[member="Teresa Shan"] wut?
THIS IS A PVP THREAD! why? just why?
You are completely ignoring people who would potentially prevent you from getting the mask. But you are so intent on getting it, that you WONT PVP against anyone.
Aedan Miles said:
Just stick with me for now maybe a deal can be made and its not like anyone is going to mess with me and the troops I brought. Unless they are slightly insane. Plus Romeo should be joining us shortly.
That my dear friend, [member="Aedan Miles"], is called Metagaming. Using OOC information to inflict something upon an IC thread.
I am just so done with people and this Revan Mask. Its just blown way out of context in literally ever thread it is in.
Consider my alt out of the thread. Because I really don't feel like getting any more tilted than I already am.
[member="Kadala Skirata"], You and I already had a conversation about this, and well, we didn't really do anything to anybody, so honestly, I am just dropping the thread like its hot.