet while taking in more of it. Despite being here with the dust this world felt... revitalizing... she liked it and enjoyed the feeling the force energies brought towards her.

She was going towards the spire in the distance and checking to make sure the ship was secured had left her weapons and equipment behind just walking in the kimono and geta. Her hair blowing around her and Matsu looked down as she hopped up to the edge and felt the brightness almost burning her eyes.

"Oh Hanna I'll find my way back home." Then she lept and wrapped the force around her body to slow the fall as she went down and down the rabbit hole with her kimono and robe billowing until she caught sight of the world underneath. The floating mountains and large plants with herself landing as she looked around.

The sharp intake of air came and it was so full of life she was moving as she looked around bringing her hands to her face. Even her senses seemed expanded and heightened as her touch sent small tingling sensations down the length of her arms. "This world is..." The thoughts trailed off while she walked taking it all in.

"This world is the force." The voice behind her came and Matsu turned seeing the five being lined up behind her as she smiled with a nod of her head. "Yes it is quite a sight to behold and I am glad you have seen fit to let me back. After the first time I wasn't sure if." Her voice trailed off as one of them stopped her.

"There is much one can do and compared to others who have come Matsu Ike we do not judge. We have watched and waited and you have learned." "And now your path has changed and what lays before you is unknown. There are many paths and many you will have to take care of. We will help you.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

The world was still around her and it all came to her now, as the one who had come with her explained cryptically at the least what was going to be happening. Facing herself and this world was not what she had in mind as slowly the jedi master walked letting her robe fall away and her sash for the kimono slipped. Matsu stopped for a moment to straighten and fix her clothing as she tied the sash.

"This world is where the physical force meets the cosmic force and where the midi-chlorians come from. We have watched and listened throughout the ages. Here in the heart of the galaxy where few tread anymore." Matsu listened and wondered seeing the sights around her, hearing the sounds until she came to an edge and stood looking out at the distance between the large island she was on and the others.

She knew what she would have to do, facing herself, facing her hubris was not something she thought could be done easily. She moved towards the edge and lept towards one of the floating rocks while off in the distance a storm was coming. Her own amusement coming as she wondered what her own soul looked like compared to others. The serene in the face of chaos and emotionless jedi master who had an extreme sense of practicality and honor.

That was why she fought being what she was born to be and accepted her flaws, she wasn't the strongest, she wasn't the fastest, she wasn't even the most talented she just was. A fighter, a mother, a jedi despite not being part of the order. Something that she would spend the next seven lifetimes working to fix as she amused herself working to move to the large island.

Then she was there and standing with a face that displayed nothing while she walked into a large thicket. and felt the air change. The cloying scent of the tree's coming while the storm overhead made claps of thunder before the flashes created shapes from the gnarled branches. She could see a fallen tree overhead that had been overgrown with more limbs and vines.

She almost half expected to see more of those statues from the shadows and Coruscant here.. scattered. The world was certainly old enough and she had seen them on older worlds scattered... Whatever the old species were before the Zhell and Taung were on Coruscant they had been far reaching. The pre-republic species were still in many ways eons ahead while being tens of thousands of years older then most species.

"Forget joy, forget sorrow, forget love, forget hate. Except for vengeance, all the rest must be forgotten" The form of another woman stood there looking at Matsu as the master raised an eyebrow. Her hand going through the motions of checking her hip. An instinctive reaction as she backed away a little. Letting her eyes trail along the length of the black kimono wearing atrisian. The old thing her master had told her growing up.

Then they were off and moving, Matsu's geta echoing on the branches as the wooden shoes clacked and she grabbed one of the branches. Be like the water, always moving, shapeless, wash away stone, carve earth and put out fire, only shift course when it is by violent often destruction means. Her face remained still while she listened to the taunting.

That voice was her own and as they moved her mind was focusing on the environment. Using the force would be one thing but she knew more things. You didn't fight yourself that did nothing more then aggravate it, harming yourself. It was why she had spent so much time not cringing from what she was. Show remorse and caring when needed but practice having no emotion just peace.

Her hands roaming as she went about and stopped at the tree's grabbing a branch and bringing it about until it was between her and the figure. Slowly Matsu stared the being down and thought about what she was, all her pride, all her inner turmoil and arrogance. She held many in contempt for such things and she knew deep down just like everyone she had it.

Her branch came as the being mirrored and did the same beginning the attack. Launching themselves up while words fell away and static resounded in her head. Charging and leaping into the air as they crashed together and Matsu dropped the stick grabbing instead the woman.

Her hands pulling her closer as they wrestled and Matsu kicked bringing her legs up to send her over her head. Pushing as her to send it into the tree truck she spoke. "Your a part of me, always there and I know it but you will not beat me. There is to many that could be hurt by you."

The jedi moved her hands and focused on the energies around her to push forward and grab the being again. Her arms wrapping around her and she held tight latching her hands behind. She focused on it and let out a calming breathe.... "Come home." The being was a part of her and she accepted it. Slowly going into the being.

Then she felt the rush as it screamed and was going into her nostrils and eyes. Prying at her ears and Matsu ground her teeth to try and keep from screaming to the point she almost drew blood. Then it was over and she was on her knees pounding the ground while letting the contents of her stomach release and splat on the ground.

She didn't know what to say and what she was seeing as she rose up. Finding a bright light coming through the shadowy thicket while her hands got cuts from the vines and branches. Matsu crawled and crawled as it tightened around her and squeezed even her small size. She wasn't going to let it stop her, no she was going to push forward and then she broke through it.

Tumbling end over end as her hair went through leaves with the jedi laying there. The mixture of sun and storm above her raised the hairs on her body while she rose up. Letting the force flow through her limbs and pull her into oblivion on the island. Hanna flashed in her mind and Matsu stood there before climbing up to a small cliff. She looked out at the other islands while feeling a swelling of emotion under her chest.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

The second trial was not something she expected, it wasn't every day she faced something so personal. Slowly Matsu continued to move towards the other islands and lept letting the wind billow her hair as her feet dug lightly into the dirt. Her connection to the force here felt better, stronger and her mind was wanting to push it further. Do more but she couldn't make the grade anymore as she looked around.

The island as it were was bright and overgrown just the same as she checked her clothing. Then there was a bright flash across her vision and it burned almost. Matsu brought her hand up to shield her vision as the world changed. Slowly blurs came and then they solidified into stronger shapes until she moved her hands away and recognized the worlds.

The older temple on Rhen Var she had been trained at as a child. When she had been taught to fight, too kill and how to be a shadow guard. Her master something of a enigmatic priest from the old Imperial knights as she walked seeing the steps. The winding path through the ice and snow where rolling hills brought fridged gusts of cold. Her hand going out to one of the snow banks as she knelt down.

The sounds carrying on the wind brought her attention towards the winding stairs as she played with it. The gentle hints of children laughing on the wind and more revelry. There were even the scents of food being cooked when a sharp gust blew from the top of the mountain. Matsu rose up and started walking letting herself feel joy in the moment while her geta clacked lightly on the ground.

Then she was ascending the stairs and straining her ears to listen as she moved. Her heart lifting as she got higher and higher and the laughter, the talking became more clear and distinct. She could just make them out and all that came was happiness as she came to the top of the stairs and the temple was just as she remembered. The large multistoried buildings with torches.

The large courtyard with four frozen pool each holding in the center a carved statuette showing each element, then at the center of them a fifth representing the fifth, the ether for the force. The five force crystals shined casting colors on the walls in the right light while her eyes drifted to what was in the courtyard. Everyone she cared about there standing and playing.

She could see her daughters playing with another child... someone she knew but didn't at the same time. His short hair and smiling face matched theirs and hers while she moved closer. His voice coming out like a chill as her heart lifted, she knew him she knew her older brother but he had never gotten past the age of her daughters before being killed.

Then she saw a flow of white hair and black robes, the emerald green skin catching the light as Matsu's heart skipped a beat and then she saw Hanna sitting next to Chora with her daughter between the two. They were talking and playing together as the rest fell into place. Her cousins, half sisters and mother with her father. A look at all the people she cared about bringing a smile to her face and then she saw her students. Aika and Jeela.

Everything here was more then she could expect and it brought a tear to her eyes while she moved from group to group, what she could remember of her mother and father from descriptions didn't make much but here they were with her guardian and master. Her parents if there ever was any and Matsu sat down while the figures came in to gather among her.

Their voices were calming and the feeling of euphoria came to her as this was all that she really wanted to have. She wanted this so bad it hurt and to be here, surrounded by people she cared about and not being in the chaos of the galaxy it had her more then ready. The wealth of it all brought her attention around to just what she understood. The sensation brought fresh tears to her eyes.

"It is all so perfect." She let the warmth of tears come while rising up and embracing each, wanting so hard to believe but this was not real... it was to perfect. The perfect illusion one conceived to accept blissful oblivion. Her mind reeled and she moved away from them towards the stairs again. The protests and enticements of coming and seeing, of staying and enjoying life here.

She couldn't keep the illusion, she had to stop it now and moved closer and closer to the stairs. The sounds of protest grew as the sky got darker and Matsu turned back to look. Sabers were drawn and activated as she arrived at the stairs edge and shook her head jumping backward. Her body twisting in air and Matsu landed in the snow turning her feet to slid down faster and faster.

The sky darkened and then was flashing before it went bright white leading to Matsu standing in a clearing of the island and looking up. There was a large spire before her as she listened and understood. She knew where she had to go and crouched low as she knelt. A look upon her face while she thought about everything that was happening and looked at the five beings.

They were around and watching, always watching now as she found her way back up and to the ship. The droids on board providing her a small comfort as she went to her bed and set the course to head to where it had began. Cularin was a world where her mother had died and cursed their lives. The next seven if it meant her vengeance would be wrought upon those who wronged her.

The thought of going though had Matsu kneeling in her room while she laid out her equipment and the words echoed in her head. This is beyond our control And that sat with her, she didn't know what was on the world or what she might find but her family had been killed there. Not by sith or by jedi but by human weakness, by greed and lust. It was why she had closed herself off and she let a smile crack her visage while her eyes went intently focused upon what was to come.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

The journey to the ancient world was a strange one and using the taozin flesh nodule to keep her hidden. Her belief in what was coming and what she would have to do bringing Matsu to the cockpit as she focused and reached out. Her mind racing to find what she could with this limited feeling in the force, years of training gone and now she just barely had enough to push out from around her. Her body taking most of her concentration.

That was fine though she had what was most important to her... her mind and her equipment. That would serve her best for now while she focused on relearning and reconnecting. Her body would be in pain but she had something few did.... she had something to focus on and keep her going. Hanna needed her, her family needed her and the silver jedi cared for her. Even welcomed her eccentricities as she worked with them.

Then with the equipment laid out, Matsu checked what she had and knew she couldn't get away with wearing the kimono and geta. This world was something of danger and she expected problems. The Iron Skin would serve her best for basic protect as she fitted it onto her frame. Grabbing sections of it to take off so she could wear the protective Terentatek Duster providing some more protection as she hefted it.

Then the Taozin bracelet to keep her force presence masked and hidden from those who might be looking while her hands drifted over the equipment and took the imperial knights lightsaber attaching it to her waist. Zenji needles in her hair to keep it up while she rose from the floor and secured the gloves. The look she had in the mirror was strange but she liked the look of the bodysuit and duster but she needed a hat to complete the look.

She looked down at her hands and let out a breath, this was a strange thing to have to do but she had done as directed.. She had found a way to live with her new path in life, found a way to come back, found peace with herself and looked inward. So many things now could happen and still would that her mind was made up. She wouldn't give in to despair or anger, she wasn't going to hate Kiskla or the council and rail against them joining the sith.

She was going to live... she would spite them by not worrying about them and if they came after her she could show them what she had learned. The Ghost prison wasn't the only thing they didn't know about, hiding their secrets away. It would almost be amusing while she waited until a new announcement of council and grandmaster. She still had friends, hell she still had what was at the auction. The warehouse she stored most of it at not disclosed while they rushed.

"So impatient." Matsu kept walking and as the ship touched down on the planet looked at the map... The desert sands were obscuring the old academy. The ruins and the old fortress that Darth Rivin had taken with all the dangers of it. The Darkstaff had plagued this world... its evil making this system be nearly destroyed as the ramp opened and Matsu brought a hand up to shield her eyes. The sun stinging them.

The boots dug into the sand while she tried to focus her senses in the force not feeling anything... The world she had been at was full of the force... full of life and here. The dark permeated feeling clung to her skin. This wasn't a world she liked the idea of coming to and the dangerous parts of the system before. The reports and notes from the darkstaff retrieval team were very different. Tricia one of the masters gave her report and so did Asha and Joshua.

All three conflicted kind of, with one saying how her former padawan did all the work, the master saying how she fell under the sway of the shards and darkside then was restrained and brought home.... A terrible thing but didn't conflict with Asha Seran's report just suggested a side of it compared to minimizing the involvement of the ones there.

Now it was all about what she had come here for, to face a great threat and hope to come out on top earning the ability and secret of retaining herself after death, after she became one with the force. A way to come back and help those who needed her aid and advice. She couldn't die until her goal was done and oh so very much to do as she walked towards the ruins and looked around her hair billowing in the stale hot air.

The feeling of foreboding came again until she saw something moving on the sand... Something moving around and it was large bringing her to a stop while straining to see it. The skin of the creature the same size as the desert sands and Matsu realized where it was headed as it rounded the ruined academy and went wide. Its full length coming up more and pointed towards her.

Her feet were leaving the ground before she could think out loud and using the dunes to her advantage she ran down the dunes to increase her speed until she saw the stone steps and jumped grabbing her saber and bringing her feet forward kicked into one of the semi broken sections of the wall as she slid into the academy with the sand making a small buffer while the low light cast the room in shadows.

She didn't stop running, the shrieks from outside brought her head around while Matsu ran deeper into the academy, whatever had happened here she wasn't liking it. The dark corners of the academy bringing her about and around while she went lower and lower following the sounds of water. The trickle trickle of the underground stream as she came out underneath into a large cavern and lept clearing the stairs.

Matsu had a look on her face for a moment while realization dawned on her. She knew what this creature was from old reports and notes. As she stood there and looked up she knew it wasn't going to leave her alone, the thing aggressively hunted its prey and the jedi spoke. "Damn a K'kayeh."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu kept walking as she listened. Her heart was pounding from running and the adrenaline was pumping now as she ran. The strain in her muscles and burning in her lungs telling her she had been doing it for longer then she thought before finally Matsu stopped at the large river and looked around. There was slivers of light coming in to illuminate the area.

And a soft glow with as the blood thundering in her skull subsided giving way to numbness and that dull ache of her muscles constricting, tightening from the pain she used the force to avoid. She still had to work to maintain her own movement let alone focusing on the rest of the force and manipulating the world. As she ran though there were trees and Matsu wondered why a garden was so deep underground.

The roots from the large tree above her gave way to soft light and the scents of flowers, of nature. Matsu couldn't believe it and looked at the small rocks around the area while she listened almost straining her ears. Is someone there, has someone come to the cold and the dark to find my treasure? She didn't know what it was talking about as rounding the large roots brought a pedestal into view and the sight of a man in a cloak shimmering over a holocron.

It was a gatekeeper.... no it wasn't just that, she could feel the presence in the air. Whatever... whoever it had been had bound some or all of his soul to the holocron. Something sith lords did as Matsu continued to look at it. "I am Matsu Ike of the silver jedi, who are you." Was that a question? Always with the questions that is all they want, "How do I make sithspawn?" "How do i find the darkstaff lord Rivin." I will tell you the same thing I told them jedi.

The gatekeeper looked at Matsu as she felt it in her gut, a tightening and recoiling sickness. You're going to die down here. Matsu for a moment wondered what he meant and then she felt it. The tremors in the earth coming while she turned around with her saber. The beast shrieked and more violent shaking of the ground as several rocks were jostled loose from the roots of the tree and one hit Matsu on the head.

The warm trickle of blood on her skull as the jedi grabbed the stone and looked at it, her eyes rubbing the smooth surface that didn't feel natural. Neither did the warmness to it as the rock seemed to glow with a yellow eye starring at her. Matsu didn't know what it was she thought for a moment the strike from the rock had given her more damage then she thought. Then there was sounds from behind her.

Leave that alone, it isn't yours, that is mine mine.... Her hands slipped the rock into the pocket as she felt the warmth in her pocket. The energies of the force brought to her a renewed spirit as she quickly turned around and looked at the holocron and grabbed it. The gatekeeper went away as she pocketed it as well. No sense in leaving a holocron buried while she started climbing up one of the roots and into the ruins.

The sound of the creature coming was there and she ran the stone in her pocket bringing a sense of renewed vigor until she was standing on the top of the ruins and looking at the desert sands. The shaking telling her the dragon was below her as loud crashes before it broke through. A huge serpentine beast with rows of razor teeth and sand colored skin.

Matsu moved her hand to the saber on her hip and it activated with a snap hiss as she focused on just not cutting a limb off. She needed to survive this and as the beasts eyes turned to her she stared at it before running and leaping. The beast snapped at her as her hand came out and grabbed a thick piece of ide so she could swing up. A jerk of her arm and Matsu was in the air again coming down as she aimed for the eyes.

And came down upon it, the beasts pupil getting smaller and focusing on her before she looked down and grabbed with her free hand that was screaming in pain the lid. Her saber dug down and into the eye while she sliced opening it and falling into the ocular jelly as Matsu felt it sticking to her body and clothing. Even with the duster and iron skin one she felt the slime until some of it got in her mouth and Matsu focused.

She needed to protect the holocron and stone whatever it was while surviving and getting back to Hanna as she felt the dragon close its lid and shake its head. She focused on what to do next as the saber illuminated the eyeball and she looked down... The quickest way to get past the plate on the forehead and thick skin should and would be to go through the optic nerve. She could get to its brain through here and a small smirk came to her face while she had a plan.

Matsu took a breath focusing with the force as she looked down and swam down deep... she was glad the saber didn't deactivate as she slammed the saber down and felt the resistance as it met bone. The glow from and the violent shaking she couldn't let distract her from the task as it broke through and Matsu kicked off the back of the eye socket. Surfacing and taking in a gasp of air as the sun strung her eyes.

Matsu looked down as the eyes showed her where she was, the ruins were around the eye and it was looking out but not moving. The sounds of the beast were there but her need to kill it remained. It was dangerous and would heal in time while she felt some small suction at her feet. The hole draining the jelly slowly and Matsu sucked in fresh air until she was standing there above the hole. Jelly below her and her blade digging into the bone.

The feeling of the stone and holocron in the dusters pockets were still there and she heard roars as the hole she carved got bigger and bigger. The brain of the creature was coated in jelly while she brought the blade down upon it. Then there was a loud roar and shriek with a violent jerk of the head and the creature seemed to start seizing upon itself. She dug the blade down deeper and sliced to kill it.

A brain dead creature was safer at times and slowly as the jerks stopped Matsu looked up her hands and outfit covered in grey matter while she thought about how best to climb out of the eye of the large beast. She focused on the force and jumped as high as she could grabbing and digging her fingers in. Then hefting her weight until she was standing on the head of the dragon with a look of triumph.

She stood tall above the beast and moved to the very top of its head sitting down with a huff. Then there was the familiar sensation on the back of her neck as she looked up at the being. You have done well child of Emberlene and with your surviving the final trial have earned the ability to retain yourself after death. You will be able to help and guide those left behind as much as you can and healed yourself. The force will return in time to your body and you shall relearn what you have been severed from.

Matsu looked up at the priestess with a nod of her head, then back down at her hands. She didn't have the full brunt of the force at her command but she had it back. She had that part of her that let her breathe as a smile came to her face. The warmth in her cheeks. "Wiggle your big toe." She chuckled a little before looking up and the being was gone while she took in the sight of the creature.

"And what to do with you?" She wondered what the creature could be used for but it was large and dangerous and something that she couldn't just leave here. Whatever it was and whatever it provided for them. Or she could trade/sell it to Akure leatherworks and the mysterious owner who seemed to be able to make some amazing equipment. Matsu looked towards where her ship was and dug a comlink out for the droid.

"Alert the others and tell them to get a large transport ship. We have a new prize." and so did she as her hands dug in her pockets and Matsu touched the glowing silver stone as the yellow gold eyes stared back at her and then it disappeared while the silver glow faded. The holocron in her other hand as she touched the smooth surface. "The Eye of the sun."

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