Location : Cloaked up ship, landing at the periphery of the City / Planet Susevfi
Shikkar circled a bit, cloaked, going from the landing where she was taken, city's center, to each of the devastated city outskirts. Ships crew was monitoring ground with care.
The main screen suddenly glow with the image of several orange to red dots, in the ocean of cold gray.
"We got something, my Lord!" junior officer proclaimed proudly, while still typing and directing the Shikkar's scanners.
Omon jumped from his chair, as they finally might have something, after 1 hour of flying around.
He observed the 3 'hot' images, surrounded by houses who barely had any power at all.
"Good work agent!" his arms crossed on his chest, as his feet moved up and down few time in place, as though wanting to jump in to that screen..
"Now turn heat signature off, and get us closer. Search for the second parameter." order was said with caution, as though not wanting to put bad luck on it.
For their hypothesis to be correct, two parameters had to achieved.
Cloaked vessel moved slowly and with purpose, like a shark stalking its pray. The green and blue lines were doing horizontal and vertical sweep across the screen, until the scan was finally ready.
"Its a hit sir! Two out of Three structures have them" different crew member proclaimed
"Newly build antennas, with very strong signal. One is definitely interplanetary, that object is also the one with bigger electricity input and output." young girl proclaimed proudly, then return to her work.
Diem liked this, this was something that looked promising.
"One with the weaker antenna must be guard station, or some sort of security, for the other, main one" he thought while looking as the settlement was closing in.
"Relay orders to Jaegissary Commandoes in the back :
'Unit of 6; Civilian ragged outfits; Weapons with kinetic-projectiles, silenced & concealed; Possible extraction, precise trigger time:'.." once he issue the order, one of the agents nodded and started to send it to men in the common-room area, in the back of the vessel.
Omon donned his common looking robe, to blend with the masses, as the first houses started to appear below them. In secret, they landed on small hillside, just above the 2 houses of interest. While the ship was in stealth mode, it will not be discovered.
They disembarked. Six commandoes, and Darth Diem. Receiving information's through the earpieces, while also sending them for analysis through hidden cameras.
They spread in to group of 3 and 4, slowly descending to the houses. They were passing beside ragged looking people, drunk, malnourished, sick..
Ones who seemed fine, had an empty, sinister gaze. Eyes without hope.
Each group converged right between the 3 houses who had huge electric output. Keeping small distance between each of the man.
And right away his commandoes noticed several possible threats or guards. After Omon looked, he concurred. He could sense their fighting nature.
He started observing two objects that had big antennas.. house with smaller antenna was bigger, longer. House with bigger antenna was smaller, but had 2 floors.
Filth and trash was in front of both. But one had mostly food junk and garbage. While smaller house had empty med packs, surgical glows, broken syringes, and plenty more used medical equipment tossed out front.
"This is it.. pray to Bogan" young Sith thought, before giving his men hidden signal to follow.
After they all knew which house they hitting, it was mostly routine.. hit fast, hit silent, get out like a ghost.
Diem extended his forearm, and used the force to unlock the doors, right after that 1 commando opened it, and Diem entered first, followed by his Jaegissary.
There were several people inside, all shocked and surprised with their barging in. Two, as far as he could count, had usual bio coats on, while other.. at least 3 were dressed as usual dirty mussel, probably there as guards.
Omon smiled, and was about to give the command.. as feeling of liquid fire running through his veins, hit him like a hammer. It was as though his inner being is contracting somehow..
"My midichlorians are rebelling.." ..while he was thinking, his Elite Commandoes, were so worried about him, due to his programing, that they allowed one of those two in lab coats, to grab a gun and fire at him.
He could only see a face of one the soldiers, standing swiftly in front of him. While, whatever was being fired, was hitting him in the back. But they were no blaster shots.
Omon, while shielded by his man, stumble backwards to exit the house..
"Ones in lab coats, alive! Kill thee others!" ..he said before slipping on the doorway and dropped on his ass and back.
He could only see as his six commandoes, like machines, pull out their short rifles and each fire precisely 2 shots, toward the enemy. Man who saved him from attack, had 4 vials stuck in to his back. he liquid was slowly disappearing in to the man's back.
He could hear 4-5 bodies drop to the floor, and then sounds of person wailing from pain. Four of his men disappeared from his view, he could hear one beating the person who was noisy.. probably the person who shot at him.
Then the soldier closest to the door and him, one shot with syringes, turned and spoke in calm voice..
"Lab coats secured, my Lord. Other liquefied. Cleaning the second floor now."
He stood up, slowly, still bit dizzy. Then look behind if anyone from the rest of the people noticed anything.. everything was quiet.
"Thank you.. turn around please".. on his command soldier obeyed right away. And Omon pulled 4 vials from his back, observing them with care.
"You.. feel ok?" on his question solder nodded.
"Guess it was meant for me. Get those nerds in white out, and toss them to the side of the house" realizing he cant get in to the house, for whatever reason, he used next fastest option.
In the darkness of the empty house yard, two.. doctor 'looking' people trembled in front of him. One was bleeding from a shoulder wound. But it was a clean through and through shot.
"What is this, that you fired at me?" Omon asked calmly..
"What did I feel when I entered in to the house? From the fear in your eye, you know what I am, it seems.. so speak"
But there was no reply. There was tears.. but still, no reply.
Closest commando to one of the two prisoners, used his elbow to plow him right across the nose. Blood fired out like a fountain.
"WHAT?!" ..after his more angrier question, other commando slide his finger in to the second man's projectiles hole, and started twisting.
He would scream, but his mouth were gagged right at the right time. His eyes were filling with tears, but his gaze was begging, proclaiming 'I'll talk'.
On Omon's nod soldiers stopped and lifted him up, while pulling other on the ground.
"Its.. it's a Force suppressor. Synthesized from th.. the gland of a Ysalamiri lizard.." his face was death-by-dread.. after he spoke those words. As though he said his only bargaining chip.
"Are you the chief.. scientist, on this little back-ally project?" Diem demanded to know.
Man nodded in fear.
Omon ignited his lightsaber from the hip, stabbing the one on the ground in to his neck. Commandoes let him go right away, and stood back up.
Doctor started to wet himself.
"Don't worry doc.. I got other plans for you. You're much more valuable alive. Before my men take you to my ship.. I need to know one more thing." he smiled, and shook his finger, as though saying 'naughty naughty'..
"I know you smart people can never just do ONE thing.. you must always explore everything to the END" Sith arm extended towards the man head, his fingers opening up as though they want to scoop inside..
"Sadly doc, I cant ask this question without a bit of help from the Force, to trust the answer.." man started to slowly move his face from side to side.. silent 'No' was repeated several times..
"Where is the antidote doc? Ysalamiri gotta turn his natural ability off at some point. Right?" man started to weep and shake, as the Dark Side of the Force pierced his brain like a butter.