Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Riot in the Ashes of Vaethis | TAC Dominion of Zigoola


The Tingel Arm Coalition
Dominion of Zigoola
Fynch Fynch | Braze Braze | Fervos Kej Fervos Kej | M1G-77 M1G-77

The remote and desolate planet of Zigoola, located in the Outer Rim, was once home to a long-forgotten Sith stronghold. Its dark history has remained buried for centuries, but the recent discovery of rich ore deposits deep within its cavernous mountains has drawn the attention of prospectors, corporations, and settlers. Now, Zigoola's capital city, Vaethis, has grown into a bustling hub of mining operations and trade. However, the planet’s dark legacy has begun to reawaken, threatening to engulf the city in chaos.

The once-thriving capital of Vaethis is now on the brink of collapse. Tensions have been building for weeks as miners and workers return from the depths of the ore-rich caves, broken and terrified. They speak of strange sightings—whispers of an ancient Sith presence, and horrifying encounters with something lurking in the shadows. Fear grips the people, and murmurs of a curse tied to the old Sith stronghold beneath the planet’s surface begin to spread.

When a mining crew goes missing entirely, leaving no trace behind, panic erupts. The magistrate of Vaethis, already struggling to keep the peace, issues a curfew and orders all mining operations to cease until an investigation can be conducted. This decision infuriates the corporate elites and desperate workers who rely on the mines for survival. The capital city quickly becomes a powder keg of fear, distrust, and anger.

The breaking point comes when a group of miners, led by a mysterious and charismatic figure robed in black, incites a riot in the heart of the city. Civilians and workers alike flood the streets, clashing with law enforcement and corporate security. The chaos spreads, and soon, the riots escalate into widespread violence, looting, and destruction.

In the midst of this turmoil, the magistrate reaches out to the Tingel Arm Coalition for help. The Coalition, a small but skilled organization of force-sensitive agents, scientists, and diplomats, is tasked with restoring order to Vaethis. Their mission: to uncover the truth behind the miners' terrifying experiences, quell the growing rebellion, and face whatever dark force has begun to stir within Zigoola’s ancient depths.

As the Coalition team arrives, they must navigate a city in flames, where the lines between reality and madness blur. The dark side of the Force pulses beneath the surface, feeding on the fear and unrest, threatening to consume the entire planet. The team must race against time to uncover the ancient secrets buried beneath Zigoola before the riot spirals into all-out civil war—and before the dark presence lurking in the shadows can unleash its full power upon the galaxy.


Objective One: Echoes of the Hidden Mountain Caverns.

In the depths of the planet’s vast caves, a valuable ore deposit has been discovered, sparking plans for large-scale mining operations. However, these efforts have been fraught with peril. Each expedition sent into the mines has met with disaster—few have returned, and those who do emerge are shattered, their minds haunted by nightmarish visions. They speak of something beyond comprehension, a monstrous entity or perhaps an ancient spirit lurking in the darkness. Their terror is unmistakable, and the unsettling accounts have only fueled the growing unease.

The magistrate of Zigoola, desperate to prevent further loss of life, has reached out to the Tingel Arm Coalition for help. Riots are erupting in the Capital City, spurred by fear and unrest, and the authorities are powerless to calm the storm. The magistrate begs for aid in uncovering the truth behind these chilling tales and solving the mystery of the missing miners before the situation spirals beyond control.

Objective Two: Restoring Order Amidst the Chaos of Vaethis.

The breaking point comes when a group of miners, led by a mysterious figure cloaked in black, sparks a full-scale riot in the heart of Vaethis. Waves of civilians and laborers flood the streets, their anger erupting in violent clashes with law enforcement and corporate security forces. What begins as a localized protest swiftly spirals into uncontainable chaos, sending shockwaves through the city. The once-bustling avenues are soon engulfed in flames, with looting, destruction, and widespread violence sweeping through Vaethis like a storm, threatening to consume everything in its path.

As the unrest spreads, it is no longer just the miners who fuel the conflict. The general populace, fed up with the turmoil, arms themselves, turning the city into a battleground. Neighbor turns against neighbor, and the fragile order in Vaethis collapses entirely. The Magistrate, powerless to stem the tide of violence, is desperate to regain control of his city before it's too late.

The Tingel Arm Coalition, called in for aid, arrives to find a city on the verge of total ruin. The scale of the disaster demands all hands—search and rescue teams scramble to save those trapped beneath crumbled buildings or caught in the fires. Law enforcement, stretched thin, needs reinforcement to suppress the rioters and restore order. Medical teams rush to tend to the injured, overwhelmed by the sheer number of casualties from the citywide fallout. Every corner of Vaethis cries out for help, and the Coalition realizes that quelling this storm will take nothing short of a monumental effort.

Objective Three: Shadows of the Forgotten Sith Temple.

Once a symbol of Sith dominance, the ancient stronghold on Zigoola has begun to stir once more, its dark power seeping through the cracks of history. Whispers of a shadowy cult have spread like wildfire through the streets of Vaethis, the capital city, igniting fear among its citizens. The origin of these rumors remains unknown, but the tales are chilling—dark relics from the ancient Sith, long hidden within the stronghold, are said to be wielded by mysterious figures who lurk within the ruins. Their intentions remain unclear, but their presence is unmistakable, casting an ominous shadow over the city.

Desperate to protect their people, the Magistrate of Zigoola and his Council of Vaethis have sent a plea to the Tingel Arm Coalition’s rebel militia. The threat posed by the cult is growing, and the magistrate fears it may soon spiral out of control, endangering the entire populace. With unrest simmering in the city and tensions rising, the Coalition is the last hope of stopping the cult before their influence spreads beyond the capital’s walls.

Now, the Tingel Arm Coalition embarks on a treacherous mission deep into the ruins of the Sith stronghold. Their objective is clear: recover the ancient Sith artifacts and uncover the truth behind the cultists’ sinister plans. But the mission is fraught with danger. As they delve into the depths of the stronghold, the Coalition must navigate not only the ancient traps and Sith relics but also the dark force that has reawakened within the ruins. Their goal is twofold: to study the remnants of the Sith’s dark power and, more importantly, to put an end to the cult before they plunge the entire planet into chaos.

Objective Four: Bring Your Own Objective.

Zigoola is a monumental World with numerous secrets still to be discovered. Branch out and create a story of your own.

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Zigoola, Objective III
Tags: Open

Lothal Protectorate, Lucy

Things just seemed to get wilder the more he rode with the whippersnappers.

Combating a cult using the darkness to plunge a planet into despair was not on Leonis's bucket list, yet here he was. Lucy used to talk about the wizards she fought, dar'jetii she called them. It was some kind of word that meant 'no longer...' and then something else he had forgotten. Why didn't he remember? Perhaps his mind was foggy with age. Everything she had told him always seemed so fantastical when he was little more than a scrap pilot on a backwater planet. Now here he was, old and out of his pay-grade.

But the old-timer wasn't going to let that keep him down.

The ruins of an ancient Sith Stronghold lay before them, the source of the upheaval no doubt. Artifacts of great power were likely to lie within, important threats that needed to be secured or neutralized if the safety of Zigoola was to be ensured. He drew Lucy's Westar 35 in one hand and his axe in the other, gazing ahead into the abyss of a corridor that lie before them.

"I'd kill for a flamethrower about now," Leonis muttered to himself.

This was going to get messy. The old man was sure of it.

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Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X | "Thirty-Seven"
Interacting With : OPEN Objective : BYOO (Little bit of I&II)

Managing a miners riot from afar was a nightmare. Makai found himself staying up at odd hours, keeping abreast of the issues on Zigoola. His personal assistant droid, Thirty-Seven, was on the ground and doing his best to navigate the situation. Aina Holdings had just purchased an entire swath of mines near where several mining expeditions had gone missing. Before taking over mining divisions for his father, he used to map and survey potential mining sites. It could be dangerous work, he had gotten in trouble with wildlife in the past.

Yet these were hired contractors - locals. Makai knew locals should have easily navigated the caverns and been able to return with ease.

So he had to send in security expert Tevis Thane, and his personal assistant droid, Thirty-Seven, to sort out what was going on and get his mines operational.


Tevis Thane looked over the barren landscape, at the mine now left quiet, and the mountain in the distance with the cavern system feeding into an old, abandoned mine. Once established, it lay dormant due to the amount of miners that have gone missing from the area.

[ Do you have an idea why so many are going missing, Mister Thane ] Thirty-Seven's optical sensors scanned the horizon, not spotting a single organic life in the dsitance.

"No idea. Probably some animal we have no idea about. Or slavers. It's always the slavers. Let us get moving."

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"I'd kill for a flamethrower about now," Leonis muttered to himself.

"How about a little light?" Braze asked padding up next to the timer and drawing his hand up and soon a warm glow emanated from the palm of his hand making a small sphear of light. The ball was carefully controlled and contained with in his hand, he held it up trying to shed light against of the old timer so that they could see better.

Arash Garshasp, Specialist
Location: Outside Cavern Entrance
Objective 1: Echoes of the Hidden Mountain Caverns

Tags: [Open]​
Never one to believe in the mystics just out of hand, Arash found himself nearing the clearing that led into one of the caverns. Mining equipment scattered around, seemingly abandoned after the survivors that returned spread tales of terror. He had read the reports and clearly something was down deep in the caverns having a very real impact on the miner’s health. But how terrible can these cave terrors truly be? Arash smirked at the idea of fighting some beast or creature, most likely a hunter that evolved in the darkness. Though haven't heard of an animal that hunts with fear. . .
Arash looked around, his eyes targeted what appeared to be a mining vehicle that helped the miners to quickly traverse through the caverns. The young Thyrsian was not one to balk at a bit of cardio but he expected that this expedition would take him rather deep into the caverns. I do mind boring long walks or runs. He hefted his equipment onto the vehicle and reached for his data-slate for a quick refresher. Since he was going to save time with the mining vehicle transport, he could spare another moment to get a bit more familiar with the mission briefing report.
“I really hope it’s not some sort of Force voodoo sickness,” His mutterings turned into a prayer of sorts to whatever cosmic entity that would take mercy on Arash. He placed down the data-slate and picked up his helmet to place it back on. If the situation was truly something he was incapable of solving, the riots within the Capital were of course in need of help. But Arash shrugged off that idea, he really expected nothing immaterial nor impervious to his disruptor pistol.
Why can’t these terrors remain in the Netherworld?
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Objective: One: Echoes of the Hidden Mountain Caverns
Location: Rallypoint outside the Mines
Outfit: Enforcer’s Coat
Equipment: See Bio
Tags: Arash Garshasp Arash Garshasp | OPEN


Knowing to expect an assault on her senses from the Dark Side, just for being on the planet Zigoola was a help for Zaska as she had entered into a calming meditation as soon as she boarded the shuttle. It was a relief to be calmed and prepared when the wave of energy hit her when the shuttle broke the atmosphere and started its descent towards the mines that had been shrouded in mystery.

Kaska was honestly a little surprised when she had heard that Zigoola was being populated. She supposed that some resources were scarce enough in the galaxy that any risk was worth taking in obtaining more of them. The fact that things had been going wrong as soon as miners made their way into the belly of the beast was much less shocking to the Ranger. She had been informed in orbit, prior to boarding the shuttle, that there was a mercenary team ready to make entry to the mines. She hoped that some heavy boots on the ground would be enough to end whatever had miners disappearing. But given Zigoola’s history she was glad the Rangers agreed to have her tag along.

Upon exiting the shuttle, Kaska saw more mining equipment than hired guns. It was a bit disheartening, but just a couple of the right guns would be better than nothing. The mining equipment might be a boon in their search, if there were enough people who were willing and able to use them. To this point it brought a smile to Kaska’s face when she saw a young red-haired merc head over to one of the mining vehicles. She strode over in that direction. Kaska could fly a ship and drive a speeder, she suspected that she would be able to manage at the controls of one of these machines. But having to shrink somewhat from her connection to the Force on Zigoola, it would be wise to keep her focus on the caves, not operating some strange vehicle.

As she approached she heard the young man say something about “Force voodoo”. Kaska rolled her eyes hoping that he meant the chaos that the Darkside could produce and not that he was one of those “the Force isn’t real” thinkers. ”This planet seems to be constructed with the Darkside,” Kaska remarked as she approached the young man in the vehicle. ”You can be pretty sure that there will be some sort of ‘voodoo’ going on in the caves. You think you can work this thing? If you can drive me in there, I promise to handle all the voodoo stuff…”
Objective Two: Restoring Order Amidst the Chaos of Vaethis.
Inventory: Field Apparel, Lightsaber & Balun's K-16 Bryar Pistol.
Present Company: Task-Force Rebel Dawn.


Outside the towering Capital Building of Vaethis, Balun Dashiell crouched behind a barricade of sandbags, each one meticulously placed by his squad. The air was thick with tension, charged by the distant echoes of blaster fire and the haunting screams of chaos. Riots had erupted in the streets, sparked by disgruntled miners but quickly engulfing the entire city. Now, civilians, desperate and enraged, had taken up arms, turning Zigoola into a battleground.

Task Force Rebel Dawn, bolstered by local law enforcement and military troops, had formed a tight defensive line around the government compound, sworn to protect the Magistrate and the ruling Council. Inside the building, heated debates filled the halls as the Council tried to restore order, but Balun's attention was fixed on the looming danger outside. So far, the rioters had only tested their defenses, retreating into the shadows after a few warning shots. But Balun knew it wouldn't last. The mob would gather its courage soon enough, and when they did, they would strike at the heart of Zigoola's leadership.

The tension in the air was palpable, a quiet unease before the inevitable storm.

"Any word from the other teams, Beiran?" Balun called out, his voice cutting through the tense silence as he scanned the street beyond the compound. His squad, perched at the ready, watched for any signs of looters or armed locals. Beside him, La'das Beiran, his number two, kept his eye glued to the scope of his EE-3 carbine rifle, never looking away.

"Reports are steady," Beiran replied, his voice calm but grim. "Most of the fighting is being contained, but it's spiraling out of control. Riot police are barely holding them back. At this point, it's damage control until things settle."

Ewan Whitley, lying prone in the central position with his T-21 Light repeating blaster, voiced what everyone was thinking. "This is bullchit, Cap'. We're not law enforcement. We shouldn't be sitting here waiting to gun down civilians."

Balun glanced over, his expression hard. "There's more to it than rioters. Intelligence reports suggest Force Users are involved. Some of the civilians we've detained have been talking about robed figures—Force-wielders—riling them up." He turned back toward Beiran and Whitley. "I want non-lethal rounds if we engage with the locals. No need for unnecessary bloodshed. That means you drop the heavy gun, Whitley. Sidearms and stun rounds, unless we see lightsabers drawn."

Balun's voice carried an unmistakable edge of authority, and despite the building chaos, he remained resolute. The mission was clear—defend the leadership of Zigoola—but how they did it was just as important.
See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Zigoola
Objective: BYOO

Normally for A’Runda barren worlds like Zigoola had a comfortable energy to them. A familiarity that often reminded him of his homeworld. Unlike a more lush or urban world that had a tendency to overwhelm him with all the ‘noise’ they gave through The Force. However, this world was different. Darkness and negativity permeated through it. Giving Zigoola an eerie and uncanny feeling for the Tusken.

Many things weren’t going well for those who inhabited the planet. Civil Unrest and concern were tearing society apart. A’Runda knew he wasn’t much of a people person and didn’t really look to tending riots. Instead his focus was an issue that seemed less grand in scope, but still very lethal.

A beast stalked around the rocky wilderness. Preying upon this here that strayed too far from civilization. Something unrecognizable even among the local fauna. Likely twisted and corrupted by the dark influences that had such a stranglehold on this world. As an outdoorsman and a survivalist, A'Runda sought to deal with this issue himself. Having fought plenty of dire beasts before. Even needing to do so to earn his very manhood among the Tuskens.

Holstering his three thirsty weapons, A’Runda had set out into the rocky wilds of Zigoola to put the Sithspawn to rest. Although he knew of an alternative, thanks to Damsy, she wasn’t here to offer the corrupted being refuge. He even wondered if she had managed to succeed at handling the Sithspawn Sarlacc that they both dealt with back on Tatooine.
Arash Garshasp, Specialist
Location: Outside Cavern Entrance
Objective 1: Echoes of the Hidden Mountain Caverns


Tags: Kaska Bastee Kaska Bastee (Open)
Arash quickly swiveled on his feet to face the direction of the new voice, a woman seemingly sent directly from the Coalition. She looks the part and with the confirmation of the Darkside being present on the planet, Arash was at least content there was a Force User present. For the time being. Stories of possessions and other witchcraft were quite prevalent and with the resurgence of the Mawites, who knew when another tear in reality would appear. Hopefully not when we're underground. Arash mentally shrugged off the worst of his thoughts away and refocused on the mission at hand.
"Yeah, I can pilot the vehicle. As long as you promise your voodoo is stronger than the voodoo down there" Arash responded and gestured with his head to the cavern entrance. He began to double check his equipment was secured in the back, some final preparation before the descent. His Ceratus was a tad unwieldy in such cramp conditions but he couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to bring it along. Just in case.
With a flash of a smile he slid his helmet back on and with a quick check of that the vehicle indeed worked he gave a thumbs up to the woman, "Got any equipment you're planning to bring along? If not, we can get going." He asked, his fingers tapped away on his gauntlet, quickly adjusting his HUD in the meantime. Regardless of the situation he was headed towards, he was had a bit of anxiety, A sign that I hadn't completely lost my sense, I hope.
"Name's Arash Garshap by the way. You can call me Arash, unless of course you don't have time for a second syllable, I'll answer to Ar- as well." He introduced himself, his unique sense of humor getting the better of him, "-And uh. how should I address you?" Arash wasn't well versed with proper manners but he knew at least knowing call-signs was important before the mission begins.

MaraTibx, Haven Shipyards, Arceneau Trade Fuel and Trade Station
Zigoola Space
BYOO: Placement of neutral Trade, Refueling, and Ship Repair facility Orbiting Zigoola
Open to Interaction

Aeri Vyn stood on the wide viewport of The Nexus, the command deck of the partially completed refueling station orbiting Zigoola. The stars beyond gleamed like cold jewels, but her attention wasn't on their beauty. It was on the planet below, a yellow and gray orb spinning lazily in the void, with vast mining areas dotting its surface.

Zigoola had become a center of industry, attracting miners, traders, and engineers from across the galaxy. But something had changed recently. Whispers of strange happenings in the mines had reached Aeri, and while she wasn't one to be rattled by rumors, her gut told her something was wrong. In her years as an agent -- and now a businesswoman working directly with Danger Arceneau, the Queen of Trade herself -- Aeri had learned to trust her instincts. They had saved her more than once.


She turned to see Mia Elith -- one of the lead engineers -- approaching, datapad in hand. The soft hum of the station's systems filled the air around them, and Aeri could feel the vibrations through the deck as the green energy core pulsed beneath their feet.

"Yes, Myra?" she asked, folding her arms and offering a reassuring smile. Mia looked nervous, the way she did when something was bothering her but she didn't want to cause trouble.

"The refueling station is fully operational now," Mia said, her voice steady but her eyes betraying concern. "But we've had reports from the miners down on Zigoola. Strange things are happening in the deep shafts. Some of the workers are refusing to go back down there."

Aeri's brow furrowed. She had heard the whispers -- shadowy figures in the dark, machinery malfunctioning for no reason, miners claiming to hear voices deep in the rock. Superstition, most likely. Still, Zigoola had a reputation. The planet was rumored to have been touched by the Dark Side long ago, back during the Sith Empire's reign. Old ghost stories, most thought, but there were always those who believed.

"Has there been any solid evidence of sabotage or danger?" Aeri asked, keeping her voice even. She wasn't one to dismiss concerns, but she also wasn't one to jump at shadows. "Or is this just the miners being spooked?"

Mia glanced down at her datapad, biting her lip. "Nothing concrete. No physical damage to the equipment, but a few of the miners are starting to get sick. Headaches, dizziness, confusion. We've sent medical droids to check on them, but nothing unusual has shown up in the scans."

Aeri took a deep breath and turned back to the viewport, her sharp Zeltron senses tingling with unease. Danger Arceneau had tasked her with overseeing this project, ensuring the success of the station and the future of trade in this sector. And if the mines shut down -- or worse, if workers began to leave -- it would jeopardize everything.

"Has there been any word from Makai?" Aeri asked, shifting her thoughts to the business side of things. Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell was working with Dashiell Incorporated to establish a foothold on Zigoola, and his input would be invaluable in stabilizing the situation.

"Not yet," Mia replied, "but he's been overseeing the setup of a new facility. He's bound to check in soon."

Aeri nodded. Makai was reliable, and if anyone could get to the bottom of what was happening, it was him. Still, she couldn't shake the sense that whatever was plaguing the miners wasn't going to be easily fixed with more droids or equipment.

She turned to Mia, a decision forming in her mind. "I'll head down there myself," she said firmly. "We need to see this situation with our own eyes before it gets out of hand. If we lose the miners, it won't matter how well the trade station performs up here."

Mia blinked in surprise. "You're going to the mines? Aeri, with all due respect, is that safe? We can send a team -- "

Aeri held up a hand, silencing her with a gentle smile. "I've handled worse. Besides, I'll take a small security team with me. If this is just superstition, we'll handle it accordingly. But if it's something more… I'd rather know now than later."

She glanced back out at the stars, her reflection staring back at her in the glass. For all the experience and confidence she had gained over the years, there were still things in this galaxy that unsettled her, and Zigoola was beginning to feel like one of them. If anything, her abilities as a Zeltron could help calm the situation if needed.

"I'll prepare the shuttle," she said briskly, turning back to Myra. "Make sure Danger gets a report as soon as I land. And contact Makai. If something goes wrong, I want him ready."

Myra nodded, still looking unsure but trusting Aeri's judgment. "Understood."

As Aeri walked toward the hangar bay, her thoughts lingered on the Eden Biodomes and Pharmatech. The long-term plan for Zigoola was ambitious -- creating self-sustaining resources of fresh produce and medicine for the miners and deep space travelers, reducing costs and reliance on imports. The more they could produce locally, the better. It was the future of the planet and the company alike. But none of that would matter if the mines became a no-go zone.


Gear: x x x x x x x


Objective: One: Echoes of the Hidden Mountain Caverns
Location: Rallypoint outside the Mines
Outfit: Enforcer’s Coat
Equipment: See Bio
Tags: Arash Garshasp Arash Garshasp | OPEN


The young man at the controls of the vehicle confirmed that he could be able to pilot the thing. That was a good thing. Kaska had plenty of stamina and energy, but wasting any of it walking into the mines was probably not a good idea. Especially without a clue what calling to the Force for help was going to do on this planet. Kaska always looked to do right, but she doubted the Jedi considered her a pure extension of the light side of the Force. ”Sorry kid. Can’t make any promises on the voodoo side of things. This place has quite a bit of bad voodoo. I promise to do my best though. And my best is pretty good. I think we’ll be safe.”

Kaska’s cockiness wasn’t unfounded, but it was inflated a bit for the sake of those fearing the mysteries within the mines. There was a good deal of hope in Kaska however that whatever was in the mine keeping miners from returning after they entered was a natural physical entity. Even she didn’t like the idea of unseen forces somehow corrupting the mines themselves. ”My blades and gun have been well trained. If what is down there can be killed, I’d bet on us killing it.”

As she approached the vehicle, Kaska noted the amount of equipment the young man, introducing himself as Arash Garshap, had brought with him. ”Pleased to meet you Arash. I’m an educated gal, I think I can handle two syllables. I’m Kaska Bastee. If you need a single syllable you can call me Kay I suppose. But Kaska would be preferred. Ranger Bastee if you’re the formal type.” She gave a gentle smile and found a spot where she could climb aboard the vehicle.

Kaska gave a look around to see what the rest of the people gathered to investigate. She gave a slightly exasperated sigh. ”I think we should lead the way. I know I’m ready. And it looks like you’ve got plenty of gear to see us through this. The others can catch up.”
Arash Garshasp, Specialist
Location: Deeper inside the Cavern
Objective 1: Echoes of the Hidden Mountain Caverns


Tags: Kaska Bastee Kaska Bastee (Open)
“Well, guarantees are hardly a sure thing in this universe, so I guess that’s on me for wanting promises.” Arash responded, his hands working the controls and with a quick nod he got the vehicle headed into the cavern.
The entrance appeared rather like any normal mining site, braces on the wall and lights evenly adorned along the roof. The young Thyrsian turned his head, looking around and noted that while it seemed professional enough, whatever freaked the workers was enough to leave the cavern rather unfinished. He noted the terrain wasn’t exactly undrivable, but he certainly was glad there wasn’t a need for him to get out and hike it down the cavern.
“Wasn’t attempting an insult of intelligence,” Arash began, trying to apologize for his offense, “-More of a joke whenever, if-ever, we just got enough time to utter half a word.” He explained. She didn’t seem offended, but you never know. Arash already had a tough time with people outside of Thyrsus, better if kept things cordial for this operation. Ah, at least cordial enough.
“All the same, I hope I’m capable enough to at least manage two syllables if-ever the worst happens. . . plus Kaska rolls off the tongue easily enough.” Arash added with a small smile hidden beneath his helmet.
Arash kept the vehicle at a decent enough pace, giving himself plenty of time to avoid the rougher ground and of any incomplete areas marked by the miners. His eyes looked around through his HUD, noting that they had reached a stretch hardly touched by the miners, evidenced by the growing lack of light sources above them. Even though they technically weren’t that below the planet’s sea-level, Arash couldn’t shake the feeling of immense pressure just overhead. Like a tsunami just waiting to crash on us. He slowed the vehicle down to a complete stop, his HUD displaying a large hole up ahead and noted a lot of mining equipment strewn about the floor. The only lightsource being the lights they brought along plus the vehicle’s own considerable lights.
“Hey Kaska, you said that this place was built with the darkside,” Arash stated as he slowly got out of the vehicle and retrieved his equipment. “-Like some darksiders built a home and added some fancy security features with blood magic or something?” He asked. Cause if the miners forgot to knock and triggered a defense mechanism, then I don’t think simply causing a cave-in is gonna fix this mess. Arash gripped his Helius rifle and reduced the sight range on his optic, settling for essentially point-blank firing range.
Obj: 2
Task: Restore Order - Don't Die.
Tags: Open

"You sure this is a good idea?" Owen asked with a questionable look on his face, changing glances with Aiden and Jysella. "Not in the slightest....." Aiden said as he stood between the pilot and co-pilots seat, the ship flew overhead and the damage and chaos that was unfolding, or had been unfolding was before them. It was almost as if he could hear the cries from those that were torn from their loved ones. The laughter coming from those that fed deeply into the chaos that was before them.

"You shouldn't go down there alone. We can all go." Jysella spoke resting a hand on Aidens shoulder gently. "No!" Aiden spoke out quickly, although his expression lightening up as he didn't intend to be rude or loud. "I'm sorry but that, is not a good idea. You are carrying precious cargo and I can't ask Owen to go with me, who will stay behind and look after you should something happen."

"Aiden's right, it is too risky." Owen spoke glancing over to Jysella, noting her look of disapproval.

"It will be alright, once I am groundside I will meet up with Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell and his company. You guys stick to the skies and just keep an ear out for any enemy comms, there are also the cultist that have potentially set up shop near the Sith Temple Ruins. If you hear anything just report to to us and we will have a headway on things. I know there is an operating base nearby that could use help as well."

Jysella narrowed her eyes at Aiden slightly. "I'm not helpless you know...." Her voice teasing him with a small squeeze at his shoulder. "Very well, we shall drop you off as close as we can get, everyone knows their jobs."

Aiden stood up and stretched slightly before moving back to the center cockpit and making sure he had everything he needed.

"I'm ready when you are!"


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X | "Thirty-Seven"
Interacting With : Aeri Vyn Aeri Vyn | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell | OPEN

Makai looked at his holofeed at sighed. Tavis Thane and Thirty-Seven so far had given a report of nothing unusual but they had barely scratched the surface. MaraTibX - the company his wife was in charge of - was also on the case,as they had a platform orbiting the planet. Extraction was being affected just as much as mining was, the strike going across workers of all types in the mining and energy sectors.

Despite their being a riot outside, he needed to get out of the city and down to the mining sites himself. He had enough experience to discern one way or another what may be going on. Shedding his suit jacket and switching out his shoes for boots, Makai slipped into his favorite and well-worn brown jacket.

The goal was to look less like a mining magnate and more like just a normal citizen trying to get out of town due to the riots.

[ Heading to check out these mines myself. Maybe there is something everyone is overlooking. Get an idea if we need a different type of resource and solution out here. ]
Message was typed to Miss Vyn before he slipped the device back into his pocket. Time to get a move on, he wanted to get to the location by early afternoon and it was a decent speeder drive away.

Exiting his room, Makai took the turbolift down to the garage level. The trick was to actually be able to leave and get where he needed.


MaraTibx, Haven Shipyards, Arceneau Trade Fuel and Trade Station
Zigoola Space
BYOO: Placement of neutral Trade, Refueling, and Ship Repair facility Orbiting Zigoola
Open to Interaction Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

The shuttle touched down on the surface of Zigoola with a soft thud, the dusty red ground kicking up around the landing gear. Aeri Vyn peered through the viewport, eyes narrowing as she took in the barren, rocky landscape stretching out before her. The mining outpost was just ahead, a cluster of pourstone and durasteel buildings nestled against the side of a craggy mountain. Above them, thick clouds rolled in, casting an eerie shadow over the site.

Aeri's stomach twisted, not just from the drop in altitude but from that ever-present sense of wrongness that had gnawed at her since she first heard the miners' reports. As a Zeltron, she was no stranger to heightened emotions or the occasional ripple of intuition, but this felt different. Darker. Like a heavy blanket of unease draped over the entire planet.

She unclipped her harness, stepping toward the ramp as it lowered with a hiss of hydraulic steam. Her small security team -- three mercenaries she had handpicked for their loyalty and discretion -- followed behind, their boots crunching on the red gravel as they disembarked. The air was thick with dust, and the silence was unnerving. No sounds of machinery or workers. Just the wind, dry and empty.

Aeri glanced at the horizon, noting the direction of the Eden Biodome site, some 25 clicks away. It wasn't visible from here, but she could almost feel its presence -- a patch of life waiting to take root on this forsaken planet. Once operational, the biodome would provide fresh produce, medicines, and a touch of hope for the miners and travelers who frequented the area. But first, they had to solve this mystery.

Her commlink buzzed, and Aeri activated it with a tap.

"Still no word from Makai?" she asked, her voice low.

"Not yet," came Mia Elith's voice from orbit. "We've been monitoring his location, and it looks like he's still near the facility site. He might be underground, though, or his signal could be getting scrambled by the interference from the mines."

Aeri frowned. "Keep trying to reach him. I'll be heading into the mine to see what's happening on the ground."

"Understood," Mia replied. "Oh, and Aeri -- be careful. There's something off about all of this."

Aeri smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I know. Vyn out."

She clipped the commlink back to her belt and turned to her team, her sharp Zeltron features set in a mask of determination. Her lips thinned as she spoke.

"Stay close," she ordered, her voice carrying a firm edge. "We're just investigating. With any luck, we'll find out what's spooking these miners and get in contact with Makai. Keep your weapons on stun unless I say otherwise. We don't want to make any enemies down here."

The mercenaries nodded, their faces set in grim readiness. They were professionals, used to danger and uncertainty, but even they seemed uneasy in the oppressive atmosphere of Zigoola.

It was then of course, that her comm beeped and the incoming message from Makai finally relayed an update - [ Heading to check out these mines myself. Maybe there is something everyone is overlooking. Get an idea if we need a different type of resource and solution out here. ]

Could he already be in the mines? The message had been sent more than half an hour ago.

As they moved toward the entrance to the mines, Aeri's skin prickled. The tiny bit of Force sensitivity she possessed was whispering at the edges of her awareness, like a faint hum she couldn't quite tune out. It wasn't enough to fully grasp the Force, but it was enough to make her hyper-aware of her surroundings. And right now, those surroundings felt... wrong.

The entrance to the mine was a gaping maw in the earth, surrounded by scaffolding and heavy machinery that stood eerily still. No workers. No sounds of drills or conveyor belts. Just the wind, moaning through the twisted metal.

Aeri glanced at the others, then stepped forward, drawing her blaster as a precaution. She wasn't sure what they were walking into, but she wasn't about to be caught off guard.

Up in orbit, Mia continued to oversee the building of the Nexus. An updated Solarium material was being implemented as part of the shields, allowing for particle shielding that would be recharged by self-healing solarium glasteel and metal materials. It was an alloy with Laminanium, allowing for small self-repairs. They were presently trying to research another viable option other than Laminanium that could have the same self-repairing qualities. As it was, the deployment of the ship repair maintenance yard was also underway. It wouldn't be a full-service shipyard, but one to assist with small repairs or emergency patch-ups this far out, at least to give options to miners and travelers on what they could use to get to where they wanted to go.

Tags | x x x x x x x
Objective Two: Restoring Order Amidst the Chaos of Vaethis.
Inventory: Field Apparel, Lightsaber & Balun's K-16 Bryar Pistol.
Present Company: Task-Force Rebel Dawn.
Interacting With: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell & Aeri Vyn Aeri Vyn .


Balun Dashiell stood at attention outside the towering Capital Building, flanked by Captain Le'dan Beiras and Lieutenant Ewan Whitley. Further down the chaotic main street of the city's commerce district, Reconnaissance Specialist Reuben Fletcher and Communications Specialist Isabella Johnson had taken up a strategic position atop a tall corporate skyscraper. From their elevated vantage point, they had a clear view of the city tearing itself apart.

Below, chaos reigned. Rioters clashed violently with everyday citizens who were desperately trying to protect their livelihoods and businesses. The crowd was a swirling storm of fear and fury. Through the scope of his DH-17 blaster rifle, Fletcher's gaze swept across faces—some pale with terror, others contorted with rage as they struck out at anyone and anything near them. His jaw tightened, his voice low and bitter. "Orders or not, sitting here watching this unfold while those politicians stay safe inside is karking madness," he muttered.

Beside him, Johnson peered through her binoculars, tracking the movements of the crowd. Normally composed and dutiful, she found it difficult to disagree with Fletcher's open defiance. The air was thick with tension. "Just say the word, Sergeant," she said quietly, the unspoken readiness to abandon their orders heavy in her tone.

Fletcher looked away from his scope, stealing a glance at Johnson. She was clearly struggling just as much as he was, watching from the safety of their rooftop while the people below tore each other apart. "Get on the comm to Dashiell. Tell him we need Command to get involved. This is beyond reason," Fletcher ordered, as he began dismantling the blaster rifle from its mounted position on the perimeter wall.

"Wait, Fletch. Hold up. Check your two o'clock. Doesn't that look like one of Dashiell's guys?" Johnson handed him the binoculars, her focus sharp.

Fletcher took them reluctantly, following her line of sight to Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell emerging from a nearby building. His brow furrowed. "Are you sure? I never saw the pic..." he trailed off, remembering that he'd barely listened when Balun had shared details about his family. Fletcher had been more concerned with cleaning his gear after the battle of Lothal than with the personal lives of his commanding officer.

"That's definitely the younger one..." Johnson confirmed, recalling how Balun had proudly shown her a file on his brother, the moment giving away his youth. At times like this, it was easy to forget that their leader was still young—until he hit the battlefield. There, Dashiell transformed into someone else entirely, a seasoned warrior who led with an intensity that silenced any doubts.

Meanwhile, outside the Capital Building, Dashiell wasn't faring much better. He stood with Captain Beiras and Private Oscar Buckley, equally frustrated by their assignment. Protecting the political elite while the city's citizens suffered felt like a betrayal of the very values he fought for. Every explosion in the distance, every scream, made it harder to stand still. His thoughts weighed heavily on him—he knew all too well what it meant to be one of the common folk, struggling to make ends meet. Not long ago, before reuniting with his family, he had lived without a credit to his name.

"Hey, Balun!" Buckley called, his casual tone a reflection of the easy camaraderie the two had developed. Being close in age, Balun and the newest member of Rebel Dawn had formed a quick friendship. "Johnson's on the comms. You'll wanna hear this."

Objective Two: Restoring Order Amidst the Chaos of Vaethis.

Tags: OPEN

It was just like Coruscant. Riots, which meant fires, which meant people in need of help.

The man in a worn out Service Corps jacket smashed his axe into the door before him, calling out into the room. "IS ANYONE IN THERE?!" He could sense someone, a kid, hiding in the closet. He couldn't force them, and someone that small would probably run from him anyways. A blast from his cryo pistol put out a small fire on the side of the room, allowing Anthony to push forward into the room itself. It was moments like this that kept him humble. The room billowed with smoke, as Anthony kept his head down to see. He needed to find the kid, but the Force was volatile in places like this.

The building would come down soon if he wasn't quick about this.



Tags: Braze Braze

Lothal Protectorate, Lucy

"How about a little light?"

"Mighty thanks, youngin," Leonis nodded, his tone gruff as ever.

Not that the light helped all that much, but the thought counted. Jedi. They had a history on Lothal that Leonis knew well. All of his folk did. They saved his planet from Imperial Tyranny in a bygone era after all. He always wondered what meeting one in the flesh would actually be like, now here he was working with the lot of them. Was he lucky?

Honestly Leonis didn't know.

"How 'bout these artifact things we're lookin for?" he asked, shuffling along the dark corridor with Lucy in hand. "Any experience with'em? Figure you magic folk are good with'em, yeah?"


Braze's smile brightened at the thanks. "You're welcome!" he chirped, his tone upbeat and friendly.

He shifted into a more thoughtful expression as he continued, "Well, Sith relics are usually bad news if you touch them. Most of the time, they corrupt the user or spring some other nasty surprise—unless you're a Sith who enjoys frustration or anger." Braze explained this casually, as though it were common knowledge. "But don't worry, I brought some nullification resin with me." He flashed a smirk. "If we find any Sith artifacts, we can coat them in the resin to transport them more safely. I actually picked some up for another project I'm working on—trying to synthesize new materials with it."

He paused for a moment, his eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "Now, if we run into any cultists... well, I typically go for their hands and knees if they don't surrender." Braze's tone was confident, almost playful, as he added, "Don't worry, Gramps—I've got your back."



Tags: Braze Braze

Lothal Protectorate, Lucy


Leonis let out a muted huff, continuing to walk. He was that old, wasn't he? Maybe Lucy was really the lucky one. He was the one stuck with all of the joint pain, white hair, muscle aches... The mention of cultists didn't bother Leonis one bit. If they were made of flesh they could bleed, and he hadn't risen the ranks of the Lothal Protectorate sitting around on his ass. He was a soldier, through and through. That meant he was going in with armed and ready to throw down.

It would be a cold day in the Netherworld before age took that away from him.

A shuffling sound filled his ears. There was a light ahead, something resembling candlelight. Faint voices speaking words he couldn't decipher as of yet began to faintly echo up the corridor.

"Lights out," the old man suggested. "Sounds like we have company ahead. I'd rather get the jump on them."

Gave them a better chance of taking them all down at once, hopefully without alerting friends.


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