Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reunification (Neema)

Dav Scorpio

Dav laughed. "Well how can I make it into a positive yes?" He grinned and stepped a bit closer, looking into her eyes

Dav Scorpio

Dav stopped laughing and smiled at her. "I'm taking that as a yes, beautiful." He smirked at her


Captain Neema Farron
Neema's face turned a dark crimson at the sudden change in tone, a smile brightening her features. "...Beautiful, huh?"

Dav Scorpio

"More beautiful than the sunset on the night I met you." Dav was kind of shocked that he said something like that but he showed no signs of it.


Captain Neema Farron
Neema cast her eyes down, chewing on her lip. Her head slowly came back up, as she began to fiddle with her fingers. "That's really sweet."

Dav Scorpio

Dav reached out and interlocked his fingers with hers to stop her from fiddling with them. "I'll let you decide when you want to. Let's get off of this slimeball planet." Dav walked back to his ship and closed the landing ramp


Captain Neema Farron
Neema tugged briefly at the collar of her neckline, readjusting her shoulders and regaining her composure. When she got settled, she walk quickly back to her own ship, closing the ramp behind her, taking a straight path the flight controls, not even bother to change back to her regular clothing.

Dav Scorpio

Lifting off, Dav commed Neema. "Where are we going next Neema?" He asked happily
[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]


Captain Neema Farron
Neema tuned into his frequency, punching a few buttons in the cockpit as she lifted off. "Not too sure, you should probably collect on that guy."

Dav Scorpio

"I'll contact the person who set the bounty." Switching comm stations, he spoke "This is Dav, the target has been eliminated. Where can I meet you for the reward?" The man replied that he would meet them in a bar on Nar Shadaa. "Looks like we're going to Nar Shadaa" he said to Neema


Captain Neema Farron
Neema punched in the coordinates. "Already on it." She strapped herself in, going through the final prep before jumping into hyperspace towards the smuggler's moon.

Dav Scorpio

Dav did the same, then jumped into hyperspace. He leaned back in his chair thinking about what happened today. It was certainly an interesting day. All he could do now is hope that she'd say yes. But with all of her hesitating, Dav thought she wouldn't. He drifted off to sleep, then woke up when the ship was out of hyperspace


Captain Neema Farron
Neema walked from her quarters towards the cockpit. She sat in the pilot's chair, stretching and yawning as she exited hyperspace. She swooped down into the atmosphere, maintaining a shallow incline to avoid any re-entry burn.

Dav Scorpio

Dav also swooped into the atmosphere. He landed on a platform near where his employer had told him to go. Exiting the ship, he told his AI to lock the ship down in order to keep intruders out. As he stepped off of the ramp, it went up with a hiss and a "Clunk" sound as it locked. Dav walked to Neema's ship


Captain Neema Farron
Neema practically skipped down her ramp, merrily licking her ship behind her. She loved Nar Shaddaa! She didn't know if it was the lights, the people or the smell, but she was putting effort into reining in her giddiness.

Dav Scorpio

"Well someone looks happy." Dav smiled and walked up to Neema. "What's got you so chipper?" He held her hand and started walking to the bar where they would meet Dav's employer.


Captain Neema Farron
Neema grinned as she allowed herself to be pulled along behind Dav. "Oh nothing... I just love this planet, and it's where I started out my career..." She took a second to look over a railing she passed, enjoying the brief sense a vertigo that struck her, she had picked one that went down seemingly forever. "...Gotta love the scenery, gotta love the smells!" She summed it up, having learned not to wax romantic about the place too much.

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