Alyson Halle
Supreme Gentlewoman
The area of space around Balmorra is one of the most industrially dense and economically prosperous regions in the galaxy. With the business savvy Nemodians and the industrial might of Balmorra this sector is quite remarkable on the galactic economic landscape. This economic strength is what brought the newly relocated Republic Remnant to this region of space, with the entire government having been picked up and moved they need a quick infusion of economic strength to ensure their continued existence in the chaotic core regions. To this end the Republic has opened negotiations with both the Balmorrans and the Nemoidians to help secure their support for the new regime.
1. On Nemodia the Republic is sending numerous diplomats and corporate interests to help secure a deal with the Nemodians, intelligence suggests that this would be a rather calm and diplomatic thread. Do whatever you will to secure the Nemodians Support.
2. On Balmorra the de jure leader of the planet has agreed to talks with the Republic, however there are numerous interests that wish to ensure Balmorra remains independent, which could cause major problems, possibly even deadly ones.
Balmorra was as polluted as it got. Instead of public parks with trees people lotered around scrapyards and industrial parks. The air was so polluted that asthma was near ubiquitous, and the air was so smoggy you could barely see 100 feet out. Those who had more sensitive respiratory tracts would probably be better off wearing respirators. The rain was so toxic people sold it as a rust remover industrially. The earth so poisoned that people swear it raises the dead. This is what tens of thousands of years of constant injury does to a world. It bleeds life dry, anyone or anything that fails to adapt dies, natural causes or not.
However it is this world that produces a sizeable portion if not most of all of the galaxies firearms and military technology. Balmorra is an absolute monster when it comes to this field, in fact its probably easier to find a gun on Balmorra than it is to find clean water. Old and defective guns are dumped in scrap heaps by the millions, just waiting for some punk kid to come and pick it up. It might be because of this that Balmorra has quite the independence streak. While the current government of Balmorra is open to coming into the Republic Remnant, many are not, mass protests broke out in the capital many of them brutally violent. It is because of this the military was called in to keep track of the negotiations, to ensure nothing went wrong.
The atmosphere in the meeting room was tense, the president and the diplomats got to work doing their job, with the rather intimidating Alyson standing in the corner with her hands behind her back, head held high. There were troops all throughout the building, ready in case of any terrorist attack. Its almost like all this preparation jinxed it, because before the meeting even got going Alyson felt a large mass of bodies entering her senses, and they certainly weren't your average protesters. Realizing what was about to happen she made a running leap for the Balmorran Leader knocking him to the ground.
"GET DOWN!" She shouted.
Just like that solid metal slugs started to fly through the windows and walls with vigorous efficiency. Quite a few were hit, both Republic and Balmorran, and she could already sense the forces breaking through the doors and engaging with the republic guard forces. This just went south before it even began. FUBAR was the military term for it. This situation was FUBAR indeed.
1. On Nemodia the Republic is sending numerous diplomats and corporate interests to help secure a deal with the Nemodians, intelligence suggests that this would be a rather calm and diplomatic thread. Do whatever you will to secure the Nemodians Support.
2. On Balmorra the de jure leader of the planet has agreed to talks with the Republic, however there are numerous interests that wish to ensure Balmorra remains independent, which could cause major problems, possibly even deadly ones.
Balmorra was as polluted as it got. Instead of public parks with trees people lotered around scrapyards and industrial parks. The air was so polluted that asthma was near ubiquitous, and the air was so smoggy you could barely see 100 feet out. Those who had more sensitive respiratory tracts would probably be better off wearing respirators. The rain was so toxic people sold it as a rust remover industrially. The earth so poisoned that people swear it raises the dead. This is what tens of thousands of years of constant injury does to a world. It bleeds life dry, anyone or anything that fails to adapt dies, natural causes or not.
However it is this world that produces a sizeable portion if not most of all of the galaxies firearms and military technology. Balmorra is an absolute monster when it comes to this field, in fact its probably easier to find a gun on Balmorra than it is to find clean water. Old and defective guns are dumped in scrap heaps by the millions, just waiting for some punk kid to come and pick it up. It might be because of this that Balmorra has quite the independence streak. While the current government of Balmorra is open to coming into the Republic Remnant, many are not, mass protests broke out in the capital many of them brutally violent. It is because of this the military was called in to keep track of the negotiations, to ensure nothing went wrong.
The atmosphere in the meeting room was tense, the president and the diplomats got to work doing their job, with the rather intimidating Alyson standing in the corner with her hands behind her back, head held high. There were troops all throughout the building, ready in case of any terrorist attack. Its almost like all this preparation jinxed it, because before the meeting even got going Alyson felt a large mass of bodies entering her senses, and they certainly weren't your average protesters. Realizing what was about to happen she made a running leap for the Balmorran Leader knocking him to the ground.
"GET DOWN!" She shouted.
Just like that solid metal slugs started to fly through the windows and walls with vigorous efficiency. Quite a few were hit, both Republic and Balmorran, and she could already sense the forces breaking through the doors and engaging with the republic guard forces. This just went south before it even began. FUBAR was the military term for it. This situation was FUBAR indeed.