About to leave Tracyn to his self-destructive fate, Thurion could sense him coming from behind. Just as he was about to turn and face him, Tracyn planted the blade of his knife into Thurion's right shoulder, making him drop to his knees with a loud grunt. He breathed heavily as he listened to Tracyn's poisonous words, his left hand grabbing the hilt of the mandalorian knife sticking out his back. Focusing on the pain and to relieve him of it through slow and steady breaths, he painstakingly yet in a calm demeanor pulled out the blade. Once the entirety of it was out, he slumped to the ground in exhaustion. Part of him wished to turn around and implant this knife right into the heart of the traitor Jedi, yet his code and concious prevented him from doing so, much to his relief. Without looking back at Ordo, he got up on his feet and walked away, his hand held against the wound in his shoulder. He needed to find a safe place to see to his injuries sustained throughout the fight so far. He would not leave the area before things had settled down, however, and as soon as he'd healed up himself, he'd be out there again, amidst the chaos.
@[member="Tracyn Ordo"]
Wandering for a bit, he came upon a building which apparently had yet to fall victim to the looting and riots. No windows were broken, and he door was locked. Thurion pounded at the door, and after a few knocks it glanced open to reveal several blasters trained at him. "Please, I... I mean you... no harm." Fatigue settled in, yet he was able to note that this was a family of five, with even the children holding a blaster each. Thurion remained at the doorstep and quickly dropped to his knees in exhaustion once the door had swung open. It was obvious by then that he was not part of the rioting mob, and so the youngest of the three children ran up to him much to her parents disapproval. Thurion reached out and gently grabbed her tiny hand with his, even though it was soaked with blood from his wounds. The girl reminded him of Nina, with her stark white hair and kind appearance, although her eyes were hazel and not blue. "Hello... my name is... Heavenshield." He was breathing heavily between words, yet he did his best to remain calm in front of the children. His eyes turned to the man and the rest of the family, who all had lowered their defenses by now. "I mean you no harm... I only wish to remain here so that I may heal my wounds, good sir." The man nodded, and urged the other two of his children to help Thurion to his feet. "You're welcome to stay here, Master Jedi. We've managed to keep those maniacs out this far. Annah, go grab our first aid kit." While the woman did as he requested, the three children through combined efforts managed to get Thurion back up on his feet while the father locked the door behind them. They took him to a nearby bed, and the mother returned with the first aid kit.
Sitting in the bed, Thurion began to remove his clothing to expose his battered upper-body. While the woman pressed a bandage against his forehead to ease the bleeding, Thurion placed a hand against the wound in his shoulder where the blade had been planted and called upon the Force to aid him. Closing his eyes and focusing immensely, the open wound began to close itself to his touch, repairing any broken bones and severed sinews, as well as mending the tissue itself. As always, he would leave a scar to serve as a reminder of his past battles and encounters. Upon removing his hand, the wound was all but gone, much to the awe-inspiring surprise of the onlooking children. He did not stay for long; a panicked scream could be heard from outside, and Thurion knew he had to resume his duties. "Thank you for your hospitality, good people. But I have to move on, try to find a way to stop what's going on outside." With that, he arose from the bedside and put his clothes back on, followed by the now not-so-drenched robes of his. He stepped towards the door, and before exiting, he slipped a few credits into the palm of the youngest and gave her a pat on her head. With a grateful bow he turned around and left their home, once again greeted by the dreary weather and chaotic noises.