old money
Guarantor | Visions of Gold | Attire
DARKCOM | Seto du Couteau | Jak Ross | Julius Haskler
Pom Stych Tivé | Darth Carnifex | Taeli Raaf
Tithe listened as Preylith T'dishon, the Honourable Member for Azbrian, outlined what her planet could offer the greater Alliance by means of materiel support. As she spoke his eyes dipped to the datapad on the table before him. He didn’t remember anything about armour production or humanitarian food stock in the briefing material which had been prepared for him ahead of the meeting.
And yet… he believed her. Obviously, Azbrian would provide what she said it would. Why else would she have said it were it not the complete truth? He looked back up at the young Senator, not sensing a word of mistruth leaving her lips. While he didn’t have much of a background with her, for whatever reason his mind was convinced that she could be trusted. Clearly, his staff had been incorrect in their research, there was a first time for everything. He made a note to have whoever prepared the briefing gone by the end of the day.
“We humbly accept Azbrian’s most gracious offer,” he replied with a slight bow of his head in reverence. If only all his legislative colleagues could be as trustworthy as Preylith!
The Honourable Member for Epoch noted the heavy burden facing the committee. Few truer words had ever been uttered in this room - public support for the war with the Sith was at an all-time low. What had been promised by Tithe and Chancellor Chandra to be a swift and decisive campaign had dragged out into a series of devastating defeats. Even now, the Jedi and GADF were lightyears away, besieging a world too far removed from the Alliance’s borders for the citizenry to care. As far as they were concerned, Krayiss had sealed its fate through its continued support of the Sith. Why should billions of credits and millions of lives be spent fighting a war on the other side of the galaxy?
“A show of strength will go a long way to rebuilding the public’s faith,” Tithe mused in response to Fossk’s comment about the need for a show of strength. He desperately needed a win to get the public back on his side. How fortunate that his colleagues seemed to have all the right answers?
Certainly, there were others in the room who agreed with the war. Take Adrimos Fasoyor, the Honourable Member for Metellos, for example. An extreme hardliner, who did not let a day go past where he didn’t throw his support behind a measure to combat or harass the Alliance’s enemies. Tithe didn’t recall allowing Senators to bring their staff to the closed-door meetings, but for some reason, Fasoyor’s page seemed to blend into the room, as if he was meant to be there. He shouldn't worry, what harm could come of a single man?
The Honourable Member for Arkania also favoured taking a strong stance against the Sith, though countered with a suggestion to use a biological weapon. Indeed, a carefully targeting virus could have vastly fewer collateral deaths than destroying an entire world. As Elizie spoke Tithe couldn’t help feel a sense of familiarity with the young woman. He didn’t remember having served with her in any real capacity before the Select Committee had been called, so it presumably was all the media coverage of her recent kidnapping. But still…
The Vice Chancellor shook his head to clear it. There was no time for ideal pondering.
“Before we requisition such a weapon, surely we must pontifficate the, ah, ethics of such a move?” Prior to Csilla, no galactic government had deployed a weapon of such magnitude in recent memory. Was this truly the dawn of the age of superweapons?
“How can we fight a moral war against the Sith and the Brotherhood while secretly commissioning a weapon of such power, with the potential to end billions of lives in one fell stroke?” He was already facing a public relations nightmare with this bloody conflict, the last thing the administration needed was more controversy.