Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reunification (Neema)

Dav Scorpio

"He paid double? Nice." Dav grinned and set her back down. "There's 10,000 creds on this guy I'm hunting's head."

Dav Scorpio

"His own men turned on him, he barely escaped with his life so he ran to the most remote place he could think of. But he's bad at looking for tracking devices." Dav smirked and pointed to a map on his wrist gauntlet that had a red dot. "There's the ship."

Dav Scorpio

Dav laughed and smiled. "Would you like to help? It'd be like a hiking trip but we kill a guy and get money"


Captain Neema Farron
"Sure! Haven't killed anybody in a while anyway!" She jogs over to an arms locker, grabbing her belt and blaster.

Dav Scorpio

Dav smirked as he said "That's the spirit!" and laughed. Walking back to his ship, he checked his gear


Captain Neema Farron
Neema hit a few switches, disengaging the docking gear. She phoned in on her comm, "can't fly these joined at the hip. You can lead me in."

Dav Scorpio

"Okay, let's roll." Dav slowly descended into the atmosphere, then landed on the surface. He was near but not too close to the target. If they were too close, he would know.


Captain Neema Farron
Neema follows behind Dav's ship, finding a suitable clearing not too far away from his own landing site, avoiding any swamps or marshes.

Dav Scorpio

Dav walked out of his ship, going in neema's direction. "I'm coming to you, then we will go."

He walked up to her ship and waved when he saw her walking out.


Captain Neema Farron
Neema punched the security code into a panel on the hull, closing the docking ramp and locking down the ship. "Ready whenever you are." She pulled her coat over her shoulders, stepping over towards Dav.

Dav Scorpio

Dav waited for her to come up beside him, then walked in the direction the map said to go. Once he picked up some tracks, he would rely on those. Into the jungle they went...

Dav Scorpio

Dav picked up a bootprint in the mud. Smirking behind his helmet, he started to follow a series of bootprints. He looked back at Neema and grinned, though she couldn't see it behind his helmet so he nodded and put a finger to the front so as to say shhh


Captain Neema Farron
She nodded, crouching down a bit lower. She unclipped the holster, allowing her pistol to be pulled out smoothly when it got down to it.

Dav Scorpio

Dav put his hand on his sword. As they walked, the trail dead ended. All of a sudden, blasterfire rang out. Dav immediately shouted "Watch out!" and pushed Neema out of the way of a few blaster bolts. He had no idea where the shots were coming from


Captain Neema Farron
Neema lands in the underbrush, rolling behind some thick greenery, her blaster already out. She tries to identify the source or the blasts, but can't zero in.

Dav Scorpio

Dav extended his vibroblade, stepping into the clearing. Only one way to find out.. A shot came from his left, which he blocked with his saber. Dav scanned the area, and saw a man in a tree. He grabbed him with the force and pulled him within 5 yards of himself. Dav smiled as he thought about all the ways he could kill the man. Then a thought hit him. "Neema, do the honors?"


Captain Neema Farron
Neema jogged towards Dav, stopping a few feet from the scene. "Sure thing." She smiles, before putting two quick blasts into the guy's chest.

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