Was that a grin he saw at the prospect of battle? They might be more alike than he had thought. "Let's try not to kill them, if you would. It's too much paperwork" Josh requested toward Ra as he would crack his neck, stretching out as he would begin to make his way down the hall. A long time ago, Josh would have been fine to kill these monsters. They didn't deserve the life they lived, and monsters who took people as property would likely never be rehabilitated. But he'd already been taught the lesson that Jedi were not judge, jury and executioner. To kill out of necessity was standard fare, but this was not it. And if he was going to get on Cel for decapitating people, then he couldn't really break that rule himself. The fact was that Josh could defeat this lot non-lethally. Though he kept a closer eye on them now... After the incident last time, he never gave them a chance to lash out at the slaves. Never again.
Watching as Ra would enter stealth, a twinkle would emit from his eye. A plan was in the works, that was clear. Josh didn't bother to return to stealth. He had another plan now. The Jedi would enter the chamber wherein it's contents would force him to keep a straight face. Slaves in cages, slaves in chains and irons, slaves being forced to work on what appeared to be weapons. It was a slave convention, and it was getting on his nerves the more that he looked at it.
Putting on that confident face, Josh would call out to them.
"Hello there!"
The Jedi found blasters trained on him in that moment, and he would raise his hands in protest.
"Whoa, whoa, hey, heyyy! I'm not here to fight, guys! I'm just here to collect your bit of stock here. It's already been paid in full, you can release them into my custody and I'll be sure to get them to the buyer!"
The blasters didn't lower. Clearly the bluff didn't work. But clearly the performance was keeping their attention to the point they didn't shoot. Perfect.
"Eh. Had to try."
Josh would just shrug in response. Eh. It wasn't actually his plan anyway. He continued his confident, warm and eccentric facade.
"See, you COULD shoot me! Or you could let the slaves go! Why?" He asked. Rhetorical question. "That's easy! Because I'm... A wizard!"
The slavers and their mercenaries would look from him, toward each other and then back to him, but kept their blasters pointed.
"So what's going to happen here is that if you don't put those blasters down, then I'm going to use a magic spell. It's called Ra. And when I say Ra, one of you is going to suddenly go down."
And there was the plan.
"So, what do you say? You let them go, and I don't have to use it. Kapeeshie?"
The Jedi would hold out his hands, waiting for an answer to the deal. One of them, though, would respond by firing at him with their blaster. The Jedi would move his head to the side in order to avoid it, having seen this response coming a mile away.
"Aw man, I really thought you guys were more reasonable than that! But okay. I guess we'll just have to try something else, try a-Raaaaaa?"
There was her signal.