Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Roses Have Thorns

[member="Dax Fyre"]

Azlyn was watching him and his face when she stood there before they were heading out there to see him. She wanted to stick over there when they were going to see some of the new stuff. "Alright let us go and see what they want then." She was waiting there while standing on the ramp and her saber went to her hand behind her back while Dax was speaking then there were shots firing and she moved to the side of the ramp pulling at one fo the men so he came over to her. A nice thick heavy meat shield against the slugs ripping into hsi back for a moment before she was kicking off with the force to launch him at some of the other. "You always take me to the nicest places."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"Well where's the fun..." Dax's speech was interrupted as he ignited his saber, a heavy roar signaling the glowing orange blade, and deflected several of the incoming blaster bolts, "in staying home?" he finished. Dax rushed forward, deflecting the bolts as the came at him, some striking the ground and throwing up sparks and dirt, others flying harmlessly into the air. The first man he approached fired rapidly, his growing fear showing on his face as his inevitable death approached closer and closer. A quick slash across the chest and the man collapsed to his knees, before his lifeless body keeled over with a thud. The fourth officer turned and fired at Dax as his friend went down. Swiping up his saber caught the bolt and sent it skyrocketing. Using his momentum to complete a spin Dax shot lightning from his free hand that had holstered the slugthrower upon drawing his saber. The officer fell to the ground, body convulsing, arcs of electricity branching away from him and into the ground. It wouldn't be the pain that killed him. His heart would simply stop.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

She could work with it, sticking there while she moved quickly the force allowing her body to move faster when she flexed her muscles. She had her saber out with the cross guard of the saber activated when she was giving all of her attention to the officers who had come. Dax was looking to fight them when she came up behind one of the men was there when she had the scyth activated before kicking him forward with the sabers crossguard under his chin before she was moving and looking at the others ones who were there that Dax was going to get to handle. "Well I suppose it is alright, there is a lot to be said of bonding over violence.... and so far you are showing me some of the best."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax marched up to the last officer, swatting aside the recklessly fired bolts of light. Once close enough the orange blade came up in a wide arc, bisecting the barrel of the blaster, a molten mess remaining. The officer stared at his devastated weapon for a moment in complete shock, the sudden crushing force around his neck the only thing that drew his eyes from the blaster to the mencaing glare mere inches from his face. The slightly smaller Dax held the officer in a death grip by the neck, the flow of oxygen being stopped causing the officer tor scramble and pry at Dax's fingers. "Run away. When your superiors ask what happened, direct them towards one of the gangs that they've been ignoring. If I hear otherwise, I will hunt you down. And I will kill you." The officer nodded frantically, his face turning deathly pale, both from fear and asyphxia. Falling to his knees as Dax let go the man coughed and sputtered, spit flying from his mouth.

Walking back up the cargo hold he stopped upon reaching [member="Azlyn Ike"]. "Well violence seems to follow me around like a stray god. You may as well stick around." Dax went to the cockpit, making preperations for a quick getaway.
[member="Dax Fyre"]

"So are you saying I am a stray?" She said it standing there with a look on her face before she moved to look at some fo the other things. She was finishing up and deactivating her saber secured it again before they were moving off towards the ship again. She well just wanted to see what his reaction could before she stuck with a lot of things. She stretched out kicking a few of the others away before popping her neck and shoulders. "Well now lets go exploring. We can do so many nice and fun things."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax puased and thought for a moment. "Well I guess I follow violence like a stray." the man returned to the kitchen, rememberig the hastily forgotten food. "So where should we to if we're going to go exploring?" he asked as he got some water and tossed the woman a bottle. He sat down and began to eat.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

Azlyn looked at him while she was heading in and shrugged going to the food. They had everythign they needed, more so in some cases as they were going to get to really push it and bringing it up for everything to be seen. "Well this looks good and some food after the best violence is a good thing. Now lets go and head off."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax nodded, grabbing a piece of chicken and sticking it in his mouth. "I'll get us off the ground and heading to...where are we going again?" Dax said as he covered his mouth, swallowing as he finished speaking. "I've got no leads right got any errands to run? People to kill?" He asked humorously.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

She was guessing he was joking about the last part but shrugged. "No not quite, the kill is not something I do on a whim. It is far more fun to go after someone who might prove a challenge." She stuck there while looking over it all with a couple of ideas. "Though we could go to Felucia where I left a couple of things."
[member="Dax Fyre"]

"A jedi holocron, some wanna be king jedi was trying to claim it and I found it easier to snatch it, hide it and drop a sack of rocks in the sarlacc pit. He wasn't that smart sadly so when it vanished he didn't think it might have been a trick when he was leaving. I just didn't go there to take it right away to keep it away from him,"
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"Holocron huh? Alright. Lets go." With that, Dax finished punching in the co-ordinates for Felcuia and engaged the hyperdrive. Stars streaked the sky and the two mismatched parters began their first adventure.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]

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