The Mentor
Stairs. It just had to be stairs. The salty breeze was refreshing and reminded him of the seaside climates back on Naboo that he loved so much. Knowing it would relax both himself and Jason with the familiarity, Josh would take a deep breath as he would let Jason ride on his shoulders as he made his way up the stairs. He didn't want Jason trying to go up them while he was half asleep. Or walking around half asleep at all. Too risky.
The group would meet up with Matsu first, and Josh would nod his head toward his Master in greeting. Noting the words of [member="Drystan Marakos"] the Battlemaster would smile lightly. "Well, at least it won't be a boring trip" Josh commented as he would keep going, listening to what the others had to say as they went.
The armored man made him concerned, but he held his tongue for the time being. Instead he nodded when [member="Jyoti Nooran"] would suggest the idea of a tour.
The group would meet up with Matsu first, and Josh would nod his head toward his Master in greeting. Noting the words of [member="Drystan Marakos"] the Battlemaster would smile lightly. "Well, at least it won't be a boring trip" Josh commented as he would keep going, listening to what the others had to say as they went.
The armored man made him concerned, but he held his tongue for the time being. Instead he nodded when [member="Jyoti Nooran"] would suggest the idea of a tour.