Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

It wasn't everyday Matsu had new knowledge and she was grinning both inwardly and showing it outside. Few people got the idea and thrill of what could be learned as she walked through the length of the ship with her assembled gear and equipment. A strange method as it was but entering the one room Matsu touched the assembled datacrons, gear and while she recalled what she needed to. A small laugh came to her face, she had made a promise to another to never fail and never leave, she would honor that promise to Hanna and she lived for others. It would be a shame to disappoint as she touched the swords on her display lightly.
Taking in the bed and the notes on the table while bunks for her children were across from her, the random cousin showing up and coming to help her while she researched and practiced. It might not be the best way to go about it but standing there now she took a moment to recall why she was in the silver jedi. It wasn't the council it was the... lack of insight that had come, she was almost amuse by the lack of insight to the wisdom. It was why she had gladly walked away and taken the traces of herself. Let them search for the red queen if they wanted, Teyan was secure from intruders for a reason. That it was deleted from maps and manned by a single jedi in the deep core with thousands of droids... Just helped hide it. You had to know where to look and.... and then her mind drifted.
She had been getting escorted to be imprisoned and remained passive, letting her eyes trail across the area and go with them. It wasn't often she had found herself dumbfounded, having seen nearly everything within the order she had thought but children with agendas made for poor council and after a moment of listening she had been convinced of one thing. They hadn't brought her there to talk or listen it was about proving their own self importance a joke to her as sad little kings on their little hills meant little.
Their ignoring facts and ignorance had been humorous to say the least and a well timed joke lightening her mood. It was why walking away had come easier. Her daughters were already skilled and being trained. Her presence in the force being severed had been painful, with medical equipment to keep her alive and as she stayed there in the cell amusement played on her face. She knew enough to do as needed when the time came.
Her mind flashed to watching them at the temple while they trained and played. She had raised them right and honored Chora's memory, had lost and found love with Hanna and her daughter while also allowing her family to flourish. Her cousins and half sister working hard in the order somewhat. That they had worked together to aid in her disappearing only proved blood was thicker then water and Matsu had left taking what she had recovered to get her stuff from Alli and Hapes, moving it into a ship and the jedi master vanished letting her severed connection hide her while she moved about.
Traveling through the galaxy without the aid of the force brought many things to Matsu. The medical droids keeping her alive and able to move in the bed wouldn't cut it as she ground her teeth and prepared. Bringing depths of anger and reserves of hatred to the front but it was needed. It pushed her, kept her going harder as she went into her notes searching for the right thing.
Then she had found it and using the holoimager slid through the notes. She knew where to go and knew where she could find help. All that mattered was her commitment to Hanna and as Matsu stood in her room thinking about the events on Ruusan she broke into a laugh. Sending down ships and being sneaky while weak.
What had been a helpful was that she had made friends, years of research and study of different groups using the force had made her friends.... more then that had taught her remedies for small things. Not everything required the force and as she sat there in the repulsor chair made her way down to the planet with the droids she had gotten.
That had been the first real sign and Matsu had waited to travel, keeping the cover of night as her friend and heading into the valley of the jedi. A place she had seen when the Republic came to Ruusan and the jedi built a temple on the far side of the planet. They hadn't let many come to the valley save one or two researchers and their padawans. Not many people in the end but now it served a purpose.
The high cliffs and caves of the valley were something wondrous as Matsu hovered through them and found it. The ancient valley of the jedi filled with waters of the force and used by some, misused by others but above all it was a place where healing could be done. She let the chair go over the water before turning it and dropping herself into the water.
The sensations were amazing and painful, from the chill of the ice cold waters going down to her bone... to the force returning. The rush of feeling everything in the galaxy returning to her mind brought a shriek under the water while her limbs burned, her lungs were filled with hair as she broke the surface of the water and took in a sharp gasp.
The feelings of it all had her reeling and dizzy for a moment like a large headache but Matsu focused moving to the shore and laying there as she let her mind enjoy the moment. Feeling the force was revitalizing to her and she needed this. It had been like losing a limb or blinding a painter as she searched for Hanna.
Then she found her in the force and kept hold of that moment then searched and found her children, found her family and all the comforts she needed while breathing in deeply and drinking the water. Letting it seep into her pores and down to her marrow again. She knew how to fix things, knew how to save herself and slowly left the shores.
The trip back to the ship was easier as she used her own knowledge and bracelet to hide herself in the force. Taozin flesh nodules were great for getting her past others and without drawing attention Matsu left leaving under her own power this time. She needed to find a new path and way to survive.
And find her way she had, going where needed in the galaxy to hide and train. Visiting and aiding the silver jedi with her student Aika, a lifted spirit each time she arrived and saw they were doing well, saw they were prospering. Her children were doing good, her family had found a home and still maintained their status within the order to help and make sure it didn't fall. The sith were still a threat and slowly Matsu resolved finding herself wandering again though some of the older parts of the galaxy. Her trip with Alli Wren enlightening her to somethings she hadn't known before.
One had led her to Rhen Var again after so many years and the small Atrisian temple that had been rebuilt. So many things had changed but she was glad to see the people there. The ones who proved helpful to the Republic while she stayed among them for a week and learned the underworld had fled Atrisia bringing crime and corruption to the world. Her goal was set while she fought for them and vowed to stop the crime waves. The first step was ambushing the criminals second in command as he fell to her blade. The calmness and serenity of her resolve washing over her, this was just as it had been before. There were some people, wicked people that deserved to be ended for the greater good and she was willing to be the villain.
He wasn't much of a threat, the jedi master moving and dispatching falling into the same mindset she had when in war and from being raised. The temple here bringing all her old memories to the front of being trained to feel nothing, a child of the Netherworlds soaked in vengeance and cursed to live for avenging her brother, her father and her mother for the next seven lifetimes. A poor fate for a child and a sad time as she began her final move against the criminals. Assaulting the house they had overtaken and with her blade, the force hiding her and resolve. She moved through slashing and going for the underboss.
Matsu continued and fought through what was there, the entire time resolving to protect the people while she forwent emotion for peace and continued to move until she found him. Hitori was his name and as he fought Matsu he cheated bringing a blaster out when they had their blades locked and shot into her gut. With a small flourish Matsu sliced him in two before stumbling out. Her thoughts reached out to Hanna and she called to her thinking only of her love and memories until she collapsed over the snow crunching underfoot.
The thoughts of Hanna kept her going as she pushed the pain down and into her feet then out of her, the snow in her hand biting as it froze the skin of her hand. The thought of pain brought Matsu out of it and she was standing near the ramp of the ship and heading down as she held a case of equipment. The datacrons something she could use to teach.