Ok.... So, apparently there is an issue and I am saying something unclearly... So, before I respond to the actual contents of [member="Chevu Visz"] 's post, I need to address that to make sure we are all on the same page. Firstly, the definition of meta/metagaming.
Secondly, what I actually said, which was NOT to directly accuse Corey of metagaming this knowledge for his own actions. I have no doubts or confusions of his ability, rightfully so, to go after the Mandos on his own terms, by himself. That is fine. That is
fitting for his character. If you read what I posted, you would see that. But I am reposting it in a quote below, with what is relevant to immersion/meta being an issue. I will also, immediately following that, quote the section Corey posted which is my biggest issue with his actions regarding things.
Julius Sedaire said:
[member="Corey's OOC"] - Muad is on perma-LOA and last I knew was debating a redemption arc. That may be the stop-gap he had in place when he left. Do you have any *active* mando characters? Hell Muad could be dead ICly. I don't think you've contacted the faction he belonged to to get the actual story. This seems lije a really flinsy justification for personal goals. And again... There was ZERO dissemination of this supposed IC info to the GA. So you're breaking immersion and skating/flirting with meta-gaming concepts by issuing the "weappns free" statement.
You want a faction based on story, like you're always saying, and we all came here for? Take this IC. And when you do, I'll be there to drop the note on Keira being a Dark Jedi. So in reality, by your own logic, we should be neutral in this invasion because both factions harbor Dark Siders, or we should be going after both. Not cherry picking.
So, here are the
two quotes, directly from Corey, which pertain to my issue. Particularly relevant parts are bolded or otherwise made to stick out. Some parts of the post I believe to be irrelevant were edited out.
Coren Starchaser said:
So, fighting with them is against the 'End the Sith' rule.
Coren Starchaser said:
110% yes.
GA will support the GR. They have Jedi, they're light side. The bad guys from the GR ICly were removed from the accounts I'm seeing.
If you see anyone picking up arms against the GR, you are weapons free.
Getting a bit out of order here, but going with the second quote first, as it is the biggy. He is announcing here, OOCly, that Galactic Alliance members are weapons free to attack other Galactic Alliance members, and by the phrase 'weapons free' that would imply there would be no reprisal against them for doing so (particularly since the Faction Owner said it).
Now, his basis for this? Limited IC knowledge that only his character has. Period. That is all there is for this. This knowledge has not publicly declared to the GA people in any way, by Corey, by one of the NPC leaders. There was been no mandate or declaration from the GA in any form on this against the Mandalorians, or Muad'dib. So literally, the only person who knows this right now? Coren. Which means he himself is more than justified to go after people. But he is going to meet a pretty logical wall when they go 'Ummmm.. Sorry dude, didn't know about that'.
Also... Authorizing others to fight/attack/do pretty much what they want against anyone against the GR (not just in this invasion, by his statements, btw, but at all) because of knowledge they did not, in any form, gain ICly, is at the very least breaking the setting and immersion of the game. At the worst, as I said originally, and still say now it
flirts with metagaming. Note that now... Note it VERY well. It's situational. You could come out with possible reasons via OOC it wouldn't be. But they're all very weak in my eyes.
So I said it 'flirts' with meta when Corey gives a blanket 'weapons free' order for the entire faction with no IC basis. If Coren wants to go after the Mandos himself? Very justified. He knows Muad is a Sith. If Coren wants to announce this all publicly, In Character, and then push for the
actual IC leaders of the Alliance to affirm such a blanket decision? Again, that is very justifiable, given what he knows.
As it stands, his 'weapons free' order, which is utterly without any sort of limits, caveats, or any sort of IC basis beyond his personal knowledge, goes way beyond what it should. Period. There is no defense of it, no justification of it, besides limited and not widespread IC knowledge that is exclusively known by one member of the Galactic Alliance. We had an entire trial for Chevu 'sleeping with a Sith' and ICly it is being roleplayed that GA members still don't understand what she did with Gabe/Rev/Whoever. So how this information Coren knows, but hasn't told the entire faction about, is supposed to justify his 'weapons free' edict is... Well frankly it is beyond me.
Chevu Visz said:
I remember that thread where Coren met Muad Dib. It was after the time that the Levantines merged with the Silver Sanctum, so several months after the Netherworld event finished, if memory serves. As I remember it, Coren walked out of a meeting because Muad Dib, a Mando, made no secret that he was Sith.
How would Coren know that Muad Dib was no longer with the Mandos? I mean YOU guys know OOC that the writer is inactive or on LOA, but Coren Starchaser doesn't.
In case you guys don't regularly read the character's threads, Coren is a "shoot first, ask questions later" type of dude. Knowing the character, there is little reason he would reach out to the Mandos to find out if they were still harboring a Sith, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't trust their answer.
So how is that meta?
I believe if you read the information above, fully and carefully, i've outlined my issue as clearly as possible. As it stands right know, I knew everything you said already. And you are right, for Coren to go after the Mandos maks
perfect sense. For him. Personally. But not as a faction wide mandate. And I addressed the latter issue, not the former as you seem to think. Personally, Corey is free to have Coren fight in a frilly pink tutu and have tea with the Dark Lord of the Sith every other Tuesday, if he wants. Not my business, or my care, or my worry.
I never once dictated or addressed him playing out his own personal vendetta. My issue has always and only been him issuing a faction wide edict and set of instructions with absolutely nothing to base it on ICly. I hope this clarifies that. If not, please let me know where I am still not making my points clear, and I can further endeavor to clarify them.