Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rogue Nation

Mike ran into his second cargo compartment. He used half of the cargo bay as a vault to keep things secure. He grabbed his holocron that was in a briefcase. He had put it in there for safe keeping. Mike got on the private com that he given @Salis.

"Salis," said Mike. "Motherboard has been procured. Heading out of Mother Goose, over?"
[member="Orex Mauda"]
Splendid Splendid! It's no fun if you roll over! She thought as he fought back, anger flooded him and she felt it, and it made her happy. She backtracked, ducking with only slight deflections with her blades as she did so, focusing on evasion and attacks with the blades from a distance, occasionally making use of her sith gloves to deflect an attack. Sure now she was mostly on the defensive now, not her preferred style, the man was powerful now and it required her to pay attention, but MAN was she having fun with it. Analyzing the situation as she went, backing up. He was practically ignoring the blades now, and she heard [member="Mike V'Trechen"] call her telling her more and decided it was acceptable to retreat, though, she really didn't want to.

In a moment her saber staff was split apart into two separate weapons, one going to deflect and the other extending, both forwards towards the mans stomach and the blade itself lengthening as she called the two daggers back to her. Whether it landed or not she use force speed, focusing it to allow her to move out and around to zip outside, "Real pleasure so far Orex!" she said. She wanted ever so much to go back and fight him, a powerful opponent made for an excellent conflict.


Well-Known Member
The Knives continued to cut into his exposed flesh but Orex ignored them, focussing on beating Salis into exhaustion. Soon, she began to fall back. There was an exchange over the comms, he heard that, but could not make out what was being said, and so he simply ignored it. A jab towards his stomach managed to collide with his armour. It wasn't lightsaber resistant enough to block the blade and so a small portion of the poking blade made its way into Orex's flesh. An artificial sounding grunt was uttered as the blade penetrated his stomach, but he made no other noise. Salis was on the back foot, retreating.

"Real pleasure so far, Orex."

He allowed her to fall back, not necessarily trying to kill her. Once she was out of range, towards the back of the ship, he lowered his saber to the floor and relaxed himself.

"Fall back to your ally. Continue on your path of ignorance. But I promise you, the future I will create is one you will miss out on."

Orex began to raise his voice as Salis moved away.

"An opportunity sorely missed." He shouted. "And I will get the Holocron"

Orex began to make slow movement in their direction

[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
Mike was trying to escape, but then he saw [member="Orex Mauda"] . He had the holocron on him. He was upset that Orex found him. He tried to get away, but Orex was blocking his path. Mike said into the comms and ignited his lightsaber.

"Mayday!" yelled Mike. "Help me! Red Alert. Ahh!"


Well-Known Member
Orex found his way to the cargo hold. Skipping the ladders he jumped down, immediately facing [member="Mike V'Trechen"], He pointed his saber towards him,

"Give me the Holocron and perhaps I have a proposition for you. Continue to hold it from me and I will hurt you both"

Orex knew [member="Salis"] was not only above him, but was likely going to come to aid her friend. With this in mind, he kept his saber pointed towards Mike while he prepped his left hand for force-use.
The man said something somewhat interesting as she was leaving, but she didn’t exactly intend on conversing with him about it. He did try and steal a holocron after all. Then Mike spoke again.

Salis frowned. This kid had terrible strategic awareness in her opinion. She groaned, she had just gotten out and he was still inside and trapped? She ran back inside, “Boy you better get yourself through a wall or something I kill I don’t protect.” she said to Mike as she managed to see Orex again.

“Guess we weren’t finished.”, her left hand rose into the air sending a surge of lightning towards Orex as her blade once again reignited as a sabrestaff. All she was trying to do was get him out of the way or delay him for Mike to escape. I’m not your baby sitter Mike at least try to contain yourself. she thought.

[member="mike"] V’Trechen [member="Orex Mauda"]


Well-Known Member
[member="Salis"] dropped down the ladder and, after a brief quip, sent a bolt of lightning towards Orex. He extended his free left hand to meet the lightning. It crackled into his hand and burnt the flesh. Orex sighed to himself. This had happened before. His right hand was already charcoal from absorbing Lightning, now both hands were much the same. After absorbing the lighting he sent a push towards Salis to disrupt her. As the wave of air flew towards her, he swung his saber away from Mike and pointed it towards Salis, extending his right palm towards Mike.

"Now listen. This standoff is not productive. Your ally has a Holocron, I need it. I don't want to kill either of you as it would be wasted potential, but currently, you're forcing my hand."

[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
While Orex was distracted, Mike pressed a button on a wall that dropped [member="Orex Mauda"] and him outside. He was pleased that the trapped worked. Mike was able to jump to the side. He called up to [member="Salis"] .

"Start the ship!" yelled Mike. "We do not want him to come back. GOOO!!!!!"


Well-Known Member
Before any response was made, Orex fell through the floor and into the open air. A relief. Immediately, Orex outstretched a hand and dragged Mike's throat into his palm. His grip was firm and he made sure to compress Mike's blood vessels. If he so wanted to, he could Choke Mike in a maximum of 5 seconds.

"Just give me the Holocron, Sith."

The Ship's engines began to start up, but Orex kept Mike in his grip. Perhaps they could be students. But if they kept this up, Orex would make them suffer

[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
[member="Mike V'Trechen"] [member="Orex Mauda"]

The force push was quite strong and threw her backwards, she barely managed to catch herself with her feet and land in a crouch as he spoke again, rising her eyes with a smile still beneath that mask and a gleam of joy in her eyes. He spoke again, speaking of them being wasted potential if he killed them, then Orex was dropped out of the bottom and she frowned watching him below as Orex called to start the engines.

The man had attempted to grab onto Mike's throat with the force, in a moment of irritation of the situation, she couldn't use Mike the way she would a soldier, she started cackling looking out the deck as she began to conjure up a massive field of energy through the dark side, Force Destruction, in a moment of pure focus and rage she sent the energy down towards him. This was not so easy to absorb like force lightning or a mere push, this was devastation. Even if he managed to escape it directly the sheer blast of it was bound to do some damage. She sent the thing down towards him, it took a great deal of effort to create, and she knew she could only try such a thing so many times. But she fully believed that would be quite enough to either kill the man outright, harm him enough to think twice, or at the very least force him to get the heck out of the way long enough for Mike to actually get them out of there.
Mike felt the choke. He knew that he was about to pass out. He grabbed the hands, but he couldn't. He decided to give him the case. Mike did not want to, but he had no choice.

"Here!" said Mike handing it to [member="Orex Mauda"] . "Please let us go! I beg you."

Just then he went blank and dark. He went back to his parent's murder.


Well-Known Member
Orex did not smile. Did he enjoy making others suffer? Sometimes. But these two were powerful, and Orex simply wanted to amplify that. As he took the Holocron from [member="Mike V'Trechen"], he looked up to see [member="Salis"] preparing something he had never seen before. Whatever it was, he didn't want to be the victim of it. Sure enough, as it crackled towards him, Orex saw nothing but pure destruction. Quickly, he threw Mike from his grip and dived out of the way. The energy smashed into the ground near his feet and sent Orex flying through the air, away from the ship.

Orex's face collided with the ground and plowed a line in the dirt but he held the Holocron firm to his chest. After a moment of lying in the dirt he stood and composed himself. With Holocron in hand he watched as the Infiltrator lifted into the air, blowing dirt and air all around it.

"A waste"

Orex muttered to himself. But he was sure he would see the again.
[member="Orex Mauda"] [member="Mike V'Trechen"]
Salis would have scowled at the fact Mike gave it over, but she was too busy cackling at the success of her attack as they went off. Though, certainly quieter then she had before, it was quite an exhausting task to pull on so much energy in attempting something. Still, the results were almost always worth the effort.

When she finally had had her pleasure of dwelling on it she spoke to Mike, though still smiling from amusement, running her hands through her hair for a moment, "Ahh, now that's a good time." she said, as if she'd come from some kind of party or game. It was not some sadistic desire in her mind, she didn't feel evil when doing it, it just felt good. "Still though, you really shouldn't have given in like that. It was a two vs one we were supposed to have the upper hand And after all didn't you see how I sent him flying, woo! I won't forget that, I mean against a regular or an apprentice that's really no big deal but you know how much fun it is to do, especially if someone hasn't really seen it before? Aw man, I can't get over it. Probably my favorite ability, I just gotta practice it more, unfortunately it takes quite a bit of effort."

In spite of her joy about the success, she certainly did not consider the man weak. Certainly not, he caught lightning on his hand, and the force push was quite impressive. But any success, even in the face of someone who may be greater overall, is still a joy.
Mike recovered and looked at [member="Salis"] . He slapped himself in the face. Was Salis very stupid and dumb? Then again, Mike did not let her in on the secret.

"Salis," said Mike. "You think that I am a dumb idiot and I understand that. The fact is, let me be frank, you are. Would I REALLY give away the Holocron? NO, I went over and stopped by my training dorms tht I "barely" use and put it in a secure vault there. While you guys were fighting, I made a carbon copy of it and given Orex that copy. Maybe, you should trust me for once."
[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
She let her hands out to the said as he asked if she really thought he was that dumb, "Well you did manage to get your own ship. When you could have just run out the cargo hold"

She considered as he explained further about him interchanging the Holocron, she wasn't sure if she was bothered or impressed, it acceptable strategy, it had worked technically. But it was very risky. If things hadn't gone just right, it'd have been to easy to notice and retaliate. Vs just attempting to run away, but, its as much more brave then she had thought. And manipulative. And that made her grin, in spite of the fact that he'd failed to let her in on it.
"Alright, I'll keep that in mind friend." She said going to pat him on the back, "It was a neat move and it worked out overall so I'll give you credit for it."
Mike was happy for a change. He was happy that he had a friend that he could really depend on. He looked back and thought about how his life would not be so bright, if Mike did not join the TJE.

"Thanks," said Mike. "You played your part VERY well. I like to make plans and figure out what to do when they get wrong. I know that I am not much of a fighter, but I hope that I will learn."


Well-Known Member
Orex dusted himself off and began to walk back to his ship. As he paced across the dock, he looked down at the Holocron. In that moment, he realised he felt nothing. It was a shell. It wasn't the Holocron. His anger exploded within him and he twisted the cube into a contorted mess as he threw it from him. He spun around, about the grab the ship itself with the Force, but it had already ascended. It was too far away. His anger escaped his throat and he let out a shout of rage. After calming down, he turned again to his ship.

"I will have that Holocron. Knowledge belongs with those who can use it."

His anger returned as he approached his Ship and he spun again to face where the Infiltrator used to be, letting out a furious shout,


[member="Mike V'Trechen"]

His breath escaped him and he returned to his ship, soon to return to Coruscant.
[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
She nodded partially to herself before clapping her hands together, "Well if you ever need a sparring partner for help in that area, I'd be happy to oblige, though, keep in mind I mostly focus on three forms, with Ataru being the highest by far. And Soresu and Juyo being situational. But hey, love to help you out in that category."

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