Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rest, Relaxation, and Shotguns

Lorane groggily glanced around the living room of the Bluebird, taking a mental inventory of what he and Rawnie had been doing last night. The fact that they were on the couch and still mostly clothed -she was wearing one of his shirts, which he thought was cute- meant they'd probably hadn't done much more than sleepily make out and then fall asleep.​
The last job had been kind of hard, as blasting your way aboard a space station tended to be. There were a few small burns on Lor's arms from lucky shots that had glanced off the armorweave of his coat. He was sore, but he still smiled when he saw Rawnie snuggled up to him. His smile faded a little as he noticed her muttering something about explosions. He made a decision, there...​
It was time for a break. Something fun.​
[member='Rawnie Tal'verda']​

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Tired. Tired was something Rawnie was quite a lot. It meant she was doing good work, if she was allowed to be tired. Still, she found herself sleeping in a lot more. Or maybe that was Loranes fault for keeping her up? Either way, she was now having dreams about the work she did, and that was never a good time.

She opened one eye after a moment, dimly aware of arms around her, holding her close. His arms. His scent. She smiled.

"You awake?" she mumbled, thinking about moving, but deciding against it when she felt the giant bruise on her left arm throb. Yeah. She could stay with him for a few more minutes. Hours. days. Whatever.

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor moved the arm with the little burns all over, thought better of it, and then began stroking Rawnie's hair with the other one.​
"Plenty awake. Just thinking a bit about stuff."
He leaned over and kissed her on the nose, mindful of the bruise on her arm.​
"You wanna take a little while off? Do something fun while we heal up a bit?"
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]​

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Time off? Only time rawnie had taken time off work was the last time she'd been shot. That had been zero fun. Laying on the furs In front of the fire, arm bandaged, unable to be used for several months. Meat had been a rarity during this time without her arrows.

"Do you mean, like, a vacation? "

Sweet stars! What did she do to her shoulder? It felt like she'd scratched it up. If she dared to move, she would find where the rubbing from her rifle had torn open the flesh and blood had dried in a hard shell. Very attractive.

"...recovery time might be necessary."

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lorane gasped in pain as he moved his burned arm. He felt skin crack and flake a little bit as his hand went to Rawnie's back.​
"Recovery time, indeed... I don't think I could get up from this couch, anyway."
He moved very carefully, so her face was more comfortably near his shoulder.​
"Also because I've got a present for you whenever your arm's feeling good enough to shoot it."
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]​

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
She seemed to hurt less than he did. Either because her wounds just weren't as bad, or because she was better at dealing with pain. Either way, she moved slightly to make It easier on him.

"A present? Aww, lor'ika," she murmured, snuggling him affectionately, "you spoil me. But you know something? I have something for you too. When you're well enough too. Dont want to hurt you more."

She smiled, giving a suggestive wink up at him.

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor smiled back, squeezing Rawnie with his uninjured arm and giving her a teasing look.​
"Well, I might need to give you a checkup. After all, I'm the only doctor here, whether or not I'm hurt."
He gave her a gentle kiss and another small squeeze.​
"And it's not spoiling if I enjoy making the gift in the first place."
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]​

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
' Check up.' rawnie blushed a little at that. She could flirt, but she was still pretty new to... this.

"I see. Still. Thanks. I can't wait to see what it can do."

She leaned in, giving him a soft kiss on his brow.

" later then."

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor chuckled as he saw Rawnie blush, and simply sighed happily when she kissed him on the forehead.​
"Y'know, you're really cute, sometimes. Mostly when we're alone."
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]​

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
She made a face.
"What do you mean, sometimes?"

If she wasn't so sore she might give him a careful, light punch to the shoulder. instead, she just stuck her tongue out at him.

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor nuzzled Rawnie's cheek, smiling at the reaction he'd gotten.​
"It's hard to call you cute when just your helmet has just enough lack of facial expression to give the finger to everybody you look at."
He rested his forehead against hers, and his smile widened a little bit.​
"You're a completely different person when I'm around, though. Funny, cute, warm..."​
The Chiss shrugged with the arm that wasn't hurting him.​
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]​

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
He made her sound like she was just a huge ball of unpleasant when she wasn't alone with him. Didn't inspire much confidence in herself. It was already so awkward being out an about with strangers. Now she had to worry about how Lorane thought about her.

"Shuddup," she mumbled, "I don't mean to act different. I just... don't really know how to be casual around people I don't know."

First time admitting that. She didn't even admit it to family when they called her out on it.

[member="Doctor Azure"]
"I know, Rawnie. I'm not making fun of you for it. I'm just saying that I'm happy."
Lor ran his fingers over Rawnie's cheek, still smiling.​
"I'm not the greatest at getting my point across nicely, huh?"
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]​

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
"No. You aren't," she replied with a sigh, leaning in to give him a quick peck on the nose, "But that's why I like you. You're blunt."

She put a hand on his cheek, running her thumb over the alien flesh for a moment. A completely different species. Curiously enough, his flesh felt the same as any human. The color was just a little different. That was alright. Made no difference to her. She was just glad to have found someone who could put up with her.

"I think I'm going to go make coffee. Stay here. I'll bring you some. Or if you want, you could go lay down in the bedroom and wait. Might be more comfortable."

Gingerly, she pushed herself off of him, straightening up with a soft moan. Why did everything have to hurt?

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor smiled as Rawnie looked at him. She was so not Chiss whatsoever. At one moment, she'd always seem calm and collected, but at the next she could totally lose her cool if he poked hard enough. And he liked that a lot. He watched as she walked away towards the kitchen, and then decided that he had to get up, too.​
"I could probably use the extra rest. Not that you're doing much better."
The doctor carefully walked into the kitchen behind Rawnie and leaned on the counter as she went to the coffee machine.​
"Coffee and then the rest of the morning in bed? Sounds good."
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]​

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
She did like the sound of that. Coffee, bed, and then... probably sleep. She doubted either of them was in much condition to really do anything else. Unless they both found a sudden burst of energy. Then it might be easy enough to ignore her wounds if she had incentive...

"You should go lay down now. I'll bring coffee to you."

She hit the button on the coffee machine, grabbed two mugs out of the cupboard, then went to land a swift kiss on his lips before he could leave.

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor squeezed Rawnie's hand after she kissed him, unbuttoning his shirt to look at the burns on his arms under it as he walked away.​
"Frak, this is gonna need a lot of kolto..."
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]​

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Rawnie took the time alone to examine her own wounds. Her armor did most of the work in protecting her body from blaster fire, but here and there she had burns and scratches and bruises that were not a very pretty sight to behold. More scars to add to the collection. She unbuttoned the shirt some and pulled the sleeve down with a hiss to examine her shoulder. Oh, that looked like a mess... Well! She wouldn't be firing her rifle for a time then.

The coffee trickled to a stop in the pot and she filled two cups, added cream and sugar and walked them both down to the bedroom.

"Lor'ika," she called, "I think my shoulder might need some help when you have the chance."

She'd forgotten to button the shirt back up.

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor noticed Rawnie's shoulder before he noticed that she'd left her shirt open. He grabbed the kolto and bandages he'd been looking for, tossed them on the bed, and put the coffee she was holding on the nearest table. He opened up the container of kolto and started putting it on the bandages, slowly wrapping them around her arm. When Lor was satisfied with his work, he went to put his arm around Rawnie and felt... warm skin. He grinned crookedly and gave her a kiss.​
"Trying to let me have an easier time getting your clothes off?"
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]​

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Oh sweet stars above, that felt so much better. Just having bandages. Even that little bit felt infinitely less dirty. She smiled when he put his arm aroun her. Then she blushed.

"Well, you'll probably see it all eventually..." she tried to look as unaffected as she could, but her cheeks were getting redder by the second. "Um... i mean, you are the only doctor here. And I do get hurt a lot in my line of work..."

Yes. Nice recovery.

[member="Doctor Azure"]

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