Maki Dominus
Jedi Master/Jedi Shadow
Ahch-to, Temple Island
Maki Dominus's Robes/Armor
The golden light from the evening sun glimmered over the waters around the island, the green grass flowed in the breeze, moisture in the air and the smell of the salt water was in the air. The ancient structures of the very first Jedi temple sat on the hill, still in rather good condition due to the caretakers. Along the cliff ridge line stood a lone man. He is seen wearing black robes, a black cape, golden phrik chest armor, and golden phrik Gauntlets. The familiar armor if the once Great DARTH REVAN, his armor gleaming in the evening sun light. His Hood up over his head, face covered by the identical replica of Revan's mask, His name was Maki Dominus, Jedi Master. Maki's robes flowed in the breeze as he stared out over the ocean. Maki is a man that has walked the path of the dark and lightsides of the force, once a sith lord, turned to the light. Maki had a lot on his mind, he was restoring the Jedi Order, the old Jedi Order once led by the old grandmaster yoda. Maki had come to Ahch-To to see if he could find anything regarding the very first Jedi. Not only was he researching the Jedi order of the past, he was designing a ship factory based on the designs of a factory from the Jedi Civil War known as the Star Forge. Maki's version wouldn't operate as fast or in the same way as the Star Forge but it would indeed build ships at a high rate of speed. Only time and money was needed.
Maki took a deep breath then exhaled. Maki turned and walked along the grassy hill back up to the Jedi temple. Maki looked around at the beautiful scenery through the thin visor in his mask as he walked at a causal pace. Maki looked to his right and noticed the caretakers working on a building keeping the place looking new is what they did best. Maki reached the temple and stepped inside looking around at the brick stone walls. It was rather dark in the main room which was rather big. The only light was coming through the door and windows. Maki walked to the center of the room and sat down, he crossed his legs, closed his eyes, put his arms and hands down on his legs palms up and begin to meditate. He cleared his mind and focused channeling the force around him, sensing everything, the trees blowing in the wind, the animals scattered around the island. He could feel and see the caretakers working. He begin channeling the force through his inner self.