[member="Orex Mauda"] [member="Mike V'Trechen"]
Salis would have scowled at the fact Mike gave it over, but she was too busy cackling at the success of her attack as they went off. Though, certainly quieter then she had before, it was quite an exhausting task to pull on so much energy in attempting something. Still, the results were almost always worth the effort.
When she finally had had her pleasure of dwelling on it she spoke to Mike, though still smiling from amusement, running her hands through her hair for a moment, "Ahh, now that's a good time." she said, as if she'd come from some kind of party or game. It was not some sadistic desire in her mind, she didn't feel evil when doing it, it just felt good. "Still though, you really shouldn't have given in like that. It was a two vs one we were supposed to have the upper hand And after all didn't you see how I sent him flying, woo! I won't forget that, I mean against a regular or an apprentice that's really no big deal but you know how much fun it is to do, especially if someone hasn't really seen it before? Aw man, I can't get over it. Probably my favorite ability, I just gotta practice it more, unfortunately it takes quite a bit of effort."
In spite of her joy about the success, she certainly did not consider the man weak. Certainly not, he caught lightning on his hand, and the force push was quite impressive. But any success, even in the face of someone who may be greater overall, is still a joy.