Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Rim and Rebirth | Tingel Arm Coalition, Hurikane


Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe

"Much obliged, commander."

Drake greeted the wookiee with a cheerful wave. He couldn't speak much shyriiwook as many coreward customs were still a mystery even to an avid frontier explorer. Life in the outer reaches had taught him independence and self-reliance. Encounters with the Jedi were almost always a lesson in humility. Sometimes it took courage to know when to ask for help.

"Give me a hand with this?" Atlas gestured to an exterior panel warped by hull damage.

It would have taken him the better part of an hour to weld through what Griff tore off with his bare claws in a matter of seconds. Captain Drake got his first glimpse of the ion drive's internal components and didn't like what he saw.

"Micro meteor storm," he told them, "Could have been a lot worse. They don't call this Wild Space for nothing. Plotting a safe jump out here isn't like dusting crops."

This close to the rim's edge the hyperlane routes were far less defined. More natural hazards lurked out here free to roam unhindered by denser space. Then of course there were pirates and even worse.

"You've done me a kindness, Jedi Sayno. I won't forget it."

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