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Round II: Rank Titles for Your Signature!

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Genesis Rostu said:
@[member="Subject 13"]; Kinda goes without saying, but I try to make the titles that I know additional people can use. Fallen Angel and Expressionless, imo, didn't strike me as something the average joe would grab. Hope you can understand bro, and enjoy your Combatant tag!


And i thought ppl would like fallen angel. Archangel is up there after all xD


@[member="Genesis Rostu"]

I feel cheeky, but can I have one more? It's not for myself this time. " Protector "
I was uncertain of the context by which you would wear the Fallen Angel tag, but assuming that it's a mirror to Redemption, I made Fallen. If this is fine with you both, then awesome, if not, I'll make the Fallen Angel one for you. @[member="Subject 13"], @[member="Darth Solrune"].


I don't know the first thing about Reki ranks, regretfully, but: @[member="Alejandro Ortega"].


@[member="Quenladose"]; I'm uncertain of the context, could you clarify? o.o

@[member="Dranok Lussk"].


Ex-Slave did not look as good as I hoped it would on the tag, so I went Liberated. If this fits the context of your character, then mission accomplished, but if not I'll play with Ex-Slave and do the best I can to get you an attractive title. @[member="Carjol"].


@[member="Matsu Ike"].


@[member="Marek S'hadar"].



Gregor Gideon

Remarkably well done, @[member="Genesis Rostu"].

I kept wondering where people were getting these legit titles from. :)

That being said (did I sufficiently butter you up?), I was hoping you could help me with a personalized one. I was hoping for one of the reddish backgrounds (very Sithish) with the text of, "Inquisitorius"?

The current Inquisitor tag that I was able to pick out of the bunch is more than enough, however, if you're swamped with additional requests. I appreciate it either way. Keep up the good work!
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