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Auction Rusty's Custom Arms and Armament Auction: Love and Kindness


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Alright, so I've gone through and picked out my favorites, and that's easier said than done. There was a lot of good material to work with here. If you're mentioned below, you get a free LCR-series revolver in the trim and caliber of your choice. I'll announce the overall winner at the bottom.
Heron Graile said:
[member="Talaya Rade"]

Hey Silver Spoon, you don't need three words to let folks know you're white.

Entry #1
[member="Heron Graile"]

Emka Imani said:
*shouts something about Oya Oya Beskar on his left side*
[member="Kal Ordo"]

[member="Emka Imani"]

Kal Ordo said:
[member="Talaya Rade"]

I couldn't hear you over your screaming self-importance. Say it again slowly and maybe I can piece it together.

[member="Kal Ordo"]

Velok the Younger said:

Big words from a man whose greatest achievement was a seven-on-one one of the seven. A true hero of Omega.
[member="Velok the Younger"]

Mishel Noren said:
Post #3

[member="Robogeber"] R-2-D-Please don't every time you try to spit a roast you end up getting splash back, now take a bow before you choke on your ambition.

P.S. Graf's still the better Admiral.
[member="Mishel Noren"]

Talaya Rade said:



#4, [member="Robogeber"]​
[member="Talaya Rade"]

Kaine Australis said:
[member="Ignis Imura"] He's a movie trope? People who are literally Edward from Twilight shouldn't throw stones.
[member="Kaine Australis"]

Olom Grihk said:
[member="Kaine Australis"]

Produce section? I may look like a rotten vegetable, but at least I can out-think one. Go back to pillaging bottles of Lum--best you stick to prey that is your intellectual equal, oh mighty Mandalore 37 out of 200.
[member="Olom Grihk"]

Y'all didn't make this easy. Well, most of you didn't. There were a couple that were maybe trying a bit too hard. Word to the wise: if it takes you so long to type out your insult that three people beat you to the punch, maybe you're overthinking it. Also, I think next time I'm going to change up the criteria a bit. Choosing one individual burn over overall performance seems like a mistake in hindsight, as did the limit for entries. Several of you didn't get your best roasts in until after you'd burned up your five.

Food for thought, I guess.

Anyway, after careful consideration of jokes, the winner is:

Jorus Merrill said:
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]

Hardened criminal? Kid, the only felony on your rap sheet is that wardrobe. Can't swipe a mark if you're too busy swiping right.

Post #2
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Honestly, without the five bid limit, that would have probably changed, but it was a zinger and the best anyone got in in under five. Congratulations, and enjoy your shiny new doom weapons.

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