[member="Tempest"], [member="Elayne Saedaris"]
In Kaida's opinion, Elayne was far too snarky and unruly for her own good. This was terribly ironic because a younger Kaida had been very rebellious. Even more so when you considered that the Saedaris twin was actually almost half a century older than she was! This writer so loves irony.
Contrary to popular belief, elf ears actually served a purpose beyond being the subject of some rather odd fetishes, so Kaida had actually heard the words Elayne was mumbling to herself. "Focus on your work," she said blandly, eyes to the sky. The Kar'zun forces, already badly decimated by the intense hailstorm of flak fire, had landed and were now seeking to storm the fortress, though for that they would have to ascend the mountains. Well, that would not be a problem for Kar'zun...but all the intense firepower would be.
They found themselves being shelled by explosives as mortars rained down death upon them, likewise e-web and shattercannon turrets put those who marching up the road under heavy fire. Kaida felt Elayne adding her powers to the wind by utilising her Sciia. The powerful, raging winds were gaining speed as the upper level clouds were added to the mix, joining the winds Kaida was working on. Strain was evident on Kaida's features but she persevered as she drew ever deeper upon her powers. What was being formed was a mighty swirling vortex that swept across the ground at awe-inspiring speed and ferocity, of such force that a mighty howl could be heard as if it were the call of a wrathful goddess.
Kaida had to admit that despite her sass the Saedaris girl had talent. Perhaps something to look into once the battle was over. Added to this maelstorm conjured up by them were the powers of the other Angelii aeromancers, along with the cryomancers and pyromancers who were joining the spellcasting. Aeromancy was a skill most Angelii had some proficiency in, so they could easily join the onslaught. It was not a true force meld, though if Kaida had not been so focused upon her task she might have considered the fact that this would be a valuable ability for them to learn. And so the mighty storm swept across the land and wrecked havoc, hitting the invaders with full, devastating force. Through Kaida's spellcasting and that of the other cryomancers, came a deathly numbing cold and a furious blizzard that would lessen visibility and even chill the hearts of the stone men.
True, the Kar'zun were heavy and strong, for they were made out of rock and thus the personification of implacable force, but they were dealing with a massive wind that would grip and smash even them and their war machines. You see, as can undoubtedly be imagined, tornadoes are very nasty and volatile. Now was the moment for Tempest to join in. "Electromancers, unleash lightning," Kaida commanded tersely, having to shout make herself heard amidst all the chaos and loud noise, and so those Angelii with electrical powers would unleash blazing torrents of lightning. Chaos, carnage and bloodshed would ensue.
In Kaida's opinion, Elayne was far too snarky and unruly for her own good. This was terribly ironic because a younger Kaida had been very rebellious. Even more so when you considered that the Saedaris twin was actually almost half a century older than she was! This writer so loves irony.
Contrary to popular belief, elf ears actually served a purpose beyond being the subject of some rather odd fetishes, so Kaida had actually heard the words Elayne was mumbling to herself. "Focus on your work," she said blandly, eyes to the sky. The Kar'zun forces, already badly decimated by the intense hailstorm of flak fire, had landed and were now seeking to storm the fortress, though for that they would have to ascend the mountains. Well, that would not be a problem for Kar'zun...but all the intense firepower would be.
They found themselves being shelled by explosives as mortars rained down death upon them, likewise e-web and shattercannon turrets put those who marching up the road under heavy fire. Kaida felt Elayne adding her powers to the wind by utilising her Sciia. The powerful, raging winds were gaining speed as the upper level clouds were added to the mix, joining the winds Kaida was working on. Strain was evident on Kaida's features but she persevered as she drew ever deeper upon her powers. What was being formed was a mighty swirling vortex that swept across the ground at awe-inspiring speed and ferocity, of such force that a mighty howl could be heard as if it were the call of a wrathful goddess.
Kaida had to admit that despite her sass the Saedaris girl had talent. Perhaps something to look into once the battle was over. Added to this maelstorm conjured up by them were the powers of the other Angelii aeromancers, along with the cryomancers and pyromancers who were joining the spellcasting. Aeromancy was a skill most Angelii had some proficiency in, so they could easily join the onslaught. It was not a true force meld, though if Kaida had not been so focused upon her task she might have considered the fact that this would be a valuable ability for them to learn. And so the mighty storm swept across the land and wrecked havoc, hitting the invaders with full, devastating force. Through Kaida's spellcasting and that of the other cryomancers, came a deathly numbing cold and a furious blizzard that would lessen visibility and even chill the hearts of the stone men.
True, the Kar'zun were heavy and strong, for they were made out of rock and thus the personification of implacable force, but they were dealing with a massive wind that would grip and smash even them and their war machines. You see, as can undoubtedly be imagined, tornadoes are very nasty and volatile. Now was the moment for Tempest to join in. "Electromancers, unleash lightning," Kaida commanded tersely, having to shout make herself heard amidst all the chaos and loud noise, and so those Angelii with electrical powers would unleash blazing torrents of lightning. Chaos, carnage and bloodshed would ensue.