Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Roses Have Thorns

[member="Dax Fyre"]

"You seemed surprised." She said it and looking at him while she sat there watching him to give herself a few things. Wanting to look at a couple of the things there on the ship. "Though for food something juicy, with a little spice." She was getting more comfortable while her fingers tapped on the seat watching him. Her mind closed but her empathy and the smokestone amulet letting her reach out and sense all around herself.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"I think I can whip something up." he said, gesturing for her to follow him towards the kitchen. The kitchen itself was fairly simple, a stove and oven, a dish washer and sink, some cabinets, a pantry and refrigerator. Nothing about it was especially impressive. Dax opened up the freezer and pulled out what looked to be a pheasant of some sort, all nicely feathered and gutted and packaged. He placed the meat into the sink and let warm water run over it. He proceeded to pull out some brown sugar and soy sauce from the fridge.

"You know how to cook?" he asked the woman. Now with droids capable of doing everything, some people simply chose not to do things for themselves anymore. Dax simply enjoyed acquiring various skills and just as much enjoyed showing them off.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

She looked at him with a raised eyebrow while she was walking to join him turning a few of the things over in her mind seeing the kitchen with a bow of her head. "Yes I know how to cook, my master didn't like to cook and expected apprentices that know how to take care of things." She was looking at all of it with a nod of her head when she was prepared on more things. She looked at the food and of she was loving the look of it before she was stretching ready to do anything that they might be able to do. "Depends though on if you are going to try and get a woman in the kitchen cooking for you." She said it and cocked a hip to the side with a raised eyebrow.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax laughed. Genuinely laughed this time. "Only if you want to be." he put the brown suger and soy sauce into a heated pan and let it mix. With the meat thawed he tore it and put it aside, the starting to boil some water.

"I enjoy cooking when I'm not as lazy." he said with a small smile, putting the pot onto the stove, then chipping vegetables. "Where are you from anyways? I poured my heart out. What's your story."

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

Hmm she looked at him and raised her eyebrows. "My parents were on Zeltros but my family is from all over. Much easier to adapt and go around the galaxy." She said it while looking at the food when she was moving around the area. "I was taken in by the crusade and my master and got to explore around the galaxy even more while getting the training but didn't have to serve the sith orders. crusade was much much more enjoyable."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"Crusades?" Dax asked. He'd never heard of crysades being seperate from the Sith Order. They usually went hand in hand trying to take over a sector of the galaxy or another. At least he'd thiught so. "I always assumed that the crysades were run by the Sith."

Dax's knowledge of history told him that there were several Great Schisms, creating galactic wars between the Sith and the Jedi. Those were the closest things he could think if when it came to a crusade.

The fact that she'd been on crusades also begged the question of how many Jedi she'd killed. And why she didn't add Dax to thise numbers, he wasn't sure.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

"The Moross crusades were far far away from the sith wanting distance themselves." She stuck there though while thinking about it and sadly the great halls are there with a look on her face though. She wanted to work on more of it while she was looking at him and he seemed curious about many of the things with a thought but she remained there. "You seem curious about something."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
He paused for a moment in his chopping of the vegetables. "How many Jedi did you kill?" The hidden meaning of that question was really How many of my friends did you kill? Dax awaited an answer for that as he resumed his cutting.

There were many people he'd grown fond of during his years in the temple. Many who were still a live. A few that were dead. As time had went one he slowly ceased his mourning. Instead he remembered them. Did what he could to make sure they lived on, in small ways. The dead looked over them all, always.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

She looked at him and offered a smile seeing the knife before she was prepared but presenting her throat until she was ready. "Oh hmm lets see." She was looking at many of the things there and leaning back for him. "There was a few jedi on Ossus, some more at the Sky temple and we moved around on Lothal at the temple for a bit.... oh and then there was that whole stint where some of us were sent after the black vault itself. Hmm never really kept count though there was that pair of jedi on Felucia that I kicked itno the abyss itself and watched them get dragged down."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Well the girl sure was blunt, he'd give her that much. Dax paused in his chopping as he'd listened. A small sigh of relief, inaudible to her, left his lips as she finished. Most of his friends had stayed on Tython when he'd left. When they became Padawans, many struck out to neutral zones in the the currently divided galaxy. None of the places he'd heard rung with the graveyard bells in his mind.

"Sounds like you've had your fair share of kills." he responded indifferently. Dax found that the news that his newfound friend had killed Jedi, people he may have known, to not be very unsettling. In fact, it had no impact upon him at all. Most likely because those were the same people who had abandoned him.

The chopped vegetables found their way into another pan, a light amount of oil dirzzled over them. A light aroma had begun to sizzle off the pan that had been filled with suger and soy sauce. Dax checked the steaming pot of rice, giving it a quick stir before going on to begin tearing the pheasant into strips.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

She was looking at him with a grin on her face when she moved around to stand behind him licking her lower lip with a small look. "Perhaps, I don't really think about it. I fought them, I showed I was stronger and I improved getting better with each death." Sticking with some of the other things though while she was watching the food but also his reactions to what she was saying. She didn't exactly get to read his mind just see what there might be feeling with it. "Why were they friends of yours? Worried I might have slain your master?"
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax shook his head. "No, lucky thing there. Like I said, my master was killed by [member="Darth Ferus"]. We were on Tatooine, tracking down a slave ring. We ended up on Geonosis facing off against a Sith. One of Ferus' acolyte or something. He killed my master. I killed him."

The strips of chicken were placed into the pan of terriyaki sauce, the meat sizzling as it touched the aromatic liquid. The rice was next placed into the pan with the vegetables, those also sizzling loudly.

"I'll make him answer for that. And I'll make sure he doesn't do anymore damage."

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

Hmmm she was looking at him and the food while listening. "Well go for it but don't be disappointed if he just slithers under a rock. THe sith are really good when they are exposed at retreating and sending many to do their work for them. THey don't have the honor that is needed to be willing to face an opponent face to face." She let her disgust show on her face as she was a darksiders, the crusade had sith within it yes and she had been trained but she had also been taught the honor and ways to properly conduct yourself. She moved her hand and looked at his arms. "Plus you are going to need to work on your skills if you want to go after a master or something he sends off of you. Where would the good be if you just rush his servants and die because you don't know how to combat different blades."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax stared at the wound. How had he forgetten that? "I should probably dress that..." he said, quickly placing the food, now ready, onto platters. He went and retrieved a medpack from one of the cabinets and cracked it open, various medical supplies spilling out. He'd begun applying some bacta.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

She was looking at him with the food on the platters while movign that to the side when he moved off to go and get the medical pack for himself. "Oh come on now, don't you know chicks dig scars." She looked at her ready for anything that could be happening before she found a place she could sit working on all of it.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax let the young girl help bind the wound, chuckling as she did so, "Oh I got plenty of scars babe." He rolled presented the woman his left arm. From the outside of the elbow to the back of his bicep stood a scar, the tissue slightly raised. "Training accident that one. Friend did that one. Poor girl didn't stop apologizing. Got one on my leg from a burn, and another on my foot from being an idiot. One on my back from falling off a speeder chasing a bosh'tet."

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

She was looking at him with a small grin while she was helping and making some notes. Letting all of it come in before she was prepared to work on the other parts. Interest to all of the things but. "Well you certainly are active." She looked at him and looking at the albino skin... "Sadly i prefer not getting hit to prevent scars. They won't show up that much but being hit isn't exactly fun."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"I'll say. But still they make for some interesting stories.". Suddenly a dull thud sounded from the cargo bay, and a loud muffled voice could be heard, although unclear. Dax swore. "What in oblivion?" he rushed to the cockpit and examined the screens which showed the external cameras view. Several police in uniform stood there, crying for the bay doors to be lowered.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

She was looking at the ones there and raised an eyebrow while watching. "Hmmm looks like someones in trouble." She stood there and clasped her hands behind her back while looking like she was innocent and sweet. "If they take you to prison... remember the most important thing and rule." She waited for it. "Don't drop the soap."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax stared at the young woman. "Seriously?" he shook his head placed it in the palm of his head half in disappointment and half in amusement. "Their dirty cops. Lets go and see if we can just get them to go away. If not...well will improv it."

The young man grabbed a slugtbrower from the lid of a crate as he passed through the cargo hold and placed it into the holster on his hip. Pressing a button the cargo bay doors began to lower, much to the displeasure of the cops. Who ran out from underneath it to avoid getting crushed. "Hey watch what your doing!" cried on of the six officers
"Afternoon officer! How can I help you?"
"Step away from the freghter. We're here to investigate stolen good."
"You won't find anything here sir"
"Get down here now!" the policeman drew a blaster and levelled it at the Jedi.
"Nice meeting you too." Dax drew his pistol and ducked, the blaster bolt flying over his head, the bullet burying itself in the officers skull.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]

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