Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rogue Nation

Mike was shocked. He would move his mouth, but he, honestly, did not believe it. It took him a bit to answer.

"I will reunite the Sith Order and destory the Jedi," said Mike. "I am not sure how, though. I mean I am not a leader. I was supposed to be a king, but I left the throne to become a Jedi Killer. I do not know what to say."

Mike got up and grabbed the Holocron. He started to head to the ship without saying a word. He hoped that Salis would follow.
She cocked her head following behind him, he was willing to accept this...prophecy. She had her own possibly doubts, prophecies were not always trustworthy. But she was certainly interested to see where it led. However...there was a potential problem. ​"And what do you think the Empire would think of this?" she asked raising an eyebrow with a grin.

Salis tapped her fingers on her sabres, it was much nicer in the ship, "After all, that'd be quite the claim as you can imagine."
Mike went over to the cockpit. He started the engines and took off to the Outer Space.

""I do not know," said Mike. "I just do not know. This is all new and weird for me, just like you. Anyway, what planet do you want me to take you."
She shrugged, "Any of ours will do just fine. I just need to get some help getting my ship out of here."
Sitting down she cocked her head looking at him, "Well you better think about it fast, wherever you want to take it. Don't decide and you put your fate entirely into the hands of others. I decided years ago where I was headed, the moment I became a Sith. I do this because I want ​to. I'm a fighter by nature, it's just who I am. Sure I have other goals as well, but you always have to know just what kind of person you are. Or what kind you will be."

She leaned back in her seat looking at her mask, "Not like I can forget about it now I just got told a prophecy now I really have to start hanging out with you." she added with a chuckle, "Who knows where that could lead and I want to see it."
Mike took off to Zarchas Kitza. He did not know what to say or do. He did not even know what will happen. He only thought about the prophecy.

"I do not even have a plan," said Mike. "I am mainly just shocked about all of this. I mean me bringing peace to the Siths. I am not sure how well that it will work out."
Salis was not a schemer, well, not normally. She could be, but she at least didn't consider herself one. Still, prophecy was a peculiar talent. But in this moment she as putting more thought into the future possibility then she'd ever bothered with otherwise. On the assumption it was true, where would this place her. That would mean she'd progress slower then him. She'd have to figure out how she could weasel her way into the prophecy somehow.

But, if it wasn't, then it was useless and possibly counterproductive to try and get into it. More importantly, what would superiors think of it. Would it slow him down? She wasn't sure, didn't have enough experience with them to have a good guess.

"I guess we'll have to see won't we."
Mike turned his head. He was just so nervous. It felt like that he had butterflies in his stomach.

"Can we keep this between you and I?" asked Mike. "I do not want anyone to know about the prophecy. I mean what if I am not the one. I do not want people to think that I am a laughing stock of the galaxy."

Mike landed the ship onto Zarchas Kitza. He did not open the doors. He wanted to make sure that Salis understands what was at stake.
Salis grinned for a moment and chuckled before actually turning to face him and pat him on the shoulder, "Oh don't worry, I gotcha." she said before getting up and taking a breath in before she put her mask back on her face, "Really need to catch up with you again though. I may not be a prophet, but this is going to bring interesting things and I want to be a part of that if you don't mind. You're a strange human, particularly for a Sith."
Mike opened the door. He got out and streched. He was tired.

Mike said, "I like hanging out with you. Quite honestly, I am not really on any team. I hate the Jedi, since they killed my parents. I am not really a Sith either, because I only use my anger to protect the people that I care about. I want to save this universe by controlling it with a iron grip, but protect the people that I care about. That is why everyone thinks that I am weird."

Mike closed the doors and started to head to a cantina. He was happy that he found the Sith Holocron. Now, he has to figure out who he is.
She shook her head, "Great, well take care. That kind of thinking makes you a perfect target to some, fair warning." she added before lifting a hand in a sort of wave, flipping her hood back over her head ready to walk with quick strides off, she still had to get her ship off of Hoth. Of course, now she had quite a few things left on her mind. She'd have to contact him later.


Well-Known Member
Orex sat in the cockpit of The Burnt Hand, reaching out into the Galaxy. Eyes closed and deep in concentration, that incessant chatter began to grow louder in his ears. Slowly, a dark murmur began to claw its way through the endless gibberish of vocal energy. The darkness slowly took shape until Orex could hear it like a whisper in his ear. Soon, the whisper became understandable, forming words, speaking to him.

A Holocron.

Orex's insatiable desire for knowledge took hold of him as he snapped from his thoughts and broke orbit from Coruscant. He got up from his seat at the helm as his ship tore into Hyperspace and made his way to his personal quarters. Deep in thought he wandered through the doorway and sat upon his bed, facing a mirror. He hadn't put on his Mask for the first time in years, and his face had taken the toll. In the mirror he saw a clean, defined face on one side, and the other, where his Mask normally occupied, was pale and ruined. The burnt flesh that ran up alongside the Smile that had been carved out of his mouth from a blaster bolt had spread. If it was scary when it first happened, it was certainly terrifying to look at now.

"Now I look like a Sith" Orex thought as he carefully placed his Mask over the ruined flesh. Clasping it behind his head he looked back up at the mirror and gazed into the single, black eye that the Mask owned. Darth Nihilus's speech immediately began to whisper into his ears. He couldn't understand it, nobody could. But it gave him what he needed nonetheless.

Zarchas Kitza
Orex was deep in Jen'ari space and he knew. The Ferrosphere coat on his ship would protect him from most, if not all scanners. But he couldn't spend long here. He needed that Holocron and then he was leaving. Without wasting any time, he donned his Armour and took his ship straight to the nearest landing pad. The Holocron spoke to him from somewhere deep within a city. Slightly above speed restrictions he sped above the skyline of the Sith city, flying as close to where he felt it was as possible. After locating a landing pad he quickly descended. Orex remained in his seat for a moment, thinking.

"In, out. No killing, no attention to yourself".

He paced out of the helm and slowly descended the boarding ramp. In the Jen'ari Capital, he felt tense. Just as he cleared the ramp, a docking official walked briskly up to meet Orex.

"Welcome to Zarchas Kitza. ID Please"

"Ah, yes. Of course."

Orex fished his ID from a pocket of his armour and handed it to the Official. The Official looked at the holopad, frowned, then snapped his head back up with an angry look.

"Yes well, I thought as much".

Out of habit, Orex had been probing the Officials body with the Force since they began speaking. Now, he violently, but delicately, pulled his spine as straight as possible and simultaneously crushed his brain within his skull. The Official's eyes widened in pain, but he didn't fall. He was very dead but his spine was so straight, he remained stood. This would keep Orex from being found out but not for very long. Someone simply needed to poke the man and he would fall over like a frozen penguin.

There was another ship here somewhere. And that ship contained the Holocron he was looking for. He proceeded past the frozen official, careful not to shoulder him. The Holocron was shouting in his ears now so Orex knew he was near. Past several ship he finally came upon the one he knew contained what he was looking for. He looked around him as he made his way to the ship, only facing forward when he bumped into a hooded woman. A Sith like any other, Orange Eyes, Pale Skin and a Mask covering her Nose and Mouth. Orex uttered his apologies and strode past her towards the ship.

[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
Mike went back to the ship. He wanted to go back to Draika, his master's planet. When he got on the ship, he noticed that there were some things touched. Mike ignited his red double-sided lightsaber.

"Who is there?" Mike demanded. "Show yourself!"


Well-Known Member
Orex had boarded the Infiltrator when he was sure the hooded woman had gone. Not only could he feel the Holocron, he felt the presence of another. He didn't like to make a mess of a search as he rifled through shelves and chests, making sure to close everything. But as much as he searched, he couldn't find what he was looking for. Not until he heard the voice from the boarding area. His senses spiked as he realised the Holocron was with whoever the ship belonged to. Orex stood straight and slowly walked out of where he was, facing [member="Mike V'Trechen"]

His lightsaber hung on his belt, but Orex made sure not to grab it just yet. The man he faced was small and wielded a double blade. "No room for something like that in here" Orex thought to himself. Before he began to speak, Orex gazed into the Sith's eyes, draining him of his life slowly and simultaneously caressed every bone, joint and tendon in the Sith's body with the Force. Both would come in handy if this turned into a conflict.

"The Holocron. I know you have it. Give it to me."

Orex's voice came out deep and artificial, his Mask altering his tone.

[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
Mike looked at [member="Orex Mauda"] . Orex is obviously not of The Jen'ari Empire. Why should he give Orex or let Orex look at the Holocron. He extinguished one side of Mike's lightsaber. He kicked Orex in the stomach and jumped into a hallway in his ship. He knew where everything was, so he disabled the lights making everything into darkness.
[member="Orex Mauda"] [member="Mike V'Trechen"] Salis waved a hand aside as someone bumped into her, she could really care less. Until she got a better look as he walked past, she didn't recognize him. But she could sense the dark side within him, and he was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be she felt. And she knew that Mike was nearby with something that could be deemed of...value, to some. She moved quickly to call an order to get her ship moved, stepping away for the present. If Mike couldn't handle himself for the time she was gone, assuming this was an issue, then he was doomed anyway.

In a few minutes she'd be on her way back, and as she was, she'd sense the danger that was occurring. A grin grew beneath her mask, even without knowing the situation, "Let's play." she said aloud rushing towards the Sith Infiltrator and going to board it as soon as possible. "Hello, hello, hello? Now who might be messing with my allies in here hm?" she said with an unusually soft chuckle, the room was dark, that would be fine, she carried a lightsaber, and she was quite good at combative awareness and precognition. Searching for either Mike or the man from earlier, her steps utterly silent, listening very carefully to every movement and warning.
Mike saw @Salis. He was happy to see her again. He started to sneak towards her. He was behind a box next to her. He hoped that she would notice him.

"Salis," whispered Mike. "Over here. Orex has invaded my ship."


Well-Known Member
Mike rushed forward and sent a boot into Orex's stomach. He had tried to evade the kick but the Infiltrator simply wasn't big enough. Just as Orex recovered, the lights went out. Orex uttered a sigh and clicked a button on the back of his Mask. As quickly as the Darkness had come, it disappeared. Orex's Half-Mask switched to Ultra-violet and allowed him to see clearly in the dark. But he knew his opponents didn't know that, so he simply watched them as they snuck behind a box. Putting themselves in Darkness had ironically given Orex the advantage. Without moving towards them, Orex spoke while he gazed at them.

"Salis is it? This Sith is your Ally? Well, Salis, Listen. Your ally has something of importance. The Holocron. I won't say it's mine, of course it isn't. But I need it. Such an artefact of knowledge will only be properly exploited in my hands. Give it to me now, and I will ignore the pain in my stomach. Resist, and you will suffer far more than anything you could conceive."

Orex reached out to his Mask. Hidden within the Songsteel was Darth Nihilus. Orex spoke to him and amplified his powers quietly. Slowly, a creeping, Draining Aura began to seep out into the ship.

"Don't wait too long to make your decision."

Orex placed his hand over his Saber and silently unclipped it from his belt.

[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
Mike got up and ignited one side of his lightsaber he pointed it in the direction of [member="Orex Mauda"] 's face. He was ready to beat Orex, but he knew that Orex would beat him in a heartbeat. He wished that [member="Ashara Evanaris"] was there.

"[member="Salis"]," whispered Mike to Salis. "I need you to beat Orex up, since you are a Sith Knight and he is a Dark Jedi Knight. I will grab the holocron and get it to safety."
Mike spoke telling her where he was and she muttered quickly, "Understood." but didn't come to hide, she had no reason to, this was her territory. That of conflict. Orex spoke, well, perfect. She could tell now, what type of man he was, people were just sometimes so...predictable. Including herself she knew, only she also took full advantage of it.

He could see them, she wouldn't care. She was holding a lightsaber it was rather expected. She cocked her head as he finished speaking and Mike added something, then chuckled. She'd sensed something, a presence darker and stronger then Orex was. But for now, something she could resist the power of.

"So, who's your friend?" the statement was immediately followed by two knives that spread to the side through telekinesis and darted inwards towards Orex from both sides as she attacked from directly in front, both blades of her weapon activating and spinning upwards in an incredibly swift move as she came forwards. She knew full well the area here was small, and she was going to take advantage of that. Doubtless there would be scratches, but every step she took towards Orex would be accompanied by an attack that would either force him to block or move back, all while she kept the knives in motion attempting to stab him from the side. She didn't utter a word anymore, she was too focused, through the gleam of the sabers she could see her opponent well enough, and even through the laughing that slowly rose she could hear the movements.

[member="Mike V'Trechen"] [member="Orex Mauda"]


Well-Known Member
Knives protruded and flew towards Orex. A blade of Black and Red lit up the hallway in defence. To address the tight space, Orex reversed his grip and in two powerful strokes, batted the knives away. [member="Salis"] dashed towards him as the knives came back. Orex uttered an angry groan as he realised the situation he was in. His form would not be able to contend, so he was going to have to make some sacrifices. Orex relinquished his control of himself and allowed his anger to flood into his being. Quickly he felt it. The boost it gave him. Those knives would be an annoyance, but they won't be killing him. Now he could concentrate on the two blades that were quickly making their way towards him.

Two blades in a confined space would make things slightly easier, but Orex knew this would be difficult. His form switched to attack and he sent powerful strikes toward his opponent, ignoring the walls, he plowed through his surroundings towards Salis, putting strength behind every strike. Every step forward and back was accompanied by jabs from the two knives. They cut his flesh but went no further than his lower epidermis. There were many things to focus on; His anger, the power of Force Drain and his opponent in front of him. Keeping priority on his anger to defend himself from the knives and his opponent for.. survival, he continued to send careening strikes towards her.

[member="Mike V'Trechen"]

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