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"Okay, If you say so" Dav said as he squeezed her a bit, glad to have her in his arms. "But if you wanna take a little nap go for it." He smiled and kissed the top of her head again. With his free hand, he took a drink of ale. He was quite drunk also, he just was a bit better at concealing it.
[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]
Dav smiled and sat completely still so he didn't wake her up. He waited for what seemed like a long time, and he was starting to nod off. He snapped back awake, his body still motionless as he shook his head. He looked down at her as she slept and smiled.
"Good morning, sunshine" Dav said, grinning. "How was your nap?" he asked as he took a sip of ale. He was surprised by her sudden movement when she woke up a second ago. He smiled and gave her a light hug from the side
"Do you want to go back to the ship and rest? I have an extra room in my ship if you wanna stay there. I can't leave you alone and drunk in your ship alone." Dav said this and smiled warmly, looking into her eyes with his bright blue eyes, thoughts racing through his head..
Dav stood and held her hand with one hand, the other one he placed on her back. He threw some credits on the table and walked her to the ship slowly. Once they got there, he lead her inside...
Dav lead her to the bedroom, walking in with her. "You'll be sleeping here, Neema. Hope you like it." He suddenly pulled her close and kissed her goodnight.
Dav smiled at her and said "No problem Neema. goodnight." With that, he turned and walked out the door. As he went through the door, he paused for a moment and looked back, then went into the hallway and started taking his armor off so he could sleep
After a while, Neema woke with a start. Sitting up quickly, she checked her belongs. Her credits were safe, as were her gun and tools. She blinked a few times, getting her bearings.
When Dav got his armor off, which took a while, he put on shorts and walked to his room without a shirt on. He stopped by Neema's room and peered on to make sure she was ok. She was sitting up and looking around when he looked in. "Are you ok? Having trouble sleeping?"
Neema directed her attention to the door. as well as the incredibly shirtless Dav Scorpio peering though it. She sheepishly rubbed the back f her neck.
"Umm, yeah. I'm okay, just a bit disoriented when I first woke up..."
Neema quickly removed her coat and belt, getting more comfortable. After dropping them both quickly onto the floor with a light clatter, she rolled into a ball, her back facing the door, closing her eyes again.