Ever heard of water? You know, the thing most people need to LIVE
Benjamin Erinhart The Black band May 10, 2017 #241 Ever heard of water? You know, the thing most people need to LIVE
Rebekka Brek Madak Paradoxical Bucket Full of Crazy! Character Bio May 11, 2017 #242 *slides history books to erinhart* Happy Reading ?
Leo Vandermolen .Resurgere ex Cineribus. Character Bio May 16, 2017 #243 Your tags literally warn others that you are a 'special snowflake' so we're not allowed to trigger you.
Your tags literally warn others that you are a 'special snowflake' so we're not allowed to trigger you.
Daniel Imura Enter snowman Character Bio May 16, 2017 #244 -sits down at the piano, hits G note- Note: If you get this reference, you are awesome.
Leo Vandermolen .Resurgere ex Cineribus. Character Bio May 18, 2017 #245 Just because my father took me into the city to see a marching band at a young age does not excuse the fact that you have an anime play by... [member="Daniel Imura"]
Just because my father took me into the city to see a marching band at a young age does not excuse the fact that you have an anime play by... [member="Daniel Imura"]
Farlon Orbit Tough, Disciplined, Die-hard. Character Bio May 18, 2017 #246 Your character screams, "DARKNESS, NO PARENTS."
Samara Galloway Master of Illusions Character Bio May 19, 2017 #249 Uhg.....this topic is just ripe with sexual tension. Just make out with Leo and Adron already.
Levi Hutch I am not a smurf! Character Bio May 21, 2017 #251 Even as twins, the other guy looks better than you
William Bradley Character Character Bio May 22, 2017 #252 [member="Levi Hutch"] [Media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BinWA0EenDY[/media]
William Bradley Character Character Bio Jun 15, 2017 #254 Wow put a lot of thought in that one did ya? I forgot your brain was the size of a coconut.
Tathra Khaeus THE UNDEFEATED Character Bio Jun 16, 2017 #255 Wow, funny and original. But not really. Kind of, like you!
Tathra Khaeus THE UNDEFEATED Character Bio Jun 20, 2017 #259 Your terribly unimaginative responses do not warrant one biatch.