Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sacking Coruscant

The Alderaan Embassy

[SIZE=9pt]Kira moved around a fountain heading towards the building. Many of the soldiers went ahead of her. Weaving around the front of the building they were approaching this with caution. Here and as she got closer to the building, Kira felt so much sorrow. There was much death here and the pain, it was hard not to notice. There was a particular sorrow that’s stood out more to her. It stood out because in an odd way it felt personal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]As she stepped forward it felt way to quiet. It gave her plenty to think of why something may seem familiar. As she could recall she had never been here before. The lack of weapons fire seemed more troubling. She seen the soldiers already had went into the building. The lack of anything was disturbing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]There was no com chatter of warning so Kira went through the main doors and into the building, so moved through and into an open room that was the main foyer. It was a large room that looked to have been very beautiful before the attack. Beside hallways leading off, doors leading into other room, there was a grand stair case that went upwards to a second floor. Kira knew there were more than two floors as she looked at all the dead bodies in the main foyer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]There was one body laying not that far away from her. It was of a man with dark hair. [/SIZE][member="Garith Organa"][SIZE=9pt] She did not recognize him. He felt so familiar that it hurt to see him laying there. She did not find herself stepping forward. Tears began to fall when she took a step backwards.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She now heard blaster fire within the building. There was chatter from her companions speaking of a firefight. She did not answer though. She could not pull her eyes from the image in front of her. Whatever this was it felt so tragic to her. Emotional it felt so profound she was rendered speechless. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“It was most painful for him”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] the words hissed out of a Trandosahan’s toothy maw.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She felt so flushed, cold within shock of the scene and the words. Blinking several times she turned around to look at the beast who spoke to her. It was a very large scaly fiend. I don’t know he stood something like eight feet tall. This Trandosanhan was huge compared to Kira. “He cried about a child as I slid this through his pinkish man flesh”, he lifted up very large sword, a sword that had dried blood upon it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]In her sudden realization the beast was in striking distance as it raised its bloody blade over its head. Her eyes were still watering as she dropped her field bag. A toothy grin greeted predicted expected results. With a roar upon his lips the Trandoshan brought his sword in a down ward arc. With all of his might and the gravity upon the heavy weapon, it came in remorseless. Then it found just duracreate. The word had priced the duracreate floor making all kinds of noise and sending chucks of floor into the air.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]It had missed Kira though. With the aid of the Force Speed she side stepped the weapon. The smirk upon the Trandoshan’s face had turned to a scowl and it started to look around for the fast young human female. In the process of slowly starting to lift the heavy weapon He felt a blunt heavy blow to his right leg. The force of the impact drove him to his knees. Then another heavy impact hit his jaw, this blow sending flying across the ground about a meter and a half.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The hulking brute slowly started to get up. Stunned from a heavy blow to its jaw it was shaking its head trying to get his bearings back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“You could walk away”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] the young woman asked without hostility within her voice. Even now she was trying to avoid causing suffering. “You do not have to fight. Just walk away”, she pleaded with the creature. She did not wish to have to hit this man again. She was not going to let someone kill her though. [/SIZE]

[member="Mythos"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Kuat Drive Yards"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Cradossk"] [member="Ursula Vizla"] #who ever else is on the ground

Spoiler tag not working:

  1. [SIZE=9pt]Kira used Force Speed to dodge the slow heavy sword attack.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=9pt]Kira used a Force Imbued Kick to a Trandoshan’s knee. [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=9pt]Kira used a Force Imbued punch to hit the Tandsosahn’s jaw. [/SIZE]
"Reload complete Sir! Extending the-What in the hell is that?!"

Said the older protocol droid as Haon Hafey switched the viewscreen towards a very unusual shuttle as he barked to get the racks ready to fire on the target though it dropped what it wanted and then flew off. Curious, he looked over at the giant rock as he scuffed a little bit. "A rock...that is the best they got, a ro-" Then that Rock turned into a really...really...really large creature. It was four hundred feet tall, higher than his own creation as his eyes became very wide as he was stunned for a brief moment before going back into reality when it walked forward. "Fire everything! Shoot it! SHOOT IT!" Then the racks were extended completely as they fired two salvos of concussion missiles, trying to soften it up as the third rack turned to fire photon torpedoes at the creature to which made a rather loud explosion. As this kept going on, the heavy repeaters on the front opened fire, four of them as they were almost next to useless against it though it did sting it several times.

The last rack finally went into position as he fired the photon torpedos first then the Heavy Rockets. Technically it should not even be called a Heavy Rocket but instead a hybrid of a photon torpedo with a lot of baradium that made a thermal detonator look like a pansy by using twenty-five times the amount of firepower and he was firing eighteen of them directly at the beast. Right as they fired the heavy rockets, the Sal Kar was hit hard as it rocked back and forth briefly from the hands smashing against the shield generator but the worst was those railguns as they fired point bank with the Sal Kars sirens whining very loudly. Going over to the console, he tried to redistribute shield strength towards the beasts path as the droid was shrieling from the corner the status.

"First deflector shield is down to 25%! We cannot take another hit like that without losing our second shield on the third! Orders?!"

"Reload the damn thing and put all the Photon Torpedos and Heavy Rockets you can manage! Make that thing die damn it!"

The Sal Kar slowly pushed back the top to reload as the heavy repeaters kept beating at it though it was now firing at any exposed flesh that was torn apart during the missile strikes as the most prominent be the Heavy Rockets, aiming for the spots as blood was most likely splattered all over the place. If it was not as serious as it was, he would probably try and film this kind of battle though right now, he was focused on helping the droids get out of here alive. At that moment, there was a loud ding noise as second group of droid transports were away and the Type-K Assault Corvette slowly converged to escort them out of the area. If any of the Trandoshans came close to the group, they would soon know its wrath.

[member="Causstik Rahn"]
The small shuttle landed, perhaps crashed was a more accurate term for the sudden impact it had enacted after the engines had failed from a stray shot. Ultimatum was disappointed, the droid had hoped to use some of the ship's weapons to support the ground infantry, as it turned out he would be trapped on the wrong side of the battlefield, in enemy covered territory. If the droid had his way, and this been an open world with no civilians in the line of fire, he would have landed large artillery units and begun a bombardment of the enemy lines. It was a logical strategy, particularly with the modern tactics seemingly having devolved to pre-space era versions. It would have taken, based on his minor calculations, perhaps five minutes of fire to turn a standing enemy force to a smattering of surrendering units. However, this was Coruscant, a planet of practically zero open spaces and so filled with life that one could take two steps in any of the three dimensional directions and step on a civilian's toes. He therefore could not deploy any large scale war forces without potentially causing an intragalactic incident, which was perhaps a bit late given that there was already a skirmish ongoing on this world.

As the droid stood and stepped shakily from the wreckage, he came face to face with a roving band of enemy soldiers. They were not slavers, monsters, or any other fancy title that could be convieved, these were soldiers and had been since the moment they stepped on this planet. Seeing the droid as another target, just for a bit of sport, one of the soldiers fired a burst of rounds from his carbine. While inaccurate, the blaster fire nonetheless caught Ultimatum, who was thrown back a few steps, almost falling over in the process. "Upari, if you're still there. Now would be a good time to start this engagement."

The Shard did not respond at first, seemingly lost in thought. It was at this time that Ultimatum decided to push his mind towards Upari's, it was an act he had chosen not to enact before, because it stood as an invasion of privacy. However, as the mercenary moved to fire again, apparently surprised that the droid had survived the initial spray down, there was little choice but to see what was wrong. For a second Ultimatum felt more than the electronic connection of their minds, it was far deeper and more penetrating. His thoughts were not his own, but neither were they Upari's. It was a combination of minds, as if two had become truly one. And in that second, Ultimatum saw the world around him through eyes that were not his own. He saw the Force, he saw those enemies as dots of darkness in a cascading waterfall of life and death. Then that moment past and Ultimatum saw again the physical world and he was... underwhelmed. After seeing what he had, even for so short a time, it was disappointing to see with his normal vision.

The droid did not respond in time before another trio of blaster bolts melted the armor of his chest plate. He was not finished yet though, and the droid heard Upari's voice in his mind, "Let us begin then."

Pulling the lightsaber from its perch in his armor, the droid ignited its silvery white blade. As the next shot flew towards him, Ultimatum raised the energy beam to intercept the blaster bolt, guided by Upari. As the shot struck the metal floor, Ultimatum threw the saber at the enemy, using his computer mind to predict a trajectory without aid from the Force. This freed Upari to utilize the Force to grip the first soldier's carbine and pull it to Ultimatum. The organic fell, lanced by the plasma of the saber while his blaster leaped from the dead grasp to fly through the air to the droid opposite the group. Quickly organizing themselves, the enemy prepared to being firing. Moving behind cover Ultimatum was protected against a rain of blaster fire.

Ultimatum peered carefully around the block of Duracrete that had been kicked up in the crash. Gazing at the three targets intently, Ultimatum waited and watched as Upari worked in a more subtle manner. The trio of soldiers sustained their fire for a little longer before ceasing. The block of matter between them and the droid had almost melted through, but more importantly, they weapons did not cool down. The barrels continued to heat up, as Upari pushed the Force into kinetic heat energy, turning red and then white as they deformed. The heat spread through the mechanisms to the grip and quickly burned the hands hold them. Dropping them like the searing hunks of metal they were, the soldiers recoiled as Ultimatum aimed and fired three bursts. The nine shots found their targets, each organic falling as the plasma burned through them. With a final push of effort, Upari called the lightsaber through the Force, pulling it back to Ultimatum. Armed now with a carbine and his saber, Ultimatum took careful steps towards the front lines. It would be a journey and a half through the enemies ahead. Fortunately, these were not, mostly, professional soldiers and perhaps a flanking manuever would catch them offguard.

[member="Mythos"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Errreembuhr"] [member="Kira"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Garith Organa"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Cradossk"]
[member="Ursula Vizla"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] | [member=Errreembuhr] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Nej Tane"] | [member=Dagon] | [member="Carter "]| [member="Causstik Rahn"] | [member=Charlie] | [member=Ultimatum] | [member=Cradossk] | [member="Haon Hafey"] | [member="Lev Orlova"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member=Mythos] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Sentus Olan"] | [member="Garith Organa"] | [member=Kira] | [member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"]

As soon as the reinforcements arrived, Gregory ordered them into action, no time to wait. They ordered them to launch their fighters and bombers, the Mayor was going to be upset, but everyone knew the ground forces were severely lacking, the enemy had damned Rancors, and Gregory planned on giving that massive gun ( [member="Haon Hafey"] ) some support. The FIghters and Bombers from the Imperial-class Star Destroyers would commit to strafing runs on the ground, clearing up large groups of enemy hostiles. "Get some communications to any of the ground forces - verify their identity before anything. They have the best eyes, they could provide better bombing areas. Give the Clone Soldiers the clearance codes, that way we can trust the request for Air Support, making them have to ask Clone Soldiers for clearance codes," Gregory ordered his Comms Officer, who would send down a message to the ground forces.

"Attention, Coruscant Surface - This is the Kuati Sector Forces Imperial Star Destroyer, the Mauriacus. We are offering anyone on the ground at this time to request Air Support. You must speak to Clone Commanders to get Clearance Codes and confirm your identity so you are not a Marauder killing innocents. All Clones are friendly to you, I repeat, all clones are friendly."

Immediately, the Lancer-class ships moved under the Marauder fleet, cutting [member="Causstik Rahn"]'s reinforcements off as their powerful anti-fighter armaments would screen everything above them, taking out shuttles. They were escorted by the four Enforcer-class Picket Cruisers, just to deter any Frigates trying to take them down. The Imperial Star Destroyers immediately formed up on the Mauriacus, and they all moved forward in the battle in space, towards the massive Dreadnought ( [member=Mythos] ). They were pressuring the Dreadnoughts position, and the Mauriacus was firing all available weapons on the Dreadnought, focusing fire. The Star Destroyers offered light anti-fighter support, but they were concentratingg fire on the Dreadnought, giving other allied ships support ( [member=Errreembuhr], [member="Jyoti Nooran"] ). Meanwhile, the Incarcerator, escorted by the Ardent-classes, head down to the surface, as they had their own mission. They started scanning the surface, sending a communication to request Mayor [member="Zeradias Mant"]'s location. They started at the Galactic City Authority main building, trying to offer him a way out if he wanted it.


On the ground, it was a different story. Even while under heavy fire, the Clones never stopped their orders, never retreated, never fell back. They pushed, and they pushed hard. They quickly set up mortar lines and lit up groups of Marauders. On Rancors, a few even tried to climb the beasts and shoot their weapons into joints, the face, or eyes, they were swarming. Squads were forming up with Masters with their chain blasters and ambushing groups of marauders as smaller firing squads on different, opposite ends. The reinforcing Imperial Star Destroyers would be shuttling even more clones, and just one Star Destroyer was designed to offload an invasion force level event of soldiers. Many Clones caught up with what seemed to be other groups of civilians on the ground, and would offer support and even allow taking orders, slightly. They would hold their position and protect the civilians, no matter the cost ( [member="Cathul Thuku"], [member=Kira], [member="Nej Tane"], [member=Ultimatum], [member="Ursula Vizla"]. They even finally caught uop with that giant gun walker on the ground ( [member="Haon Hafey"] ). Haon basically gained several squads of Clones to support him and provide frontline, mortar line, and chain blaster line supports. They fended off Marauders that got into melee range as they swarmed.

Admiral - Captain Gregory
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer KSF Mauriacus - Pushing the Dreadnought, moving in, all available batteries firing, leading the other two Star Destroyers
2x Imperial II-class Star Destroyers - Pushing the Dreadnought, moving in, all available batteries firing, sending shuttles and AT-ST Walkers down to the surface
4x Imperial II β-class Frigate - Providing covering fire for the Mauriacus
2x D5 β-Mantis Patrol Ship - Targeting enemy Frigates
x180 Predator-class Fighters - Fighting enemy Fighters
x80 A β-6 Interceptor - Fighting enemy Fighters
8x Lancer-class Frigates - Screening Coruscants orbit from enemy shuttles
4x Enforcer-class Picket Cruiser - Protecting Lancer-class Frigates
1x Incinerator-class Corvette and 2x Ardent-class Fast Frigates heading to the surface, looking for the Mayor
x124 TIE Fighters - Committing to strafing runs and air support on the ground
x20 TIE Bombers - Committing to strafing runs and air support on the ground


Numerous Clones on the ground, protecting civilians

Jerek Morrows

A Jedi's Life is Sacrifice.
"When you say "ships," you mean like, actual destroyers, not a Starfighter or Corvette?" he watched the other man skeptically as he jotted down notes on a pad. What in the Force had happened?

"We had the same reaction as you, honestly," the man replied, "but you can see it plain as day." He pointed behind Jerek, to one of the myriad, massive sinkholes that had become part of the scenery of Galactic City. Neither man could deny what was right in front of him. "Came right up out the ground like they'd always been there, hiding, waiting for the right time."

"Perhaps not always there," Jerek mused, "but you're not wrong about them waiting for the right time." He stowed his pen and pad and sighed. The trace echoes of fear and confusion permeated the Force still, so great was the response of the people, so high was the death toll. Any Force Adept could still feel the resonance here. "Thank you for your time," he told the man in earnest.

Unfortunately, as much as he learned from the eyewitnesses, he was no closer to understanding the cause. Certainly, there were people who knew the details, but the bulk of them were unlikely to be on Coruscant, leastways, not in the lower city.

Jerek glanced upward, through the mess of pipes, wires, and buildings, toward the murky smog. It was a miserable day, and conditions were only deteriorating. He felt an ominous shift in his surroundings, not quite in line with danger, but there was a great deal of turmoil and uncertainty. It was not uncommon these days.

The people of Coruscant would never truly be sure of their fate again. Not in this generation, and maybe not even in the next. In only a few years time, the planet had changed hands from one extreme to another, and the people never knew what to expect. Their daily lives were interrupted by power grabs, and the way they had to live went from free to oppressive and back again. Large organizations often understood little of what the common man felt, and sadly more often than not, they cared very little either.

Jerek paused as he heard faint sound, like a siren in the distance. "That's not good," he muttered to himself as it grew louder steadily, and he realized that there were more going off, and they were doing so closer and closer. "That's very not good."

So soon after it had been razed, an enemy took the opportunity to attack? It could only be pirates, or some other manner of vacillator who sought to gain from the people's losses. Jerek knew that his investigation would have to wait.

He increased his pace to a jog, and moments later, swarms of people were flooding the street around him. The man was at a loss. "What's going on?" he asked, "what is it?"

No answer came.

He waded through them for as long as possible, but the hysteria only seemed to thicken. Jerek could feel their emotions acutely, boiling like the sea on a world without atmosphere. It grew hotter, steamed, and rose ever higher. Without direction, they would be lost.

"Easy," he called over the panic, his hand gently touching the shoulder of an older man. "Can you tell me what's going on?"

The man stared at him with terror in his eye, and Jerek exhaled slowly. He reached out with the Force, breathing calm into the thoughts of the poor soul, and he could see faint traces of realization dawn in the man's eyes. "Pillagers," he managed to say, "marauders. Pirates. They're moving through the streets and snatching people up. My family barely got away from-" he mentioned some sector, several clicks out. Jerek blinked. "And worse, the Defense Forces are deploying countermeasures in the middle of the riots."

"What?" Jerek was stricken dumb. In the heat of a situation like this, security and defense teams could direct the flow of traffic and protect the people, but to send assault teams into a civilian population- "What are they thinking?" he asked absently.

"It's mad," the man shook his head, "the world's gone mad."

"Take your family," Jerek told him, "and go. Find a place to hide until this passes. You'll achieve nothing moving with the crowd."

"Thank you," the man said urgently as Jerek let him go. He had no time to watch and see where the fellow drifted. No, Jerek had more pressing matters to attend.
Live in Light, Surf Master
Objective: Neutral Party Rescue Civilians & GTFO
Allies: [member="Jerek Morrows"]

A Jedi knows when they are called to action, and I have long since lost my call to act outside Sabarene. A hermit in the desert far too long. Coruscant looms beneath me, [member="Kuat Drive Yards"]’ announcement about air support for civilians merely another in the macabre turn of events.

“Mi’lord.” A young officer, who shares my face salutes, standing rigid beside me as I turn my gaze finally to the outside galaxy.

“Keep the fleet out of range, until I tell you. Ready the Sri’Usha and Kavi Raste.”

“Projenitor, you are intervening?”

“Time to take this old body for a couple of spins and a Togari race, wouldn’t you say?” The smile on my face and quirk of my muscles give Felix the gist of my emotional control. A swell of panic echoes off the planet the closer we get, and it’s enough to set my jaw.

Silver Jedi, terrorists, battles over a planet twice removed from politics through war… this was no place for civilians anymore. Sabarene would come for any, who wished the safety of a home without the galactic body politic shivving their stomachs with one more ridiculous take over.

My two ships rush and deke through the fleets surrounding Coruscant, too insignificant to notice, not engaging with any in my path.

“By the Sun, and various stars.” Ancient silver eyes widen at the crumbling remains of the galactic planet I remember in its’ heyday, when Palpatine’s banners flew and the Imperial fist struck down on rebel and smuggler alike.

The riot in the mid-to-lower levels hits my empathic mind like a Mandalorian gravity cannon, raucous and unrefined. My fists clench. I stand on a crumbling walkway, my warriors protecting the ships. I am needed… but where?
The aftermath of the Galactic Alliance’s downfall was a dark moment in history, one where the darkness truly seemed to lay claim to the galaxy, consuming the light, blotting it out. Aten had borne witness to the attack by the Sith when it came to pass. He remembered the permacrete shaking beneath his feet, as though all of the Coruscant upper city had been upturned. It had all happened in the blink of an eye. Destruction, chaos, death was brought onto Coruscant by the Sith, the Alliance unable to stop the darks progress. While others had gone to secure the temple, engaging Sith the padawan had been out in search of survivors. Escorting them to shelters, evacuation points or defending them from the troops of the Sith that had been ordered to bring swift death upon them.

Once more Aten stood on the edge of the fray, there were those that focused on combat, battling away the foes that came to the planet. That forgot about the people, this is what Aten couldn’t condone. Standing on the top of a speeder the young Morellian looked down at the crowd milling about, pushing against each other. Some rubberneckers looking back and falling. On the surface Aten had been faced with death everywhere, survivors being near impossible to find. Here, there were far too many for the Jedi to handle alone. The release of assault teams? Them corralling people, shutting down and “securing” areas. That’s not what was needed now. The denizens of Coruscant had witnessed battle after battle, conquest after conquest as people laid claim to their home. How was this any different? Once more galactic powers were forcing themselves among the populace.

What could the Jedi do with this crowd? He couldn’t guide them all, there were no evac points set up as of yet. The padawan had never dealt with anything on such a scale. There were rumors and mentions from those in the crowd of people having been snatched up, taken by the Trandoshans. Worrying his lower lip Aten debated his next course of action. How would he get them to safety?
[SIZE=9pt]Planet:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Coruscant[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Location:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Alderaan Embassy[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Kira pivoted on her back heal as her forward foot mirrored suit with only the tip touching the ground. In balance and preparedness both her hands flowed up in unison. Her primary hand, her right hand was forward and her left was slight back. The kata she flowed through was Artsian and it was a prepared state to combat the large more power foe.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“We don’t have to fight”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] she said again in a confident firm voice. She really, really did not want to fight. She never did. It was just not in her to just let anyone to push her around either. She hated this but she knew this brute was going to force this.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The sounds of continued combat still echoed through the Alderaan Embassy halls. Not far from her was the still body of Garith Darkhold. Everything was so crazy at the moment. She kept her sense on the Liard Man in front of her though. He was dangerous opponent and one strike with his sword it would most likely cleave her into two separate pieces, a very bloody one.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The hulking brute got up though shaking off its prior stunned state. Its roar was deafening. Its anger was palpable and ripple through the force. Kira stood her ground even though how quietly she was terrified of the monster that threatened her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Embolden by its own rage the Trandoshan charged. Its sword was held high televising how it wished to attack. It may have been televised but the power behind the charging Trandoshan was equally obvious. Her uniform might sock up some of that damage but she really did not wish to find out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Trandoshan closed the distance between then rapidly. It had the advantage of length having a sword, and was in now in position to strike has the heavy handed attacked came down. Not wishing to find out if she could block it through her martial skill and the force, Kira ducked and rolled using the speed of the Force.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She was lithe and quick added by the Force and easily ducked out of the way. As she started rolled back up to her feet a cylinder easily found its way into her hands. It was instinctive and it had called out to her when she came close. As she rolled back up to her feet the bright blue blade of the fallen Jedi Master sprang froth[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The feeling was more than overwhelming. Kira gasped as her eyes went wide. She had never felt a presence like this before. This was so far beyond her yet she closed her own eyes trying to find a measure of tranquility.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]#anyone on the ground and having anything to do with the Alderaan Embassy. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Planet:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Coruscant[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Location:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Alderaan Embassy[/SIZE]​

[member="Kira"] [SIZE=9pt]was not alone. There was a presence calling out to her to pick up the saber. It was the presence of a man in the last moments of his life sensed a great tragedy he could not change. It was far easier to close your eyes and forget your troubles then taking a stand and admit your mistakes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]During the calling he was not there for his wife or a child he did not know about. Being stuck in the Netherworld was not an excuse for this Jedi Master. He felt an abundance of guilt and could not leave this plane as of yet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]When his daughter picked up the saber his body that was just laying there had shifted among the Force. The body disappeared but the clothing remained. The cloths feel closer to the ground and he was gone becoming one with the Force.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]His presence was not gone; it just shifted to another realty. It was a soothing breeze that picked up and gently blowing around his daughter Kira. Through the blade he called out to her influencing and fortifying her resolve. Where he sent encouragement it came understanding. He was not going to let his daughter face this brute alone. He could at least guide her every parry and her every strike. It was the lest a absentee father could do for a daughter that as so alone in this galaxy. [/SIZE]
Location: Somewhere near the Jedi main host.
Objective: Defend Coruscant, ground.
Gear (As it goes): Black Fligh suit, Osseus Class ExoSkeleton, Legacy System Beskar’gam (equipped with: Jetpack with two individual thrusters, one wrist rocket launchers, two cortosis gauntlets, two crushgaunts, one wrist mounted retractable vibroblades, and two wrist flamethrowers, one Mandalorian Power Shield, and one KE-1 Shoulder Mounted Slugthrower), AIMX-01 "Buckler" Energy Shield Cybernetic Arm, armorweare black cape with Vizla symbol in the back in red ink, pair of R82 jump boots, Utility Belt (equipped with: Two thermal detonators, one grappling spike launcher, ammo, one comlink, one EX-324 Serum Subjects, two hand granades).
Armory: One custom made Masamune, four Shiva Knifes, one T-7 ion disruptor rifle, two MT 14 Heavy Blaster Pistol.
Allies: Four mandalorian women affiliated with House Vizla, four Harbinger War Droid.

Blood, death, pain, mourning, it was there in the beautiful symphony that was war. Soldiers dying due to wounds, some fought bravely, some died with honor, some were cravens that soil themselves or cried for their loved ones before being smashed by the enemy. She loved to hear them cry, to see them rally behind brothers and sisters, to see guts spilled in the floor by the enemies, it was the thrill of a brave battle that made her laugh, that made Ursula sweat and get wet, for piercing through the enemy and his lines, was what made them equals. Equals in dying, equals in fighting. But that was not the case in Coruscant.

“Die! Die!”, she screamed shooting the last charge in her T7 against a big douche with a big gun, disintegrating the poor bastard throwing the rifle to Bia, so that she could recharge the gun. Ursula drawn both MT14 blaster, shooting left and shooting right in the lines of robbers, that showed in front of her. Inside the helmet, she could see that the shoulder was nearly half way out of ammo as well, but did not stopped shooting for a single second.

That damn place was like hell. If there were such a place. They were just looting, pillaging, killing, robbing and worse. Approaching a large group of big soldiers by the other street, charging against a group of civilians that were fleeing to the safety of the Silver Jedi group, and so, placing the gun back in the waist, her hands grabbed something else in the utility belt and turning to toss both granades already set to blow.

Watching as the enemies tried to run away from the blast, while Vizla only grabbed her pistol back in the waist. Her job was to secure business and civilians, the order was to not allow to the good people of Coruscant gunned down like dogs in the street. No more sacking for Coruscant, no more raping, no more pillaging, no more burning. Not now, not while honorable man and woman stood up to fight corruption and tyranny for what is right, or at least worthy fighting for.
Location: Coruscant Surface
Enemies: The Raiders and Baddies
Allies: SJO and the people stopping the baddies

[SIZE=10pt]Charlie nodded as she was instructed as to who was still planet side. It was cowardly to take advantage of a place after so much had happened to it. Looking over her shoulder, Kat had joined them. A smile spread across the Seoulian girl as she turned to face the other Echani. “Hi Kat!” Charlie couldn’t help her excitement, to see one of the padawans she enjoyed working with show up was a good sign. Her favor in Kat was that the girl could keep up, she didn’t back down even when they were attacking a Jedi Master.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]An odd kinship was felt. Following her Master, Charlie made her own personal final checks to her equipment. She didn’t know if the feeling that all of this was second nature was a good thing. Back on Tython, she was sheltered from all of this, never really knowing the state of the galaxy at large. What caused them to fall this deep into war? The shuttle ride was filled with briefing and catching up on the situation. Looking up from her datapad, Jyoti spoke giving the orders.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The girl blinked quickly as she was given the order to take an assault team. She tried to remember the times that she had worked alone without Jyoti and she could keep that count onto one of her hands. Roche was her first time and she survived, so she wasn’t as nervous. Looking to Kat, she smiled again. “Looks like a plan.” Charlie had met Sigrid one before this and she remembered the towering woman. As they left eh shuttle and hit ground side, Charlie contacted the others (Lev, Valkren). [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Captain Sigrid is super tall, she’s cool though.” Musing over their mission Charlie patted herself down and grabbed her lightsaber. A devilish little smirk crossed her face as she looked at Kat, maybe this Echani would take her up on her little games. “Bet I can capture or eliminate more raiders than you can.”[/SIZE]

[member="Ursula Vizla"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] | [member=Errreembuhr] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Nej Tane"] | [member=Dagon] | [member="Carter "]| [member="Causstik Rahn"] | [member="Kuat Drive Yards"] | [member="Ultimatum"] | [member="Cradossk"] | [member="Haon Hafey"] | [member="Lev Orlova"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member=Mythos] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Sentus Olan"] | [member="Garith Organa"] | [member="Kira"] | | [member="Jyoti Nooran"]

Jerek Morrows

A Jedi's Life is Sacrifice.
In a crowd that numbered in the trillions, a single Jedi had a very limited ability to do anything. To tell himself otherwise was both asinine and narcissistic. Jerek understood that in order to help and protect the people of Coruscant, he would need to enlist the aid of sympathizers, both foreign and local. In the midst of the chaos, he made his way toward a security terminal on the side of the promenade.

Many such terminals existed on Coruscant, readily available for the citizenry to call on help, and for the authorities to coordinate using special codes and access keys. Because he was not a ranking official in the Coruscant Security Force, he lacked one of those special keys. Normally, that would limit him to public access, and under these circumstances, he would get thrown into some backlog because there was simply too much going on to respond to all at once.

Fortunately for Jerek, his skills as a Jedi lay away from the conventional.

He reached into his kitbag and produced a small toolkit. As he stepped up onto the dias, the terminal glimmered to life and the screen highlighted several basic commands. There was also an emergency symbol, as well as several nodes for authorized users to access. His brow furrowed as he drew the string on his set of tools, and he unrolled the cloth and leather to reveal several unremarkable slivers of metal.

Things were not always what they seemed, however.

As the crowd continued to rush by, he took one of the items delicately between thumb and index finger, and with his free hand, he toggled the menu for "officers responding on scene." It immediately prompted him to input a passcode, and that was when he shoved the metallic shard into the access port.

The screen protested loudly as the system recognized a foreign input, but the flashing red quickly abated as the skeleton code encrypted on his data spike worked its magic. The first wall chirped several times as symbols appeared one after the other in the field, and seconds later, the screen offered up the words he had hoped for.

"Access Granted."

He let out a sigh of relief, because if he had failed to slice that security wall, he would most likely have been met with security droids that might have exacerbated the situation. Crisis averted.

The terminal buzzed again as the image of a Defense Coordinator looked him up and down and scowled. "You're not with the Defense Force," came the accusatory venom. "How did you get this access? Argh, nevermind that right now, this is a-"

"I'm well aware of the situation, sir," Jerek interrupted, "as you can probably tell, the civilians are too excited to think clearly, and we have a dangerous situation rising up between the terrorists and the militant forces. If someone doesn't take decisive action now, there will be a massive loss of life."

"How did you learn about the allied forces?" the man asked skeptically, "your terminal is nearly a hundred clicks away from the deployment zone. There's no way news has reached you that quickly."

"The civilians are aware," he replied, "the panic has spread far and wide. You need to stem military operations as quickly as possible."

"That's not going to be possible," the coordinator sighed. "They don't answer to us, and they've been given authorization to act by the Governor."

"Who has been given that clearance?" he asked.

"That's classified information," the man snapped back, "and you haven't even told me who you are. I intend to find that out, whether or not you intend to tell me."

"I'm with the Jedi Order," he replied. There was no use in hiding that fact at this point. "I have been conducting an investigation into the recent attack, and I got caught in this crossfire. I would appreciate your cooperation-"

"If you are a Jedi," he responded, "then you should already know who's defending Coruscant. They're Jedi, too."

"My arse," Jerek cursed loudly, "Jedi do not mobilize attacking forces in the middle of a civilian population."

"Times have changed," the other man replied, "or something, anyway. Listen, I'd love to chat about dogma and professional courtesy, but I'm trying my damnedest to coordinate the defense of this planet, so unless you have a better plan, I need to keep this channel clear for its intended purpose."

"I need you to divert ground traffic away from the zones with heavy concentrations of conflict," he told the man, "get as many as you can en route to safe locations. The way they're running now, they're all headed for the Senate building where they believe they will be safe, and whoever is trying to attack the planet will be expecting it."

"I'll do what I can," the other man replied. He curtly closed the transmission, and the terminal shut down. The spike Jerek had used melted down and clattered to the ground, useless.

"I need a miracle," Jerek murmured.

[member="Manu Xextos"]
Live in Light, Surf Master
They’re Jedi too.

I hear the electronically projected voice, and scoff.

The warmongers battling for Coruscant today are no Jedi. They’re barely even warriors. A map of Coruscant filters through my wrist comp, scanning data from my ship feeding into it to show the throng of people rushing and cacophonous through what streets they could reach.

I don’t need a projection to tell me where the people are, their emotions are rife enough that the very existence of the mob is indellibly imprinted on my brain until I can cleanse it out. The joys of an eternal empath.

Huzzah and good riddance.

The man standing in an attempt to change the course of these peoples’ lives feels as truthful as I would expect for a real Jedi looking to salvage lives. It doesn’t take long to trot up to him, my clothing linen and emblazoned with the heraldry of Sabarene, which is so far removed from any sort of political entity, if he did recognize it I’d ask which cousin he married.

[member="Jerek Morrows"] was getting a miracle. Funny… wonder if he needed one or if I’m on a space saviour kick again… who am I kidding? I’m standing in the middle of a rioty Coruscant hatching a cockamamie plan to save people.

Definitely on a space saviour kick.

“You! You seem sensible. Potentially trustworthy, even. You want to save these people, right?” I offer my hand, pale skin stretched over bone and sinew far older than it appears.

“I have an idea. I’ve got a troop carrier a block away, it carries over 10,000. We can evacuate as many as possible, and wait for the heat to die down. What happened here? How did Coruscant turn into this level of a war zone? Oh! Name… name, I have one… Manu Xextos. There. We’ve been introduced… care to stop people from dying, please?” I grin, that helps right? The grinning, or smiling and neutral body language.

“Right! Do you have any useful skills in empathic manipulation or mentalistic projection?”

The landing pad had been filled with a troupe of Trandoshans, all of which were busying themselves attempting to break down the doors to the archives. The Morihaus opened fire as it got within range, peppering the transport the Trandoshans had taken with small arms fire before a few rockets finished it off. The explosions turned the transport into a warped hulk of metal, which teetered perilously on the edge of the landing pad before plummeting into the lower levels. It would probably crash into an orphanage or something on the way down. Not that anyone really cared. Plenty of people were already dead, what was a few more due to property damage?

The rampaging Trandoshans didn't have to go far for their weapons, but once the Morihaus was in range it didn't matter. Small arms fire pinged off the shield generator where it held and the reinforced armor plating where it didn't. When the turrets that lined the vehicle returned fire, that was the end of the exchange. The back doors popped open, and out filed Force 32 in all their resplendent glory.

Red made a sniffing sound, "Smells like burnt lizard."

"Turn on your filters," Gold replied. On the way to the entrance, one of the Trandoshans groaned. Gold rewarded its apparent resilience with a couple slugs to the back of the head.

They arrived at the door, whereupon Blue connected his standard-issue multirole device to the keypad and began typing away. Behind them, the Morihaus roared back into activity and took a dive into the lower levels. The pilots would probably try to keep a low profile until it was time to pick everyone up. "My filters are broken," Red complained.

"Did you send your helmet to the repair depot?"


"Then be quiet."

Before this exchange of great tactical value could continue, a series of positive-sounding beeps emitted from Blue's device.

"Got it," he announced, and the heavy blast doors began to rumble apart.

The security droids on the other side opened fire almost immediately.
Post 3
Location: Ground Sector.
Objective: Round em up, Kill the rest.

The area of effect of Mythos' attacks cleared a path and now knowing that several of his personal transports were being filled with civilians strong enough to be put into slavery it was his cue put on the pressure. Numbers, cannons and the use of Mythos' own firepower and his Nubian Strike Force Team held the ground and pushed back. Nobody was close enough to call but he did not have to. Drenched in the blood and shattered armor of his foes Mythos dove into the battle headfirst and axe in hand seeking to push the enemy back with sheer firepower and brute force of Trandoshan power. He ordered several machine gun nests to be put into position hundreds of meters behind him, then he ordered two rifle teams to set up rear security.

Finally using the ground around him as cover and concealment he used the C.A.R.G.S. electronic display to set battle lines and dig down foxholes and positions that would allow his squad and the several other soldiers he had at his disposal that were not trandoshans and had a sense of tactics, to lay down suppresive fire. The battlefield was under his thumb and even barraged from the air they could not stop the horde, nothing would stop the wave of darkness, not when the Cathedral ships appeared in orbit, filled to the brim with Anubian soldiers from Ankhypt, ready to join the fight beside their trandoshan counterparts

Now the HellHounds were in position. Taking heavy fire from both sides as the machine gun nests were not set up, Mythos ordered the hounds to shoot down the enemy with the XK-40 to give the gun teams time to set up. It took time to give these orders but it was time he was about to make up. He unstrapped the Samael from his back and slung his axe across his back, eyes set on the two harbringer droids of house Vizla commanded by [member="Ursula Vizla"]. He did not see two other ones anywhere. Using the leverage of some dead bodies and the system the samael had he locked in and let loose with Valkyr fire a brutal barrage of plasma from the hip.

"That's Sixty Seven Causstik! If you let a pink skinned human like me out do you here Your acheron bow is mine!"
[member="Helix Syndicate"] [member="Manu Xextos"] [member="Jerek Morrows"] @Causstik Rhan​
The crowd continued on nearly stampeding each other in their rush to escape, disorganized, chaotic. Aten felt so many emotions pouring off the crowd, the strongest of which was fear. He had to shut them out, such emotions could be the bane of a Jedi, hamper them, blind them and even cause them to act rashly. At this moment calm had to prevail. Those who considered themselves defending the world simply wrought more damage. Looking to the front of the crowd Aten ran across the tops of the speeders to catch up with the herd. They were heading straight to the chaos by attempting to find the place they thought was safest. They’d gather up and be sitting porgs for the slaughter.

Leaping off the final speeder entering a flip Aten landed before the rushing crowd. A show of force would do nothing but cause more fear, creating a barricade now was outside the realm of possibility with them bearing down on the Jedi. Hands cupping around his mouth, Aten focused his will grabbing the force forming a funnel to amplify his voice over that of the denizens of Coruscant. “I need everyone to turn back and move in an orderly fashion. Moving further this way puts you in the center of the chaos.” Most officers of the law would’ve used the word calm when telling the crowd to turn back. That was not something that would work in this case. Calm was for small riots, calming those at a concert or other venue. This was a group of people whose livelihoods were threatened by the filth that had struck during Coruscant’s time of weakness.

The crowd came on, many of them halted but there were still those that charged forward. “I repeat, please turn back, we will get you to safety!” Aten’s voice reverberating off the buildings his voice carrying across the crowd and even further. What we?! I’m the only one down here?! Aten only had a Corellian freighter, at most if he crammed his ship, and cargo bay full of people he would be able to perhaps get 15 off the planet. Nowhere near enough. The crowd numbered in the hundreds.
[member="Mythos"] @Causstik

Mara hadn't been around for a while. She hadn't seen Mythos in a few months. She ghosted him, without a word or a trace. It was nothing personal. He didn't do anything wrong, that was just who she was. Mara had all but vanished from the map and as a woman who hacked without impunity, She could make herself disappear with ease.

During her vanished time, Mara did what she was best at; drugs, alcohol, and debauchery in the extreme. She woke up in strange rooms surrounded by strangers, used needles, and depleted filthy bongs. Sometimes she was naked, other times she was wearing someone else's clothes. It was almost garnered either way that she wouldn't be wearing her clothes. It was in a semi-drunken-and-high state that she hopped on a booze cruise to Coruscant. Honestly she had no idea where it was going. Imagine her surprise when she woke to find where she was. Then imagine how surprised she was when Mara woke to find the planet going up in flames. Literally and figuratively.

She rose from the stained mattress in a back alley apartment, barely clinging to a sheet to cover her bare blue skin. She saw buildings in flames, people dying and getting shot in the streets as they fled in terror. Mara' s mouth opened in surprise, She lost her grip on the sheets that had covered her. "Lit."

Mara grabbed a random pair of bright sparkling, silver booty shorts off the ground and pulled them over her form. It wasn't a lot of coverage but it was enough and plenty for her to wear. She grabbed an oversized bright orange top off the ground next to it and pulled it over her body. Ironically, it draped over her legs, past the skimy shorts the blue wonder had picked at random. She stepped over the still slumbering bodies to the door. Off of one of them she pulled a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses to shield her hungover eyes.

Mara looped her thumbs in the waist band of her sparkling shorts as she strolled through the insanity. Beings fled by her with wide eyed terror as she happily enjoyed the view. She didn't like to see people die but she did like the explosions. Those were pretty rad. Along her walk, Mara grabbed a stick of gum from one of the dead bodies and a pack of smokes from another.

"Damn," She muttered to herself, "it's my lucky day. Now if I could just find a lighter I'd really be on the balls."

A thug sprinted in front of her, rifle in hand. He jammed the butt of his blaster into a storecase window. It shattered into a dozen pieces before her. Mara halted, cursing herself for forgetting shoes.

"That wasn't very nice," she shouted at the lootet, leaning through the bashed window.

The man jumped out with an expensive holoprojector tucked under his arm and his blaster in the other. He scowled at her, "Get over it you who--"

A blast from across the lane shattered his skull into a thousand pieces before the man could finish. His corpse dropped to the ground before her. Mara leaned in closer. "Sorry, what was That? I didn't catch the last word."

"Hello, pretty lady," said a creepy mans voice.

Mara looked up. An over sized twe'lik man was slowly coming closer to her, a smoking disruptor was in his grasp. He looked sweaty and was smiling at her with a look that was nothing if not disgusting. "You look lost. Mind if I help you?"

Mara gave him a smile, waving him away, "Uh, sure thanks. Where can I find the nearest bathroom?"

The man's eyes glistened as he continued to step closer, "Oh don't you worry. I'll help you--"

Mara snatched the rifle from the dead man's hands, firing a quick shot. It was wild, and randomly hit the creeper in the nads. He doubled over on the duracrete, wailing in pain.

"Yeah, you might wanna get that looked at," Mara commented rising. "Good luck creeping. Toodles."

With her new rifle over one shoulder, Mara walked down the street, watching the simulated world burn. "I think I could get used to this lootin' stuff, y'all."

She halted in her tracks. There it was, a shoe store. And a pair of boots she could use. They were bright pink, furry, and gorgeous. Taking a note from the dead guy back there, She smashed the window in and grabbed the pair, slipping them on.

"Oooh, now these are cozy," She said wiggling her toes in her new boots.

Clad in her boots, the blue-collar toned woman made her way into the shop. There were lots of neat shoes in here but that wasn't exactly what she was here for, she already had a good pair of shoes. She found a battered but working computer nestled in the back room. That was what she was talking about. With a quick flick of her fingers she got the thing up and running. She shrugged, Mara figured she might as well have some fun with it too. She quickly hacked into the planet's mainframe. Getting past the beleaguered firewall wasn't too bad, considering there were other hackers cutting it to bits with their desire to strip the city-planet's banks its electronic funds and valuable. She tapped through the data feed and became aware of a seriously heavy spot of resistance on the other side of the globe. She tapped into the planet's remaining satellites and zoomed in on the area.

"Well I'll be a zabrak's hoe," She chucked. She snapped a few more fingers, slicing into his Mythos' comm, "Fancy seeing you here, Mr God complex. I found some smokes. I'll share if ya let me use a lighter."

Jerek Morrows

A Jedi's Life is Sacrifice.
He lifted a hand and his mouth opened to speak, but he stopped short. What was it with people and using the Force for things, anyway? His fingers curled back save for the index, and he pointed skyward to accent his next words. "-no," he replied, "no, I don't, but that gives me an idea."

Projecting words or thoughts in people's minds often spooked them, and even when you had the power to affect their emotions, shifting them abruptly had potential to he dangerous as well. Doing things through conventional means yielded the best results, and everyone was used to the emergency PA system that worked throughout the streets of Coruscant. He had a small range of effectiveness, truth be told, but ten thousand or so people? That was only a few city blocks on this planet.

He plucked another dataspike from his bag of tricks, then folded over the leather and tucked it safely away. "You wait here," he told [member="Manu Xextos"], "I'm going to go make my voice really loud."

Even if the Echani got the wrong idea, he'd understand in short order. Jerek hurried into one of the buildings that lined the street, then ascended the stairs and headed for the rooftop. He slid past people in the hall, and threw open the door, then looked up and around. There was a tower not two buildings away. "Okay," he muttered to himself. The distance was enough to unnerve any man, and the fall was probably worse- but he did not look down. "You can do this," he told himself.

He backed up to the far edge of the building, took a deep breath, then threw himself headlong into a sprint. His body moved sleekly across the roof and his cloak flowed behind him, and as he reached the edge, he went airborne. Time seemed to melt around him as he careened through the air, and he watched the opposite roof get closer in slow motion. He exhaled loudly and reached out with both hands and feet, and gripped the edge of the next roof tightly. His feet did most of the work, walking along the duracrete and upward, and he lifted himself upright.

"One down," he muttered.

The adrenaline was still rushing through him as he built up momentum once more, then hurried toward the next building. He scaled it with the same skill as the last. Once he was up, he hurried toward the PA tower, and he started climbing. "There's the box," he saw it only two meters up. "Okay, now..."

He made his way toward the control box, pried it open, and found the access panel. He thrust the dataspike in, and moments later, it beeped back at him enthusiastically. The channel hissed with static, and he started to key in commands. A second later, the PA system across for two blocks lit up.

"Attention, please," his voice blared across the airwaves sharply, crisply, "please redirect all foot traffic to the nearest public landing pad," he knew that they would all route to the same one, "we have transportation to get some people safely off world for the time being, and can provide protection to others."

He took a breath. "I repeat..."

[member="Aten Ramses"]

Ultimatum realized that he had been a bit too positive with his previous analysis of the invaders. The droid had stopped at a small clearing, where a group of beings of various ages and species lay butchered. Evidently, those who were unfortunate enough not to be taken for slavery were killed. There were words for these sort of people, those who attacked the weak and defenseless. These were cowards, murderers, and perhaps more. The droid might not have minded Sith or those that followed their system, but he could not agree with these organics.

Stalking his way towards the frontlines, Ultimatum was cautious in case he came across more troops, slaver or otherwise. He rounded a corner to discover a barricade had been raised. It was of the sort only civilians would have felt comfortable with, household items and whatever was on hand had been thrown into the streets and somewhat structured to give it strength. However, the droid could see no one manning the defense, which suggested it had already been defeated. Walking down towards it, Ultimatum noted that some slavers had been killed in the attack. It had not been a victory for the civilians, as evidenced by more bodies on the far side of the barricade.

An explosion ripped through the air and Ultimatum was thrown across the road, he crashed into a store window which shattered harmlessly around him. Shaken, the droid pushed himself to his feet. Ultimatum looked about and noted the smaller building across the street was collapsing. A group of slavers were walking by, laughing and pulling three men behind them. Even as Ultimatum prepared to take them out, one of the slavers fell, the back of his head missing and a red mist flying from it. A moment later the crack of the gun came, and Ultimatum watched in disbelief as three burly men, obviously, civilians based on their clothing, rased from an alleyway and shot one of the remaining slavers before taking the third prisoner, after the hapless invader surrendered. However, the civilians had no intent of bringing their prisoner anywhere. With a knife, one of the men slit the slaver's throat, and they left him there. They took the slaves and ran back into the alley, six men disappearing into the darkness.

Ultimatum stepped out to follow them when a bullet struck his armor plating. It didn't even dent the strong metal alloys, but it was enough to divert Ultimatum's attention. Calculating the trajectory, Ultimatum gazed in the direction of the shot and guessed it came from a tower some distance away. It was the only place where a shot could have been fired, and the sound took longer than the bullet to reach its target. That was aside from the many skyscrapers further away, though the distance pushed the limits of credulity.

Reigniting his saber, the droid waved his lightsaber towards the building. Ultimatum had no response, but the lack of another shot suggested that the man with the gun understood. With that apparently out of the way, Ultimatum continued through the streets, putting his saber away. It was good to know that the civilians were not entirely defenseless. He heard the distant sound of blaster fire and explosions. Over that, a voice came over the various speakers in the city. They were attempting to evacuate Coruscant. They were trying to evacuate one of the most, if not the most, populous planets in the galaxy. Unless they had a fleet of ships prepared for this, Ultimatum guessed there was little hope of success.

Picking up his pace, Ultimatum rushed through the streets, the sounds of warfare growing louder as he went. At last, he came upon a road with several slavers and strange canine creatures armed with turrets and blasters. There was a group of organics setting up what Ultimatum decided was a machine gun. The droid crouched down and snuck behind a broken hovercar. Checking his carbine, the droid began to aim at one of the the turret operator. Then he realized someone was watching him. He noted across the street the forms of more people watching the droid. One of them raised a finger to his mouth and held up what Ultimatum assumed was a grenade. Two others appeared beside the person, and they quickly dashed to other pieces of cover and took aim down the road. The grenade flew into the midst of the enemy group and lay on the ground for a moment. Only one of the soldiers realized it was a grenade, just because it happened to land in front of him. There was too much noise and commotion for the others to hear it or take notice. The small explosive detonated into a billion fragments of shrapnel. The line was decimated, only two of the trandoshans and one anubian survived the blast. One turned to see where it had come from, to be shot in the chest before he could focus. The others, wounded and disoriented offered little resistance as the three soldiers closed the distance. There was no mercy to be found for them.

After the short execution, the apparent leader of the group motioned for Ultimatum to come to them, "Droid. Come here; we seem to be sharing enemies this day."

The droid stepped over, trying to figure if any of the weapon emplacements were still functional, they could be turned against the enemy if possible. "You seem to be handling yourselves. Where are you from? You have good training."

"Wish we had better equipment to go with that. We all have some past in the military, Sammy there has some special forces experiences. There are a few groups of us, trying to save as many of the civs as possible. How 'bout you?"

"I've come to help in defense of this world. Landed somewhere Residential district."

"Well then, you've probably come across some of the enemies already. The gun you have says you did just fine. You planning on sticking around here for awhile?"

"As long as necessary to ensure peace."

"Then come with us. We've information on a group of the slavers setting up a collection spot before loading them onto those transport craft."

"I guess I'll come with you guys. Let's go."

[member="Jerek Morrows"] [member="Mara Rockwell"] [member="Aten Ramses"] [member="Mythos"] [member="Helix Syndicate"] [member="Manu Xextos"] [member="Charlie"] [member="Ursula Vizla"] [member="Kira"] [member="Garith Organa"]


OOC Writer Account

Coruscant, Landing Pad Market Concourse

[SIZE=9pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][member="Jerek Morrows"], [member="Aten Ramses"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Nearby: [member="Jerek Morrows"], [/SIZE][member="Aten Ramses"]

[SIZE=9pt]The snarling green beasts skulked closer to the thin rank of Coruscant Underworld Police taking cover behind a series of cargo crates just outside the open shuttle loading bay, standing boldly in the open before those blue-caped Policemen is a singular black-armoured warrior clutching a lightsabre in their right-hand burning in the air a beautiful indigo. Those blood-crazed Trandoshans inch closer to their prey, not anticipating the ambush which laid before them. "Snnnnnnarr, The Scorekeeper favours us today brothers!" He growled angrily towards the fearless Warden with a proud bellicosity, a large specimen covered in scars marking the many raids he had partaken in wielding a large vibroblade in one claw and pistol in the other haunches back to his full height coming closer to their prey. "Are you prepared to die Jedi?" His red eyes stare into the rounded visor and its' two glowing azure horizontal lines, one of the frightened Policemen clutching his blaster in tremoring nervous hands spares a glance above the Durasteel cube he cowers behind and watches the Mysterious mercenary stare down the sanguine-washed brute unflinchingly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"I'm no Jedi." [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Glancing around the alley Warden finds themselves confronted within the fires burning within the homes of dispossessed Citizens sheltering not far behind fills the Guardian's heart with a passionate flame and brings their blade forward in a slow motion with the Trandoshan Killers training blasters upon the ostensibly singular combatant that stood between them and a huge bounty of Hostages who waited anxiously for deliverance from the hell of Coruscant. Stills of Thustra's siege shuttered through the grizzled Veteran's mind along with the seas of blood that washed over their boots drained prematurely from the innocent, looking now to those monsters Warden's gaze sees something that not only disgusts but enrages them; the enemy of civility and mercy Warden would be merciless in turn through their failings to restrain those feelings that pulse sinisterly beneat, scowling harshly behind that Transparisteel eyes and rolling their spheres at some final threat uttered by the Trandoshan male the former Jedi and soldier embraces that anger and hatred that burns in their breast, tindered from the flames that now engulf what was their adopted home for years.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Night's shadow falls upon the alley along with an unnaturally cold wind that chills all to the bone, flames that danced on the embers of debris are snuffed lifeless and the Trandoshans relent their attack for a moment shocked by the sudden depression of the alley's burning intensity along with an arctic touch that pierces their body in a thousand places as if needles. All are physically swayed and disturbed by its' touch, except for the singular warrior who stood unmovingly amidst the Incorporeal tempest before speaking a single raw statement. "To the last....Kill them all." Smug satisfaction on the visage of the Trandoshan turns to a shrill cry of pain and unadulterated terror with Lila's blade shrieking its' way through the creature's breast in a singular movement with such speed and vigour his compatriots are briefly stunned while the motionless body stumbles back revealing his 'Jedi' Killer stunned with their blade clutched in hand. Warden exhales sharply the full discomfort of that shroud now weighing down their shoulders and unable to avert their gaze from the being whose life they just took with an uncharacteristic callousness, the odiousness of the deed rippling outwards through the force like ice-chilled waves.[/SIZE]

Without a word the torrent of red stalactites hurtle towards Warden with several smashing against their Shield, the startled Policemen fire their aqua coloured bolts back in return with a variety of blaster weapons. "WARNING: SHIELD CHARGE LOW" Cabal's voice fills the confines of that dome-like helmet and Warden finally shakes themselves free of that agonizing pain and paralysing fear that had swept over them. Lurching forward with Lila still humming sadly in their gauntlet Warden wordlessly topples the second story of a diner with some open-palm gesture scattering Durasteel debris amongst the invaders sending disruption into their assault as a small gaggle are thrown to the ground by its' weight. Scrambling to rise and collect their weapons the Warden closes in a sprint and with several sharp movements keeping one hand whirled around their spine like a fencing duelist thrusts the blade through the blaster one after the other permitting Lila to touch their skin its' overwhelming heat sending the beasts down into a thermal induced coma. Pivoting in boots, bands of energy appeared across armour and uniform as the shields teetered on collapse, the second squad of Trandoshans on the other side of street sought cover in a narrow alleyway shielding them from Police fire but permitting them to fire upon the Warden. Quickly acting an exhausted Warden reached forth once more and wrapped three of the four beasts in a disembodied grip before making a sharp gesture with a left-clenched fist towards themselves pulling the trio out into the street, with a series of surprised gasps they're cut down in quick succession by the Police's blasters. The Fourth Trandoshan stares at that Black-armoured assailant for a moment whose shoulders rose high and fell deep indicating fatigue, turning they fled down the alleyway.

Police surge forth brandishing stuncuffs in their hands approaching the Warden who stood amongst several comatose Hunters like a statue for a long pause listening to the breeze howl down the street where buildings still roared violently consumed in an inferno. The Depths of their faltering discipline steadily washing over their conscience, Warden's eyes burn with a veritable Ache towards the humming Lila held in their hand soul stretching between the horizons of the righteous light and the seductive dark tearing at the Warden's consciousness their gauntlet trembles uncontrollably as thumb reaches upto Lila's ignition beads of sweat roll down pallor in the final desperate attempt. Then release, release washes over Warden with the recede of Blade into its' hilt. "Thanks for your help Master Jedi! We thought we were done for sure. Did you get all of them?" Turquoise coloured spheres rise behind that visor and look to the Alleyway that the Trandoshan slinked back into before steadily turning gaze to meet the lenses set into the cowl of the Policeman's helmet offering up an answer. "No, and I'm willing to bet they'll be back more heavily armed and organised, when the next batch of Civilians arrive load them immediately onto the two shuttles we've got yourselves included." But what would become of their Saviour? The Constable couldn't help but ask. "And what about you?! You can't just stay down there." Gesturing for his men to trap the unconscious Trandoshans in some vacant wildlife cages he waits to hear the Force-wielders answer, not entirely sure as to their allegiance. "I'll do what I can to hold the beasts at bay, you men get yourselves into orbit and away from this warzone." Nodding the Sergeant acknowledged the Mercenary's answer and goes to take one guilty step away uncertain if against greater odds they would survive but quietly they are grateful for the opportunity to live. And despite the absence of words to that effect Warden perceives his elation and lifts the guilt upon their soul ever so slightly, pursing their eyes shut the Warden reaches out through the Force and searches for Jerek attempting to gently clasp his mind and search the man's feelings hoping to find greater serenity and light from his presence away from their own accursed existence if only for but a moment.

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