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Faction Royal Fantasia Gala: A Celebration of Nations




As twilight descended upon Kiruaagam, the vibrant city nestled amidst Najarka's diverse landscapes, anticipation hummed through the crisp winter air. The Royal Fantasia Gala, a celebration of unity and culture, was about to unfold within the majestic confines of the Grand Ravvitanal Palace.

Najarka's capital, Kiruaagam, stood as a testament to resilience and progress, blending ancient traditions with modern innovation. The city's architecture mirrored this fusion, where traditional yurts and stone buildings harmonized with sleek, contemporary structures. At its heart, geothermal energy facilities symbolized Kiruaagam's commitment to sustainability and technological advancement, casting a warm glow across the cityscape.

Amidst this dynamic backdrop, the Grand Ravvitanal Palace rose with breathtaking splendor. A masterpiece of architectural magnificence, the palace seamlessly merged indigenous Najarkan motifs with the elegant lines of Galidraani design. Its grand façade greeted guests with intricate carvings and soaring spires, a testament to craftsmanship that spanned generations.

As guests arrived, they were ushered into the palace's ornate ballrooms and state rooms, adorned with opulent tapestries and sparkling chandeliers. The gardens, meticulously landscaped with native flora and tranquil fountains, provided a serene backdrop for contemplation and conversation. The grand hall, resonant with history and prestige, awaited the evening's festivities.

The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement as attendees mingled, their attire a dazzling array of cultural garments from across the Commonwealth. Against this backdrop of elegance and tradition, the opening score of Gustav Holst's "The Planets - IV. Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity" echoed through the palace halls, setting a tone of joyous celebration and unity.

Outside, beyond the palace walls, the winter sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow that painted the sky in hues of pink and lavender. The city of Kiruaagam, with its bustling markets and lively cultural districts, stood as a beacon of Najarka's vibrant spirit and cultural diversity.

As the gala commenced, under the watchful gaze of the Grand Ravvitanal Palace, the stage was set for an evening of camaraderie, diplomacy, and the celebration of nations coming together in the face of new alliances.



Ivalyn Yvarro stood poised in the Grand Atrium of the Grand Ravvitanal Palace, her gaze sweeping over the opulent surroundings. The atrium, with its towering columns and intricate stained glass windows depicting scenes from Najarkan folklore, exuded an air of timeless elegance. Crystal chandeliers hung from the vaulted ceiling, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the polished marble floors below.

Dressed for the occasion in a gown that shimmered like starlight, Ivalyn embodied grace and sophistication. Her gown, a masterpiece of Najarkan couture, draped elegantly around her slender frame.

As she awaited the arrival of guests, Ivalyn's thoughts were a whirlwind of anticipation and nerves. This gala, the Royal Fantasia Ball, held profound significance for the Dosuunian Commonwealth. It was a moment to showcase unity and resilience, to reaffirm their place in the galaxy amidst new alliances and shifting powers. And she, as the MC of the event, felt the weight of responsibility on her shoulders.

For Ivalyn, this event was not just about formalities and protocol. It was about forging bonds, both within the Commonwealth and beyond. It was about honoring the sacrifices of those who had fought for their freedom and prosperity. And it was about setting a tone of optimism and hope for the future, even in uncertain times.

As she took a deep breath, feeling the gentle hum of nervous energy in her chest, Ivalyn reminded herself of the importance of the evening. She thought of her cousin, Natasi Fortan, and all those who had laid down their lives to protect Dosuun and its people. They were the reason she stood here today, ready to guide the gala with poise and determination.

Adjusting a stray strand of her long, wavy hair—a tribute to her Eirean heritage—Ivalyn turned her attention back to the Grand Atrium. The first guests would soon arrive, and she would greet them with a warm smile and a welcoming demeanor. Tonight, amidst the grandeur of the Grand Ravvitanal Palace, Ivalyn Yvarro would play her part in history, ensuring that the Royal Fantasia Ball was a resounding success and a symbol of hope for the Commonwealth's future.


[Open to Interaction]


Tag: Open
The Sith Empire, bringer of peace and consolidation, had brought in yet another great nation to its embrace. Protection, sustainability, peace? All of these things were promised, but the Commonwealth had done it likely out of necessity than actual ideological similarities. Truly, Drazen didn't actually care for these people or their nation, but he saw in them opportunity.​
A chance to make money, and through money, influence.​
His posse of Sith trailed after him as he entered, whispering sweet nothings to him as they looked about the room. In the last few weeks he had become a celebrity of sorts, as the assassination of Asmod became more publicly known and Terminus was under his regency. Already he had consolidated more power than Asmod had ever held, and now it was showing itself - he had gone from just 'the Emperor's Brother', so something all the more dangerous.​
Now, he just needed to ensure his appointment to the SIBC, and he would have a chance to really milk this Order of everything it was worth.​
"Go get me a drink.", he told a young man, a Sith Knight who had turned on Asmod in his final days. He was instrumental to his downfall, but his pay was his life. Now he was a good errand boy, and little else. With no argument, the knight ran off to get what he could from the bar.​
In the meantime, he would discuss who here was important with the rest of his entourage. Eventually someone of note would arrive, and he would speak with them - but not until someone important arrived. He didn't have time to waste afterall.​



Upon His brow was a metal circlet of beaten dark steel, studded with gemstones the complexion of dark arterial blood. From it cascaded a veil of blackest silk, obscuring His features save for the faint glow of His baleful gaze. A cloak of runic satin descended from broad shoulders, trailing the floor in His measured wake. Two docile servants, their heads divorced right below the nose and replaced with humming cybernetics, held each corner of His cloak in hand and followed dutifully without a sound.

About His chest was a black tabard, trailing down to His mid-thigh. Upon it was emblazoned the leering Eye of Solomon, the symbol of His house, encased in the larger symbol of the Sith Order; a bold testament to the inseparability of these two institutions. He bore no weapon, it would not do, but there was little doubt that He could kill with but a whisper; nay, a look. Such was His strength in the abysmal depths, that blackest grotto of the Dark Side.

His shadow long preceded Him, appearing to move of it's own accord as it filled the atrium and halls. There were others in the darkness of His wake, ordainers and purifiers of His cruel majesty, clad in the holy vestments of faith. To them, all the galaxy was unclean, cleansed only through the divinity of their Eternal Father. With His every step, the galaxy was made pure, and they fell to their knees to press their foreheads against that treaded ground.

The titan clad in the disguise of humanity strode forth amongst the assembled, basking them in His dark radiance.

Lord Tooka waited at the entrance nervously for Seela Leini. She was a knight errant, trying to skip political events as best as possible.
The small and frail looking Sephi was not the social one. Log ago her instructors at the royal academy of Thrustra had given her the call sign Tooka not only for her catlike reflexes, but also for her antisocial behaviour. She was like a cat in many aspects.

But like a cat she also could not resist the call of romance and exiting new places.
So she waited for her wingwoman to appear, she asked out.

The haunting music touched her heart. It was a composition she instinctively knew for alien and out of place, but just as fitting.
A music perhaps reinvented by the will of the Dark Side, who some said it would be unnatural. Somehow a piece of art from a far away galaxy a long time in the future found its way into the here and now.
Could it be possible to learn such forbidden arts? To learn how to break the rules of reality with wonderful things like music and not just atrocities?
She was still a Sephi, trying to enjoy the good parts of the Dark Side, the freedom, the living in the now. And this music was something pretty like a wild, unchecked growing garden that knew no rules and yet formed a grandiose order in itself.

Lord Tooka felt the urge to dance, like all Sephi did when music touched their hearts. She hummed under her smooth helmet and was for a moment no longer the bitter exile of her people, but a young elven woman enjoying the music.

She wore a black, ruffled dress, and an elegant bodyglove below it. Her lightsaber was only an accessory, she hoped. As a Sith Kinght she would insist on carrying her weapon, the extension of her will since the fateful day as a slave who scorched her tormentor to death with lightning and took the weapon as a prize.


Seela Leini Seela Leini
Location: Grand Ravvitanal Palace, Palatial District, Kiruaagam - Najarka
Attire: Dress
Tag: Lord Tooka Lord Tooka

Clad in her magenta satin gown embellished with lace just beneath the bodice, Seela had fallen some distance behind her date. Where the Sephi was swift and graceful in the manner of a tooka, the Twi’lek moved slowly and carefully, still somewhat uncomfortable wearing heels that served to elevate her otherwise diminutive stature by several inches. In that regard, it went without saying that the experience of walking in such seemingly impractical footwear was far different from the familiar and comforting jingle of the star-spurs on the boots of her flight suit. Nevertheless, Seela found herself enjoying the added elevation, even if it came at the expense of balance.

This particular occasion was not Seela’s first formal affair. Even so, a chilly sense of discomfort came over her as she trailed after her date. As grand and regal as the palace was, the large crowds of dignitaries, Sith, and other such important persons within caused her lips to purse with anxiety.

And so, Seela came to a sudden and unconscious halt just before the steps leading into the entrance, her eyes blinking nervously as she took in the scene. However, it was only then that she spotted the Father, His titanic form casting a long shadow as He entered the grand hall with a long retinue of the faithful in His wake.

Needless to say, it did not take Seela long to decide that she would follow after Him.

And so, Seela made her way up the steps as quickly as she dared with heels on her feet, the offered hand of a nearby doorman steadying her balance in the process. Then, as soon as she arrived at the entrance, the Twi’lek came to her date’s side, an uneasy, relaxed smile tugging at her lips as the bouncy orchestral music vibrated pleasingly against her ear cones.
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath | Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro

Events such as the Gala which Gerwald had been invited to often required that he dress nicely. Naedira had even taught the wolf to tie his own ties. This one took the torture of the neck piece to an entirely knew level.

A bow tie?

Gerwald had never seen such a thing, save on those who were of more means than the beast could ever dream of having. The wolf had never aspired to find himself among the financial elite of the galaxy, and yet as he stood in the most opulent hall he could ever remember setting foot in, he was not displeased. A smile stretched on his face as he settled his hand on the top of the hand which rested on his arm. It belonged to his mate, Naedira.

"You look absolutely ravishing tonight."

He was always trying to find ways to express to the woman just how beautiful he thought she was. Even the gilded and golden venue did not outshine the woman Gerwald loved and cherished. He could never attend an event such as this without thinking about their first dance. She would know it crossed his mind, and it was rare he did not share that thought or speak up about it. Though tonight, he was simply happy to think about how far they had come since that night, and that she was with him to enjoy the festivities.

This was also the first gala since Gerwald had been appointed to the Dark Council. It was imperative he was there as one of the contacts requested for the Commonwealth. He had been specifically invited to attend meaning this was more than just an evening to enjoy, but it was business as well. They would need to keep their smiles wide and look approachable. There were contacts to be made, and the wolf knew this was an opportunity to further establish himself beyond the moniker of Empyrean's Wrath.

A program was handed to the couple as they walked through the main entrance. Included in it was the menu for the evening. According to Gerwald, most of the meat would likely be overdone. Naedira preferred hers to be more cooked than the wolf. Though that was true of most people. It was rare that Gerwald met anyone who preferred their steak as blue as he did. His eye was drawn to the lamb… with mint…

"Do people really pair lamb with mint?"

The question was directed to Naedira with a genuine tone. His more rugged background meant the wolf still learned new things about how finer foods were handled by the wealthy. Gerwald still preferred his more barbaric roots when it came to feasting. Were this his party it certainly would not have been a black tie event. Rather they would have found themselves in a giant longhouse with an open spit, and a fresh hunt roasting over it. Mead would be granted in abundance, and the music and dancing would be celebratory in every way the word could be used.

His eyes scanned the room noting where the Yvarros were. He noticed Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris next. His head canted toward him in greeting.

"He is dangerous," Gerwald said to Naedira.

The news of the Kaggath had been widespread, and the fact that Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf had signed off on it without consulting the entire council would no doubt be a matter for their next meeting. Regardless, the event had already taken place, and the assembly had voted.

Blue eyes landed on Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex next. A more respectful nod was offered, almost as though Gerwald might have considered bowing. Carnifex was dangerous, certainly, but he also had done much to earn the wolf's admiration. It would be a stretch to say they were friends, but their relationship was not filled with the animosity that came with the mention of the Mountain.

"Shall we greet our hosts first?"

That was protocol was it not?




Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With :Lady Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne | Thessa Kai Thessa Kai | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

At first, he thought he was going to have to third-wheel with his parents.

Which, in itself, was odd. As far as he knew, his mother had never attended one of these things. Secondly, his parents had been separated since he was five, and twenty years later they decided it was time to be friendly and hit galas together? It was all still a mystery to him and he was trying not to look more into the situation. Makai didn't expect them to get back together, more it was just odd.

He would have to watch and observe and report back to Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell with his thoughts.

For now, he had a bigger task at hand. Two tasks really. One, see if Lady Thorne would listen to him about a potential blind date. Two, see if he couldn't get said Lady Thorne to come out of her shell and meet some other Force users and have a good time. Makai had promised it wouldn't be like the last time they met when they had gotten captured by political rivals.

"Thorney, just hear me out. " Her hand was on his arm as they walked into the massive space, an orchestra playing. He could feel the tension in her touch. "Casteel is an insufferable bastard. Frankly, we're only friends because of the wife. However, he has helped me out before and kept his word."

Okay Makai, that's not really selling Casteel as a potential match.

"Look. Castie is Anaxsi nobility. He's all tied up in pom and circumstance and duty. Just like you. Worst that happens is you meet him and its not a match. I guarantee he would just try selling you banking services at that point. I can even chaperone the entire thing if you're worried."





Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

The Skakoan navigated the gala with a ghostly grace, silently acknowledging the powerful individuals in attendance. The Sith Order's successful assimilation of the Commonwealth, coupled with the conquest of Sullust and the acquisition of the SoroSuub Corporation., ensured a substantial rise in economic prosperity for the entire region, and by extension the galactic economy despite attempts to formulate a closed-system autarky.

The Trade Federation had profited from the economic expansion by reinvesting significant capital into different sectors of the Dark Empire and the Galactic Alliance. Such investments included public works programs and setting up stationary war foundries near the front lines. These massive foundries produce a wide range of military equipment, from combat tanks to automated turret designs, giving the Trade Federation an advantage in the Core War.

The Sith Order was often overlooked in discussions surrounding economic matters, seen as a minor player in the grand scheme of things. However, their influence began to grow as they ventured into prosperous systems, catching the attention of the Commanding Viceroy. This sudden expansion piqued his interest in the potential for increased investments and wealth accumulation, especially considering their established connections with the lucrative Kainite Branch.

Laborr saw an opportunity for mutual benefit and was eager to explore the possibilities of forging closer ties with the Sith Order. The Skakoan easily secured an invitation to the festivities, being a prominent sponsor of the event as indicated by the organizer. Consequently, he stood among the throng, his suit emitting hissing and squealing sounds as it circulated methane gas to his eagerly filled lungs.

"Lord Carnifex, we have much to discuss." A modest gesture, even amidst the deep embrace of the Eternal Father. The Viceroy would not seek an audience unless the matter was of utmost importance.

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As the Royal Fantasia Gala commenced and the stirring strains of Gustav Holst's "Jupiter" began to fill the Grand Ravvitanal Palace, an ominous atmosphere pervaded the scene. The heavy military presence was a stark reminder of the Commonwealth's distrust, a lingering echo from when Lady Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf and Lord Malum Marr had arrived to negotiate the Commonwealth's entrance into the Sith Empire. The DCV Concordia loomed in the atmosphere, and an unusual number of Commonwealth Marine Commandos patrolled the palace grounds. Starfighter Corps sorties and patrol details were conspicuously present, far exceeding what would typically be necessary for the safety of attending dignitaries.

Army personnel, tanks, and walkers mounted in numbers, creating an imposing show of force. The snow-capped city of Kiruaagam, usually vibrant with nightlife, lay eerily quiet. The stadium where limmie matches were played was similarly silent. Signs claimed the city had taken the opportunity to go on holiday during the celebration of nations, but the reality was far more sinister.

Beneath the surface, a steadfast commitment to protect the Commonwealth simmered. Should a single Sith Lord overstep, they would be dealt with swiftly and decisively—the entire Sith Empire would face the Commonwealth's wrath. Her Majesty's pursuit of prosperity for the Commonwealth had polarized the population, and tonight's display was a calculated facade.

As guests entered the Grand Ravvitanal Palace, Commonwealth Marine Commandos in black plastoid armor with gold and red trims—a testament to their elite status—scrutinized each arrival. These commandos, once First Order Stormtroopers, now served the Commonwealth with unwavering loyalty. Embedded within the event staff were members of the Commonwealth's Guild of Force Users and intelligence operatives, ready to act at a moment's notice.

Beneath the veneer of celebration, the Commonwealth was prepared to strike the palace and all within it if necessary to secure a better future. Under her elegant gown, Ivalyn concealed a personal shield, a silent testament to the night's true stakes.

As the music played and dignitaries arrived, they did so under the watchful and wary eye of the Commonwealth, a powder keg ready to explode at the slightest provocation.

As Ivalyn moved through the Grand Atrium of the Grand Ravvitanal Palace, she couldn't help but be struck by its architectural grandeur. The blend of Najarkan and Galidraani styles created an impressive ambiance. Intricate Najarkan patterns adorned the arches and ceilings, while the stark, elegant lines of Galidraani design lent the space a majestic and commanding presence. Golden accents caught the light, reflecting off marble floors, and rich tapestries hung from the walls, telling stories of the Commonwealth's proud history.

Perhaps the Commonwealth's distrust stemmed from when the Sith-backed Dosuun Hegemony ruled their capital. Maybe it went back to the Great Galactic War when the Jedi were no better than their Sith counterparts. Or maybe it had been the many atrocities that the Sith Empire had committed, Tion being the latest example. Regardless of the reason, the Commonwealth did not trust the Sith.

Ivalyn kept these thoughts to herself, feeling a sense of relief that the High Queen was not present. The Queen was still on Dosuun, at the Royal Avalonia Hospital with her wife, having just welcomed a second child, further securing her throne and House Priestly. Nervously, Ivalyn smiled as guests entered, recognizing Darth Carnifex among them. Steeling herself, she approached him steadily in her Najarkan couture gown. "My Lord, a pleasure to have you here in Kiruaagam," she said, bowing respectfully. "I am so very glad to see you here."

"Viceroy Laborr," she greeted the Sakoan, "always a pleasure to see the Trade Federation represented. I do hope you'll enjoy the evening."

Standing straight, Ivalyn turned to meet the Dark Lord's gaze. "I am interested in obtaining your assistance. We have a number of Panathans in our nation, and I wish to gather cultural information. Would it be possible to have that sent over?" She had been urging the Secretary-General of Domestic Affairs to create a more inclusive holiday calendar, and this was a step in that direction.

After speaking with Darth Carnifex, Ivalyn moved on to Drazen Lutris, who looked rather off-putting. Still, it was good to welcome him. "Welcome to Kiruaagam, Lutris, isn't it? Ivalyn Yvarro. I do hope you enjoy the festivities." With a small nod, she stepped away and continued through the Grand Atrium, greeting Seela Leini and Lord Tooka on her way to meet with Gerwald Lechner and Naedira Darcath.

"Good evening," she extended a hand to them both. "I hear congratulations are in order, correct?" Ivalyn hoped she had memorized names and faces correctly. "Dark Councilor Lechner? And you must be the beautiful Lady Darcath. A pleasure to have you both here."

"I am Ivalyn Yvarro. Drinks and food will be available right after the opening ceremony, which will be held in Monarch Hall, the palace's ballroom."

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris | Seela Leini Seela Leini | Lord Tooka Lord Tooka | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath

[If I missed you in this post, I'll get you in my next one]

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The Marquis of House Nargath's arrival to the festivities was probably one of the least opulent or austentatious compared to others, there was no large entourage, no handful of personal assistants. There was no need for such things when in reality, he did not have the same great image or political weight as others attending these festivities had. In truth, he could just be seen as one of the locals, if it weren't for a somewhat different style of dress.

Unlike so many of the attendants, the Chairman of the Nargath and Zanareth Umbrella Corporation had not that much of a name, considering he only recently managed to gain both his House's title and his company's highest position, his name was probably best known within the Eriadu system itself and maybe the Seswanna sector as a whole, but beyond those borders it was just another company owner's name.

Still, this relative anonimity did allow the man to at the very least enjoy this festival ment to celebrate the Dosuunian Commonwealth and to solidify its dreams and desires. As someone who would always be interested in seeking out corporate advancement and profits, such a gathering of the great and the powerful could not be ignored. Even if he had no personal affiliation with any of them, Tertius was still quite interested in at the very least get to know a few of these large players on the political and corporate front.

For now though, the Marquis generally kept to himself, noticing the elegant figure of Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro and recognising her from the information he had managed to get his hands on concerning the Commonwealth, making a mental note to perhaps approach her when she'd be mingling with the guests. On the other hand there was this eerie sensation in the back of his neck which he couldn't describe, but reminded him of the stale air within the Tomb of his forebearer Arcosius Nargath on Eriadu. As he tried to figure out what this feeling was, the Marquis realised it was probably some sort of instinct engrained within him as a businessman, as the person who managed to give him those chills stood not too far away from him. dressed and draped in an attire mainly consisting of black and red accents. In Tertius' eyes, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex at first glance would be the hardest and toughest nutt to crat if he wanted to get the attention of someone who exuded power.

for now the Marquis decided to simply be a spectator of the festivities, enjoying his refreshments as he had his time looking around the spectacularly elegant construction he found himself in...

[Open for any interaction]



Unlike his son's interesting take on the tux, Judah was dressed plainly, a simple black tux that seamlessly blended in anywhere. It was an important night for the Commonwealth, it seemed their influence had been growing since their initial business expo not long ago. As predicted, the old salvager already spotted the Trade Federation hard at work.

"You look good, thanks for joining me. Saving me from a night of hanging out on the balcony smoking a cigar.." Ex-wife on his arm, Judah was aware this was her first type of event like this ever. He had always tried to get her to go during their marriage several times to no avail. There was a bit of humor at play in the universe too ; the event was filled to the brim with Sith. Judah knew their would be. As a neutral business, he tended to not particularly care one way or the other. After all, he was punched by a Jedi at one of these things. Not having the Force, he viewed much of their battles as two cults battling it out over ancient and outdated philosophy.

"Should be a quiet evening, I wouldn't worry too much. I've been working on geothermal energy and other renewable energy in this area and its been peaceful. Well, peaceful is a relative term but you understand what I mean. Kind of a gem tucked away in Sith Order territory."

He kept a tighter grip than he would his other dates due to her gait and old injury. Thessa had did fine during the wedding, but he was aware she needed to lean against something from time to time.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to Miss Yvarro."

Outfit: Dress
Tags: Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro | Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Lord Tooka Lord Tooka | Seela Leini Seela Leini | Open to interaction

It was the first time for Eira to attend a gala, to attend anything that was somewhat elegant and fancy. She had to hunt around for a dress that would be appropriate and something that suited her sense of style. Eira found the experience of dress shopping to be curious, she loved to try on the dresses that suited her style but it was not easy to found clothing that she liked.

She held some nerves about attending the gala, having never been to one before she dreaded the idea of creating a social fopa. She breathed in deeply, slowly exhaling and making sure she did not let her nerves control her. While she might have been born a farmer's daughter, she would never let anyone think of her in that way. She was more than that and she saw herself as better than that. Combing her hair, she added some braids to it and let the long raven river of hair flow down her left side. The dress fitted her figure well and she was pleased with the style of her outfit.

Arriving at the gala, she looked around and spotted several who had arrived before her. She walked in the main hall and could hear her heels clicking on the floor. She wasn't sure who to speak with and was standing tall, letting a false confidence settle over her body and a cold stone wall, not wishing her thoughts or emotions to betray her. She was keen to use this gala as an opportunity to talk and create bonds with the Sith attending this event.


The Dark Lord's eyes locked with the Dread Wolf's from across the atrium, an acknowledgement passing from one to the other. As briefly as the moment came, it passed, and the two continued on their way. It was not so long ago that the Dark Lord had met in private with the Dread Wolf, ascertaining his strength and testing the boundaries of his loyalty to the Silver Dragon. They were not yet true allies, only ones such as Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf could count themselves among that number, but it was a start.

Dark eyes slipped down to stare at the Skakoan technocrat, Rulonom Laborr, as he approached. Despite the myriad of people present, the Viceroy of the Trade Federation prominently stood out amongst the more conventional humanoids around them. It was ironic, perhaps, that such stark contrast was mirrored by the Dark Lord's estimation of the Viceroy, for there were few others present the Dark Lord considered worthwhile.

"Viceroy," rumbled the Dark Lord's voice, each syllable reverberating through the bones of all who hearkened. "There is indeed much to discuss, a great many things." But such things would have to come later, for the Dark Lord's gaze was drawn towards the woman approaching them. Though she greatly resembled the rest of her Dosuunian peers in attendance, she outshone virtually all of them in the Dark Lord's eyes. She would be someone worth discussing with, the rest might well have not existed at all.

Perhaps they would cease to in time.

"Lady Yvarro, the hospitality and splendor of the Commonwealth is greatly appreciated, as it always will be." He raised one arm, placing His hand over His heart in solemn greeting. His gaze never seemed to waver, the subtle glow of His eyes piercing through the otherwise impenetrable black veil that covered His features. His arm slowly returned to His side as the mutual greeting concluded, the Dark Lord now listening to Lady Yvarro's request.

"These Panathans are known to us, Lady Yvarro. Though they have not heeded the call for unity, they have not betrayed our people like other enclaves have. I will ascertain a suitable representative of my people and appoint them as an advisor to direct at your pleasure, one armed with the most intimate knowledge of our customs and traditions." He already knew exactly to send, but He was still uncertain as to how she would react. She was quite enamored with staying close to where His people had been settled, ensuring that the flame of their ancient religion never faded from memory. Even so, she would not refuse His request.

His sister would do what was necessary.

Darth Carnifex then gestured again as Lady Yvarro departed, to speak to the other guests no doubt. Such was her duty. His attention could now return to the Viceroy at His side. "You were speaking of great things, Viceroy?"

She didn't understand it. She had specially ordered her dress from Dosuun for the occasion, a regal and stunning look that harkened back to Dosuun's Galidraani heritage and she had thrown in a touch of Nabooian influence with a floral design. She had tried it on two weeks ago and it had fit perfectly well, but now...

It was too tight around her middle and around certain assets of hers that had forced a change. Luckily, she had selected a second dress for the occasion that was lighter and freer, but... she had really wanted to wear the first one. Maybe something about how it got stored away had compressed it? Maybe she had accidentally gotten the wrong size, but that didn't make sense since she had tried. it. on.

"Fio," she called out, laying the long satin gloves that complemented the lilac-colored dress on her borrowed vanity. The delicate silver and aurodium necklace lay next to the gloves, and equally delicate tiara that was supposed to be threaded through her chosen hair style for the evening. "Have you seen my cards for the speech? And do you think I look bigger in this dress or is it just me?"

Looking at herself in the mirror as she carefully threaded the necklace around her throat, something just seemed off to her. There was definitely a glow about her, and if she was honest, she hadn't felt this good in a long time. Her powers seemed amplified, although she had chalked that up to increased passions. She was quite happy to have Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro with her again.

And yet, as she waited for her wife to help finish her ensemble and hair, something seemed off to her. Something just wasn't clicking... but what was it?


The approach to the Grand Ravvitanal Palace, complete with honor guards and fly overs with the distinct shape of the Concordia in orbit, evoked both power and prestige. The Commonwealth was putting on the full show for the evening, and it was certainly impressive. The venue had been carefully selected, showing off the strength of the Najarka culture combined with Galidraani style that could only be found in Commonwealth space. Still, as she walked arm in arm with Fiolette, their family trailing along behind them with Nerralyn, Aerys, and Iaacen along with the children, she was noting something else.

"The escort around the Concordia was doubled from when it was here for the negotiations," she muttered quietly as her eyes traveled over the honor guards in their resplendent gold, black, and red armor, "and they're feeling quite similar to some soldiers I recall facing some decades ago." She suspected, if one rubbed hard enough at the gold symbol of the Commonwealth, another symbol would start to shine through. She had thought as much during the negotiations, but this merely confirmed it.

A small smile tugged at her lips.

Others had already arrived, retinues trailing along behind luminaries such as Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris , and it was odd to see one of her fellow Dark Councilors in a suit and bowtie, but Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner was always full of surprises. She did wonder what he thought of her sanctioning Drazen's move for Terminus, but then, it hadn't been something that required all of their input.

"Remind me to speak with the Dashiells at some point tonight," she said. She had been hoping to meet with both of them at some point as they had enthusiastically taken to revitalizing the Centrality region of space, along with the Arceneaus, and it was highly appreciated. She had been hoping to forge greater ties between their companies at some point, and the night promised much for diplomacy. She would hope so, as she was slated to give one of the opening speeches.

"Ivalyn, the evening looks amazing," she would say in greeting once Kaine had moved away to speak with Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr , Viceroy of the Trade Federation, giving her step-granddaughter a radiant smile. "You have outdone yourself with the organization of it all." She would turn to Gerwald and his mate, "A good evening to you both as well, Lord Lechner and... Lady Darcath yes? A pleasure to finally meet you."

She would glance back towards their children and the rest of their retinue, her heart feeling light as she looked at her family. They might not be completely whole yet, but she was hoping tonight would be a way to heal some of the wounds. The gala promised to be a night they wouldn't forget for a long time, and it could be an opportunity. She was looking to capitalize on it, both for her family and her position within the galaxy.

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Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

The Twice-Emperor reciprocated the Skakoan's humble gesture, maintaining a dignified posture over the crowds of the Commonwealth and the Sith Order. Upon locking eyes, both individuals acknowledged the nature of their relationship as a partnership, whether it was temporary or long-term, as it held little significance to the Trade Federation who would use the connection to aquire more and more material wealth at the expense of every other ambition, like direct conquest of star systems.

He paused in thought, offering a fleeting glance at the myriad of guardsmen and soldiers patrolling the ground, their thoughts one of distrust given the history of the Commonwealth, whose representative now appeared before them.

As he observed their stern faces and vigilant stance behind the helmet, he couldn't help but wonder if they could be compelled to compromise their principles in exchange for increased authority and impact on the galactic stage. Carnifex was given the opportunity to speak first with the representative, who held a great interest in the former Emperor due to the devastation of Panatha and the influx of refugees into the Commonwealth.

After their accord had been finalized, did the Skakoan speak. "I can assure you, Lady Yvarro. The Trade Federation will enjoy all the comforts of the Commonwealth and more." a straightforward statement towards Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro , yet it held significance due to the Federation's influence on the galactic market, a single word would allow the Commonwealth access into a most lucrative exchange. The conversation came to an abrupt conclusion when the representative said her farewell and left to engage with the other individuals present at the event.

The Dark Lord returned to the main topic, leaving the pair undisturbed, to address the reason why the Viceroy had requested an audience. "It is unnecessary to state that the galaxy is undergoing a shift away from the established powers, as the Dark Empire is gaining strength and turning its attention towards the banking sectors, while the Galactic Alliance is intensifying its efforts to recapture the star systems it has lost in the core region." A brief overview of the most recent occurrences was presented, sufficient to set the stage for the upcoming discussion. The Trade Federation had reached the pinnacle of its power, yet remained vigilant against the risks of stagnation and internal malfeasance.

"But I digress, we should focus on the core tenant of my patronage, The seizure of Sullust signifies a pivotal moment in our interaction with the Sith Order and by extension your power bloc. The industrial infrastructure present on the planet could greatly benefit the Federation, provided it is not mismanaged by the Sith industrialists within the Order. So the question is, Lord Carnifex. What would it take for the planetary rights to be handed over, to our careful management." The Viceroy was nothing if not a logical individual, knowing that the Trade Federation's industrial capacity would serve the Sith Order well on such a vital world as Sullust.

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Location: The ball
Objective: An evening of entertainment
Tags: Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast
Gear: in bio
Wearing: dress and gloves
It was Annika's eighteenth birthday tonight, and rather than spending it with family, or with Rayth Rayth , certain demands were placed on her to attend another Sith gala. She was never hugely into politics or all that game playing, her online following granted her more than enough people willing jump when she snapped her fingers, but apparently beyond her current rank of Knight it was so much more important. So here she was, with her lovely master, Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast ready to once again attend a Gala and rub shoulders with whomever.

She spotted a few notable faces that she knew about, some better, some worse. Dark Lords like Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex were simply impossible to miss, then he was obviously followed by the gang of sycophants and petitioners like that robotic guy who she believed might be Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr of the trade federation if her reading was correct. She liked tech, it was in her sphere of interest, if she was ever of mind to have a planet of her own like many aspired too, it would probably be one of the tech ecumonopoli.

She glanced at Eira Dyn Eira Dyn who stood in a corner giving body language not entirely dissimilar to her own when she first entered this strange world. Annika's confidence was real now, so she politely waved to the other girl offerering a friend, or perhaps and ally at the very least. Apparently one must be open to the acolytes to see how they might serve, but Annika just liked having people around her.

"Might I say Lady Pentoghast, you look slamming tonight!" she said to the other woman who walked alongside her. She had a lot of respect for her master both as a sorceress but also as a woman who embraced her looks in a way that Annika always tried too.





The fact he didn't seem to know many of these people didn't stop Tertius though, even though the man had given him the chills, he did know from careful sources that Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex was not some lowlife sith with ideas of grandeur, made even clearer through observation when it looked like the Viceroy of the trade federation Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr acted like a slave to a master, seemingly begging for the scraps on the table. It made the Marquis wonder if his guess had been right and that the Archduke on Geonosis was the real power behind the Federation rather than that seemingly meek Viceroy.

As his eyes slowly turned their gaze, a faint smile appeared upon Tertius' face, with a woman dressed in a Lilac dress passing the group of people he had been keeping his eyes on the entire time. Taking a sip from the beverage he had been offered, feeling the alcohol and bubbles tickle and entice the back of his throat, the Marquis decided it best to actually introduce himself to at least someone who could potentially be of any worth within his own corporate game. Sure, he could've tried to address the viceroy, but considering he had only recently started up the negotiations with the Trade Federation, he decided to let the man have his...moments of meekness with someone else and instead turn his own attention unto the aforementioned woman in the Lilac dress; Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

"Lady Raaf, I pressume?"Calmly approaching the woman, Tertius made a courtesy bow towards her, crossing his legs and with a straight back lowering his upper half a slight bit without losing the eye contact he initiated. With that same elegance and subdued vigor, the Marquis raised back to his full height, raising his glass gently upwards with the corners of his lips curling up into a somewhat faint, yet cautious smile. "It is nice to see a face I am more familiar with on this occassion. My apologies, where are my manners...My name is Nargath, Marquis Tertius Nargath... of Nargath and Zanareth UC... I had hoped we could either have some conversation regarding certain... proposals I would like to go over or perhaps we could schedule a time and date for a proper meeting while we continue to simply enjoy the festivities?"


: The ball
: An evening of entertainment
: dress

Astrid strolled into the grand atrium along side annika she decided to bring her for her birthday. "I am sorry if you had plans with Rayth Rayth for your birthday if you did ill make it up to both of you if you did maybe a dinner by sunset at a five star restaurant on a planet of your choice" she said to annika. As the two sith sorceress walked together she noticed Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and waved to Eira Dyn Eira Dyn as they walked together "your the one drawing all the gazes in that dress with your beauty" Astrid stated.

She noticed the group of sycophants and petitioners following carnifex she wanted to know how he dealt with such people she would hate it. She could only imagine how he felt she noticed male gazes on her looking at them she blew a few of them a kiss not knowing how annika would react but she was building connections that would either turn into something or nothing she wasn't sure but planted the seeds regardless.
Location: The Grand Atrium
Objective: don't fall
Tags: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Thessa's aqua-colored hair was tied back in an intricate braid. One that an elderly woman, Martha, who did the bookeeping for the Young Fliers said would be all the rage and style. Thessa was robed in a ball-gown the color of the waters back on her homeworld, Gala, its length going to the floor with a high slit on one side. Her arm entwined around Judah's. And she did find herself leaning into him as they walked.

Whales, she couldn't remember the last time she wore heels and even though they weren't high by any standard means they still felt awkward to a being who'd spent most of her life in the water. Walking sometimes still felt like a novelty.

Light eyes tracked Makai as she tried to swallow a lump of worry in her throat.

"No, I never would've imagined this," she whispered back to Judah. "In a room full of so many sith. Or any force users. After those wars on Gala and how many decades we fought against them and the rest in the squad. Don't you ever worry about Makai?"

She knew he did.

"And I feel naked without my blaster," she grumbled with a twist of her lips in a small smile up at her ex-husband. He'd always been better at these types of things than her. She preferred getting her hands dirty. Getting in a cockpit than committee meetings and social discussions. He was good at verbal sparring and she was good at actual sparring.

And it was his differences and strengths as to why she fell in love with him in the first place. That and he was a good man.

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