Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reunification (Neema)

Dav Scorpio

Dav got to his room and closed his eyes, promptly falling asleep

[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]


Captain Neema Farron
Neema dragged her fingertips along the floor, feeling for her coat. After she found it, she put it on, bundling up some more. It was a nice ship, but it was cold.

Dav Scorpio

Dav woke up because he was freezing. Neema probably was too, and his ship didn't exactly have the best heating system. He got up and walked down the hall to Neema's room. She had put her coat on by now and was fast asleep, or so she seemed. She was shivering in her sleep, so Dav walked over and got some blankets out of the closet. He walked over and silently sat on the bed, covering her with the blankets

[member="Capt. Neema Farron"].

Dav Scorpio

"No problem" Dav said, still sitting on the bed. He hadn't noticed that she was awake until she spoke, and it startled him a bit. "I can't sleep, can you?" He rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times.

[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

Dav Scorpio

"There's nothing to be sorry about." Dav put his arm around her, in an attempt to warm her up. It should work better than last time, since he wasn't wearing any armor now. [member="Capt. Neema Farron"]


Captain Neema Farron
Neema leaned in against him, clutching the blanket closer. "I know, it's just really cold for me, I spent most of my life on Tatooine, after all."

Dav Scorpio

Dav smiled and said "I understand, and my ship isn't the warmest hunk of metal in the galaxy." As he said this, he chuckled. He leaned back with neema onto the bed, still holding her to keep her warm

[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

Dav Scorpio

Dav was starting to get sleepy again. Holding her close, he drifted off to sleep.

[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

Dav Scorpio

Dav woke up in the morning with a bit of a headache. He didn't move, knowing that he would wake Neema up. He smiled and laid there, enjoying the moment

[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]


Captain Neema Farron
Neema opened her eyes slowly, only to be blinded by lights. Her pounding head elicited a groan. "Oh... owie... Morning..."

Dav Scorpio

Dav kissed her forehead and smiled. "Morning. How's your head feeling?" He assumed it would be hurting, his certainly was

[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

Dav Scorpio

Dav reached over to the nightstand beside the bed and pulled out a bottle of pills. He pulled one out and gave it to Neema. "Here, this should help"

[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

Dav Scorpio

Dav pointed to the 'fresher quickly, hoping she wasn't about to puke all over. "Right over there"\

[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]


Captain Neema Farron
Neema nodded thankfully, she looked absolutely green. She almost tripped over her coat and belt on the way, turning a quick corner and pulling the seat up as she collapsed to her knees. Last night's ale started coming up.

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