Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ride The Wild Wind

Connor Harrison

The dip of the head meant a subtle form of surrender. Resignation. Sorrow?

Connor hadn’t come back to win a point or prove anything – he was beyond that, and there was nothing in this for him. No planets to take, no government to topple. The bigger picture was that others may suffer if Commenor, or the Queen herself, did not stand tall against whatever was thrown at them.

”You have been brave so far, you can continue to be brave. Be the leader you want to be. Be the one to decide your own fate. Nobody else has the right, or the power to do that.”

It was always sad to see one struggle. Maybe in another life he would find this position empowering and move to take some control of her ruling or government, but here he didn’t.

”Let me see, and let Commenor see, more of that woman I saw in that storm valley. She is the one who stands tall against anything that comes her way. She is the survivor. And the sharp wit”

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Who I was in the Valley, who I was back in my slave-freeing days was someone that didn't have nearly as much responsibilities. Someone who's mistakes don't impact billions of lives."

She chewed the inside of her cheek a little, the words of [member="Macoda Haberon"] echoing in her mind; 'a slave to your position'. Kay denied that at first when he spoke of it. But recently she saw the truth in those words. Here she was, guarded nearly constantly and having to question everything that she did. Almost to the point of where she had to ask her staff for permission.

But that was mostly due in part to where her mind was. Her love for her husband was a big distraction. "One day at a time. That's how I'll have to take it."

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

The Master nodded and stepped back. That was enough to hear.

”That's all you can do, your Highness.”

There was nothing else to be said, and he wasn't in mind of going on. She knew what she had to do, and he would support her in those actions. Commenor would survive whatever fate had in store - it was the Queen who had to survive it and continue her destiny.

”If you would care to be alone for a while, I shall take my leave and return to Confederacy space, unless you wish me to stay or have anything else you wish to talk about regarding this?”

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Alone. She felt that way a lot these days. Even though there were people around her, it was easy to not feel connected to them. Afterall, the people that she saw the most these days were her guards.

Kay glanced over her shoulder to [member="Connor Harrison"] as he asked to take his leave. "I'll not keep you any longer from your business." He wasn't hers to keep anyways. Plus he came of his own accord, not by answering her summons. Who knows what his plans were? "Thank you for your advice. I've got a lot to think about, a lot to plan and a few messages to send out." And more tea to drink. The Force knew that she wasn't going to get much sleep tonight. Her mind was going to be too preoccupied.

"Good journey, Connor. Try to stay out of trouble." She offered him a small smile before looking out of the window once again.

Connor Harrison

With a respectful lowering of the head, Connor took a few steps backwards and turned for the door. The room was quiet, bar his footsteps and the tension in the air. He turned the handle to open it, and looked back to her.

”Ride the wild wind, your Highness.”

If she did that, she would emerge on top no matter what blew her way. There was plenty to think about on the way back to Confederacy space.

[member="Lady Kay"]

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