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Ring of Fear (Illyria)

In the Darkness there is Truth

Sumiko approved of Illyria's scavenging and scrutinised the dead Jedi with a dispassionate eye. It was probably a good thing that [member="Valiens Nantaris"] was not here. Undoubtedly the Scotchman would swear bloody vengeance on the evil fiends who had mutilated this fine example of blue Twi'lek womanhood.

"She might've been here to destroy the data. Or do something silly such as convert Nekghouls to the Jedi way of life," she spoke disdainfully. It all depended on whether the Jedi were jihadists or space hippies. They could never really make up their mind, which was why they schismed a lot.

"More might be here. Killing them should be a good test for you." The same would apply for the ring, which pulsed with dark power and malevolent intentions. There was that eerie feeling of being watched as they moved into the base.

"Run, Erich! Run!" The boy's mother shrieked as a horde of ravenous ghouls descended upon the slum. The makeshift gates had been broken down, most of their fighters were dead. Now it was just a massacre.

"Mummy...," the poor lad was frozen with fear, unwilling to abandon his family and horrified by the ghastly sight of the Rakghouls. The snarling humanoids with grey, mottled skin seemed to be everywhere. Some had been human until a few moments ago.

"Run, boy! Save yourself!" the older woman desperately fired her blaster at beasts, making a futile attempt to keep them at bay to buy others time. "I love you." Finally, the boy ran as if the hounds of hell were upon his heels.

The survivors who were still making a stand were blasting away at the Rakghouls in a tight circle, but they were being cornered. Then he heard an agonised cry, that of his mother, and stumbled, falling over some rubble. Immediately, a Rakghoul saw its chance and pounced at him. Once the savage creature had been a proud Mandalorian warrior, but now it was just a monster.

The poor lad screamed. Then there was a loud cry and it did not come from him. He saw a burning violet beam run the Rakghoul through and pierce its black heart. Innards spilled across the ground, and he looked up to behold his unexpected saviour.

"I'm from Archangel. I'm here to help you," her helmet and the integrated modulator gave her voice a mechanical tone, but it sounded feminine enough and somehow he felt safe. She was clad in imposing body armour from head to toe. More ghouls came at them and the stranger threw herself into battle, tearing through the fiends. She moved with lightning speed, almost too fast for his eye to track. Her sabre was like a blur of violet, singing a song of hope and purgation.

Scalding hot flames roared from her gauntlet to roast them, then she clove through beasts with her lightsabre, using small shards as improvised projectiles to run through their necks, chests and limbs. Soon her armour was coated with their blood and guts, making her look like a fury. Was this woman a Jedi? She did not look like the stories said they did. Besides, his grandma had told him that Jedi did not care about ordinary people.

One Rakghoul managed to get the drop on her and bring her down, but she punched it with a durasteel-hard fist before smashing its skull with a piece of debris. More fighters appeared, moving with a grace and precision that was beyond human. The enfilading fire decimated the ranks of the ghouls and the survivors took heart, managing to flee their encirclement. Interestingly, some ghouls were not struck by lethal blasterfire, but instead by paralysing beams and electrical nets, but the boy did not notice that.

"Blue Squad, cover the survivors. Red Squad, escort them away," the woman called out. "It's alright, kid. You'll be fine. Go with the others," In this moment, though sorrow gripped his heart like a vice, the boy believed her and the fear was washed away from him. Archangel had to be good, right?


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Enyo Typhos"]
This writer’s Scotch Jedi part is crying out for revenge and grief for the loss of blue creature. However, he is not here.

Instead Illyria gave the dead Jedi barely a glance as she stepped over it. However, there very much was the feeling of being watched. Indeed, as they progressed in they saw markings on the floor, footsteps in the dust, faint scratches on metal. This was the work of something walking upright, not a beast.

As they came into the large central room of the old installation they found the other Jedi, just in an unexpected situation.

Two Jedi, a knight and padawan by the look of it, were pinned into one corner of the room. Facing them were a horde of Rakghouls. But behind the regular monsters were several upright creatures. Nekghouls.

They turned as the party entered.
“Whaat is thisss? Mooore Jediii?” one of the Nekghouls rasped.
One of the Jedi looked at them, disapproving. “They are no Jedi. Freebooters or Fallen Jedi perhaps.”
The other Jedi, a young male Miraluka, shook his head. “Regardless, Master, they may be willing to aid us in exchange for a deal about matters?” he suggested, rather more pragmatically than his teacher.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Thusly, our three villainous ladies found themselves facing an interesting situation. There appeared to be a standoff between the Jedi knight and padawan duo and a horde of Rakghouls. That in itself was nothing extraordinary.

However, what caught Sumiko's interest were the monsters standing behind the regular beasts, for they were Nekghouls. Shadow's research had mentioned these mutations in detail. They were an evolved, intelligent strain of Rakghouls, able to speak, walk upright and use the Force. Unsurprisingly, they were drawn to the Dark Side. Unlike common Rakghouls, they were unable to infect or transform their victims.

So now our villain protagonist faced three choices: She and her party could fight both groups at the same time, which would probably not go well, they could make a deal with the Nekghouls or with the Jedi. All three were perfectly valid and would lead to differently coloured endings.


Technically, they could just leave the base or try to sneak past both opposing forces, but the first was not valid and the second might be complicated since they'd already been spotted. It was time for Sumiko to play with the dialogue wheel. It was tempting to corrupt the Padawan by pretending to side with the Jedi and use the ring on the beasts. That might've been a course she'd have taken a few weeks ago.

In this moment, the ring pulsed with dark power. It hungered. It had been starved for so long, and now Sumiko could feel herself tiring as it demanded to feed. It wanted to see blood. It wanted to be fed with the life force of sentients.

The influence the artefact exerted was subtle. It was not a straightforward command, for such a thing would have raised metaphysical red flags and been suppressed by a Master of the Force. Rather it was more like a simple, gentle nudge into a direction that seemed like a sound option to the Sorceress. Control was what she desired and it was what it would give to her.

"I am no Jedi," Sumiko spoke icily, in a voice cold enough to freeze the whole chamber. Her voice was strong, powerful. The power of the Dark Side slithered and seethed around her, like a living cloak of darkness. "I am a Master of the Dark Side. I am Sith. Spare mine, slaughter the Jedi. Let me have the data in this base, and I can show you the path of power."


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
Illyria ignited her purple blade and grinned. This would be fun to watch. She disliked Jedi on several counts, so seeing them consumed would be amusing.

“A Sith? Defend yourself, Padawan!” the Jedi Knight cried.

The Rakghouls did not need much of a push to attack, and leapt forward. The Jedi did well at first. Blasts of telekinetic energy drove back Rakghouls and flashing blue and green sabres hewed them down. However, numbers and terrain proved decisive. One monster cunningly came low and bit the Jedi on the lower leg, and though it perished another seized and bit his arm. Then it was all over for him and he was torn apart.

The Padawan called on the Force and leapt free of the melee and charged at Illyria. The Acolyte met him in combat, blade to blade, defending his frantic attacks.

The Nekghouls had not moved, but watched. They were clearly not swayed by words or deeds yet.

Illyria continued to fight the Miraluka blow for blow, despite her injury until at last, despite a near miss which scorched her shoulder she was able to disarm the Padawan and brought her blade close to his neck.

She looked to her Mistress for the order to kill.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Her old identity was cast aside. Her old self might've considered making a deal with the Jedi, viewing it as less risky. Or simply with the aim of corrupting them later and extracting favours, but she had chosen not to go down that road. Perhaps it was her own ego, perhaps the influence of the ring, in all likelihood it was a bit of both.

Sumiko watched dispassionately while the Rakghouls tore apart the Jedi Master, and Illyria did battle against the Padawan, trading blows until the blinded one was disarmed and she held her burning violet blade at his neck. "You...let them kill him! How could you ally with these monsters, Sith? Even you must see the danger."

Oh, you poor summer child. "Your master died because he was weak. I don't suppose you'd consider a change of employment?" Sumiko asked rhetorically, sarcasm and mockery strong in her voice.

For a change, this was a Padawan who, while naive, had a clear idea about what his alignment was. "No. I don't care for what power you offer me. There is no death, there is the Force. Take my life, but know that you will be your own undoing."

"I respect your conviction. It's such a rare quality in your order now." For a change, she actually meant it, instead of being sarcastic. Then she drained him, for the ring hungered, until he was but a desiccated husk and fell to the ground. "Now, do I have your attention?" she directed the question at the Nekghouls. The ring worked its magic and stretched out its dark tendrils.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
The creatures had turned to watch. There were ten of them in all, and the regular Rakghouls had flocked to them but were keeping their distance.

Their leader stepped forward. “You have great power over the darkness! The others…they were weak. They worshipped the Light. Their words were empty.”

They seemed to consider their options.
“What is it you wish, Dark One?” their leader asked.
In the Darkness there is Truth

"The Jedi offer you nothing but hollow platitudes. They fear your potential. I don't. You are strong and I acknowledge strength," Sumiko spoke, carelessly stepping over the corpse. Pity about the Miraluka. The blinded one could have been useful...but alas his blindness was more than just physical.

This one has just remembered that they used to have a Miraluka on another board. Maybe they should bring her back...just with a better personality and a clearer purpose. She, like, totally had Knight rank. Anyhow, on with the plot. The ring was working its magic upon the creatures' minds. "This base has secrets stored by your creators, I desire them. I can also teach the best of your kind power over darkness if I get fealty in return."

As soon as it had begun, the battle was over. The horde of nightmarish, vicious ghouls had been slaughtered. Their smoking carcasses were strewn across the ground of the slum. A dropship had descended from the sky like a mechanical eagle, ready to pick up those slum dwellers who'd survived the onslaught. To his shock, the young boy could see that some of his saviours were...not human.

Here and there, skin had been torn and ripped, exposing layers of metal. Were they droids? They looked so human to him. Fear gripped his heart, but he could not deny that they had saved him. Seeing his dead mother, the boy hastened over to her. Tears dripped down his cheeks as he wept. Other survivors were being guided to the transport ship but he paid them no mind.

His saviour, the imposing warrior woman, walked over to him. She'd taken off her helmet, exposing her face and long brown mane. "I'm sorry about your mother, kid," she said softly, patting him on the shoulder. The motion was awkward, as if she was not used to offering comfort, but it meant something.

Abruptly, the boy turned and threw his arms around her armoured form, clinging to her for dear life. "She died for me. I ran...I was so scared. I should've...," he could not finish the sentence as survivor's guilt flooded him, threatening to drown him beneath it.

"Don't think that way. Your her son, she gave her life so you could live. And...a part of her still lives on in you," not sure what else to say, she patted his head gently. She looked rather awkward holding a child, but did not push him away.

After a while, he composed himself a little bit. "What's going to happen to me now? There's nothing here. Except death." No one here cared about the little people in the slums and shantytowns.

"I can take you somewhere better. Where you won't be hungry or afraid anymore," the warrior woman spoke. "It won't be easy. It won't be sugar and roses. You'll have to work hard, but you'll have a chance."

Uncertainty crossed the boy's features. He turned and looked at his dead mother, as if silently looking to her for guidance. "You saved me. I...wanna come with you. Gonna make mum proud. What's your name?"

"Enyo Typhos. I'm with Archangel." Someone this kind could not be evil, right? Whoever Archangel was, they did not sound like bad guys. Old Uncle Balthazar had always said that one day they'd leave this hellhole and be taken somewhere nice.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
“We have remained here for many years in peace. We grow from the one pure strain, and our victims become like us. However, the teachings of the Dark are dim to us now. We need someone to give us the secrets we need to train new generations.”

There was a brief conference. “We will allow you access to our secrets, Dark One…when you have taught us yours.”

Illyria stared at the repulsive creatures, tried to conceal a grimace of disapproval.

Zyanya tried to supress an expression of pure disgust when she started at the loathsome creatures. They were animals, plain and simple. Pets were useful, but undeserving of the gift of the spirits. "Are we really negotiating with monsters! They are animals...," the words were on her tongue, but never left her lips. It felt like her tongue had been paralysed, rendering her incapable of speech. Otherwise, her outburst would have surely caused things to go ill.

Sumiko had weighed her options. She could demonstrate her power and subjugate these creatures. The power of the Ring should suffice to make them resentful pawns. Or she could delude them into thinking she was playing along, whilst in actual fact she was only giving them a few cantrips. Parlour tricks that would seem impressive to them, but not give them an advantage against her.

"These terms are agreeable. We will need a private chamber. My knowledge is vast, but I cannot teach all at once, so give me the three strongest of you. The Force is complex, but I shall awaken the darkness inside you, step by step." Oh, yes, she would. The ring pulsed with power, subtly swaying them. It approved of her deviousness.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
The Nekghouls nodded their heads in agreement.
“So be it!”

The remains of the Jedi were consumed by the rakghouls whilst their more advanced cousins led their guests deeper into the base.

Inside a deeper recess of the base they found where the creatures had been living, as well as tunnels made to allow them egress from the base. The wreckage and filth of centuries was everywhere.

There was one area which did not make one’s breath catch from the ghastly smell and sights. That was a room which was extremely clean and tidy. Ancient machines had been cleaned and polished even when they clearly had given up the ghost centuries before. It was almost a cargo cult of a room.

“Enter, and hear the words of the creator!” the leader of the Nekghouls said.
A well-worn button was pressed and an image of a severe Imperial scientist appeared.
“Entry 62. Subject 18 has responded well to treatments. The strain of the virus has allowed him to retain intelligence…of a form…and also to perform certain tasks. We will continue experimentation with subject 18 tomorrow.”

There was more, but for now the Nekghouls looked expectantly at Sumiko.
In the Darkness there is Truth

"Darkness is your birthright. You were created by Sith, and their power can be yours...if you have the will to grasp it and the right teacher," she spoke calmly, with a measure of haughtiness, as she stepped into the room.

"First, you shall learn to touch the Force. Close your eyes and open your mind. Remember the exaltation you felt when you tore the Jedi apart and your teeth ripped through his flesh. Imagine the slaughter, and the energy it filled you with. Hear the echo of the fury you feel in battle, and how it empowers you. Remember the hatred you feel for those who scorn you as beasts. The Force is your inner flame, ignite it."

Time would pass, during which Sumiko taught them the basics of using the Dark Side of the Force. Telekinesis, how to use their primal rage to strengthen themselves and how to let their pain fuel them. Crucially, she did not teach them how to shield their minds from her illusions.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
Illyria had an opportunity to recover from her injury, though she preferred to spend time in the outside air away from the Rakghouls and their squalor. Even years of exile had not removed the need for beauty and nature from her. She simply could not abide the monsters, yes, because they were ugly.

She also tried to avoid Qual. The dark one preferred it inside the base anyway so it worked out well.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Unsurprisingly, Zyanya avoided Illyria as well. The Rakghouls were disgusting animals, but she was more used to them because one of her cousins had trained and studied Sithspawn-like creatures, though she'd met a rather unfortunate end.

Meanwhile, training the Nekghouls came to a close. They'd essentially been taught to be Level Three Sith Marauders. Like the European colonists in Africa, Sumiko had given them shiny baubles. Compared to their fellow specimen, they were stronger and more powerful - and corrupted. They would be dependent on her and not recognise their chains until it was too late. So it was finally time for her to get access to the knowledge she craved.

Taris would be, as it always had been. A massive ecumenopolis segregated by class and race. The rich and wealthy clung to their power, the powerless lashed out while struggling to survive. Rakghouls preyed on the downtrodden, human supremacists fanned the flames to make themselves feel relevant and empowered.

But there was a beacon of hope: Archangel. Unnoticed by anyone else, shuttles loaded with refugees took off from Taris' polluted, disease-ridden and ruin-covered surface. Soon they would leave the city-planet behind them. They, along with many other Forsaken from across the stars, would be taken to a better place. Here, there would be no hunger, no unemployment, freely available healthcare, the public services would run on time and the police would be honest. What was this place, the dear reader might ask? A glorious city Archangel would build upon the hills to be a shining example to the Galaxy.

The monsters were repulsive to her eyes, but Zyanya preferred the darkness. It was bright outside and the sunlight made her uncomfortable, even when she was wearing a concealing robe and a hood. "You prefer the darkness as well." Unfortunately, it seemed like her meditation would not go uninterrupted. She looked up and beheld one of the ugliest creatures she had ever seen.

"I have nothing to say to you, beast," she spoke haughtily. "Leave. Go to Lady Tanaka if you want to lick a Sciian's paw in the hope for a treat." She saw no reason to even pretend that she saw these creatures as equals.

Much to her surprise, the Nekghoul did not lash out at her. Pity. Iz spoke in an animalistic, guttural growl. "She spins webs of deceit. The others do not see. She gives them baubles, and they call it power."

Zyanya crinkled her nose slightly. Unsurprisingly, the beast smelt. "It is the lot of the weak to serve the will of the strong. You are beasts, you were never meant to wield this power," she spoke haughtily. "She has not taught you anything, has she?" There was something challenging in her tone. She was more than a little disgusted about having something sunk low enough to converse with an animal.

"Nooo, because I seeee past the veil," the creature rasped. "They're so eager for her favour, they fight over the scraps she tosses them. Just like you and the she-elf." That made the Xioquo glare at the beast.

"How drool. You know not of what you speak of," she hissed.

"I see your auras. The she-elf thinks you a beast, as both of you do us. You fight for her attention, and the Lady laughs."

"I know very well what game she plays. I do not need a mutant to tell me. Neither she nor Illyria are my partners. I have larger goals." Liberate her people, avenge her humiliation and her sister's death.

"She will use you up. But she may not even rule her own destiny anymore."

Every instinct rebelled against engaging this creature, but Zyanya gave in. "What do you mean? Speak," she commanded frostily. The temperature in the room had suddenly become a good deal colder.

"The ring she wears, it is no mere toy. It hungers, it has a will."

"And you know this how?"

"I know the spirit that resides in it."

Now Zyanya looked a bit intrigued. "Tell me...," but at this point the conversation was cut off. She suddenly felt a pressure in her mind, a compulsion to leave the room. Sumiko was calling her. The Nekghoul quickly disappeared down the corridor. Evidently it was time to get what they'd come for.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]

Whilst Sumiko had been dangling baubles before the monsters Illyria had gone out into the outside world, tracking down information and anything of interest. She refused to skulk in tunnels, so she spent her time carefully journeying in the surrounding areas, though was mostly disappointed.

Taris was a toxic dump, and there was little of interest there to find.

On this day, on feeling a compulsion to return she had done so, but with the arrogance and dignity she thought she possessed she arrived late dressed in her best robe and with her weapon at hand.

The head of the Nekghouls was talking to Sumiko.

“…granted us the knowledge. Therefore, we shall show you what you desire. We have retained and maintained the creator’s information safely all this time.”

Inside the room they had been first shown were the computers and also now some footlockers containing notes and items.

Of course, after 850 years a lot of it was worse for wear or flat out not functioning anymore. It would take considerable effort and time to get everything working again.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Now this one has the amusing image of Revan and Malak's grand dream of conquering the Republic being short-circuited because after more than 20, 000 years the Star Forge's computers had stopped working and were beyond repair. It would have spared the Galaxy a lot of pain.

Regardless, in this case the problem was less insurmountable. By now Illyria and Zyanya had arrived. For the time being, her two minions were not fighting like teenagers. "See what you can salvage. I will see what I can get from the database," she ordered. She had a fancy power called mechu-deru, which translated as doing weird things to machines. Combined with psychometry, it was useful to get information. She could probably not fully repair the database, but get it functioning well enough to make the mission worthwhile.

Enyo gazed out of the viewing port, looking upon the celestial bodies that dotted the black void of space as the Archangel ship vanished into darkness. The grey orb of Taris grew smaller and smaller when the sleek, shark-like vessel slipped away.

"You look deep in thought," Callisto spoke softly when she suddenly manifested at her side. The HRD had the ability to move almost silently, even though she weighed far more than the average human female and was made of metal. This was a useful trait for an infiltrator or an assassin.

Enyo winced slightly. "I hate it when you do that," she muttered, sounding a little annoyed. "I was just pondering recent events."

"You performed well today. The refugees are...adjusting well."

"Yes, it felt good to take them from this disease-ridden, monster-infested hellhole. It's mind-boggling that the towers of the rich are only a stone's throw away. A pity we could not burn them down. They should be the ones being torn apart by Rakghouls," Enyo said coldly.

"You know Archangel will set things right, one step at a time. Organics have mismanaged the galaxy, creating artificial divisions to empower themselves and enslave others. You will have an important role to play in the struggle to come. But we must be patient."

"Yes, I know that. We must operate in the shadows, otherwise the enemies of progress would strike us down."

"You've done well negotiating with the Sith Order. We'll support their offensive in the Stygian Caldera."

A frown creased Enyo's features. "I am...uncomfortable working with them. They have abominations in their ranks. Psychopaths who turn people into monsters. The weak are meant to serve, but that is barbaric. And Sith are notoriously treacherous. Their rhetoric about 'liberating the Sith worlds' is absurd."

Callisto, having been instructed to act more human, placed a gentle hand on Enyo's shoulder. It felt soft and warm to touch. "Yes," she spoke. "But they are a means to an end. The enemy of our enemy is our friend...until we slip a knife in their gut. The Age of Steel will come, but first we must weaken all our opponents. We cannot make an omelette without breaking a few eggs."

Enyo was quiet for a moment or two, but finally nodded. "That is true. But I don't want Amara to be exposed to them. Not until she's more prepared. She's too precious to be corrupted by them. I alone will be handling her training. Jedi will not help us gain the power to destroy Kerrigan, so I shall take what I need from these Sith."

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