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Saber or the Force (Matsu Ike)

[member="Matsu Ike"]

As Spencer entered the cave the colours of all the crystal took over Spencer's body. It was an amazing feel to be in the presence of such powerful crystals. "Let the crystal guide me to it. Got it." He replied to Master Ike has he used the force to sense for anything, anything that would draw him in. He kept walking through the cave not yet being pulled by anything. He made his way up to a crystal arrangement. Maybe this one is calling my name. He though to himself as he reached down to touch it. As he made contact with the crystal there was nothing, he felt nothing. It obviously wasn't the one for him. He continued looking through out the cave his hopes of finding the one diminishing with every step. Before something caught his attention. Over in the corner, a small shimmer of light caught Spencer's eyes. As he made his way towards it he could feel the energy radiating from it. It was the one. "Master Ike, I think I found it." He called, beckoning the Master to come over and see the jade blue crystal he had found.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Spencer Olin"]

Matsu was looking at the padawan as she was going, the crystal chunk going into her pocket as she had a small look on her face listening to him. He was at first it seemed approaching it most did find a mound and try to take a crystal... Sometimes depending on the type of crystals were dependent on where they were. Kyber was easier to find but they were also for lack of a better term dicks... The force would screw with you. She found that interesting before she was moving with her attention on the glove as she was inlaiding the crystal letting the padawan find himself. Then he spoke and she looked up the attention going to him while she moved forward with a small smile on her face. "Very good, now if you wish to create it here we can train in the woods easier with your saber padawan or we can wait for later."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

With the excitement of finding the crystal and now having all the components to create his lightsaber the words coming from Master Ike's lips were like music to his ears. "I would to create it now if I can. Getting use to it as soon as possible would be best thing." He replied gathering up the lightsaber crystal in his hand. Spencer now had everything he needed to create his own lightsaber. "I think I am ready to make it. Whats next?" He asked Master Ike, he was new to the whole idea and was looking for a quick walk through of how things were going to go.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Spencer Olin"]

Matsu looked at him and she gave a small nod. "Very well then take your time and work on it. We have noting but time." She was moving to find a place to sit down in the cave and meditate while he worked with a small smirk on her face. the glove in her hand and the crystal coming back out while she was working on it and slowly brought a little energy out to observe from the reflection the world going deeper into the mountains while she was able to observe many of the things they had going throughout the planet. She had more then enough time and deeper in the forest she could see a place they hadn't been searching yet. Teaching the skills to the padawan while giving him a chance to see and learn much of the force.... Perfect.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Master Ike stepped away from Spencer allowing him time and space to create his lightsaber. Placing the crystal, the hilt and the trap studs. He sat on the floor crossing his legs as he focused on the force and begun meditating. He closed his eyes and used the force to feel the objects in front of him. His mind would be better at fluidly moving all the components into the correct place without incident.

As Spencer focused on the hilt it began to lift into the air, spinning and swirling at will. Using the force he de-constructed the hilt in order to place the crystal into the chamber. When the entrance to the crystal chamber was clear he levelled out the lightsaber thus focusing on the crystal in front of him. It lifted into the air spinning as it rushed against the still air. It was important for Spencer to make sure the crystal fit in just right allowing a snug fit. As he brought the crystal closer to the open hilt the focus became stronger and the crystal stopped spinning and moved exactly how Spencer wanted. He slowly dropped the crystal into the hilt with a small cluck as it hit the metal. Spencer then reconstructed the lightsaber again around the crystal. Adding the trap studs and setting up the disarm code using the force the lightsaber was ready.

Moving the lightsaber infront of Spencers face he opened his eyes and gripped the blade, first unlocking it of course. He stood up looking at the piece of art he just created for himself, with a lot of help from Master Ike of course. As he ignited the blade the long jade blue blade shot up into the air with a small sizzle. "Look Master it works." He shouted across the cave.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Spencer Olin"]

She was meditating and observing the ruined tomb that was there in the woods, a small smirk on her face before she was looking up when she felt it. Her attention falling back to the padawan as he stirred and offered a nod of her head when he activated the saber with it working. Her attention was on him as she moved getting up with her hands brushing off her chestbefore she was moving forward. The one saber slipping out of her sleeve with the polished silver hilt engraved as she brought it up and activated with a snap hiss the midnight blue blade coming up as she spoke. "You have done well and now you will be ready, make sure your power adjustor works so you can make it like a training blade or a stronger burn."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

As Master Ike recognised his achievement she begun making her way over to the young Padawan as she dropped her own lightsaber hilt into her hands from being concealed within her sleeve. Igniting her blade the midnight blue light shone from the blade. It was a beautiful sight. Listening to Master Ike's words he adjusted the power and dialled the power down to a training saber level. He gently rested the blade against his opposite arm, checking to make sure that it had reduced power as it should have. "Ah yep, the power adjuster is working." He replied dialling it back up before extinguishing the blade and replacing his current training blade with his newly formed blade.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Spencer Olin"]

She let her blade go away while walking and through the crystal caves until they weere at another entrance coming out into the woods. Her eyes shifting and roving over the area before attention went to everythign else there. She had a destination in her mind but moving there on her own wasn't the way before they were going up higher into the mountain area able to see the edge of the temple in the distance. "This should do nicely." Her attention was on the sections of the world looking out over the mountain and flat area they could train.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Walking with Master Ike to the training area up in the mountains the view was quite amazing. They could see the edge of the temple from up there. The wind blew through him, taking his short hair for a short but crazy ride. Spencer wasn't sure what was on the cards for training with his new saber. But he was excited. "Master what exactly are we training?" He asked waiting to hear a response to the location of their training.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Spencer Olin"]

There was a look at him while she stood there with a grin on her face though. "We are going to work on your skills for your new saber. I want you to be able to bring it back to your hands from near anywhere and be able to throw it or use it." There was a look while she withdrew the disc saber from her hip while sh held it. The smooth phrik casing and interlocking ends giving it a z shaped design as she held it in one hand and tossed it extending her hand to guide it before the z became two v shaped sabers that activated silver blades with a soft hum of force energy as they circled around the area with them in it. Coming back and connecting as the blade deactivated. "I want you to be able throw and control your saber. It is a strong way to get targets at long range."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Alright Master, lets do it." He replied after watching Master Ike do it. As he released his saber from his belt he held the hilt in his hands. Here goes nothing. He thought to himself as he threw it into the air away from himself. Quickly focusing the force on the lightsaber hilt the blade ignited spinning the blue blade around in the air. Spencer hadn't had complete control over the direction and movement of the hilt but he managed to stop it from going out of sight into the trees below. As the blade sat in the air rotating and rolling Spencer attempted to bring it back. He had managed to stop the hilt, but returning it was something else. He focused on the hilt pulling with all his might. Slowly but surely the blade began returning to Spencer. As the blade got close to Spencer the blade was facing him, he decided to move it up above his head so it pointed away behind him before leaving his grip of the force on the hilt and letting the hilt land comfortably in his hand. Pheww, just got it back. How did that look Master?" He asked.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Spencer Olin"]

As he was working she was watching closely, the saber throw was a move you had to be careful with and aware of. You could hurt someone and that is why they were out here where no one else would be as she rubbed her hands together and letting her saber rest on her belt as she felt her eyes go wide. He was pulling it back with the blade towards himself as she was preparing to move at the moment before he corrected himself and lifted it so he could grab it while she was tense. "You did good for a start, we will have to work on your rotating the blade so it isn't pointed towards you. Just like how you never run with scissors you never pull the blade back towards you."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Understood Master. I just couldn't get it to swing back around. I am sure I'll get there though." Spencer replied as he prepared to do it again. Practice makes perfect. He though over in his head as he focused on the hilt and threw it out into the wilderness below. Once again, just as it was about to go out of reach he managed to connect with it. The now engaged lightsaber shot up slightly spiralling in the air, once again Spencer couldn't control the blades direction, speed or rotation but he managed to connect with the hilt, making sure he would be able to return it to himself.

As he focused on returning the blade once again it slowly began to come back. The blade was out of control spinning and rolling everywhere. As Spencer got the blade close to him he lift it up in the air dropping it from a height allowing himself time to get the hilt into his hand without the blade getting in the way. Finally he had the hilt back in his hand. He managed to do it, but the control was not on his side. "Master can you give me any tips on how to control the blade when its out so far? I can hold the hilt, but I have no control over the blade."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Spencer Olin"]

Advice on how to control the blade huh? She was thinking about it while she moved about watching it. She was working to remember that it had been like to practice it. That was a long time ago she was realizing and grinning a little to herself. "Long ago my master use to say to practice without the blade activated. The weight is the same but you don't risk harming yourself." She was looking at him now and observing how he threw the blade while she held her own. "You want to make it even, just throwing it will make it harder to control you want it to come out like you are skipping rocks."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Ahh I understand." Spencer replied as he held the hilt in his hand looking at it and comparing it to a stone. Not quite the same thing, but if the method is the same well it can't be that hard. Spencer held the hilt and prepared to throw it. This time in stead of just over arm throwing it and hoping for the best he threw it like a stone across water, letting it rotate properly before connecting with it through the force. As he went to bring it back it arched in a large semi-circle still rotating at the same pace. Before returning to Spencer, the blade was kept off this time, just to make sure no limbs where cut in the process. But this time it worked, the hilt came rotating back in a very fluent motion before clapping into Spencer's hand. "It felt a lot better that time, it really looked a lot better too I think. What do you think Master?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Spencer Olin"]

She was watching it and nodding her head when he got it, might not be a stone but familiar things you did came in handy for making different movements. She was moving more into the woods going backwards as she was standing there and clapped her hands lightly. "Very good you are getting better. Always use your spare time to practice what you learn and work on." She was moving about while showing with her saber again while also rising itno the air. "The second part of it is using the abilities while under distraction or pressure. Using other skills within the force is a major way to test distraction."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"So using the force in multiple ways at the same time?" That how Spencer understood what she said. That seemed like a grave task. Spencer was just managing to do it with only focusing on the hilt alone, but adding more to it make it much tougher.

Following Master Ike slightly he took a few steps in her direction as she pulled her lightsaber out again and began rising into the air. So she's going to use the force to keep herself suspended in the air whilst controlling the lightsaber? This is why she was a Master, being able to control the force in different ways at the same time. At this stage Spencer could only dream of having such control. But he believed with a lot of practice, he might be able to use the saber throw in the heat of battle. Maybe. But he knew he must train and continue to improve himself, not only physically but mentally to... His attitude to learning wasn't great, believing that a lot of things are out of his league, destroying the hope of achieving it before even attempting it.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Spencer Olin"]

Matsu looked at the padawan as she continued to hover there. "Doubt can cripple you worse then any blade padawan. You're learning and have much time ahead of you... and well so do I but I think I have learned the full extent from the different sects within the galaxy. The Aing-Tii were the last to teach me how to perceive the flow of time itself." She chuckled a little and continued while she was moving. "Here work on your focus, run down the hill and throw your saber to race it to the bottom. Use the force to try and outrun it."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"I know Master, it is one of my negative traits. I need to believe in myself more and believe I can do it." Spencer replied knowing full well that she was right. "Alright so, a race against my lightsaber. Sounds easy enough." Although Spencer seemed confident so much came flooding into his head. Running down a hill controlling his lightsaber making sure it was coming down with him and making sure he knew where he was going. That was a tough ask. But he had to do it, his Master believed in him, so should he.

Spencer grabbed his hilt again and set himself at the top of the hill, he launched the hilt into the air down the hill and straight away his legs were moving. He kept an eye in front of him and an eye on the hilt, making sure it was where it was meant to be. Guiding it with the force down the hill whilst also allowing it to guide him down the hill avoiding any potential hazards, such as trees or boulders.

As Spencer got closer to the bottom of the hill it was neck and neck, the hilt was still flying strong above him and he knew once he made it to the bottom he would have to catch the hilt to finish the test. As he weaved his way down the hill he managed to keep a few steps in front of the hilt. His focus was strong and this abled him to control the hilt and focus on the terrain in front of him. It was tough though and was taking its toll. As he made it to the bottom he spun around focusing on the hilt only a few meters away pulling it into his hands as he fell on his back tripping on a small boulder. He was successful for the most part as he managed to win the race, but as he left the terrain and focused purely on the hilt it brought his undoing.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Spencer Olin"]

She was gliding backwards letting the force navigate her course while watching the padawan run with his saber flying. A good balance of control and the focus he needed before she was coming down a little closer to ground. Attention on some of the forest until they were within a more open section of the forest. The sounds of creatures were coing to her while she moved now. "And stop." She moved touching down on the ground as her hand came out lifting at the ground where sections of stone pillars broke the ground and the start of an archway. She was looking at him. "Now the telekinesis you were using for the saber reach out with it and pull at the rocks. The ancient ruins here might have something inside."

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