Relationship Status: It's Complicated
The Dread Wolf watched as those carrying Quinn Varanin made their way onto his ship. She had been hurt, but beyond that it was what Gerwald had not know about her which made him fret. She was… force born? Being disconnected from the force as she had been was something which was not good for her. The Wolf had not known, but he should have, especially since she was on his ship and under his care. Quinn should have told him, hell, the Empress should have told him. SOMEONE should have told him.
Gerwald did not need to contain his anger, there rebel faces he could take it out on. The hammer bashed from skull to face as he moved about to keep the path clear. Once everyone was on board, the Wolf ran back up the ramp.
The command to his pilot was direct. They would head to the Mors Mon where Srina Talon would be waiting for them. Gerwald was not looking forward to his meeting. Whether it was in front of everyone or if it would be later in private, the Wolf would have to give an account as to why she had been allowed to go to the planet. Yet, they both knew his presence would have made matters worse where Quinn was involved. Susevfi would have seen the return of the wolf as an act of violence. They had little option that to allow Quinn to try.
Sith failed or they succeeded. The rebels of Susevfi made the mistake of turning to violence themselves.
They invited it.
Srina commanded it.
It had been fortunate for him the Empress was fixated on Quinn. She would see to helping Quinn find her place in the force once more. If the Echani could reach into the Nether and bring Naedira Darcrath back to life, then she could accomplish this. If she needed to draw from Gerwald to do it, then so be it.
“I am responsible to aid in her recovery as long as she remains pledged to my warband. Take from me if you must.”
Others made the offer as well. Whatever the Empress needed to help her, she would have it.
Relief washed over the Wolf when Quinn spoke. Signs of life were good. It meant the Echani had a fighting chance, and the princess would fight. It was in her nature. Her kind were fighters. If anyone had taught Gerwald that, it was Srina. Quinn would overcome, because she had to. When she gasped for air, breathed, Gerwald turned his head back toward the planet.
He turned back to see Quinn and Srina embrace. Gerwald watched the Kiffar which had joined them. He seemed… drained. He canted his head to be sure if he was okay.
The Dread Wolf looked up to the tower which was the Butcher King, Darth Carnifex . If there was a fight to be had, if there was a planet to bring to heel, he would do it.
Gerwald nodded to the Empress, “My lady.”
He stepped toward the Butcher King.
“Lord Carnifex. I fear it has been too long since we spilled blood together on Echnos. If Susevfi is to be an example, shall we set it together?”