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Korr, Ryan
<\Accessing Archive Record - Ryan Korr. Now processing.
FACTION: Galactic Republic
RANK: Jedi Master
SPECIES: Vahla-Human
AGE: Born 819ABY (55)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 213lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Dark Red
SKIN: Pale
Ryan Korr is a stubborn man, an unyielding rock amidst life's storm. In his youth, he struggled with anger and resentment toward a seemingly heartless Council. Now, his struggle is pursuing the Jedi way. Many ridicule him for his stern adherence to the code. Others decry him as bigoted or overly judgmental. These hostile sentiments often leave Ryan feeling lost, stumbling forward, trying to find what is right and just. He hates the dark side, yet feels pity for the dark sider.
Even so, Korr is determined to not let dark siders infect the minds of those with the Order, especially the younglings and padawans. Too often he has seen their effects take hold and drive promising students down a tragic path. Those who seek to sow such corruption earn the full weight of Ryan's ire.
However, when dark siders who have committed terrible acts come to the Order truly seeking redemption - and not another title to tack onto their list - Korr is receptive. He believes that actions should have consequences and that the Force will bring balance, one way or another.
- Vertical scar under his right eye from a lightsaber.
- A series of claw-like scars wrap around his upper arms and chest from the Vong Embrace of Pain.
- Upraised scar that starts from his right shoulder and slants down diagonally across his chest from a sword.
- Two oval-shaped burn scars on his upper abdomen from Force Lightning.
- Two lightsaber burn scars on his back, one on the right shoulder and the other just a few inches above the kidney.
- Five marks on his stomach, where Matsu Xiangu's talons skewered him.
- Three lines across the chest from a Trandoshan's claws.
Marcello Matteo - Mentor, Master, Friend
"Marcello and I are both carved from stone, but he's solid marble the whole way through."
Quinn Vos - Enemy, Rival, Love
"Stained with perspiration and caked in dirt, a sense of sincerity and passion poured from her like the rays of a sun, sometimes to illumine and others to burn. She was a warrior; proud, vibrant and as untamed as a tempest... And to him? As stunning as a feathered shaft through the heart."
Darth Odium, Ket Vistas - Nemesis, Adversary, Foe
"Numb, horrified words slipped his lips, "Ket?" Comprehension dawned, followed swiftly by a second wave of befuddlement. No, no, it didn't make sense. This Ket Vistas burned with an aphotic power of the Dark Side, a pale mirror image of the vast, ancient hatred of Korriban."
- [The Paladin]
- [Knight in Sour Armor]
- [Aggressive Categorism]
- [Believing Their Own Lies]
- [Can't Take Criticism]
- [Chronic Hero Syndrome]
- [Condescending Compassion]
- [Guilt Complex]
- [Married to the Job]
- [The Resenter]
- [Rightly Self-Righteous]
- [What You Are in the Dark]
- [You Need to Get Laid]
Control -
- Curato Salva
- Tutaminis/Force Absorb
- Detoxify Poison
- Force Body
- Force Speed
- Force Leap
- Breath Control
- Tactus Otium
- Projected Telepathy
- Force Sense
- Force Sight/Shadow Vision
- Force Resistance
- Truth-Sense
- Mind Trick
- Force Blinding
- Force Push/Pull
- Force Protection
Shien / Djem So
Niman / Jar'kai
Korr grew up in the Jedi Order and barely remembers his parents.
Once, on a mission for the Order, he was caught by Yuuzhan Vong and tortured, leaving him with scars on his back from the Embrace of Pain.
During the battle of Ossus, Korr's padawan group was abandoned by the Jedi Master assigned to them. Ryan was the only one to survive the ensuing bloodbath.
A Jedi Padawan
Master Marcello Matteo took on the unruly youth as his student and trained him well in the ways of the Force. They shared a mutual view in regard to the Council. Korr fought alongside Matteo in a number of engagements.
The arrival of the One Sith dispelled the Republic's premature sense of victory. Korr witnessed the destruction of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. A Sith nearly killed him while he futilely attempted to defend the rubble, stabbing Ryan through the back with a pair of sabers. Korr survived the battle, but remembers how the Silver Jedi who pledged to defend their allies fled from the battle when the Republic needed them most.
After Coruscant, Korr fought in battle after battle, constantly losing to the superior might of the Sith. He made friends along the way, including the likes of Zaren Bouqi. He lost many more. He met Kiskla Grayson, Grandmaster of the Order, on a number of occasions; their continued encounters due more to her love affair with Marcello than any merit on Korr's part.
On a mission to Korriban with Ashin Varanin, Korr encountered a mysterious Kiffar by the name of Quinn Vos. She in turn pursued a Nautolan familiar to Korr. One of his padawan classmates, Ket Vistas, who now went by the name of Darth Odium. Odium escaped to fight another day.
Diana Moridena, once a beacon of light, fell to the Sith. Kaine Zambrano captured Kiskla Grayson, who all presumed dead or as good as dead. Jedi Sardun turned to the dark. Marcello Matteo nearly fell, attacking Korr and leaving scars on the youth from bolts of lightning. Hope seemed a tiny glimmer in the dark. One breath could snuff it out.
Jedi Knight
Korr's promotion came near a regime change. Corvus Raaf soon became Grandmaster.
Ryan served in many engagements and oversaw number of arrests, including those of Ket Van Derveld, Jedi Viper, and Alen Na'varro.
After tracking down the woman known as Quinn Vos on Fresia, he managed to catch her. Instead of turning her in, however, he helped her escape due in large part to his infatuation.
During the height of the war against the One Sith, Korr and Vos led a strike into the heart of Prakith to attack Darth Isolda's citadel. They joined forces with Jaxton Ravos and made it into the inner sanctum. In the ensuing conflict, Korr first took on Darth Shara, then the Hound of Vahl and Ravos held off dozens of Handmaidens and Yuuzhan Vong slayers, while Quinn battled Isolda. The violence of their combat eventually brought the sanctum crumbling down. The trio escaped, believing Isolda severely wounded, if not dead.
Around this time, Korr attempted to reach out to the Silver Jedi and bring them back into the fold, with limited success.
Eventually, Corvus appointed Ryan to the newly reformed Jedi Council.
Jedi Master
Korr served on the Council for a time and fought again and again in battles against the One Sith. Eventually, however, the Republic became a hollow shell of its former self. Tyrants seized power and committed horrible things in the name of the Republic. The Order first separated itself from the Republic, then condemned the actions.
One day, Korr awoke and Grandmaster Raaf had disappeared. The Council voted him into the position and he held it long enough to condemn the Republic's latest war crimes and urge the Jedi who remained with the Order to rejoin the fight against the Sith with the Galactic Alliance. He vacated his position as Grandmaster shortly thereafter and joined the Alliance, where he was reunited with his former Master, Marcello Matteo. In the ranks of the New Jedi order, he and other "militaristic" Jedi managed to finally stamp out the One Sith in the Alliance's last push to take Coruscant.
Ryan used the following years of peace to pursue inward reflection and take a step back from the battlefield. He had difficulty finding his purpose now that the enemy he'd been fighting against since he was 18 were finally naught but dust, scattered to the corners of the galaxy. Korr went from planet to planet within the Alliance, investigating high-profile crimes. Often he wondered if, secretly, he hoped there was a Sith behind the violence, or theft, but such hopes proved false.
In time, another threat arose: the First Order. A new kind of enemy. These were not Sith, but their Knights of Ren still carried the taint of the Dark Side. Korr fought in a few battles, primarily flying air support, until that threat also ended - if only for the moment.
Now Korr watches the threat of the Sith Empire arise right on the Silver Jedi's doorstep and is haunted by a feeling of guilt for his hatred of the Silver Jedi. Often he wished to see them suffer, when they stood idly by while the Republic burned. Now his wish is coming true. It weighs on him heavily.
- Coruscant (One Sith vs Republic)
- Carida (One Sith vs Republic)
- Empress Teta (Republic vs One Sith)
- Alderaan (Republic vs One Sith)
- Kashyyyk (One Sith vs Republic)
- Prakith (Republic vs One Sith)
- Telti (OS vs Republic): Korr fights against the Sith in the corridors of a station during the invasion of Telti. He is wounded nigh unto death by a Sith, Matsu Xiangu.
- Ord Mirit (Republic vs OS: Korr leads Sable Squadron in space over Ord Mirit.
- Roche (Mandalorians vs Republic)
- Money (One Sith/Black Suns vs Republic)
- The Graug Rebellion
- Operation Flood
- Legacy of Krayt (Jedi Order vs One Sith/Sith Brotherhood)
- Cor Odium
- Mission to Fresia
- This Crude Matter
- Black Heart
- Scouting the ACA
- The Punishment Due
- Ruusan (Mandalorians vs Republic)
- Ruusan (Odium vs Braith)
- Diana Moridena's Memorial
- Great Jedi Convocation
- Sworn to Valor
- Whirlwind (Jedi Council)
- Council Business (Lords of the Fringe negotiations)
- Unto the Green Pastures (recruiting)
- Black Heart
- Dominion of Attahox
- Council Meeting: Split From Republic Discussion
- Fate of Darth Strider
- Emergency Session: High Council Meeting: Korr brings Dragonsflame's illicit affair to the attention of the High Council under Corvus Raaf. Promises are made. Nothing is done.
- High Council on Alen Na'varro
- High Council on Taeli Raaf
- High Council Meeting
- The Inquisitor: Korr encounters a Dark Sider on temple grounds, reprimands a Padawan and frowns at Mak Manto.
- Saving Thanewulf
- High Council: Two more members join the High Council.
- High Council renders judgement on Viper
- The Reckoning: Lasedri clones assault the Jedi Enclave on Chazwa.
- Galactic Republic on Manaan
- The Decline and Fall of the Republic
- Hunting the Eye
- Fiat Justitia, Ruat Caelum
- Stretching My Legs: Korr transfers to the Galactic Alliance, New Jedi Order. Leaving the Republic for good.
- Emergence of the Light (Jedi Gathering on Sullust)
- To Be a Paragon (training)
- Paths of Peace and Passion (training)
- Unfading Scars
- Rest When You're Dead: Training under Marcello
- Memories
- Strike on Ord Mirit
- Slow Fade
- Hear No Evil
- Into the Unknown
- Guardians (training)
- The Untempered (training)
- Trust: Korr and Quinn stop at a deserted refueling station.
- A Rekindling
- The Arrival
- Jack of All Trades
- Callouse
- Lunch: Korr has lunch with Avalore.
- Unlearn What You Have Learned - Group Training
- Break Before Resetting the Bone - Group Training
- Life Goes On
- Assigned Reading: Korr attempts to teach an unruly Morgana Forceborn.
- Protective Posture: Korr oversees Alen Na'varro as he conducts group training.
- To See or Not to See: Group Training with Quorl.
- Austere Minds: Korr and Thanewulf have a conversation.
- Kings and Queens of Bedlam: Quinn and Korr meet again.
- Resolution: Korr builds new lightsabers.
- Auction of Darth Odium
- In Absentia: Korr meets with Corvus Raaf.
- Embers in Our Bloodlines: On Arkania, lunch with Avalore turns deadly when Lasedri's Spaarti capture the pair of Jedi.
- Not About Angels: Korr is captured by notorious bounty hunter Skye Mertaal.
- Continuation of a Legacy: Korr begins training Isar Kislo.
- The Return: Ryan Korr discovers Joshua Dragonsflame's illicit affair with the darksider Nimue Stormson.
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