Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rogue Nation

Mike was just chilling out in space. He decided to take out his Sith Infiltrator out for practice manuvers. He had a lot of changes going on, so he needed to go to where he was most comfortable at.

Mike's Sith Infiltrator just destroyed a couple of passing asteroids. He decided that he would go home. Just then, a distress beaken appeared on his screen. He could not shake the feeling that he force wanted him to go there, so he started to go to Hoth.

Mike landed his Sith Infiltrator and got out. He did not like the cold, but he knew that he had to deal with it. He ordered his 3 DRK-1 Dark Eye Probe Droids to search the area. He went back to his ship and grabbed his red double-bladed lightsaber. He took out his bloodfin and drove it.
[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
Salis paced angrily outside her starfighter in thought, of course it had to happen this way. She was here for practice, she wanted to test her survival prowess. There weren't a great deal of opponent creatures here but she could kill a few, stay a little longer, so long as no orders came to do otherwise. And then, while away, some creature had come along and utterly destroyed one of the engines, she just didn't have the parts to try and repair it. That left her only the option to try and send out for help and wait, she gritted her teeth and clenched her hands, in a fit if aggravated fury she sent lightning burning through the snow around her and then force pushing it all away.

Normally, she was actually fairly good at controlling herself. Well normally she didn't need controlling. But this was not a perfect moment. She kept pacing, considering her next actions. If she did have to start preparing to survive here for an extended time she'd start setting up camp. She could sleep inside the ship just fine for now, it was still mostly functional but it definitely wasn't going anywhere. As for food it would be somewhat difficult to find some. But the real issue was being sure somebody didn't come, find her gone, and leave again. She'd wait here for awhile until her food started getting short, then decide. Keeping an eye out, and trying more importantly to feel with the force if any others were present. She'd steal their ship if she had to, but hopefully an ally would be the one coming to help her out. She just hoped this didn't give her a bad reputation. She'd be taking far more care where she landed next time.
Her head snapped up as she sensed a presence, moments later a voice asking her identity and purpose as a red light ignited. Could be good, could be bad, either way she wasn’t risking it. Had her signal made it well then it would be an ally, but there were other sith in this galaxy then Jen’ari.

She ignited one end of her own Sabre, slowly stepping forwards, “Salis, I got stranded here. Some beast destroyed my second engine so I can’t take off again but had power to send a distress signal. And you?” She asked. She did keep her full name to herself just in case, and her title. Just in case they were enemies, she’d want to keep it on equal turf.
Mike heard her answer. He was shocked to find Salis there. He knew her from the Jen'ari Empire.

Mike said, "Salis? It is Mike. How are you? You ok? What happened?"

Mike could not wait on her and started to ask a barage of questions. He was happy to fnd her here. He wondered why would the force bring him here.
Salis relaxed her stance as she heard the answer, she knew that one. Her lightsaber deactivated and returned to its place on her belt and she approached more casually, could still be a deception technically but it was extremely specific if it was, "Really? Fine, I came to practice survival experience for a little while but had no intention on staying, then something broke the ship and I realized it'd be best to call for help while I had power. No reason to take unnecessary risks in this situation."

She could sort of see him now, especially with the glow, she still wore her mask covering her mouth and nose (which was thankfully quite the pleasure in these conditions.) and wore her robe and armor, but had intentionally avoided using more heavy duty clothing to further her reliance on the force to protect her.

"Don't suppose you have a way out for me? Or something to fix the ship, one engine is still running but I have neither the equipment and parts nor the experience to fix the darn thing. I have an astromech but not really something that can fix a ship all on its own."
Mike started to take a look at the ship. It looked as if a slimy, ugly hutt fell on top of the ship and moved all over it. How did the force call him? Who or what was it? All of these questions still bogged Mike's brain.

Mike started to think about parts. He looked at the hyper drive, and then the engine. They were all smashed to bits. He had a idea. Maybe, [member="Salis"] could get in Mike's ship with him, it might have enough room.

Mike replied, "Maybe, you would like to get in my ship?

I think that it could carry you.

It is a Scimitar.

Are you interested?

I would give you parts, but you have a mess on your hands."
She frowned looking at her own, figured that they coudn't repair it here. She'd come back for it later though, no doubt of that.

Salis nodded eventually, "Yeah that'd probably be best thank you." She said letting out a groan, oh well. Not much to be done about it now. Should have just had the astromech take it elsewhere and come back ever day or so, that way it would have been out of harms way but still be useful.

Getting ready to follow him she'd make sure she had the proper coordinates of her ship so she could get it hauled and repaired later.

She got a little distracted thinking about what kind of a name Mike was for a sith it didn't feel particularly intimidating, though then again he wasn't a lord, he didn't exactly have to sound intimidating. His last name sounded a lot closer though. Perhaps more like a senator or a commander of some kind. She realized she didn't have the most intimidating name either, it just felt...really neutral in every way. Could be jedi, could be sith, could be some random smuggler. Oh well.
Mike grabbed his heavy gear. He was not scared or tired to go back. He was just his regular nice self. People always wondered why he was a Sith. It was because Mike wanted his revemge against the Jedi that killed his parents.

Mike said, "The ship is 2 hours away. Did you grab everything you need? I do not really want to come back here, unless I have to. Get on my Bloodfin"

Mike got on his Bloodfin speeder. He started the engines. He could not wait to get out of there.
Salis nodded, she hadn't needed to bring much. What was important was on her. She hopped onto the speeder, "Fantastic, much appreciation." ​She said. She was plenty eager to leave. Actually she'd been ready to leave long before the situation got bad she only intended on staying because forcing the way through seemed like a good plan at the time.

"What is it you were doing around here anyway?" She asked out of curiosity.
Mike started his Bloodfin. He drove away from the wreckage. He was happy of getting back. Just then, the speeder fell into a cave.

The cave looked spooky and it had ancient hieroglyphs. Mike starts to get up and look at the pictures. The pictures look like a story.

Mike turned around to Salis and said, "This! I felt the force leading me here, but I did not know why. Apparently, this is why. Have you been here? This picture looks like Sith Heiroglyphs, but I am not sure."
Salis had her sabres in her hand the moment they went into the cage ready for a fight but Mike's reaction was far from that of expecting hostility. He'd been looking for something as well apparently. Well that was interesting.

She got out and looked at them frowning, "Since when was there ever a Sith on Hoth though? Much less one who'd write anything down." She asked frowning and looking at them.

A groan escaped her throat and she ran a hand through her hair tossing the hood back and running it over her face. She was already trying to keep herself warm by use of the force. Occasionally her fingers would flicker with electricity. That seemed like a good choice, could keep her warm perhaps. Felt very inefficient though.

"Well if you can't read it perhaps we need a droid with us, or some other translator. I haven't learned sith language just yet, though it is among my plans. Strange though, Hoth? I mean...I guess it could be but it always felt like a really...uninteresting place aside form the difficulty of survival."
Mike walked along a hallway. He ignited his red double-bladed lightsaber. He saw some traps and ignored them. He looked back and noticed Salis stayed back.

Mike said, "Salis, are you chicken? I thought that you would follow me to figure out where it leads. It might be some hidden treasure, so we could get rich."

Mike finally gotten to the end. He saw a pedistal with a Sith Holocron. He was very shocked and was entranced. Mike went to the pedistal and took the Sith Holocron. Mike noticed that the doors were opened.
She raised an eyebrow at mention of being chicken, "Excuse you, I'm fairly certain I outrank you." Salis said jokingly...but partially defensively, she sighed and walked forwards her lightsaber leaping to her hand one end flickering to life as she walked into step with him, "Besides, I'd only step away from a challenge if it wasn't profitable. This however looks like it could be quite interesting. Not so interested in the money though, gimme some power." she said.

It was still freezing but she was working on it. She could survive it, she'd force herself to. That was the whole purpose of being here. Practice practice practice. Survive and thrive.

She stared along to see the Holocron and paused, a smile growing across her face. Power. that's right, perfect. This was hardly more perfect. But she looked back and forth anyway, "Could be trapped still. After-all, that was done for some sith tombs. Which I absolutely plan on doing for mine if I ever die. I want to posthumously kill someone out of sheer force power and skill."
Mike turned around to Salis. He did not plan on giving it to her. It is something that he wanted to keep for himself.

Mike said, "It might, so we must be careful. I think I see some light this way. Let's follow it."

Mike walked to the exit. He survived, and in front of him was his ship. He was happy that he finally got to it.
She followed but kept her eyes on the holocron, they weren't leaving it here. She looked at the ship as he found the exit but then Salis stopped. "I know I said it could very plausibly be trapped. But I'm thinking I don't want to leave until I know what's in there. At the very least bringing it somewhere. I know you're the one with the working ship but,"

Salis held her hands out to the side and nodded her head backwards in the direction of the holocron, ​"You were also the one who felt drawn here. At the very least we could try and pull it too us slowly, see just what happens. Course, we could get blown to bantha fodder, but what's life without a little bit of risk."
Mike decided that Salis was right. He was curious. Mike sat down.

Mike said, "I want to open it too. Let's do it."

Mike sat down and closed his eyes. He started to remember the day his parent's were killed. He threw all of that anger into the holocron.
Salis leaned against a wall and stared at the holocron, she could feel Mike's hatred pouring off of him and smiled. She had never had any particular reason for hatred in her life, but she could call upon it. It just didn't have the same fuel. She figured she might be able to open it, or hasten it, but she wanted to see if Mike could.

She perceived a face arise, a record. This was going to be interesting, she could feel it.
Mike saw the Sith Lord. He did not know who that was. It looked like a human, but he was not sure.

The man said, "As I have foretold, the orphan sith has found my holocron. Son of Jedi Killed parents, child of the sith, he shall become the molder of the future. Destroyer of Jedi, Uniter of the Sith, Downfall of the light, rise of the dark. The Black Sun shall rise from its shadow, born human, he shall bring us to a glory beyond end. Armed with a legion, obeyed by the force itself, he shall be the new Son of the Dark side. All shall learn to know him, from now, unto the end of time."
Salis furrowed her brows, she stared at Mike with narrowed eyes and breathed and kneeling down and staring at his face from incredibly close. Though the mask over her mouth might have hidden exactly her expressions as she'd speak. She'd remain that way for a moment before she finally voiced it,
"Now I know a few things in this moment, as far as I'm aware, I'm neither male nor have I knowingly been orphaned, the future is not set in stone, but that was a very specific description just given." She removed the mask letting the cold air slip across her very lightly scarred mouth revealing the peculiar smile, it might be hard to tell if it was menacing, curios, or excited, "So why don't you explain, if you can, what you interpreted from that. Hm?"

Her hand flipped the mask in her hand as she thought, awaiting his reaction.

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