Darth Banshee
Exiled Queen of Serenno
Request: Information on ession order
Background Information: I need to know as much information as possible, about this new jedi order. As I have heard rumours about them, and wonder if they are actually jedi. All information is deemed valid, and price will depend on what you gain. This request is anonymous
Conditions: Any methods are approvable.
Aid: None
Reward: Payment will be made in credits, depending how good the info is.
Background Information: I need to know as much information as possible, about this new jedi order. As I have heard rumours about them, and wonder if they are actually jedi. All information is deemed valid, and price will depend on what you gain. This request is anonymous
Conditions: Any methods are approvable.
Aid: None
Reward: Payment will be made in credits, depending how good the info is.