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Faction Rim and Rebirth | Tingel Arm Coalition, Hurikane


Rim and Rebirth
Hurikane Jedi Temple
Tags: Braze Braze , Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe , A'Runda A'Runda , Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell , OPEN

Jasper let out a sigh as he pulled up his face shield, wiping sweat from his brow. The blowtorch in his hand died out, the flame stowed away for use later down the line. For now, at least, the final pannel of the outer shell was secure, welded back into place. It was... not exactly matching with the rest of the structure, but they could work out the exterior in time.

"Shell is done!" Jasper called down. "Well, as best as it's gonna be anyways!"

And there was certainly more to do. After clearing the structure of pirate occupation, a great deal of damage was left behind. Some was from the raids of the Bryn, while others were neglegence at the hands of the former tenants who had invited themselves to stay. Jasper, a skilled engineer and mechanic, was deemed the most suitable for the job, organizing volunteers to get the structure repaired for future use as a base. It didn't take long for a detachment of Temple Guards to appear, eager to resume protection of the structure and maintain the archives. Now it seemed like there was an endless list of things to do. It was enough to keep the volunteers busy, at least. The young Master only hoped that they'd be able to get the work done in a reasonable amount of time. He wiped the grime on his hands off onto his flightsuit and drew forth his list...

  • Halls of Healing: Walls must be staralized and repainted. Rusted metals are to be removed and replaced.
  • Hanging Gardens: Weeds must be pulled, new seed for a fresh crop rotation slated to be planted.
  • Hangar: Gathering broken equipment to be scrapped for parts. Repair to damaged starfighters.
  • All Barracks are slated for remodeling.

"Right," the man exhaled, stuffing the list back into his pocket. "Still a lot to do..."

OOC: This is a loose structure social thread. Pick a spot and decide what it is you're helping with around the Hurikane Jedi Temple to get it back into shape. If you want to use a location that isn't provided in the temple, those can be found here.


Hangar, Hurikane Jedi Temple

Tags: OPEN

The man sat on his knees, his sheathed sword in front of him. Part of him believed they could make something of this. Defeat the Empire, regain the territory they had lost. Rebuild their homes. Make something new.

"Clear the mind, reset.

Doubt seeps in an open wound.

Let it heal once more."

He looked out on the hanger. The men he would call his were already getting to work. While Sanyo was not much of a mechanic, he was a competent organizer and leader. He knew where to point people and how to gauge who was skilled, even if they hid it.

Many of the men who had once been soldiers were now left without a war to fight. He gave them a purpose, took what were once hobbies, and made them into actionable skills. The men who had once fixed guns out of a curiosity were now doing so for the war effort. The men who had learned to fix starfighters out of familial obligation now fixed them for the daring pilots of their rebellion.




Hurikane Jedi Temple, Hanging Gardens

Pulling weeds was not her finest moment. One with a bigger head would claim a jedi council member should put such menial labor beneath them, delegate it to those under them.

Not Jonyna.

The woman had a deep respect for nature. To see a garden untouched for so much, uncared for, it made her feel a deep sadness upon arrival. A woman who advocated for heavy machinery and superior firepower on the battlefield, now found herself hand-picking roots out of the ground where she could be using the Force. But she believed using life itself to remove life would be a waste, and a disrespect of the Force. She had to give back in her own way. With her own energy and body.

That's how she ended up bent over, pulling a massive root with nothing but her claws.

It was undignified, and unbecoming of a jedi master.

But she didn't care.

"COME-ON-DUDE!" She yelled in one word, yanking once more.


"Hurikane Temple, this is the independent transport Constellation on final approach."

Captain Drake lowered the old fashioned comlink's blockish mic grille before strapping himself in for reentry. His Trident-class survey ship bucked against a fiery atmosphere, its hold laden with vital equipment and supplies for the nascent Jedi resistance movement. Something that resembled part of the bow's heat shielding tore away seconds before clouds parted to reveal rocky canyons far below.

"What the hell was that?!"

Another panel burst into flames nearly blinding Atlas in a spray of sparks. Cursing in between choked breaths, he grabbed a fire suppression unit and sprayed the console down with extinguisher foam before relieving the ship's pilot to set her down himself. Repulsorlifts flickered then failed and they dropped like a stone before coasting several meters on landing skids and momentum. Touchdown.

Emerging from a cloud of black smoke, Drake staggered down the boarding ramp without even a pause to admire his perfect landing. Twice the length of a standard light freighter, the Constellation loomed over everything else currently stowed in the temple's hangar. Hired crew rushed to hook up a coaxium line while their captain inspected some gnarly outer hull damage.

"Give me a hand over here!" Atlas picked the purple nautolan at random before climbing up fragments of torn bulkhead. He called back over his shoulder, "Toss me that fusion cutter."
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Hurikane Temple
The Gardens

It felt strange, being at a Jedi Temple. Close to a millennium ago, a droid like M1G-77 would have been ordered to aid the destruction of such a place. But that was a different time, generations ago. And Mig had evolved beyond that programming the Confederacy placed in him.

The MagnaGuard was now tending to weeds and plants in the garden. The once killing machine found it peaceful. With a mechanical hand, it grasped a plant (some sort of parasitic weed) and gently, but firmly tore the unwanted flora from its unwilling host. He tossed it into a pile for incineration. He heard someone struggling, and saw the Cathar Jedi.

”Here. Let me help with that, kotka jeedai.” He walked over slowly, as he did not want to startle her.

It was a strange thing. His voice was not robotic, nor sinister. He sounded more like a gruff old gunslinger from the Outer Rim, a thick Huttese accent on his words. His posture seemed rickety, due to being so ancient, but yet seemed functional. The most bizarre was a metallic moustache, an odd attempt to imitate a former friend.

Location: Halls of Healing

Time to get to work. Kiwa clapped her hands together with a grin on her face. So far it seemed like most of the others were focused on different parts of the Temple, and Kiwa had the halls to herself. Time to sterilise things. Of course, there wasn't a chance that she'd be able to sterilise things the way she wanted to. Apparently it was a health hazard to swing a flamethrower around and sterilise things with fire. Urgh. It was no fun. Having to actually clean stuff up the normal way. Her way would have been a lot faster.

Of course, there was going to be no stopping her from using her spray cans to paint over the walls when she was done sterilising stuff...Wait. Wouldn't it be smarter for her to paint the walls and then sterilise everything? Eh. It would be, but that would also be more effort. Stretching her arms out and getting to work with cleaning up every bit of the Halls of Healing that she could.


Hurikane Jedi Temple, Halls of Healing
Tags: Kiwa Kiles Kiwa Kiles


It was weird being in a new place.

Still, with the blessing of Tirin Raene Tirin Raene and the supervision of Valin Zenth Valin Zenth Loomi had set off to follow Master Kai'el and Braze to the Outer Rim. A bit delayed, of course, but it was better than nothing. Now she was in a new place, with new opportunities to make friends and help people. Helping people was the most important part of being a Jedi, right?

They had liberated a Jedi Temple to begin using as a base, the Tingel Arm Coalition it was called. She didn't fully understand the upper workings, but she knew what they wanted. Lothal had been a place she had been to often in particular. She would feel terrible if someone decided to attack her home and take it over. People deserved the right to be free and choose how to live their lives. At least, that's what she believed.

The young Godoan hauled three buckets of paint into the halls of healing (with a great deal of difficulty), the place in question in need of repairs. There she found an older girl. Pink hair? She didn't know people could have hair that color. They seemed to be a mechanic of some sort, or at least that's what the goggles made her think.

Probably the person with the paint sprayer thingies.

"E-excuse me!" Loomi called out. "I brought the paint, miss!"

Miss? Well. That didn't make her feel old. She spun around on the heel of her foot to face the source of the voice, her eyes narrowing at the Godoan for a moment...before a few whirring noises came from her eyes as they seemed to zoom in the new arrival, her eyes taking in as much detail as she could about the new arrival.

Damaged eye...Metallic legs...Don't seem to be too efficient...Seems young...Hm...Calls me Miss, but I can't be that much older than her...

Kiwa hurried on over, ignoring the paint for now as she crouched down to examine the legs. As much as she was curious, Kiwa at least had some form of manners. She wasn't going to start grabbing at them and poking and proding. Kiwa wouldn't like it if anyone did that with her eyes at the end of the day so why would she do it to someone else?

"...Where'd you get these legs from? How do they work? Do you want better ones? Who are you? I haven't seen you before. And don't call me Miss. Call me Kiki. Or Kiwa."

She fired off each question and statement at nearly 100 miles per hour, before noticing how Loomi seemed to be struggling to hold the paint buckets, and so Kiwa took them off the new arrival, with relative ease as she balanced them around on her shoulder and hurried off to place them off to the side. Sure, painting the walls and everything was fun...but Kiwa found potentially a new guinea pig for her creations so that was more important. Who knows, maybe she'll make an actual friend.

Loomi Loomi


Hurikane Jedi Temple, Halls of Healing
Tags: Kiwa Kiles Kiwa Kiles


"...Where'd you get these legs from? How do they work? Do you want better ones? Who are you? I haven't seen you before. And don't call me Miss. Call me Kiki. Or Kiwa."


Loomi's face became bright red as the stranger rattled off a bunch of words. She didn't even know how to follow all of the questions. Kiwa. That was a name. And then stuff about her legs, and then not having seen her before. The cogs in Loomi's head were spinning so fast that smoke could easily begin comming out of her ears.

"L-Loomi," she stated in a flustered manner. "I, uh, d-don't need legs. They work okay. So, u-uh..."

This was terrible. She was so bad at getting asked like a thousand questions at once. She forgot to even state her name. Wait, no, she definately had done that. What was she doing?

"W-Where should I put the paint?"

"Huh? Paint? Oh. Just put that anywhere. It doesn't really matter. Still need to rip off all of these metal and stuff. If I only had one of those damned lightsabers the Jedi have..."

Kiwa mumbled to herself at that. It was clear that whilst the cogs in Loomi's head were struggling, Kiwa's cogs were running at full speed. If it was possible, she'd be having steam pouring out of her ears as she took things in. Loomi didn't need legs? The ones she had worked just fine? Hmph. In Kiwa's eyes, anything that could work fine could be made better...but she wasn't going to push the situation. It was clear, even to her socially oblivious state, Loomi wasn't doing well with all of the questions.

"Y'know, I have cybernetic parts. My eyes aren't real. Well. They are. But they aren't like...fleshy real. They're metallic. I can use them to zoom in on stuff. Makes bright lights sore though...On my first little mission with this folk, they ended up ruining my eyes. Was stuck in pitch black darkness, unable to see. Had to be escorted to a workbench so I could fix my eyes."

Once again she was mumbling. It was her way of trying to put Loomi at ease. Bonding. That was a thing people did right? Try to make yourself seem more relatable. Sure, having cybernetic eyes were different to having robotic legs...but it was nearly the same.

Loomi Loomi

TAG: M1G-77 M1G-77

”Here. Let me help with that, kotka jeedai.”
Jonyna took pause at the voice that came behind her, looking behind her under her legs and letting out a genuine laugh at the sight.

"Oh Sylvar, a droid!" Her tone was weirdly, genuine excitement. She paused, looking down at herself, and letting out a cough as she picked herself up, brushing herself off. "Sorry, just...trying to get this root out. Tricky one this, trying not to snap it so I don't have to dig into the mud and try and find all the little bits. Kinda wish Ko was here..." She grumbled, letting out a breath. "You any good with this kinda thing? I haven't seen one of your model in ages. Magna-guard, yeah? My boyfriend used to tell me about the weird android you guys used to guard."


Tags: Atlas Drake Atlas Drake

"Give me a hand over here!" Atlas picked the purple nautolan at random before climbing up fragments of torn bulkhead. He called back over his shoulder, "Toss me that fusion cutter."
Sayno paused, looking slightly confused at the sight before him. A man had just crawled out of a wreck he had made himself, and asked the officer in charge to help him fix it.

Two hands, every soul.

A war is won through kindness.

Together we stand.

Sayno let out a sigh, picking up a fusion cutter and walking over and offering it to the man. "You seem eager to fix your ship. I take it it is precious to you?" He asked, his slight accent shining through.


A memory flashed in the droid's processors. Degraded, but still recollections. A Kaleesh, a towering warrior who also seemed frail with an insidious cough. General Grievous. Centuries ago, he might have felt something akin to pride serving under the General. But now? He lived through the aftermath of the Clone Wars. He came to see how the old CIS and Republic both harmed. Now, close to one-thousand years had passed, and Grievous was a husk.

“Not many still remember him.” He spoke carefully, “But that was many organic lifetimes ago.”

He had found a new purpose in those years after, especially in this recent reprogramming. He never felt more whole than when he was assigned as the deputy to Sheriff Wyatt Siringo. The droid's receptors gazed to the plant that the Cathar was struggling with.

“We had a similar weed on Koboh.” He gave a small, gruff chuckle, “The easiest way is to dig down and grasp by the roots.”

He shifted his metallic hand into an almost trowel- or spade-like shape before inserting it into the dirt. Servos whirred as he carefully pulled the weed from the roots. It gave some fight, but he was able to pull the parasitic mass from the dirt. He gently shook the remaining soil into the pot, then chucked the mass into the incineration pile.

“M1G-77, at your service, ma'am.” He made a tip of his hat, “Friends tend to call me Mig, or Seventy-Seven.”


TAG: M1G-77 M1G-77

"Jonyna Si. I'm much older than I look. My friend Seven One Seven used to be like you. He was a B-1." She smiled. "His body's not around anymore, but I managed to salvage his droid brain and install it in my ship. Now he runs the weapons systems. He likes that." She chuckled, grabbing at another weed. "It's nice to see more like him still around. I don't mean to dig up old memories, but it's always nice to see you guys still kicking around. If you ever need a job, I hire as many droids as I can for Si Tech. Benefits, full pay, all the works. Same as the organics. And my designer can help you upgrade if you ever need it. She's a whiz at that kinda thing."

It was strange, she talked to the droid like he was just another person, the usual stigma completely absent from her tone.

Location: The Garden
Nearby: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si M1G-77 M1G-77

It wasn't the wilds of Veradune. In truth, it wasn't any kind of wilds. Gardens, while havens for life were far from the tangled competitive chaos of true nature. Despite this, Vulpesen had learned a fondness for these tamed areas of growth, finding enjoyment in their serene beauty. Though, unlike the jedi who struggled in her own corner of the garden, Vulpesen had no compunctions about using the force to his advantage. Afterall, the spirit of the wilds embodied all sides of nature, even its harsher aspects.

Outstretching his hand, Vulpesen spoke out to the weeds around him. "You are not welcome. I'm afraid its time to leave." One by one the weeds began to uproot themselves, each deep seated plant rising up form the ground to seeming crawl away. It was nothing personal towards the weeds, but like sickly arlusks in a herd, the tender of these lands had asked that they be purged. "Perhaps some spirit muzzle would be an nice thing to grow and keep on hand."

TAGS: @open
Valin was busy with his work cut out for him. He was collecting scrap and pieces of broken ship and droids and debris to recycle and put to good use. HE was sorting through different metal types and turning the debris piles in to metal piles and getting set up with a smelter to get this in to useless materials once more.


Braze was struggling with his morning routine and had honestly given up. He decided to try and make himself useful and help out but he found it much more difficult to move heavy objects now... So he decided to seek out Loomi and see what she was up to today. Finally he found her and padded up to the two girls. " Hey... Can I help with what you two are doing?"

Hurikane Jedi Temple, Halls of Healing
Tags: Kiwa Kiles Kiwa Kiles , Braze Braze


"Y'know, I have cybernetic parts. My eyes aren't real. Well. They are. But they aren't like...fleshy real. They're metallic. I can use them to zoom in on stuff. Makes bright lights sore though...On my first little mission with this folk, they ended up ruining my eyes. Was stuck in pitch black darkness, unable to see. Had to be escorted to a workbench so I could fix my eyes."


Loomi laid a hand on her own face for a moment, feeling the unresponsive eye that lay below the closed lid. She couldn't imagine having something there that wasn't organic. While it might be nice to see properly again, the Godoan really didn't want any other cybernetics in body. She already struggled with the ones she already had.

" Hey... Can I help with what you two are doing?"

"Oh!" Loomi turned her head, a wide smile spreading across her face. "Braze! We're painting or whatever! We gotta make the walls better."

She felt better that Braze was hear. It meant she would still at least have one friend here if she messed up making the other one present her friend. Which she did want friends.

Friends were good.

"Well technically, we also need to rip off parts of the walls. The metal that's attached that has rusted. Light fixtures. The usual, y'know."

Kiwa rambled away, just waving a dismissive hand at the new arrival. Loomi seemed decent enough at explaining everything and that was fine for Kiwa. She didn't like explaining stuff to people. They should just know things already! Just do what you need to do. It was so simple, at least in her mind. But she knew her mind wasn't like most.

"Just go for the walls or whatever is easy enough for you guys to grab."

With that, Kiwa headed off to the side to grab a blow torch. She couldn't use a flamethrower to sterailise the place, but she could at least use the blow torch to start cutting away at some of the rusty metal. And acquire them for her...own devices. She had the idea of making rusty bullets, to try and give the Empire tetanus. That was a great idea.

Loomi Loomi Braze Braze

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