Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rust Belt [RR Dominion of Balmorra]

The area of space around Balmorra is one of the most industrially dense and economically prosperous regions in the galaxy. With the business savvy Nemodians and the industrial might of Balmorra this sector is quite remarkable on the galactic economic landscape. This economic strength is what brought the newly relocated Republic Remnant to this region of space, with the entire government having been picked up and moved they need a quick infusion of economic strength to ensure their continued existence in the chaotic core regions. To this end the Republic has opened negotiations with both the Balmorrans and the Nemoidians to help secure their support for the new regime.


1. On Nemodia the Republic is sending numerous diplomats and corporate interests to help secure a deal with the Nemodians, intelligence suggests that this would be a rather calm and diplomatic thread. Do whatever you will to secure the Nemodians Support.
2. On Balmorra the de jure leader of the planet has agreed to talks with the Republic, however there are numerous interests that wish to ensure Balmorra remains independent, which could cause major problems, possibly even deadly ones.

Balmorra was as polluted as it got. Instead of public parks with trees people lotered around scrapyards and industrial parks. The air was so polluted that asthma was near ubiquitous, and the air was so smoggy you could barely see 100 feet out. Those who had more sensitive respiratory tracts would probably be better off wearing respirators. The rain was so toxic people sold it as a rust remover industrially. The earth so poisoned that people swear it raises the dead. This is what tens of thousands of years of constant injury does to a world. It bleeds life dry, anyone or anything that fails to adapt dies, natural causes or not.

However it is this world that produces a sizeable portion if not most of all of the galaxies firearms and military technology. Balmorra is an absolute monster when it comes to this field, in fact its probably easier to find a gun on Balmorra than it is to find clean water. Old and defective guns are dumped in scrap heaps by the millions, just waiting for some punk kid to come and pick it up. It might be because of this that Balmorra has quite the independence streak. While the current government of Balmorra is open to coming into the Republic Remnant, many are not, mass protests broke out in the capital many of them brutally violent. It is because of this the military was called in to keep track of the negotiations, to ensure nothing went wrong.

The atmosphere in the meeting room was tense, the president and the diplomats got to work doing their job, with the rather intimidating Alyson standing in the corner with her hands behind her back, head held high. There were troops all throughout the building, ready in case of any terrorist attack. Its almost like all this preparation jinxed it, because before the meeting even got going Alyson felt a large mass of bodies entering her senses, and they certainly weren't your average protesters. Realizing what was about to happen she made a running leap for the Balmorran Leader knocking him to the ground.

"GET DOWN!" She shouted.

Just like that solid metal slugs started to fly through the windows and walls with vigorous efficiency. Quite a few were hit, both Republic and Balmorran, and she could already sense the forces breaking through the doors and engaging with the republic guard forces. This just went south before it even began. FUBAR was the military term for it. This situation was FUBAR indeed.
In the main lobby a trooper, with his assigned fireteam, nursed a cigara to pass the time. He wasn't a politician, instead choosing a more practical approach to serving the Republic. As a soldier, standing on guard with a terrifying support weapon resting just at his side.

Balmorra was incomparable to Cathar, the exchange of bountiful golden plains for industrial wastes and spires which billow noxious fumes into the what once may have been pearlescent skies left him feeling sickened. Grimacing the Corporal rummaged around his supplies, searching for a distraction to take the off of the past, perhaps some food.

As he slid to a knee the slugs began to fly, piercing wall and soldier alike, sparing him through sheer luck and timing. With a crash the main entrance burst, collapsing on itself as insurgents charged on through. The Cather lumbered behind cover, tugging his gun to him with the fragile cord that connected it to the external power pack.

Unknowingly biting down upon the cigara, the helmet-less Cathar gripped his weapon tightly before rising to a stand, taking only a second to register the situation, before releasing an unending volley of bolts through the entrance, suppressing all who sought to enter, hopefully cutting down one or two in the process.

Like a wave crashing upon a cliff-side, their advancement from this direction was halted. Nunak feathered bolts across the lobby, slowly inching towards the hallway that lead further into the building. With short head motions he gave the signal to those soldiers still standing to retreat with him. "Move, quickly! We gotta go!"

[member="Alyson Halle"]

Aeth Deschart


Space was crowded. To be completely honest, she had never agreed with the concept of moving, even if it had brought her closer to home. People looked at the Republic for help and guidance, and moving their capital and the majority of their people to the center of the galaxy, far away from where they had been located. Sure, people had mostly voted for it, but he doubted that the majority of them knew what they were voting for. She also doubted many of them would stay because of how crowded it was for them now. She didn't blame them, but it was life. You lived with the decisions that were made and learned from them.

Like now. She was sitting on the Reparate Hope in orbit around Balmorra. Expansion was important. It brought fresh blood into the fold, but always at a cost. This effort was largely diplomatic, but as she had seen over the course of her tenure, diplomacy always seemed to involve some form of combat, even though they didn't want it to. Warships were great. They provided security and peace of mind for their people on the ground, but probably also made the local's uneasy.

You had to take the good with the bad.

"Ensign, what's our status?"

"All calm on the scanners. Most are keeping their distance. We're tracking anyone that flies erratic, but so far there's been no problems."

"Good. Keep me informed."

"Yes, ma'am."

She sat back in her chair and lifted her datapad to look at. There was a lot of local chatter. She decided to skim through it and figure out what she could. It was always a good idea to be read up on the local goings on.

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
While quite a few people went for the military target Harley had chosen to be the one doing diplomatic missions with the nearby Nemodian planet, after all bankers and such were something Harley knew well along with his new role. With the relocation of the Republic he was not longer a senator, yes still the governor of Nar Hasska but no longer in his original position, as such the half Echani was now a head diplomat for the government. In addition it gave him a chance to show of one of his company products the NH-SCV-1 Class Space Yacht, sleek, stylish, affordable and actually selling quite well.

"Mr Lus we are approaching the designated meeting area, do you wish to send out a greeting before we land"? "Yes very much so, though I wonder who do you think will be meeting us"? 'Not that it would matter, Nemodians all looked and acted the same to me' . Which was kind of Ironic coming from an Echani, though at least they had some system to tell each other apart... who knew perhaps the Nemodians did, maybe how much each of them had. Bit by bit the shuttle came to land at the designated platform, a small congregation of bankers and other diplomat looking people.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra's eyes scanned over the ground and she looked to the north, her hands closing the eyes of a man she found dead alongside others. She said a few prayers for the men and breathed in, shaking her head before crossing his arms like those she had done before. She was here not with the military or the diplomatic rungs of the republic, and nor as a representative of the jedi, rather choosing to defend those that she needed to and that got caught in the middle of any fighting that was certainly going to happen between the planet's government that was accepting the Republic, and those that wished to see the Republic gone.

The three man she had cut down were out of defense for a home that was being harrassed into sending their child to fight for Balmorran freedom, a young man that now was shut in his home with his blaster rifle trained on Alexandra. She looked at him, raising a brow and shaking her head. She didn't say anything, nor ask for him to come out, instead looking for a place to bury these fighters. Her hand had already turned off her saber so now she used the force to pull at the ground and allow roots to open up the earth and create a hole large enough for the men.

It did not take her long to allow the roots to drag those men into their resting place, covering them and creating a coffin of sorts before the dirt was brought back over and packed down with the force. Three formations of roots appeared, creating a tombstone of sorts until the young man could contact those that were necessary to account for the dead.

That left her to start walking and looking for the next place to act, or the next place to simply observe what was happening this day.

William Snow

Western City Industrial District

He nodded to the man next to him and the shuffling of feet started the rubber of their combat boots having to grip to the metal framed rooftop as to prevent one of the black and navy-clad intelligence operatives from falling into the desolate scrapyards below. Agent Snow made a hand gesture over his head to signal a fireteam regroup at the edge of his rooftop. As the other men and women of his team gathered closer Will had already marked out the positions of fixations to be fitted. The small black devices penetrated a few inches into the rooftop before each agent wire their ropes through its whirring winch system. William ran the other end of his own rope through the quick release harness before putting his bag of rope against the wall and loosened his length of rope.

"Number one set." He said down the radio pressed against the front of his face. A chorus of numbers followed as the other Agents did the same before fitting respirators to their helmets and another chorus came in to confirm.

Across the street, a window lifted open to reveal another two Agents clad in the same apparel although one carried a longer rifle whilst the other a sighting device of some kind. William waited a few more moments to see the Sniper team give their own all set confirmation before ushering the team to kick their bundles of rope over the edge of the building. A signal that was to start the raid.
"Red Team moves to hold point one, blue team entry is a go."

With that, he pushed himself over the edge of the building and now sat face down towards a 50-foot drop to what would be certain death from this height. His nerves flared for a few moments before training and adrenaline had fully taken over. Will started to walk down the side of the building his S-12 Blaster carbine now clipped to his chest with the magnetic slinging system however he still saw the weapon power up as he thumbed the battery pack to increase the energy allowance of the weapon.

Red Team in position. came the words over the radio.

"10-4 Blue team is making entry, Red Team is a go for entry."

They rounded on a series of windows as the sound of blaster fire started out below. William and the other harness bound Agents pressed a square to the top of the window and sat back as it oozed a white liquid that ran the course of the window frame and eventually hardened into a putty.

"3.. 2.. 1.. Go"
Current Objective: Seek out a presence in the force ( [member="Alexandra Feanor"] )
Primary Objective: Keep the Peace
Outfit: Mereel's Padawan Armor

Even as they were flying through hyperspace during the move, Mereel had no doubts that the Remnant's movements in the Core would stir controversy among the local citizens. Bringing order and freedom to the either lawless or warlord possessed hyperlanes and communities of Wild Space was something that virtually all sane common folk could get behind, but here in the Core many planets already had deep-rooted systems of government in place. As a result, many of the Core's residents were divided on their stances when it came to interacting with the relocated Republic. Such was the case for the people of Balmorra when the Republic and the planetary leaders agreed to meet for negotiations.

Besides on the battlefront, he could hardly think of a better place for a Jedi Guardian to be given the circumstances. In fact, he had just finished breaking up a fight between two humans wearing Republic pendants and a group of surprisingly bold teenagers with force and intimidation when he felt a powerful, but somehow familiar presence in the air.

He gave a slight nod of the helmet to the two Balmorran's with the Republic pendants still standing in the alley with him. Clearing his thoughts and closing his eyes, Mereel used a combination of a force-powered jump and upper body strength to pull himself up onto the roof of a small one-story dilapidated building. From there he began tracking down the force signature by tightly packed rooftops.

Drawn to the force presence like a moth to the flame, Mereel found the Republic's Grandmaster just as she was using her ability to bury three beings under rooted dirt. He slid himself down a slanted rooftop and tucked into a force-assisted roll as he fell into the street behind Grandmaster Feanor.

He took a second to brush the dust and grime off of his jacket and pants before looking up to see where she was walking, "You know that's probably going to make it a lot harder for local security forces to clean up, right?"
The bullets flew through the wall by the hundreds, pretty much everyone in the room that wasn't wearing armor or was protected by somebody who did was filled with holes. Alyson managed to block all the bullets headed towards the Balmorran leader, her armor and some force trickery protected her more than enough. Once the bullets stopped the terrorists began the second phase of their plan, confirm the bodies. Alyson sensed the guys rapelling down the wall very clearly. With a few hand signals the guards in the room aimed towards the window while Alyson drew her sidearm and began moving the Leader out of the room. Putting him behind the next wall back, she propped herself up against the door before waiting for their guests to arrive.

Alyson pushed against the commlink in her ear, the comms traffic was already chaotic, she didn't have time to order troops around, for now she had to get the foreign leader out. The rest of the poor sods in the room weren't so lucky, pretty much every diplomat there was already dead, dozens of bullet holes weren't good for life expectancy. She heard the windows crashing in, and after a few seconds of gunfire it seemed the terrorists came our on top, useless nitwits couldn't even deal with a simple window breach.

Alyson let out a sigh and put her sidearm back in its holster. She then removed the electrum plated cylinder from her belt, waiting until the terrorists were distracted iding bodies before moving in. She ignited the blade and charged in. She was certainly at a disadvantage against automatic firepower, however speed was on her side.

There were 4 terrorists currently in the room, she decided to move from left to right, taking them out sequentially. A swift knock to the face of the first one put him out cold. The second had just barely realized what was going on when when he had a shin driven into his stomach and then a heavy fisted hit to the head put him out cold as well. The final two finally got around to aiming their guns by the time Alyson got to number 3, a swift cut along the reciever of the gun took care of that issue, with a strong punch to the face sending him to dream land. The final one was finally able to shoot a bullet, but a force push put a swift end to that, sending him careening into a nearby filing cabinet.

Troopers immediately took notice from outside and moved in to arrest the terrorist. In all the whole exchange took less than 5 seconds, that was rather slow, she certainly was getting old. Wiping the blood off her gloves she moved back to the Balmorran Leader, ready to move him out of the area, some way or another.

As the last of the surviving troops charged by the Trooper slipped into the hall and slammed the metal door shut. Blasting the controls he sprinted, as much as the armor-clad Cathar could, further into the building. He could still hear weapons fire from the conference room, trying to confirm with his CO if he should move in that direction.

Before getting a response a blast ruptured the building as a wave of bullets and bolts fluttered down an adjacent hallway, dropping low two other soldiers. Nunak released another volley of bolts, holding down the trigger to keep them at bay. The smoke and flashing lights obscured the enemy, and he knew not if his bolts connected, but once it more ensured their advance slowed to a crawl.

Taking a quick moment to survey the other two hallways he spoke into his commlink once more. "Currently engaging Separatists in the northern main hallway! Could use a few more bodies to keep 'em busy." Removing a finger from the trigger he pulled behind cover, giving the gun a few seconds pause to prevent any malfunction.

[member="Alyson Halle"]
Balmoraa had always been an interesting world.

From the toxic waste to the acid choked skies, Cedric had found the world to be something straight out of a primitive race's definition for hell, though he knew many thrived within those wastes.

The Jedi Master meandered through the Balmoraan Village with a neutral expression. He'd spent some the majority of his time on the planet negotiating with the world's masters, and was content to let the senate's official represenative's take care of the rest.

He'd enjoyed the peace of the moment until violence drew him from his own thoughts. He arrived as it ended, and caught sight of a familiar figure striding on away from the scene.

That's the Grandmaster then?

Curiosity guided the Knight of Ession over to the silver haired woman's side. "Grandmaster Feanor," his voice was like gravel, "Enjoying the scenery?" He asked, a brow raised as he gestured toward a lake flooded with so many toxins that it had turned a bright purple half a mile away.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"]
Aeshi leaned over and dropped the ship out of hyperspace and the sensors lit up with contacts. She blinked in surprise and stared down at the readouts. Whose warships were those? They weren't identifying as Balmorran. They were broadcasting some sort of code although she couldn't say for what it was. Not even magnifying on the insignia made much of a difference. She didn't recognize it. Pirates? Blockades? No, that couldn't be it. Everything was continuing as normal. Had Balmorra hired a mercenary company?

Only one way to find out. "Military fleet, this is the trader Stardust, registered out of the Suarbi System. Please identify yourself and your position in orbit here and direct me to the landing authority."

She nodded and leaned back in her chair, hand gripping the neck of a bottle of whiskey. It was still mostly full. She had been waiting for it was time for the cargo to be unloaded before drinking it. Her itinerary called her to be there for several days as new cargo was loaded as it came in. She was making a run for the Deep Core from here. Not that she was brilliant with it, but it was enough to get to some of the more difficult markets like Bastion and Tython. If this was some new sort of government interference, that would be a nuisance, but it would work out.

[member="Tylane of Isobe"]
As Abigail stepped out of the shadows and on to the 'streets', it became clear to her that most of the chaos had spread all over the place. Not necessarily through violence alone, but the city was restless, even more than it usually was.

Not seeing any use to wandering alone, she reached out through the Force, sending it out to find her master, [member="Alexandra Feanor"] . It didn't take her long to find the woman, so after a few minutes of walking Abigail saw Alex standing in the distance, together with a few others she didn't recognize.
Abigail gave Alex a friendly wave as she approached her, but then she suddenly stopped walking as images flashed in front of her eyes. She was used to it happening by now, but it was still slightly disorientating. As though enchanted, Abigail let her hand and her smile drop as she turned away from Alex's direction and walked into one of the many alleys instead.

There he was.
Yelling and preaching, just like it had shown her. The man, or whatever it was -Abigail didn't know as it wore a mask-, seemed to be speaking towards a mob of people, stirring them up. It was obvious he wasn't preaching about peace, as the mob in front of him became angrier and angrier with the minute. However, it was only when Abigail moved further towards the man that she saw what he was really doing. He wasn't just spreading anger, he was encouraging the people to fight! And to those ready to put his words into action, the man was giving guns, rather mean ones too! Whatever this guy was preaching, it was bad, very bad. The kind of bad Abigail could just leave alone, so she pulled up her hood and carefully blended in with the angry mob.

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
location Nemodia
Objective: 2
Post: 2

Harley's ship came to a comfortable stop on the steel landing pad, hisses of steam an the engines powering down ringing throughout the open area, the stuttle's back door sliding open once things settled down. Coming down the ram was the poise and smiling Echani business man, a small data pad in hand with some information he was willing to discuss with the Nemodian representatives. "Welcome Mr Lus I hope that you have had a safe travel to our planet? can never be certain with all that has gone on recently, I am surprised the Sith have let up on their blockade, such was bad for business, you under stand".

"Yes I catch your meaning, and thank you for the welcome, unfortunately not everyone has been to pleased with our return" most likely independent monarchs looking to grab power from more liberal worlds. "I am glad that your world was willing to talk talk, but then again as you said the Sith have been bad for business, I could see why you are willing to talk with the republic, such will help Nemodia recover from any financial loss".
Objective: Follow Master Grayson
Allies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Cedric Grayson"]

Giddean wore his new robes, he was not very accustomed to their feel but he none the less wore them as if they were a uniform. He was now a Jedi of the Republic, and as such he was curious as to how the Jedi would deal with the current climate of the planet. Returning from meeting with one of his old Academy Classmates who was in charge of Sector Command of this side of the planet. It would seem that a few of the inhabitants did not want the Republic here. After the Sith Assault on the ground, the locals were afraid of having another force that opposed their power. Master Grayson was right in his assessment, the Sith ruled with fear.

Walking up to the group of individuals he removed his helmet of the ancient Temple Guards, "Greetings Master," He turned to greet the other two, "Master Feanor, Padawan Vaun, I am Padawan Giddean Kuat, a pleasure to meet you." He bowed his head to great them all individually, he only paused to see as the Grandmaster was using the unhealthy roots of the planet to bury some individuals, "I have meet with my contact Master Grayson, its seems there are several disruptive organizations that are actively attempting to stop Republic Talks, all seems to be influenced by the Sith Empire, by fear or loyalty the authorities are unsure, what would you like to do Master?"
Objective 2

Avin's head pounded and he could taste the familiar metallic warmth of blood. He let his head lean up to gaze down at the rest of his body. It seemed he had mostly avoided being riddled with holes yet a dozen cuts and scratches seemed to have etched their way onto his arms and torn the outermost layer of his robe from the initial blast. He used his elbows to push himself to a sitting position against the wall and looked around at the destruction that had taken place yet he noticed he was not where he had been whenever the explosion had knocked him out.

A buzz and a hiss came from his earpiece and added to an already aching head. After a few claps from his left hand, the message from the Corporal (@Nunak) became readable in its call for help. Avin took a moment to figure out his own location. He was likely a floor up from the northern corridor yet he was still in the eastern wing where until moments ago he was enjoying tea with some local business dealers talking over a few of their inquiries into the Jedi order. They had seemed fascinated with his ability to slightly levitate small objects and he was following orders to entertain and schmooze any and everybody in here.

Avin had sat for no moment more when a group of two militant looking gunmen rounded a corner to his left their guns raised. They had taken no more than two steps before he had reached out to the force and splayed his palm spread against the air focusing on sending a concussive wave of energy their way. The terrorists or whatever the attackers may have seemed as if they had been tackled by an invisible wrestler and thrown back against the wall. One man had pulled the trigger of his rifle as he flew and sent a spray of slugs through the wall and ceiling leaving another spray of wooden splinters and plasterboard to go flying into the air. The connection with the wall gave an audible thump before the men crumbled to the floor. Avin reached down to his belt and grasped his weapon, a steel cylinder of gleaming silver. He thumbed the topmost switch and a flash of dashing blue light erupted from its uppermost port to illuminate his immediate surroundings with a bright blue glow.

The Jedi set off down the corridor towards the trooper's call for help having to ignore multiple civilians including the businessmen of earlier that lay still on the floor he felt out to them with his senses and yet felt no glow of life return. He knew his job now would be to save any of the survivors and more importantly those still under fire.

He rounded another corner into another slightly wider walkway this one less scarred by battle damage but for a few paintings and broken glasses fallen from explosions elsewhere in the building. Avin had walked no more than two meters down when the door at the end of the walkway opened to reveal a group of four gunmen leaving a room, their weapons still smoking from recently being fired. Their reactions were swift in the raising and unleashing of a volley of projectiles down range towards the Jedi Knight. They were quick indeed for militants yet Avin had trained for years and he also had the force on his side. His mind flashed a vision to him of where the shots would land and his body and arms were already moving to turn the projectiles into molten metal or dodging out of the way. As the second burst of automatic fire came his way the Jedi lifted his hand and let his eyes close to focus. He tried to envision each bullet as it barreled through the air towards him and as they closed he pushed back against their velocity bringing them to a stop in front of him and as his eyes opened he watched the clatter of metal fall onto the carpeted walkway below.

The men seemed to be reloading their weapons for another volley when Avin went forth. He charged down the hallway for another five meters before pushing off, again using the force, to launch himself towards the men at the doorway. One had tried to go back in but was too late as the flash of blue caught the back of his arm before flashing once more in an arc through the other three men two caught in the back the third having his lower leg severed and falling to the ground with a shriek of pain as his wounded flesh cauterized and sealed from bleeding. The others seemed to squirm in pain as Avin Starfire threw the rest of their weapons back the way he had come and continued through the upper level.

Avin tapped his Commlink and spoke through as clearly as he could with the damaged piece of tech.

"Troopers I am on my way to your location hold out for another two mikes."
This situation just kept getting better. Alyson decided to counterintuitevly make her way towards the gunfire. Normally this was considered a bad idea, but in this case, it was probably the only thing she could do. Gunfire meant that there were living friendly forces there, and the closer this president was to friendly forces, the safer he was. Stepping outside was asking to get riddled with holes, they were going to need outside support to get out, for now they would just need to survive until then.

Alyson kept the Balmorran leader close as she pressed in her comm link, she needed to get info ASAP.

"This is General Halle to CENTCOM I need a sitrep and an ETA on proper EVAC. Balmorran leader is secured for now but situation is deterorating quickly."

"This is CENTCOM ETA on exfil is indeterminate we are currently attempting to assess the situation, you will need to hold out, ETA on full sitrep is 45 minutes."

"Roger, General Halle out."

Damn it all, 45 minutes was 45 minutes that this could continue to deteriorate for now she just needed to keep as many people alive as possible. The more warm bodies she had the longer she could keep a bullet from flying into the only one here that mattered. An independent Balmorra would cause more deaths than anyone could even begin to comprehend.

The call from the corporal came in on the local channel, it seemed like a good enough opportunity to make a quick change. They were on the other side of the hallway from the Separtists, they could pincer em between heavy firepower and a Jedi. That was certainly something worth going for.

Upon getting nearby she heard the heavy blaster fire, crazy bastard was using a gatling blaster, he was either crazy or a wookie, she couldn't tell which.

"This is General Halle, moving in behind the separtists, watch your fire corporal."

Thus she got to work. First she shoved the leader into a side room, using her senses to ensure it was safe. Next she used the force to launch herself forward at the separtist backlines. She was able to knock one out right out, and she wasn't even started yet. Before any of them even realized what had happened she had already launched a knee into one guys ribcage, blood spitting out of his mouth.

This was going to be fun, especially since another contender was on his way, they should have this wrapped up very soon. Very soon indeed.

[member="Avin Starfire"] [member="Nunak"]
As he received both messages the corporal lowered his massive weapon to the side, not willing to risk harming a friendly or an important official, instead drawing a hefty blaster pistol bringing it to bear. "Affirmative General," came a concise response, keeping the weapon trained as the smoke began to dissipate. Suddenly one far above him in rank engaged the separatists. With trained reactions he pulled the trigger, releasing three bolts in quick succession into the confused ranks.

Steadying his aim once more the soldier advanced from cover to cover, firing stray shots into the gathered before nestling himself behind a collapsed column, once more activating his commlink. "Glad you came when you did. The lobby is in ruins, was able to get a few out before I shot the door up. If they have a slicer they might spike it open from their side." Beyond the exchange of bolts, the Cathar kept his head on a swivel, searching for the first to respond to his call for help, making sure his heavy blaster was close.

[member="Alyson Halle"] | [member="Avin Starfire"]
[member="Alyson Halle"] [member="Nunak"]

Location: Outside the Gov HQ
Objective: Provide Covering Fire

The Voss Confederacy was over. Snuffed out by the forces of darkness, but alas most of their troopers had rallied under Colap, creating the 3rd Republic Marines. Based aboard the VCS Angel and hungry for war. Hungry to take it to the darkness.

But today found him and his Marine contingent in different circumstances. After being appointed by Republic Congress to Captain, he was no longer a General, yet thier respect remained deep for him. He was on ground with [member="Nunak"] and [member="Alyson Halle"] when the shooting had started. What was a simple negotiation had now become an all out war. While they handled things inside, the streets began to crawl with the interests which opposed the Republics homecoming.

Whether by Sith design or otherwise he could not tell, but one thing was for certain. Across the assassins breasts they were marked, Dark Star Security Corp.

Which meant it was more industrial in nature than darkside.

He was on was on the front lines, clad in his silver pockmarked armor with his XO when the chit hit the fan.

And their company of men was conducting security for the Government building that folks were in.

"Sir incoming!"

"Verse be damned, man your stations men!" He roared above the din. He leveled his rifle over debris which had been quickly and silently converted into a fighting positions. What had been diplomacy had gone bad, and now they found themselves toe to toe with some fierce merc forces.

"Delta platoon set heavy weapons! Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, man your stations! Push them back!"

Alas outside a street foght, grew into a full scale conflict. He splashed a couple dozen rounds downrange with his slug-thrower repeater, and then jammed the mag release. His mag fell to the dirt, and he reloaded, ramming a fresh load of rounds home into the lower receiver.

"Hold the line men! For the Republic!"

And the firefight raged on!

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Interacting with : [member="Giddean Kuat"] [member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Mereel Vaun"]

As each arrived and commented on things, Alexandra just smiled and waited for the, to finish. This was interesting to her and had to admit that things on the planet were going rather poorly. She knew that there would be little to do past what she had when it came to the men she dealt with, but now her eyes turned on the three who had assembled.

Cedric was an interesting one to be sure. She had met Mereel before and knew him well, and the new apprentice her eyes found jumped to a conclusion she was not quite sure about herself. Her arm hurt from Commoner still from the battle with a Sith there, but this was not their trademark. They enjoyed chaos, but the Sith Empire preferred a far more intimate approach. It gave her pause and made her think on the matter for a few moments while the others gathered.

"I would be hesitant to lay blame on the Sith Empire itself, this doesn't smell of their stench. And please, while i appreciate the title, its just Alexandra..." She was the Grandmaster, but she was their teacher first, not their leader, and as far as Cedric goes, she saw him as an equal.

"I suggest that we see what is going on for ourselves at the homes of these people who remain on Balmorra. Like I was here.... though hopefully with less bloodshed involved from this point on?" She waited for their response before turning and nodding with her head to the path she had intended to go down before. She was not sure if they would agree with her analysis, but if they did not she did not fault them.

Everything seemed to be touched by the Sith these days, so much so that it was rather disheartening.
In Orbit

A small fleet surrounded the dark-side of the planet. Aboard a few rogue elements of what once was the Nemoidian Confederation. Now they had teamed with Dark Star Security Corp. and they were fething it all up.

"Commander, dispatch our Droideka armies to the surface. The Republic Scum must not gain a foothold here."

It would be very disruptive to their finances, and that was simply a no go for the Admiral. Also CEO

"Bring us around and face their fleet. We'll scorch them and leave them no escape."

"Do you think that the Republic will call reinforcements m'lord?"

"No... and if they do...."

He left it at that. Twin Lucrehulk cruisers rounded the darkside into the light, using the planets gravity well to accelerate to weapons range. Flanked by their escorts, three smaller Frigates bristling with guns.

"Release fighters!"

Vulture droids swarmed into space, and reinforcement pods streaked down to the planet surface....

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