Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Return the Favour | EE Invasion of GA held Byss

Shaka Sunstar



Armor | 2x Lightsaber
Engaging: Eskk Jannik


From the looks of it, it wasn't a trap, Shaka was glad to deduce. The man did spin around, finding the solitary Thyrsian standing before him.

Now that he was getting a look at the masked man, it was clear he was taller than the would be saboteur.

He didn't even reach for his saber. his dark locks bouncing as he slowly shook his head, features distorting into that of a disappointed Father.

"I dont suppose you'd care to introduce yourself?"


His previously joking demeanor vanishing as he spoke. He blocked the entrance the masked man and his men had entered from. Likely a back way out, the Marine Captains men were likely already closing in on it. That is, if they didn't want to be killed or captured.

When the apparent Force user reached for a piece of the destroyed vehicle, Shaka leapt forwards, not wasting a moment as he charged the man. He dropped down, sliding underneath the chunk of metal as he shot both of his hands forwards, the Force surging out from him on a directly unimpeded path to the B&E culprit.

His left dropping to the hilt that lingered on his belt.


//: E L E C T R I C //:
//: Byss //: The Capital //:
//: GA //: Seniya Nehir Seniya Nehir //:
//: EE //: OPEN //:

Allyson could see the explosion of one of the land speeders from the mirror on the dash. She wasn't surprised that Seniya could handle herself in this situation, which was a good thing for the Corellian. If she had been driving and trying to shoot simultaneously - things might not be going as well for her. This was entirely not the plan she had for Byss; in a sense, it was supposed to be some sort of time off for her, alas it was never the case for the Spy.

Adrenaline pumped through her veins, the thrill of driving reminded her of the dog fights she had when she had first enlisted in the Alliance military for what felt like a lifetime ago. Everything came so naturally, feeling the craft become just an extension of herself. Another stray bolt laced behind her, giving her ponytail a quick snip. The bolt continued past her as several short hairs followed. "Chit." Allyson didn't dare look at Seniya's way when the Kiffar gave her warning.

"Really?" She questioned, "This isn't even that bad." Allyson smiled slightly. As terrible as the situation was, Allyson was having a bit of fun with it. "I'm a good driver; just trust me."

Seniya was already more expensive than the budget allowed. Still, when the fighting started and the dropships appeared, Allyson knew she would just be handing over her wallet to the Detective. There was no escaping that fact, especially after she terminated the woman's contract on a whim. Allyson cursed under her breath as she gripped the steering wheel tightly, she didn't even know the rates that had been discussed in that contract, but they had to have been far better than what she was paying now.

As quickly as they had gotten rid of one, another showed up. Where the heck were these guys coming from? Who did the Eternal Empire have on their payroll? Allyson reached down and flipped a few switches on the speeder's panel, and her hand gripped the thruster tightly.

"Seniya," She started as the streets began to open up as they arrived into the more industrial area of the Capitol. "I'll pay you whatever the kark you want, as long as we get out of this." As she spoke, the thruster of the speeder was pushed forward, instantly dropping its speed. Allyson groaned as she could feel the bantha meatball submarine sandwich shifting suddenly in her stomach. Her feet moved on the pedals to help stabilize the speeder as it drifted around one of the port corners.


As they took the sharp turn, the space difference between the pair and the chasers lined up decently nice; Allyson caught a good glimpse of the thugs behind them and was able to use the contact lens in her eye to capture a few snapshots of them at the moment. The speeder evened out, and Allyson pulled on the thruster, and the speeder shot forward once again.

The now three speeders swooped in behind the pair, a large missile launcher now appearing in one of them. Allyson looked up just in time and caught it in the mirror. "Um, yeah, I think this is now the definition of hazard pay." The trio continued to drive quickly behind them and started to cut down the distance that the Kiffar had bought them. Allyson tried to push the speeder harder, knowing that they were getting towards the end of the line, the industrial district's edge.


Location | Orbit of Byss
Objective | Fight Till the End
Forces |
Main Flagship | Predator
Wraith Squadron [Sularen’s Personal Fleet]

Gantlet Orbital Defense Network
Tags [GA + Associates] | Grand Moff Vel'alari | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | Teica Giraan | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe
Tags [EE + Associates] | Dimitri Lindzinsky | Tristan Evore

Marlon Sularen watched as the First Eternal Imperial Naval Force arrived at the system and began its attack. Upon arriving , the enemy Monarch-Class SDs began firing their primary special weapons at Sularen’s Fleet , however unfortunally for them the volley along with their following Turbolaser onslaught only hit the Gauntlet Stations who absorbed the attack. As the Monarch’s pounded the Stations , Gauntlet Stations 1 to 6 responded in kind unleashing all their weapons against all but 1 Monarch.

As for the enemy fighters attempting to draw out Sularen's own fighters , the Lord-Imperator saw through the ruse having utilized that same tactic multiple times during the Braxtant Campaign during his time in the New Imperial Order. Thus as the enemy Droid Starfighters attempted to bait Sularen’s Force , the Lord-Imperator only sent a recon force of 5 TIE Drone Squadrons to respond , sacrificing them but only to make the enemy more over-confident to his advantage.

As Sularen’s Force began engaging the Eternal Imperial Fleet , the first wave of reinforcements arrived in the form of a Trade Federation Task Force led by none-other then Gat Tambor , a single Starhawk Forgeship under Senator Tithe and finale a Considerable Force of 30 Corvettes hidden behind the Third Moon of Byss led by Commodore Oliva. To the Lord-Imperator unless more reinforcements arrived , the Battle over Byss would be over before it even began.

Sir , shall I send a message to our allies. Grand Moff Vel’alri sent us a transmission and awaits a response and more Alliance-Aligned reinforcements have arrived” asked the Captain. However the Lord-Imperator was not yet willing to co-ordinate fully with Tambor and Tithe as he had no use for their forces yet. “Inform Grand Moff Vel’alari that the Planetary Shields have been raised and that the Gauntlet Stations will provide us with a First Line of Defense against any hostile force.” The Lord-Imperator began. “Then tell Commodore OLiva that he should keep his forces behind the Third Moon of Byss and await my signal to attack the Flank of potential enemy reinforcements once they arrive.

If my calculations are correct , the First Assault Wave of enemy Naval Ships won’t be enough to punch through our line of Gauntlet Stations let alone even pose a real threat to all Alliance-Aligned Naval Assets combined , therefore I see no reason to fully bring Tambor or Tithe into the fray. To not send them any directives or requests yet , they are free to combat the enemy as they please until we have any special use for them in my ever evolving General Strategy. That is all , Captain.”

The Captain simply returned to his post and began executing Sularen’s orders informing Vel’alari that the Planetary Shields were up and that the Gauntlet Stations would hold the line for now and telling Oliva that his forces should remain behind the Third Moon of Byss and await potential additional enemy reinforcements and flank them upon the signal of the Lord-Imperator.

Everything was going just as Sularen had planned. With Victory over Byss almost guaranteed , Sularen sat back and waited for enemy reinforcements to arrive. If there were to be any more reinforcements , they too would face the same fate as the initial force as there would be no escape for all Eternal Imperial Forces here on Byss. Today the Lord-Imperator would reveal what Byss was capable off , and he would show both Alliance and Eternal Imperials the Fate of those who were foolish enough to think that they could invade Byss.


Location | Sularenopolis , Old Imperial Citadel/Imperator's Plaza
Objective | Defend the City [Protect Shield Generators]
Forces |
Tags | Ben Craig Ben Craig | Anyone who is in the Capital

Senator Denzul Vosh-Sularen watched as the Shield Generator engulfed all of Byss and trapped the entire invading Eternal Imperial Force on Byss. The Senator Stood within the Old Imperial Citadel in which overlooked the Statue of his cousin in which also housed the Shield Generator underneath it with the Statue containing the massive antenna that was usually found on the top of Shield Generators with the dish of the Shield Generator located a few dozen meters underneath the plaza.

The Plaza itself was defended by a considerable force of 2,000 Special Security Stormtroopers all entreched around the Planetary Shield Generator along with 4 massive Turbolaser Emplacements located at the base of the Old Imperial Citadel behind the Shield itself utilized as Anti-Tank/Walker Batteries to hamper assaults along the Imperial Avenue. In addition to this there was 1 HCVw A9 Turbotank and 15 Elite AT-STs in which also provided additional firepower to the Forces protecting the Plaza and a reserve force of 3,000 Men waiting in the Old Imperial Citadel.

Meanwhile outside the Plaza , there were an additional 10,000 Special Security Stormtroopers defending the Imperial Center [Where Government Buildings and the Upper Class Reside] and an additional 50,000 Security Troopers protecting both the Industrial and Military Districts [25k Troops per District] with approximately 100 to 500 Stromtroopers guarding each Facility. In addition each Facility [Both Military and Industrial] was heavily guarded by Anti-Starfighter Batteries along with various Elite AT-STs [150 Total] in which patrolled the streets and alleyways within both Districts along with the Imperial Center with atleast 2 or 3 Walkers at every corner.

And thus the Battle for Sularenopolis had begun , with the first shots being Fired and Surface-Marshal Gunther Torson issuing a general order to all troops for them to terminate any hostile force they encountered. There was going to be no mercy here on Byss as intentions of the Lord-Imperator were clear , all Eternal Imperial Forces would get slaughtered for their attack on his world and he would demonstrate Byss’ Military Prowess and Capability to fend off an enemy largely on their own , that it would resist any attempts to conquer or subdue it. Byss was Strong and United and no one would ever break the Will of its People.



Location: Industrial District, Capital City - Byss
Allies: EE ( Ben Craig Ben Craig ), AoC
Enemies: GA ( Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Jasol Dorsian), Open

The landing passed with a surprising degree of smoothness, considering the circumstances of their arrival. However, it had not taken long for the combined forces of the remnant Zweihander Union, the Eternal Empire, and the Black Sun mercenaries to meet intense resistance in the form of a veritable horde of Defense Force units. Having left the core to enlist in the Zweihander Union Trooper Corps, Rowena had not expected to return so soon. Even so, she ultimately held a very a minimal connection to the region and its denizens, having served as a vat-grown stormtrooper in the now-defunct Core Imperial Confederation for most of her short life before languishing for a time in the lower levels of Coruscant as a waitress with almost nothing to her name after she was no longer useful.

While Rowena had never fought for the sake of revenge, she could not help but to feel that striking at the Galactic Alliance was somewhat personal, on her part.

And so, the ex-Core Imperial did not spare the enemy any mercy in dispatching them, beyond what she was legally obligated to give.

Her squad’s position along the edge of the industrial distinct didn’t spare them from enemy contact, with crimson-armored stormtroopers emerging from seemingly every alleyway, corner, and building only a few minutes after their landing. It was almost immediately evident that they were outnumbered by the enemy, forcing them to take defensive positions in buildings, utilizing explosives and vibroblades to create mouse holes in order to avoid the open streets.

“What’s the situation with reinforcements?” One of her squad mates, Specialist Zamba asked as she gazed down the scope of her rifle.

“We’re not getting anything past that shield. How are we even gonna extract?” Specialist Luss answered, his voice seeming to crack with anxiety given the circumstances.

“What are our options then? We’re already outnumbered and-”

“The plan is to rendezvous with friendly forces, locate the generator, and take it. We execute that, then we'll deal with what comes next, understood?” Her squad leader answered, his tone authoritative and confident, in spite of the ostensibly long odds.

“Yes sir!”


Isaac Iden


Byss, Capital
Industrial District

>Galactic Alliance Deputy Marshal Isaac Iden
\\: Primary objective: Arrest Criminals and Defend the Alliance/Engage Black Sun forces accompanying the EE strike force
\\: Secondary objective: Make sure Allyson Locke Allyson Locke and Seniya Nehir Seniya Nehir get a speeding ticket

Blaster fire echoes through the streets of Byss, and explosions roar as a sporadic accessory!

An invasion force has arrived at Byss! Attack ships landed on the outskirts of the capital city, along its industrial sector, not an hour earlier. Criminals and hostile soldiers now swarm the streets, determined to cause devastating property damage!

Alliance Marshal Deputy Detective Iden finds himself in the thick of it, alone in a deadly gambit amid a city he once called home!

Iden's blaster grip came down on the weequay with a dull thump. He yelped and collapsed onto the permacrete floor, his rifle clattering to his side. Iden worked fast to cuff the man to a nearby dumpster, next to two of his unconscious friends.

There was no telling when another one could turn into the alley and shoot him dead on the spot. Luckily, he worked great under pressure, and the weequay was in no position to hand in any complaints about his arrest.

Once the weequay was secure, he pressed on to the entrance of the alleyway. He leaned against the corner and waited for a few heartbeats to catch his breath, letting the tension in his muscles fade as the air left his nose.

The central power station was his goal. It loomed over the buildings just across the street ahead, the Daala-Crescentway. Making that crossing was no easy feat, however. He was familiar with the Crescentway. It was a broad and open highway that led outside the industrial sector into the city's heart.

Iden pushed to the edge of the alley, where it concluded into the Crescentway, and, blaster readied, risked a peek.

The sight that greeted him was a mess of overturned vehicles and blast marks. Smoke billowed from buildings across the street and flames licked the edges of broken display windows. Shards of transparisteel littered the permacrete, turning an already dangerous path into a hazardous one too, even with reinforced footwear. There was no sign of any dead bodies, however, much to Iden's relief.

He took a tentative step out of the alley and snapped from one side to the other with his blaster. When no Black Sun thug jumped out to assail him, he filed them away as cleared and crouched to begin the crossing.

The shards proved hard to avoid. They crunched beneath Iden's feet every few steps and made him pause to make sure the noise didn't draw any unwanted attention, but the windows remained clear. Whatever raider's revelry the Black Sun was up to in those buildings was enough to keep their attention off the Deputy as he drew closer.

A loud whining noise echoed through the Crescentway. It was distinctly that of a speeder, Iden could recognize that howl in a Tatooinian sandstorm, but whether it carried friendlies or hostiles was up in the air. They were coming from outside the industrial district, which made the chance that they were Alliance high. But, as much as he wanted to link up with Alliance personnel, he didn't think they'd take kindly to a civilian messing around in the middle of a warzone.

He stopped abruptly and dove behind cover between the wreckage of a speeder car and what he assumed to be a dropship.

The speeder's howl grew louder. Too loud, in fact. There had to be more than just one one them barreling down the street. Iden kept his head low as they passed overhead, sending shards of transparisteel flying in all directions.

He risked a glance once they passed overhead, fumbling with his holoterminal to make a scan of their licence numbers.

One of the four came in slightly different than he'd expected. The initial characters came too early in the alphabet to belong to a civilian model.

He'd come across a similar number before on an investigation, and when he tried to pursue the oddity, he was quickly contacted by his superintendent to immediately drop the lead and erase all evidence he had collected. Not willing to risk his work, he followed directions to the letter, but the event stuck with him.

Once the speeders moved beyond the curving row of buildings at the end of the street, Iden filed the holoterminal away. The data would remain intact this time, just in case.

He was running late for a meeting with some Black Sun gangsters, however.
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Force Nexus, Moridin's Citadel, Byss
Objective: Where the Nexus rules (Destroy the Nexus)
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | G1 OmniLink || Shield talisman | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet
Tag: Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Ingrid was indeed different, but she did not choose all of her voluntarily; this, or death, was no other option. Earlier, another “blind” person, a miraluka Kalic Daws Kalic Daws , saw the woman as a simple human, let’s say it’s not necessarily certain that anyone else would see the same. It is possible that someone can see what she has become on the Endor moon. That is, an event changed her life forever and made it what it was.

Basically, the woman could have been strange, because on the one hand it would have been like having two souls. This, of course, was not true, but it had two very different characters, among which she found the golden mean. She was able to control both her body and her soul to a perfect level. She completely suppressed all the emotions that would have bothered her on any level. She had learned this long before her dormant Force sensitivity awoke. The red-haired woman controlled her emotions better than most average Force users, even before the Force began to play a role in her life.

As for her, Elpsis might have been able to sense that the woman had previously been “touched” by a primordial deity. A goddess wanted her as a new host, she tried to chang Ingrid to be the perfect host. The process was not over, so she only became shadow-born and thus became something else, something that was no longer human. Several would probably call her a Force-entity, or Dark Side spirit, but she was able to exist without Force, not actually dependent on it. She was part of it and independent of it at the same time.

Perhaps her true form was also seen, surrounded by shadows, darkness, but not in the Force, “shadow tentacles” swinging around her that were part of the woman. She actually had a smoky, shadowy, semi-physical creature, not what she was in now. But perhaps the strangest things she could have been was not Darksider. Perhaps precisely because she controlled her emotions perfectly, she was completely neutral in the Force just like her swords and her armour.

That's when she met the other red-haired woman. When Elpsis fired at her, she instinctively raised her two swords in front of her in an X-shape. But it didn't use much against sonic. Although the two weapons protected her a little, thankfully enough that the hit didn't break the woman's face to pieces, it wasn't enough to protect her eardrums. They were both torn apart amid severe pain. Fortunately, her regeneration worked, so the pain was reduced and her hearing would return. It doesn't even need minutes.

The other woman was also Force Sensitive or a user, she felt it right away. She didn't want to attack yet until her ears were completely fine, as her sense of balance wouldn't be the best. So now she should have won some time until all her injuries were completely healed.

”I have to say, it wasn’t the most cordial welcome I’ve ever had. Moreover, I have to say definitely rude and immodest…” she said in emotionless voce, and she has a feeling AMCO AMCO has a worse effect on her than she ever thought.



Totally Bernard of Arca


The Iron Crown|| Whilstone of Prowess|| Whilstone of Acuity
Whilstone of Power|| Mithralian|| Cyan Lightsaber



As the Shaper was ferried down to the surface of Byss in a covert shuttle toward the Capital, he gingerly donned the Sith Amulet that would be facilitating his disguise with which to infiltrate the city. The Shaper closed his eyes and meditated as he weaved the magics into the Amulet with masterful precision. A grand illusion that would hide and change his appearance to that of his intended scapegoat. A Jedi he had sensed on the surface of Korriban and one he had studied quite extensively in planning for this operation. A Marshal of the Galactic Alliance by the name of Bernard Bernard whom the Shaper could feel the Iron Crown morph into the soft, pale features of. Having taken note of every scar, every imperfection, ever blemish Bernard possessed, so as to be unmistakable as anything but the real person.

Once the disguise was fully in place the Shaper then imbued the Amulet with a constant False Light Side Aura with which to deceive any other Force Sensitives, even fellow Masters, as the Amulet powered the aura. As the shuttle made planet-fall the Shaper dropped down to the surface and sighed softly, extended his arms, flexing his new fingers, and drew what was in all honesty the most detestable part of his disguise from his belt.... the Lightsaber. Igniting the cyan blade the Shaper was revolted briefly by the thing but, steeling his purpose, he closed his eyes and slipped into character. Every detail from the color of his eyes, to his voice, his hair and gait would match Bernard's.

Bernard would make his way through the streets and avenues of the city with purpose and determination. None of the defenders the wiser as a gallant Jedi seemed to move to assist in their defense elsewhere. In truth Bernard had a goal in mind, a local broadcasting tower that he could use to begin broadcasting false orders to the defenders through. Everything from disrupting troop movements to false retreat orders to abandon uncompromised positions, commands to reinforce unnecessary theatres of action, etc. Yes, that would be perfect. Sewing Chaos and confusion in the ranks of the enemy would only make the actions of his allies more beneficial to the invasion.

However, one problem stood in the way, that being Bernard's utter lack of knowledge with modern technology. He was FAR from a slicer, the furthest thing imaginable really, and so he thought for a moment as he moved through the city streets. Only for his answer to, quite literally, approach him as another Jedi, a young woman with short brown hair tied in a ponytail, dust-covered features and light brown eyes approached him. "You there! Hold a moment!" Bernard turned, beheld the female Jedi leading a small squadron of troopers, and his idea came to fruition as he gave a small smile. Not to the woman, but as he realized he could use their own communicators to relay the messages.

The Jedi, however, simply saw his smile and returned it. Bowing to him as Bernard did the same. "Jedi Knight Vereena Iyora. You... seem familiar, have we met before? You're a member of the Alliance yes?" Bernard nodded and answered quietly "Bernard, of Arca, a pleasure." The Jedi woman nodded and motioned to the troopers with her "Scan the area, reports indicate a Sith vessel was sighted in the area." She then turned to Bernard and smiled again, brushing her hair aside as she asked "Have you seen anything Knight Arca?" Bernard shook his head and she sighed, muttering under her breathe. "Yes... well.... in any case. Would you be able to join us? We have orders to intercept whatever it is that shuttle was bringing to the party. We're sure to catch them by surprise."

Bernard's response was a curt nod and a short, clipped answer as he drew in a steadying breathe. "Of course. Lead the way Master Iyora." The woman nodded and turned to the troopers, only for Bernard to pull her Lightsaber from her belt, making her pause just as she was about to speak, and turn to address Bernard with a look of profound confusion on her face. "What are yo-..." Without a single word or a flinch at the violence of his action, Bernard ignited the Jedi's green blade and took her head from her shoulders in one, casually perfected strike, the troopers raising their blasters at him only for Bernard's eyes to shift and for his telekinetic grip to rip them from their feet. Choking and strangling them as he exerted his Mechu-Deru over their electrical systems, preventing them from signalling for help as he crushed their throats mercilessly. Blood splattering out from under their helmets to seep down the front of their armor, while Bernard casually took the fallen Jedi's communicator, as well as one of the fallen trooper's helmets. This would not be enough, communications from one squad would be easy enough to jam, no, for this Bernard would have to diversify the signal. Thus did Bernard of Arca set out on his mission, a malevolent glint that had never graced those beautiful blue eyes harboring the masquerading evil within.....

Several Atrocities Later.......

Only after apprehending the communicators of several Jedi and troopers, and using the amulet to mimic the voices of the slain to give false reports that they would be unresponsive due to enemy opposition, did Bernard make his way up the broadcasting tower. Having removed the circuitry, with a precise application of Mechu-Deru, from the helmets of the troopers it was a simple thing for Bernard to carry the equipment up the tower as he slew those garrisoned within. Shoving the bodies of the deceased into closets, unused rooms, ventilation shafts with the Force before he truly began to realize how hampered he was in this disguise should he wish to maintain it. All uses of his magics and more malevolent abilities were lost to him and he was fighting with a weapon that was similar but foreign to him. How distressing.

Even so the Shaper was able to set up the false broadcasting network with only moderate difficulty, though he was no fool, and would not simply begin by broadcasting false orders all throughout the enemy lines. No. Instead he tested his new system by simply broadcasting locally to the nearest Jedi (Caedyn Arenais) who would no doubt find the false orders curious enough to investigate. As the signal was sent Bernard retrieved one of the bodies, altered the armor to seem undamaged, and placed the corpse at the broadcasting station in a more or less believable position one might briefly think him alive. Before imbuing him with a minute amount of Force energy so the Jedi would not simply be able to tell he was dead. This left Bernard with a smirk as he suppressed his own presence in the Force and simply left the room. He would wait for the Jedi to arrive and follow him into the room, pretend to have received the same signal and accuse them of doing what he had done, slay them, and after sending the broadcasts out to the rest of the enemy force, his work would be done. Absolutely nothing could go wrong.

Also tagging: The Raven

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ALLIES: Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Caedyn Arenais

Death lurked around every corner for the marines of Midnight Company. Another mission away from Maynard, it seemed like his ever-present teacher was miles away now. Most likely fighting a war of some other kind on some other planet. Despite that fact, he felt exhilarated as he generally always did when in a battle situation. For quite some time, he'd felt most at home on the front lines. Perhaps Maynard did too.

They had established a small barricade near the entrance to a burnt out factory, a good defensive position he thought. He wondered how the city might've looked out before the evacuation, before the horrors of war caught up to Byss. The invasion was anticipated but still held surprise, and had added a new thorn in the Alliance's thigh. The push against the Sith was beginning to pick up pace, and now the EE wanted a slice of the cake.

Blaster fire took him out of his contemplation as torrents of red darts headed their way. "Open fire! we have to push to keep em at bay then push!" He ordered his troops who nodded to him, switching blasters to kill mode and spraying sporadic shots at the encroaching enemy. He twisted, inverting the lightsaber to catch a stray blaster bolt. Kir held slashed downwards cutting away a bolt. He aimed for a hostile, redirecting the bolt at the man's chest as he crumpled to the floor lifelessly.

He turned to one of the heavy troopers in the 2nd Platoon. A female Twi'lek who's eyes burned with the passion of battle. She held a Reaper Chainblaster, which he had heard was held in high through Marine chow hall chatter. Kir ordered her to a frontal position, pointing towards the position with the highest concentration of enemies, the blaster left havoc in its wake as it was directed towards the approaching enemies, as they hit the ground as soon as they ran in.

As the enemy began to gradually thin, he leaped over the barricade into a flip as his troops followed on. "With me! Start the push!" Shards of broken glass rained down on them from a explosion in a nearby building, he slashed down into an opportunistic trooper before deflecting a bolt from another, the Marines soon joined him, spraying into the force, which started to fall back into the street, most likely to meet up with reinforcements.

Kir hated street fighting, but it seemed that lately, he was meeting up with a lot of things that he hated. He span cutting into a trooper before keeping his guard up and letting a stray bolt dissipate into his lightsaber. Another joined in slashing his rifle butt to attempt to pistol-whip him. Kir dodged before pushing his blade through the enemy trooper's abdomen.

Above their heads, squads of troopers fired on them from broken windows. "TAKE COVER!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, taking cover behind a nearby troopship which seemed to have crashed in the street. 1 Platoon joined him while 2 Platoon lay covering fire.

Hell seemed extra hot today.


Eskk Jannik

Post 3
Equipment: 2x Lightsabers, DL44 Blaster Pistol, DC-15x Sniper Rifle
Objective 1
Engaging: Shaka Sunstar

The armored man had charged Eskk and slid underneath his force projectile. The rage inside made Eskk want to take the initiative and rush him while he was down on the ground. However Eskk was smart enough to know that even in his apparently disadvantageous position, he had little chance of defeating the opponent in direct combat due to his lack of armor.

Eskk would have to rely on his agility to wear his opponent down before confronting him. Then came the gust of force energy, Eskk was knocked backwards into the destroyed vehicle and pressed against it hard. Eskk felt his body starting to form bruises. This being clearly still wanted to play with the force, So Eskk would show him the force.

He reached out, picking up the same large piece of vehicle that he had launched at the man earlier. He brought it up and over in an arc that would end with it slamming into the man as he was positioned on the ground after his slide.

Eskk then force kept backwards and away from the area coming down atop another vehicle. Two of his Ultranauts were coming down the stairs from setting timed bombs on the second floor.

Eskk knew he only had to keep the man busy for a few minutes, then escape before the building exploded. Hopefully Eskk could keep him inside long enough to drop it on him.
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Location: Hangar Bay, The Dancer - Edge of Byss System
Personal Equipment: Phase IX Anti-G SuitX-8 Night Sniper
Fighter: BB and Bella’s Delta-7B “Aethersprite” Light Interceptor - Sapphire Seven
Allies: EE, AoC ( BB-610 BB-610 Dimitri Lindzinsky)
Enemies: GA (Grand Moff Vel'alari Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva Gat Tambor Gat Tambor Voth Nall)

Her wounded pride could hardly stand being made the queen of a droid, of all the things in the galaxy that she could possibly be made the queen of.

Nevertheless, her duties as a pilot in the Armada always came first. If they called for her to fly with an astromech droid, then ultimately, she would do exactly that, albeit with some degree of protest. And so, Bella took a deep breath, resting her eyes in exasperated exhaustion as the droid sounded a few metallic giggles. From there, she didn’t bother with anything else, until the voice of the admiral came over comms, establishing her orders to jump with the primary attacking fleet into the heart of the Byss system, rather than patrol around the Dancer on escort duty.

“Orders recognized and understood, Dancer Actual. Sapphire out.” Bella answered the admiral.

Moments later, the order came for her to launch, the ground crew signaling ahead as she pushed the control stick to accelerate her fighter out of the hangar bay and into the void of space. However, there was no time to take it all in, especially the imminent prospect of her first sortie after the battle over Talay, an engagement in which the Armada had somehow emerged victorious in spite of long, seemingly impossible odds.

Today, they would do it again.

“BB, jump us in with the primary fleet as soon as you've plotted the coordinates. Let’s not keep our allies waiting.”



R E D _ H O R N E T

A small part of the Zabrak hoped this would be his final mission whether by death or success. Something uncommon to occur when his blood was stubborn and arrogant, always pushing him to accomplish the impossible and and boast of his milestones. He was always filled with pride, yet that mattered little to the two most important things for a Zabrak. Independence and self-determination of one’s own destiny. Both him and Maijan had their own minor disagreements between each other in regards to the Alliance as the organization began to grow on the Spectre. Both individuals came from different paths of lives; therefore, different values instilled in them. Viribus was definitely more of an untamed spirit when compared between the two scoundrels; Maijan was more carefree between them, always going with the flow of things. Viribus? He went against the tide.

One thing for they could agree was how annoying these microbombs implanted in their necks.

“This darkness,” “-Forra J dark Jey'daii Do you draw strength from it?”

“Somewhat,” the Zabrak replied back to his legal partner-in-crime. She knew some bits of his history. Well, who the hell was he kidding? She probably knew all of his past with the White Current. Once a Jedi, but then grew rebellious against the wishes of the Order which eventually resulted his expulsion. All because they couldn’t grow a spine and take things into their hands, disregarding rules and traditions. After that, he fought for his own account. Not everything was black and white as he’d like it to be, and the Alliance gave lots of proof to that statement. Dog-eat-dog Galaxy it was.

Now he was involved in religious affairs of the Force as Xesh and the Jedi treaded through the marshes, he could feel the Darkside of the Force radiating within him. Something not quite unfamiliar with him as he had encountered that influence before. In terms of the spectrum, he leaned slightly into the Dark unlike Maijan who remained neutral as much as possible. This energy was an advantage for him, a tool; but it could easily turn into a double edged sword should he be gluttonous with this power.

“Though I hope they’ve brought more Jedi ‘cause one ain’t enough.”

Prevent the Eternals from gaining access to the Nexus and convert it once successful. For all they knew was that the enemy wanted to weaponize it for whatever desires they had.

“Can’t do much can-ya?” his question meant to the Seer. “Don’t tell me I gotta hold your hand if shit hits the wire...again.” Both owed each other the many times they saved each other’s rears. When push came to shove, that fell on Viribus. And the other half on the Firrereo hybrid.

“Let’s get a move on, we know how to enter this place? Or we waiting for orders?”

ALLIES | GA | Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea | Mesh Zetnu Mesh Zetnu
Objective: 2
Opposition: Hitos "Gorgon" Jahay Hitos "Gorgon" Jahay

Blackwatch? Oh great....

Whether or not the voice on the other end could be trusted or not, she didn't know. It was time to verify.

"Little Sparrow to Green Raptor. Check out the Temple Market. I think there's some meat for the menu."

~Green Raptor to Little Sparrow, we're not far off. Hold tight and we'll see what we've got.~

And hold tight she did. However she didn't just sit there. Lori checked the charge on her blasters and made sure that her daggers were in her boot. At least she was smart enough to wear her Rebel Armour, as opposed to a spacer outfit. Her intuition had helped her out.

As for the tablet, Lori handed it back to the people that she got it from, whom were standing watch the whole time. It wasn't like she was going to steal it. She was just working on it. "Thanks for letting me look at it. I hope to be back soon." She gave a small smile and then left the building, eagerly waiting for word from Green Raptor.


Meanwhile, for Gorgon's supposed trap, each cleverly planted bomb was diffused, using the same map supplied to the pale Blackwatch agent. The bombs weren't removed yet, just made to be useless.

The trap was set, only this time, it was the hunters that became the hunted. And with a sniper starting to take out the Blackwatch agents one by one, it meant minimal civilian casualties. All things that every good operation hoped for.
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Objective: Access the Nexus
Sub-Objective: Extract Eclipse operatives intact with necessary intelligence
Tags: Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an , Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan , Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun , Kalic Daws Kalic Daws , Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea , Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Physically, the being known to the Unknown Regions as the Voice of Abbaji was light-years away from the planet of Byss and its war-torn capital. In point of fact, her body was secreted away in a corner of an Eclipse ship orbiting a nearby system, layers of little-used doors and even more layers of digital countermeasures preventing discovery as anything more than just another droid being held in storage. She lolled against the wall near the bank of computers she was connected into, dome blank and dark, limbs hanging limply to the side.

But the physical mattered little to Life Emulator Model 03. In point of fact, the parts of her that mattered-the mind that had more than once driven the Eternal Empire to distraction, the network that had made her voice THE Voice-were on Byss. It flitted through the networks at light-speed, busily jumping from security cam footage to auditory comms to ship logs, always burrowing in such a way that left her passing through unknown. It was that mind's job to be unknown, unseen, but knowing and seeing enough to make miracles happen when most desperately needed.

And so the Voice of Abbaji hovered over Byss, traveling through the digital haze, keeping eyes always on her agents.

::Sparrow, excellent job winnowing down the Blackwatch. Raptor, be ready to provide support if her position is outflanked. We need to keep enemy personnel away from the main Citadel if you are unable to move forward. Notify me of any developments.::

The forces that the Rebellion could spare for this operation were, as they were for most of their operations, minimal: a single, multi-branched task force, surgically placed, each team gifted with a singular objective. Their success would depend on the skill of every one of them, as well as what tenuous goodwill her first attack--an intelligence leak directed towards GA high personnel--could generate.

::Rabbit, I need coordinates of your location. How goes placement of our extraction team?::

Their goal would be tenuously timed. If they arrived too late, even if not a single life had been lost, their efforts would be at best a wash. And even if the mission succeeded, their gains would be difficult to parse for some time to come. The fact that the Voice of Abbaji had committed any forces to this effort at all was a testament of her trust in her people to get the job done...and her trust in some very specific voices in her ear that insisted that the job was worth doing. That the job could, in fact, mean everything.

::Ghost squadron, you are cleared to move. Be advised, you will be in proximity to the Regent. Move with caution.::
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Wanderer Lost, Wanderer Found

Objective : Access the Nexus
Equipment: One(1) shoto lightsaber, One(1) standard E-11D blaster carbine, One(1) industrial-strength syntherope (50m), Three(3) standard thermal detonators, One(1) Imperial trooper helmet with standard comm connections
Team: Five (5) Eclipse soldiers, trained in stealth operations. Led by Sergeant Dag Velardi
Tags: LE-03 (Leigh) LE-03 (Leigh) , Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan n, Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun s, Kalic Daws Kalic Daws , Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea , Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan , Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

It was Sergeant Dag who answered the comm with consummate professionalism. "Copy that, VoA. Ghost Squadron moving out." He cut the comm and shouldered his rifle, motioning for the men behind him to begin their entry into the Citadel building.

When word had come from Command that the Voice had asked for him by name for a special mission, Dag had at first been at a loss for words. He was just some middle-aged grunt from a nowhere colony world who had joined the Rebellion out of a misplaced sense of "need to help out". What had he done to merit the particular attention of the Rebellion's mysterious architect? It was like being a moisture farmer on Jakku and being called by name by the great General Organa--unlikely on the face of it.

That is, it seemed unlikely until the leader of this 'special mission' had showed up.

Even if he'd never seen her face under that helmet, the Sergeant knew her immediately--the strange Jedi/not-Jedi who had saved them all back at the Observation Post was hard not to recognize by her posture alone. She'd recognized him too, even taking time on the way to Byss to ask how Gorello's recovery from that disaster was going. His partner would never walk properly again, he'd told her with some regret, but he'd been reassigned to pilots training. There, his brash attitude and lack of motion sickness would matter far more than his crushed legs.

He would have to make sure to tell Gorello that his name for this girl had stuck enough to name a squadron after. He'd about piss himself with envy knowing that his boyfriend was the one who got to follow her into battle again.

The squadron was small, focusing on stealth rather than power, with a goal of 'Get In, Get Out, Don't Get Caught' when it came to the Citadel. They had a few sympathetic figures on the GA side, but no guarantee that they would be able to clear the way to the Nexus itself, so they were to operate on the assumption that they were on their own. The Voice had sent the Sergeant and his agent both a map of the facility, marking several advantageous entry points such as sewage lines and ventilation ports, but leaving the decision on which to take up to them. In the end, they'd decided to take the opposite approach from the Observation post--starting from the bottom through the sewer lines, then going up.

Other than that, though, their leader--the Ghost, as she'd been officially designated--hadn't....really....discussed any of what they were doing. She'd just led the way in a prowling gait that the men behind her had to double-time to keep up with, keeping up a silence that made the Sergeant uneasy. Whatever this Nexus was, it was clearly weighing sharp and heavy on her mind, demanding her attention more than even her squadron. Although Dag couldn't blame her; this place even made him uneasy. The air Greasy. Like it should smell like burning fat and hair, somehow both sickening and appealing all at once. His stomach growled just thinking about it, despite the stink of sewage surrounding him. One of the other soldiers must've heard it, giving him a look of utter disgust.

"Don't even," he growled, both at the soldier and at his own gut. "We're trusting in her on this one. 'Less you got fancy Jedi powers you been hiding."

He picked up the pace, rounding the corner and turning left at the next fork. He didn't see the Ghost's goggled eyes turning to him for a moment, as she took the same turn a split-second behind him. Sure enough, there was the ladder, leading up into the Citadel proper. He turned to her, half-bowing in a gesture that was as much a joke as a gesture of respect. "After you, Commander. You're the Forcie here."

She seemed to watch him oddly for a second, humming into the vocoder of her helmet before taking the ladder up.
Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun

Another commando dropped as they closed in on the building. By the time Hitos kicked in the door, it was him and two commandos from his original team. They began to search the building room by room. The last thing they wanted was to fall for another trap. After a solid three minutes of clearing rooms, they made it to the floor where the sniper was but they were already gone. Gorgon saw a note near where the gunman stood with a simple message SMILE, Gorgon looked up to see a group of rebel infantry closing in at his location.

"Take defensive positions," annoyance evident in his voice.

"They should be in firing range shortly, treat this as a siege, they have us boxed in and we do not have the gift of movement," Hitos began to barricade the entrance to the 4th floor as the commandos took firing positions and opened fire once they were in range. Gorgon used the last of his explosives to set up a few traps to slow or eliminate their advance.

Moving back into place he began to open fire with his team.

"We need to slow their advance as much as possible the more we can discern their plan of approach the better we can resist their efforts."

Gorgon's veins burst with irritation at his temples the only thing he could think of is who the traitor was and what he would do to them once he found them.


"That's a solid confirmation," the familiar voice barked back at Loreena.

Location: Force Nexus, Moridin's Citadel, Byss
Gear: Elpsis' Armour, Inferno, Uproar Blaster, Hold-out Bolter, Shotgun, Wrist Ion Paddle Beamer, Renegade, Grenades.
Allies: GA
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

The bladeswoman appeared to have been able to mitigate the effect of the shots, though Elpsis could sense that she was in some pain. However, rather than respond in some form, her opponent talked. Perhaps this was an attempt to distract her while her foe recovered or prepared a counter. Siobhan had hammered it into Elpsis' skull not to let an opponent lull her into letting her guard down via banter. Her own experiences in the many hell zones of the galaxy had made sure the point stuck.

Furthermore, dead bodies littered the path to the castle and she sensed the imprint of their deaths on this woman. Above all, she could perceive the taint on her. It was not the taint typically associated with the so called 'dark side' - an entity Elpsis did not really believe in, at least not in the sense Jedi and Sith did. Rather it was something far more alien and eldritch, though Elpsis could not perceive its full extent. Shadowy tentacles seemed to sprout from her.

A Jedi might have tried to engage the woman in banter or preached about her evil deeds - or not, for there were so many variations of Jedi that any attempt to determine the one true one was probably an exercise in futility. Elpsis' views on the matter were far from unbiased. However, she was no Jedi. She had been trained to fight her enemy, not hope that one good pep talk would cause them to suddenly change their ways.

She took her right hand off her sonic pistol. While the woman spoke, the power Elpsis had gathered blossomed inside her, growing in intensity. Then heat, light and fire burst forth from her as she unleashed a potent blast of flame towards her foe. Elpsis was an elementalist, and her kindred element was fire.


O B J E C T I V E | Find the Nexus.
L O C A T I O N | Moridin's Citadel.
T A G S | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

T H E M E | Here.
N P C S |
Diabolico, Belias, Ecliptor
G E A R | Armor, Ring, Choker
Lightwhip, Staff, Pistol.

The water smelled bad, really bad, but what could you expect from a swamp? Her hand was raised to cover her nose with a handkerchief as her face wrinkled in a disgusted pout. Such occasions were to force her on analyzing such situations she got herself into and made her wonder if she actually was as smart as enjoyed thinking she was, such as listening to Nagga the Reader regarding the Dread Lord’s Keep on Byss and its power, those words were more than enough to force Lunafreya on glowing her eyes in pure and simple greed, for she wanted to perform the ultimate ritual and drain the force of that Nexus to herself, use it for her own designs and schemes even if that meant crossing an entire warzone and a disgusting bog in search of that damned place. Oh, glorious Valmar! How Destiny was vile, more than she could ever hope to be on her long years alive in this plane of existence.
“Move, faster!”, Lunafreya muttered in her native tongue, she raised her staff and slammed its tip on top of Sunfyre’s head three times, forcing the dragon to snarl beneath their feet and trying to swim faster. The New Gods of her people knew she was as crafty as the demons of Chaos itself, and crossing those waters on the back of her favorite pet. There, alongside Diabolico, Ecliptor and Belias they stood on the dragon’s back as he swam across the waters, the elzeri female waited already sensed the fortress even without using her gaze to see it growing before them. “Up…”, poking the creature again with her staff, “Up, up... Hold on, don’t you dare to fall on the river, Belias, or I swear that Sunfyre will use you like a toothpick!”

Behind her, she could the shapeshifter grabbing on the nearest horn, moaning in agony as the dragon sank its sharp claws on the outer wall of the fortress, shaking its ruined construction in its entirety. The golden lizard grumbled sinking his other pawn on the wall and using his strength to pull his entire body up, breathing heavily as he pulled all of them up with the sheer might of his ferocity, snarling each time he had to sink his claws on the ancient construction. That placed reeked of sin.
Mistress, would you may be so kind as to remind us again as to why we are here?”, each word that came out of his mouth seemed pure suffering, Belias was terrified of Sunfyre and ancient Sith shrines of death. So, in her most kind voice, Lunfreya decided to explain to her lackey as she held herself with one hand by the dragon’s reins quite gracefully.

“Shut your muzzle, Belias! If you used half your brain to pay any attention to details you would have heard when I explained! We get to the nexus, I perform the ritual, suck the life on that thing straight to the stone and we leave, is that simple enough for your cotton-candy slimeball br-... CAREFUL, SUNFYRE!”, her lips roared as one piece of the walls cracked and fell from the top straight towards them, behind her, both Diabolico and Belias screamed, it was quite interesting how shrill the voice of a reptile alien could get. Snarling in her wrath, the female was forced to swinging her staff and pushing the boulder aside with the Force, causing a terrifying water explosion as it collapsed on the river. Both of the living creatures yarned in relief, pure and simple relief, forcing her to cackle in spite. “Idiots.”

“Your Grace...”, Ecliptor’s voice was heavy and terrifying robotic. “What if we come across intruders inside?”
“We get the Nexus for ourselves, find whatever is in our path and kill them, Ecliptor, obviously.”, Diabolico boomed by his side, just on time for Sunfyre to reach the top of the wall, supporting his entire weight on top of its construction, cracking all of its edges into a rainfall of debris large enough to crush a rancor’s skull. “Finally!”, the golden lizard said in pure relief jumping out of the dragon alongside the others. The elzeri sighed too, and nodded to the creature, saying with genuine caring.

“Hide somewhere and wait for us... Don’t fool around.”, the creature growled, and obediently did as he was told. The Solidor turned to face the keep, with a wicked grin forming on her lips as she began to walk towards this mausoleum through its front-yard, behind her Diabolico bend over the floor, and began to move his large muzzle to sniff something on the floor.

“People passed this way... weren’t many... I smell... two females... at least.”, a pout formed on Lunafreya’s lips as she began weighting on this matter inside her mind. Again her head started to move and ponder on the fortress as it was, every single creepy and disgusting detail of decay and ruinous hatred. The gigantic golden lizard joined her on accessing the fortress, and in a polite voice, he asked her at her side. “What do we do now?", Inside her chest, she could feel her heart beating like an drummer.

“You said so yourself, Diabolico, we go in, and if they cross our paths, we kill them. She slammed her staff proudly on the floor and began walking inside the fortress. Chaos itself would come to this plane of existence before she would back down and turn back.

Post: 2
Objective: Be my Friend and #1
Equipment: Mind Crown | Hooded Black Long coat | Black Ancient Sith armor | Sith Mask | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Grenade Launcher | X10 Hypo-syringes | X4 Daggers | Liquid Delirium | Many explosives & Explosive paraphernalia & Grenades | Spare Hyperdrive | Hover Sled with small shielding device | x1 Child with a detonation Collar on | Pack of Death sticks
Allies: EE
Enemies: GA | Jasol Dorsian | OPEN

Tegan had been minding her own business when a soldier rudely yelled in her direction. She eyed both soldiers as one came with in six meters of her, so she stopped her forward movement. He also screamed some nonsense at her about detaining and colluding. Two things no one Detained Tegan unless she let them, the second she had not colluded with anyone in a long time she was having a bit of dry spell int hat area since her husband died. Also how dare he presume she was some sort of harlot colluding with enemy. Then there was the matter she didn’t recognize his government or authority here on Byss, she was part of the free sovereign citizen movement and as a free citizen she had the right to roam when and where she pleased.

After a few moments passing of everyone staring at each other blankly. Lucky for the soldiers Tegan had a mask on so they could not see her creepy beady eyes staring at them burning a hole straight through them like they were nothing. If they only knew to her they were toys to be played with pawns in her greater game. Just like the child with the explosive collar around his neck, he was just a tool and Tegan felt nothing about using him as such. A few more moments past and the figure behind the mask finally spoke defining her sex as female though up close even the armor it was more defining.

Her voice sounded sweat and innocent but of the creepy variety where you knew you could not exactly trust it. “I came for the Garage Sales.” There was a bit of a chuckle after she said it as she slightly looked off at some of the shell-shocked buildings in the area. The Corporal though felt a tingle in his mind as with the force she crept in. He turned to Captain Kovacs and with a serious soldier face and his mind being dominated spoke. “She is just here for the Garage sales sir. She can pass.”

Tegan turned her head slightly to look directly at Kovac waiting to see his response. Also, in the meantime while she waited for a response her, she was mentally using her mind crown to slice into the comm systems of the Corporals helmet. Tegan had not even grabbed for a weapon yet but then again this was always the way she played the mind was always the strongest weapon in war.

The Raven

The Raven

Location: The Capital City
Objective: Find Caedyn Arenais
Equipment: Two Crimson Lightsabers, Combat Suit
Tag(s): Caedyn Arenais | Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar


He'd managed to land the stealth ship with no problems. There had been a vacant landing pad in the Capital which The Raven was able to utilize to enter the city. He climbed out of the ship, descended a ladder that did not disturb the ship's stealth functions. His metal boots tapped against the landing pad before his eyes turned to the skies above. The Invasion craft were firing into the city and assaulting the planet with some impressive speed. He'd need to make this brief. The Raven turned back to the door that led into the building. With a slight press into the Force, the doors were opened and he moved into the structures inner workings.

When The Raven made it to the streets he was more careful. His eyes rolled over the HUD, making electronic targets of those troops he'd seen moving through the city. He turned down an alley, just in time for a squad of Alliance troopers to take notice of him. The squad seemed to be waiting for orders on their next movements, however all four of the men levied their weapons against the man. "Hey, freeze!" The squad leader demanded. "Who are you, a Jedi?" The Raven rolled his eyes within his helmet before speaking out. "I can guess you've never seen a Jedi before." The man looked to his men before pulling out a set of binders. "That's it smart ass, we're taking you in. Can't take any risks. Hands behind your head and on your knees." The Raven tilted his head for a single moment before slowly raising his hands, placing them on the back of his helmet as he descended down to his knees. Two of the men stepped forward, wrapping their wrists around his hands and preparing to force him to the ground.

Then the Squad Leader spoke up once again. "Hey, hey, secure those weapons." He said, gesturing down to the lightsabers that hung from his waist. Each of the man reached down, both of them taking one into their hands before forcing the black-clad man to the ground. The slam was hard but The Raven simply glanced up at the Squad Leader. "Lightsabers, huh?" One of the man remarked, looking the weapon over as he stood over the intruder. "Careful, they're dangerous." The Raven said, only causing one of the men to laugh out. "Dangerous, dangerous h-" In that moment The Raven closed his eyes, focusing on the Force. He found what he'd searched for.

Both of the lightsaber's activation switches were depressed. The first activated, the crimson lightsaber slicing through the man's throat, cutting his words and his life in one brief movement. He stood there, his throat cauterizing shut as his spinal cord was severed. Dead. The second man holding the lightsaber screamed out as his own hand shifted against his command, burying the lightsaber into the chest of the trooper beside him. The first lightsaber spun wildly in a flurry, quickly slicing off the heads of the remaining two troopers.

When all was said and done, only the two crimson lightsabers remained, softly floating over The Raven. "Idiots." He remarked before raising his bound hands to the air behind his back. One of the blades slowly slid across the binders, slicing them in half and freeing the man. He stood to his full height, both of the lightsabers deactivating as they returned to his open hands. After clasping them back on his belt he began to knock the dust from his chest, refocusing on the task at hand. He exhaled, feeling Caedyn Arenais presence once again and moving down the alley to follow the feeling that guided him.



Director of Blackwatch ; CEO of N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Location: Byss , Edge of Industrial Center
Objective: 1 , Cripple Byss Infrastructure, locate and destroy planetary shield

Dress: Uniform , Armor
Tags: Rowena , Open

The explosives had been planted within minutes, cleverly concealed from sight. Blaster fire was heard out in the distance as forces clashed. "Let's get a move on." They exited the building and headed towards the next one. Bodies, artillery emplacements and starfighter wreckage littered the ground from the first wave of attacks. The air reeked of freshly charred bodies and burned vehicles. They walked along the side of buildings in a loose formation for fear of grenades. Their heads were up actively searching for enemy snipers and aircraft.

"Sir over here." The group stopped as the troop leader motioned for Ben to quickly come to her side. She gestured at the datapad. They weren't alone. A small cluster of dots not their own blinked in the near distance from their position. The device was capable of detecting heartbeats kilometers away. "
They could be friendly or enemies. Let's head towards them and try to take them by surprise." The captain nodded and put the device away, raising her blaster.

They cautiously headed towards the other's position. As they got closer, Ben recognized the armor the others were wearing. He called out to make sure, "Zweihander Union forces?" His troopers kept their blasters aimed in case he was wrong. Though he was sure he wasn't. He had spent enough time within the Union to recognize the troopers.


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