Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Round II: Rank Titles for Your Signature!

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Well, the annual turkey coma prevented me from keeping up with these as much as I'd have liked, but here's the next batch. @[member="Syn"], @Jedi; When time permits, I'll make a new series of signature bars to replace the ones you've lost. As such, just PM me the Jedi-related titles you'd like and I'll put something together for ya. For others, I say this as a reminder, please request titles that can be actively utilized by others. If you don't see your requested title in the next update, that is the reason behind it. I apologize in advance for this; but these tags were never meant to be overly unique in nature. In any case...

@[member="Shinjū Aÿasha"]; Normally I'd say ladies first, but....

@[member="Paega Anginous"]

@[member="Raydis Fortel"]; As discussed on Skype...

@[member="Xern Arterius"]

@[member="The Forecaster"]

@[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

@[member="Gregor Gideon"]
@[member="Scarlet Faith"];

Short span of time between getting started on these and going to class, coupled with the fact that putting together a Rose texture that satisfies my growing OCD with these things has proven to be a nightmare. It'll most likely be added in the next batch.


@[member="Genesis Rostu"]


Warchief = King
Chieftain = Lords
The Shaman one is boooorrrriiiiinnnnnggggg thhhhoooouuuuggghhhhh.
Plus I can't pull it from the rank titles thing.


Changing that with templar aspirant, rememba? I had that before you made me make him a FU. DID YOU FORGET?!?

@[member="Genesis Rostu"]
This is one I really thought missing from the great titles section:

Force Adept or Force Potential

Someone who has absolutely no skills trained in the force and might not want the apprentice titles, this fits for them. They might not even know they are force adept's yet. A way of letting people know the latent power is there. You could name it force potential instead I suppose, but adept was the traditional term in the old days.
Anyone giving @[member="Genesis Rostu"] a hard time over these tags needs to relax just a little. This is completely volunteer work on his part, and he does it to help the community during his free time he could use RPing. So please don't flood the guy with requests and such, he's got other things to do besides give you a "Tall, Dark, and Handsome" tag.
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