Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Revenge Past Due [Nar Shadda]

Ruby finished off the border and ran through the hallways, quiet and fast, nimble was the word. Ruby eventually reached the group, they were all walking now so he joined them and acted like he was never gone, looking around his surroundings. The exotic things in the fortress. "[member="Miss Blonde"], this has been easy, too easy, I suspect they have something up their sleeve." Ruby looked at the group, we had a pretty solid gang. But something was gonna happen, he could feel it.

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Anya Loma "][member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Face"] [member="Solan Charr"]


The Golden Nautolan was burning,
and she didn't care...
Frida's was quiet tonight. It hadn't always been like this. She remembered a time when each and every booth was occupied, the crowd murmured with the sway of a tide, the hazy smoke of deathsticks hanging from the ceiling. Frida's was nostalgic, and yet it was unnerving. The place was empty of all patrons except her merry flock. A pang set off in her heart every time she noticed, and how couldn't she? It was right before her eyes, but her mind was lost in the memories.

She drew on her deathstick and for a moment she thought she saw a shimmer of gold in the corner of her eye. She half-expected to see the tranquility screen to be lit, and within would have been the blurry forms of Sigourney, Lysle, Isaac and Jen, but the table was empty. It had been for years.

Her head turned when one of her chaps began to turn up the volume on the entertainment screen hidden away in the top right-hand corner of the cantina. It was a news report, the Golden Nautolan had been a victim of a raid. The casino was burning to a fine crisp and a joy sprang in her heart. The Golden Nautolan had been a child of Chiasa, not Sigourney and Lysle. To her it was a small victory for the loyalists, or what remained of them.

A smile crested her lips.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Miss Blonde was actually having fun, really she was. There was nothing more in this galaxy she enjoyed than dealing with stubborn Mandalorians who refused to give her the information that she wanted about the safe room. She had already gone through another two super commandos and they had ended up in varying degrees of pain much like the first one. She was growing impatient and the Fortress was pretty much theirs at this point, droids were being cut down, guards were being killed, and-

That's when it dawned on her, she was questioning the wrong people. Sure a Mandalorian could take a few fists and a gun being waved in their face but the men they were training to be better guards. It wasn't like they taught them enhanced interrogation techniques, and at the end of the day it wasn't like they were a private military organization, they were just Hutt goons.

So so where in the middle floors of the palace Miss Blonde ordered up a Mandalorian Commando and one of the goons hired to guard the fat slugs. In floors bellow them they could still hear gunfire and explosions of syndicate trouble shooters and enforcers clearing out the palace one room at a time. As for Blonde she was sitting down in a comfy chair surrounded by a luxurious lounge area. In front of them on their knees was a hardened commando who didn't have a look of fear on their face and rather scared looking young Twi'lek man.

"Safe room, where is it and what's the code." Blonde ordered from the two.

"I can't tell you! The boss will kill me and my family! I can-" the sound of the gun in Miss Blonde's hand went off and the Twi'lek flinched closing their eyes.

He slowly came to the realization that he wasn't dead and when he opened his eyes he'd see his Mandalorian comrade on the floor with a slug in his gut letting out silent gasps of pain and futile grunts.

But Blonde wasn't done. With her pistol still out she started to unload slugs into the man's body starting from the legs up. The commando would scream until Blonde finally put one between his eyes and casually watched as blood pooled around the corpse.

"I'm sorry did I break your concentration?" Blonde said as she slid the clip out of the pistol and replaced it.

"No please, go on. You were about to tell me where the safe room was." Blonde then cocked back the pistols action and chambered a new round.

"It's in the basement, there's a tunnel that leads out to Hutta town. The Hutts won't take it until they are sure the palace is lost. Access code is twenty B dash C Q fifty. That's all I know. Please just let me go." Blonde smiled under her gas mask and pointed her pistol at the man's head pulling the hammer back.

The young Twi'lek reeled back but Blonde didn't pull the trigger. Instead she simply pushed her pistol to the side twice to signal he was free to go.

"Go home kid, head up to the roof and my boys will give you a ride home." Blonde would then stand up and get on the comms.

"Targets located, basement safe room, code is twenty B dash C Q fifty, hold them until I get there I need information from them. I'll be down shortly."

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Face"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"]
The blaster fire subsided and a few moments later his men returned to the open air, hauling bound captives with them. Had they not been in full armor, Ardgal would have believed his men were pulling in rebels or a rabble, judging by how were being dragged like potato sacks. His men walked with confidence and swagger like--well like commandos who had just beaten Mando Commandos. Never mind that they too were Mandos and commandos, but they looked confident and they damn well should.

Suddenly the slow-mo cam was interrupted by a salvo or rabid blaster fire. His men ducked low, pulling their weapons to, looking for their enemy. Ardgal looked at the scanners on the Behemoth, "I want guns on those snipers, hit them."

"Yes, sir--"

"No," Ardgal placed a hand on the gunner, "Use the Plasma cannons."

It wasn't about killing the snipers, it was about sending a message. The gunner beamed with a smile, "Yes, sir!"

The twin guns pivoted with a metallic whirl. They fired off each with a loud roar, sending a building crumbling on itself. The sniper was either reduced to dust by the shot or crushed under the weight of the building. With a quick whirl, the turret turned and fired, sending the other sniper to the same terrible demise.

The captives were hauled into one of the nearby speeders. Ardgal gave an approving nod before activating his comm, "Miss Blonde, this is Ardgal Raxis. We have captives. Carrying on with the mop up operation."

[member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
With the palace now under Black Tie Syndicate control and the Mandalorian Super Commandos taken to whatever black site Miss Blonde had in her pocket, it was time for the main event. Stepping over numerous dead bodies and destroyed droids the woman entered the basement where she was confronted by a very large and shiny security blast door.

With almost a hum about her the crime lord reached down to the door panel and typed in the code, the symbols on the door flashed green and the door opened for the woman to show several large Hutts trying to slither away towards a tunnel.

"Excuse me." Blonde said in a very professional voice and the sound of a few guns cocking behind her.

With no choice but to stop the Hutts turned around to face Blonde revealing Grakkus the Hutt's descendent of the same family namesake. By his side there was another Hutt and in their arms was a small Hutt baby that clung to its slug parent's torso. It was pretty gross.

"First off I want to sincerely apologize for dropping in like this so unannounced, it's quite rude of me but you see I simply had to meet the legendary Grakkus bloodline, and let me just say the stories are true." Blonde would wipe away some of the blood from her gas mask as she chuckled and handed her pistol aside to one of her guards.

"You see we talked to everyone in Hutta town and they all told us that Grakkus was a fair and noble leader of the Nar Shadda crime world, that he was the perfect Hutt with the most generosity to allow smaller crews to operate freely on the moon. So when I heard this I just couldn't believe it, but here you are in all of your fair welcoming glory here with open doors and friendship." The Crime Lord smiled under mask and paced around the safe room with a smile still on her face, the tone of her words quite friendly and brown nosing.

The Hutt spoke something in his native tone and a nearby protocol droid translated back to the woman.

"Lord Grakkus asks what do you want from them." The droid said in its mechanical voice.

Blonde looked over to the Hutts as she paced the room looking around and prodding at various objects.

"Why I want to preserve your reputation Lord Grakkus, I want the people to know that you are indeed a generous and fair Hutt. But in order to do that you need to tell me two things. Where is the Hutt Clan on Nal Hutta, and what time do they meet. Your family has been a part of it for years and surly you'd know, give me those and I can walk out of here right now and go prove to the people just how generous and noble you are." The woman said when she stopped and spoke to the Hutt.

Looking at his family the Hutt thought for a moment then let out a heavy sigh before speaking in their native tongue once more.

The protocol droid would relay the information to Miss Blonde and she'd smile making sure to record all of it. Perfect.

"Thank you Lord Grakkus, your have a beautiful family and your reputation certainly does proceed you. I wish you a very friendly goodbye and congratulate you on your child." Blonde rolled her hand forward and bowed by her waist as forces began to move behind her.

As she bowed a firing line of syndicate enforcers held up blasters and slug throwers in sync with each other as Blonde stood up. There was but a moment before bright lights of blaster fire and slugs reflected off the cold and uncaring visor of Miss Blonde followed by the sounds of inhuman screaming and two large thuds hitting the ground.

"Who wants a drink? And someone call Runner, tell him we got a new outpost for him."


[member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Anya Loma "][member="Face"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Silver Fall"] [member="Kes En'jusek"] [member="Keira Ticon"]

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