Lionel had to refrain from smiling
too much as he caught Amea getting lost in her thoughts, taking care to not consume the caf too quickly. Earlier in the day, Evelyn had been fussing over the matter.
Caf’s not exactly her favourite thing, but I’ve managed to find a blend that she likes. It’s...wait no, just lemme make it, it’ll be easier.
If they weren’t already dating, it would’ve been abundantly clear just how smitten Evelyn was with Amea. Whatever they had gone through together, it had helped forged a bond that was going to be difficult to break. No doubt there would be bumps along the road, but to Lionel it seemed the two had already tackled a hurdle.
You’re not wrong there, I’d do whatever it took to keep her happy. Evie went through too much when she was growing up, so it makes me happy to see she’s found someone.” He had been worried to death when Evie left, as had Dolores. She had flown the coop on a whim, to explore the galaxy. Of course, a part of them were concerned over their granddaughter throwing away a potential career, but they were more so concerned about her being alone in the galaxy. “
She’s lucky to have you.”
He laughed lightly at Amea’s question. “
Well that’ll depend...if Evie’s took anything from me, it’s likely my inability to stop shopping for stuff to cook with.” He scratched the side of his sheepishly. “
But Dolores is with her, and she’s had years of practice to pull me away-”
Lionel!” The voice managed to echo from the entrance right down towards the workshop. It was clearly Dolores, but the tone was not one of alarm or panic. If anything it almost sounded...overjoyed? “
Get your butt to the entrance, now. I have met the cutest little thing, ever!”
The elderly Shaw looked very bemused. “
Oh god, what’s she brought home now?” Lionel chuckled as he hadn’t the faintest idea, although Amea just very well might. “
Come on, we better go see what’s up before Dolores loses her voice.”
Lionel led the way, with Bob quietly following behind them. Once they reached the entrance, it became plainly apparent just what had been the source of Dolores’ almost giddy-like joy.
She was standing just inside the foyer, a couple bags full of goods at each side of her, but most importantly a certain white furred being was in the process of clambering up onto her shoulders.
Evelyn however, was not present.