Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion Return to Stygian | GA Rebellion of TSE's Krayiss and Jelucan



Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Kirie Kirie

Firestorms blazed around the Krayiss Obelisk. Abominable screams pierced the night mingling with agonized cries of a far more mundane nature. Major Stazi poured more into a raging inferno now surrounding the creature's sand pit until his scavenged hand flamer finally ran out of fuel. He tossed the useless weapon aside and breathed heavily through all the smoke. Immolation reflected off his crimson eyes causing them to glow bright with almost sympathetic ferocity.


"I know an enemy when I see one."

There wasn't much left of the Pathfinder expedition still guarding their only avenue of escape. Broken bodies littered a desolate landscape surrounding the terrible obelisk guardian. Defensive emplacements were either crushed or left in ruins. A few heavy weapon teams fortunate enough to find themselves under Master Starchaser's aegis still raked the sithspawn leviathan with repeater cannons and missile launchers. It recoiled more at the wall of fire surrounding what Sol eventually realized were its confines. For all the writhing tentacles it had not strayed beyond the obelisk's perimeter.

Somewhere along the way his comlink had been crushed so Major Stazi was half blinded by the Jedi Master's sudden beam of kyber infused pure light. He heard the beast recoil and saw flashes of its outline as the monstrosity slowly began to sink back underneath the sands. Hatred blazed through him like that same wildfire. He passed heedless through the conflagration and leapt after it, fatigues still alight.

"Go back to hell!" the duros screamed in frenzy.

Sol caught hold of a writhing mass and stabbed down repeatedly with his vibroknife. With a snarl he lopped off another flailing tentacle. More black ichor splattered across his face dousing the pathfinder in ebon viscera. Last time Starchaser and his troopers glimpsed the grizzled veteran commando he was still hacking away even as sand consumed them both. Then the leviathan was gone and a few moments after the obelisk's glowing Sith runes began to fade.




LA-la-la-LA! LA-la-la-LA!

'Oh, no, no, NO!'

Where is the fun in the mayhem? The Senate called a recess and yet there are bids of farewell?! The Vice Chancellor left in the blink of an eye. This shall not do for the Nightsister, a woman who just needs a little fun. Lord Carnifex is fun but sometimes a new game is exciting too!

She would not leave before she has a little fun! The Matriarch's mind is made up!

The Nightsister made her way through the corridor as quickly as she could sprint, eager to shed the repulsing form of this hideous GA woman. From the same single refresher where she had trapped Preylith T'dishon would be heard a shriek of terror, as the real Senator was suddenly tugged out of the Nether and facing herself in the flesh, who was scowling back at her. Clearly the Azbrian farmer has lost her mind and for good enough reason, Pom believes! The young woman just would not stop shrieking.

If THAT wasn't enough to send her to the looney bin for months, but likely for years, Pomstychtivé transformed back to her old creepy self right before the younger farm girl's eyes. The witch threw back her head and twelve plumes of black smoke streamed out from of her mouth. Black shadows landed their feet upon the floor with hard thumps. A turn of their heads each, and their bodies revealed decaying skeletons under their dusty tattered robes.

The refresher door that had been locked, keeping concerned individuals from entering, blasted open and tore from its hinges, coming to land across the corridor, flattening a group of good samaritans backwards into one another. The Wanica Coven passed through the threshold, their cackling reverberating through out the halls.

They flew about like they had a mission; and they do, a simple one, to have another fun girl's night out.

Whenever had the last one been?

They raised a ruckus as they flew around, emptying trash receptacles, plowing over droids, streaking smudges across the windows, making a fine mess.

Pom is a pretty refined woman on most days, maybe she is just reacting to the aspirin she took. A woman of many masks is far more independent and intriguing anyhow; crazy works too.




Location: Yun'o-tu Tchilat - Knotte Al'Yun-Ne'Shel | Outer Krayiss II Orbit
Objective: Feed The Flames | Resurrect Braith Achlys
Allies: The Sith Empire
Enemies: New Imperial Order & Galactic Alliance | Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask , Djorn Bline Djorn Bline
Equipment: Lightsaber, Amphistaff

From the moment of her birth the only certainty that Vesta Zambrano had was that the galaxy wanted her dead.

Disruptor fire plunged into the chest of one of the Slayers off to her side, its impact against the warrior's body creating a spiraling chain reaction that atomized him before he even knew he was dead, and a sonic detonator exploded near the feet of another with such an earsplitting scream that the remaining Slayer was momentarily stunned, disoriented by the noise, with her hands at the sides of her head in vain to try to keep the pain from increasing. Other Sith had seen this sort of scene before, knew their disadvantages created a risk higher than they were willing to chance, but the shapeshifter didn't care - she reached out with her hand to grip the rocket aimed towards her and crushed it before it could reach her. Temperatures dropped and a section of the floor, a part of a massive, living, ship, froze quickly under the frigid conditions of the cryo-missile - but it was precisely these conditions the Sith was now after.

Colder temperatures reduced the movement of molecules in the space between the two opposing sides, ironically increasing the friction of materials unseen in a similar manner to intense heat, but also creating a more dry environment where electron travel was more difficult - where electric charges could be built upon and discharged with relative ease. Sweeping her clenched fist to the right she reached out to the expanding zone of cold and opened her hand, fingers stretched to their peak, and released a spray of lightning from it as the amphistaff around her arm unfurled and stretched across her chest to take several blows from Vrask's pistol for its master, knocked straight over her shoulder as she exerted her will over the force.

Like a static charge on a cold winter morning the electricity arced through the dry air between the two sides towards anyone and anything unfortunate enough to act as a ground for the cloud of lightning, lightning that struck and killed the remaining Slayer. "Yes, focus on me." She said, lowering her hand, lightning receding from her grip, as she lunged forwards, saber drawn, towards the enemy - she'd exhausted them of their element of surprise, witnessed the means they had to deal with her abilities, and now understood fully what she was dealing with. Her intent, fortunately for Bline and Vrask, was only to occupy them - the slow glow of violet light behind her told her that was more than enough.
Allies: The Sith Empire - Valen Arenais
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance - Zark San Tekka - Captain Raith
Objective: 2
Location: TempleStone - At the foot of the Counts Tower

If the unicellular organism had the capacity to laugh he would now, break into full-fledged crazed laughter.

Templestone was in ruins, a single night of rebellion had utterly disfigured the city and its populace. DarrVack on the other hand would profit greatly, it was an old ruse, a play he had successfully completed dozens of times, find disputed ground, burn it while investing into the very companies that would come in to rebuild. No matter if it were them or the Alliance the contractors remained the same, simply said those that could.

War created suffering, and suffering created opportunity, and the Detergent Sith was a masterful craftsman of such opportunities.

Buildings crumbled, roads were turned to rubble. Even the night sky itself was contested filled with flashes and spurs or red and blue as the two sides exchanged volleys. Above the clouds a far more devastating battle was ensuing that dyed the clouds in those very same shades.

No man women or child in this town would ever come to forget this night, the night that war, real war came upon them.

Ahh… a general on the battlefield

He had finally picked up on the lightsider, the creature leading the charge of these imbeciles.

Darr would not stand idle at the invitation, this was a planet occupied by Sith and he would leave it as such when he made his way to the next conflict.

“Led de annihiladors lose”
“Let the annihilators lose”

Upon command fifteen of the X2-72a sprung to live inside the tower and like soaring canon balls hovering above the ground, they sped through the corridors to aid their master in battle. Terrifying machines, that would race past Darr over the bridge and into battle as barely visible small round orbs. Once they would close upon the enemy troopers they erupted into crackling tentacled monsters, slicing holes into armors with their eye-fired lasers before filling it with their energy tendrils evaporating any and all flesh they touched. Under the cover of night, with their size and speed, there were a deadly enemy if not properly prepared.

Now the gigantic Sith began his advance two light sabers slowly drifting upwards from their holsters on his side, with a menacing hiss they birthed the red blades feared throughout the galaxy. Darr did not wield them himself but relied on an ages-old combat form with which he guided them through the force.

Behind him, a troop of over fifty of his OMYN droids marched out of the tower.

Templestone might fall, it was nothing but stone and blood, but the Sith, the Empire, and their new Emperor were forever.

“Led me show you de error of your ways Jedi”
“Let me show you the error of your ways Jedi”

Maestus listened carefully to what each of her colleagues said. The suggestions being given were all good ideas, well thought out. And would require a great deal of planning and subterfuge. She gave a dry frown at that thought.

She cleared her throat, then leaned slightly forward.

Faith Organa Faith Organa is most certainly correct. If we are considering sending in operatives, then so are all our enemies. The various Sith factions, the Maw and the Bryn'Adul. I feel that we can not allow their actions to dictate our response. The time for simply reacting has passed us by. And quite frankly, has found us woefully unprepared for facing threats on 3 different fronts.

She signed, rubbing her temple. She wasn't getting a headache. But the effort of maintaining her Force Concealment was wearing on her. She could not let it fall now, she was taking no chances. Should she be found out, making it out alive would be a pipe dream. Or worse, she could end up in shackles, a prisoner.

Folding her hands before her, she looked at them each in turn.

Speaking GA Intelligence is an excellent move. They will know who is best suited to the task of infiltration. Now, a question. Do we infiltrate only 1 enemy faction, or put someone in all 3? If we are going to gather as much intelligence as possible, I recommend all three factions get infiltrated. Yes, she conceded, This carries grave risk to the operatives. If found out, I believe they will be tortured terribly until they give up any intelligence on the GAs plans. I suggest placing our best operatives inside. They will have to take part in attacks, raids, even murder, all in the name of not blowing their cover identities. So for that reason I do not suggest enlisting any of our Jedi allies.

As far as the economic burden a wart on three fronts will be on the citizenship, it's going to be astronomical. Fighting one war is expensive, but 3? Insanity. I suggest identifying the threat we feel is most dire, and acting accordingly to that threat. Personally, I feel the Sith are the biggest concern. They have powers that the majority of the galaxy doesn't, and they are hell bent on galactic conquest.

She leans back, thoughtful yet pensive as she bit her lip.

Would it be of any use to sen a diplomatic envoy to the Bryn'Adul? Perhaps offer a treaty to not encroch on each other's respective territories?

She looked to Dalton Crowder and then to Faith Organa Faith Organa thoughtfully.

Dalton Crowder

Dalton listened intently to his colleagues and found himself rubbing his temple almost in time with Maestus Maestus , though he didn't know why. He felt a vague sense of dread for a moment, then it was gone.

'Maybe it's these talks, it would cause dread in anyone who was sane...' He thought to himself, and dismissed the feeling, mentally fortifying himself.

"I believe we should allow the experts in Intelligence to decide on how best to proceed with the infiltrations. I am not unfamiliar with the needs of such work, and I know that the Jedi have assets equal to the tasks in the name of the greater good." He made a mental note to do just that as he glanced up at the readouts. "We're getting only spotty information from the Epilogue, other assets are reporting back..." He tried his best to make sense of the raw data, but knew that a thorough analysis would be needed before anything concrete about the on going action against the Sith was known. He tapped a few keys, backing out of the detail. "We can make our distinctions on who should be targetted. I feel after Csilla, and with so much open space between us and the Maw that it should be them we focus on. What we can do is write separate reports and submit them to the Intelligence Committee for review. If you would like to write a report about why the Sith should be our focus, I can write a report on the Maw, and" Dalton turned to Faith Organa Faith Organa , "if you would be willing to write up why we should focus on the Bryn, we should have some good information for that Committee to make a formal recommendation."

She watched her colleagues and listened careful to understand the tone and intent. She could not help but feel cold when Via mentioned the Sith not wanting to allow her own emotions to run away with the thought. It would be easy to do.

I can understand why the Sith would be considered such threats" She thought about each attack on Alderaan and how much damage, and mayhem they had created. But what they had done was nothing compared to Csilla. A quick shake of her head cleared her mind once more.

Reasonable she had to be reasonable take away the personal anguish over the Sith, "
So then it's decided to ask the intelligence division to consider operatives." A nod of her own to agree.

If she really thought about it, she did consider the Maw the ones to watch, but yes,
"I can write a report on Bryn. A threat on three fronts should not be taken lightly, but I truly believe the Maw will come first." She just couldn't shake that feeling that they the Maw felt like they had only just begun. The Sith and the Bryn may well stand in their way, longevity and becoming comfortable with their place in the galaxy may be their downfall. But it was just a thought, one she couldn't substantiate with facts and figures, just a hunch.

Only time would tell if she was right or wrong. Either way wars were coming.

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